"And today's matter, you are all rotten in my stomach, you know? If I let the king know who leaked it, the king will not let her go, understand?" When King Qin said this matter, There was a fierce light in his eyes, everyone in the room was startled by his appearance, how dare he go out and say something?

The prince is so scary today. In the past, the prince was very refined and had a very good temper. Today, he is probably in a hurry, right?

"It's the poisonous pet mercenary princess!" The group of people also tremblingly agreed, no matter who it is, seeing King Qin like this, how dare they talk nonsense?It's just that Li Ruolan was very unwilling in her heart, and she never thought that this matter would become more and more complicated, and now it would involve people around her.

But why did the people around her suddenly change?When did you change it?Why didn't she know anything about it?If this one is changed, is there someone else?

Li Ruolan felt horrible just thinking about it, and really wanted to check the people around her, otherwise there was such a danger, wouldn't her life be in danger? [

Thinking of this, Li Ruolan couldn't help being even more afraid, and now her hatred for Su Lanzhi was even deeper.

This Su Lanzhi is her nemesis. Since Su Lanzhi married in, she has never been happy, and now something like this has happened. I don't know what her father, mother and concubine think about her?How can this be good?

Also, why can't she go home today?Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, logically speaking, she should go home. If she doesn't go back, if the family members ask her, what will she say?

Li Ruolan has already prepared gifts and went back. She wanted to go back and show off, but now because of this matter, she has no choice. How could Li Ruolan be happy?

"Okay, everyone stays in their own rooms. No matter who they are, they are not allowed to leave the house until the matter is clarified!" This is a serious matter, and the King of Qin dare not be careless.The people from Miao Jiang actually came to Prince Qin's mansion, stayed there for so long without knowing it, and even poisoned him, King Qin will definitely investigate thoroughly!


"Yan'er, I'll leave this matter to you, you must ask!"

"Father, don't worry!" Qin Zhiyan was not worried, and ordered someone to take the maid directly. Qin Wang originally wanted everyone to want to take a rest, but Qin Zhiyan's words changed Qin Wang. I made up my mind, "Father, why don't you let everyone wait here for a while, and I will ask you as soon as possible. It will also save the night from having too many dreams."

"Yeah!" After thinking about it, for the sake of safety, King Qin still decided to let everyone stay here so as not to leak the news, "By the way, let someone go and see how Dongxue is doing, and don't let any more accidents happen. "

"Yes!" Things have come to a heap, and everyone's faces are extremely heavy. Although one or two are sitting there, their expressions are very disturbed. In the end, King Qin followed Qin Zhiyan and left Qin Zhiyan behind. Concubine and the others, Concubine Qin's complexion is also very bad now thinking about the situation just now.

"Mother, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Shaking her head, Princess Qin didn't want Su Lanzhi to worry.

"Sister Wangfei, I think your complexion is not very good. Why don't you go inside and rest for a while, so you won't be overwhelmed." Shangguanyou saw that Qin Wangfei's complexion was not good, so he suggested that Qin Wangfei wanted to wait, but I never thought that Su Lanzhi would support her, "Mother Concubine, what the concubine side concubine said is that you should take a break, because you also surprised Mother Concubine just now." Seeing this, Wei Mammy nodded hurriedly "Princess, the second lady is right, the concubine is not in good health, it's better to take a rest."

"Well, that's fine, then I'll go and take a nap for a while!" In fact, I can't sleep at the moment, but Qin Wangfei is not good enough to repay everyone's kindness, so she has Wei Wei and Su Lanzhi to help her in rest.

Nanny Wei and Su Lanzhi waited for Princess Qin to lie down, and Princess Qin's face was indeed exhausted, "Okay, leave me alone, go and have a rest, I'm fine!"

"Okay, if there's anything for the concubine, just call us my best lady! We'll be outside!"


Before Su Lanzhi left, she gave Nanny Wei a look, and Nanny Wei naturally understood, and followed.

"Is Mammy all ready?" [

"Second Madam, don't worry, the old slave is ready."

"At that moment, I have to trouble Mammy."

"This is what old slaves should do."

"With Mammy's words, I'm relieved." By the way, Nanny Wei nodded, and both of them saw determination in each other's eyes. Mammy Wei felt a little relieved seeing Su Lanzhi so calm today , "Fortunately, the second lady and the second young master are smart today, otherwise I'm afraid I've followed someone else's way, but now that things have developed like this, will that person really know how to recruit?"

"Don't worry, she will recruit!" Before Su Lanzhi hinted that Wei Madam would check Princess Qin's room, Wei Madam found something unknown in the corner of the room, and Wei Mammy showed it to Su Lan Zhi looked at it, and Su Lanzhi discovered those things.These days, Su Lanzhi has been waiting for Shangguanyou's action, in order to find out that person. Now that Shangguanyou can't wait to make a move now, she will naturally not let him go easily.

"With Second Madam's words, this old slave can feel at ease." Otherwise, that person has been making trouble in this mansion all this time, and she is really worried.

"Don't worry, since it's about to end, let's do it all at once today! I'm just a little worried about the father and mother..." After all, it's someone who has trusted me for many years. Will it be unbearable?

"It's very good for the prince and concubine to see clearly earlier. Otherwise, if she is so ruthless, something will happen to the family sooner or later!"

"Mommy is right!" After discussing with Wei Nanny for a while, Su Lanzhi went out. When she went out, she saw that Shangguanyou was still sitting there, not worried at all, so Su Lanzhi also sat down. Come on, "Is the side concubine not worried at all?" It's this time, is it possible that she still has some tricks?

"My lord will take care of this matter. I'm worried, but I can't help, hey..." Sighing, Shangguan You didn't look nervous, but her heart was already in chaos.

How is this going?Didn't you clearly say that if you have to be found out, you will run out immediately?Even if he couldn't escape, he should kill himself right away?

What's the matter with this dead man?Why was it so inexperienced that he was arrested?

Although she was a little worried in her heart, Shangguanyou also knew that he was a dead soldier, and he was usually trained, so he would not easily reveal the secrets of the master's family, so now she can feel at ease temporarily.

"Xu'er, pour me a cup of tea! I'm a little thirsty." Now that he can't go out, the dead man is still in the hands of King Qin. Go out and kill that dead man.

"Okay, mother!" Although Qin Xu didn't know what happened today, he also vaguely knew that today was a game set up by Shangguanyou, in order to make Su Lanzhi a target of public criticism, and never again. He didn't have the right to be a housekeeper, and he was also disliked by Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei.

However, they obviously went well in this round, why did it suddenly become like this?

The rotation just now was too fast. None of them thought that Sun Taiyi would recognize the poison. Qin Xu felt a little worried at the moment. If it wasn't for Shangguanyou sitting there leisurely, Qin Xu Xu probably couldn't sit still for a long time.

"Well, I'm indeed a little thirsty, and, ah..." Suddenly his face turned pale, Shangguanyou was afraid that he was going to get sick like this, Qin Xu saw him, received Shangguanyou's eyes, and hurriedly supported him , "Mom, what's wrong with you? But you're sick again, mother? Don't scare me!"

"I, I'm fine, just take a rest..." Originally, I wanted to take advantage of my bad health to rest, so that I would have the opportunity to meet people outside, but I didn't want Su Lanzhi to come here to join in the fun , "Ah, concubine concubine, what's wrong with you? Doctor Sun, you have to show concubine concubine quickly, but the heart attack happened again? Brother, don't stand in the way of concubine sun, empress concubine's illness But it's serious, the latest chapter of the Evil Emperor of the Other World!" Su Lanzhi pushed Qin Xu away after she finished speaking, but what she said was sincere, and although Qin Xu was a little dissatisfied, he couldn't say anything more, "Then Please ask Dr. Sun to show my mother!"

"Yes!" To be honest, Imperial Physician Sun didn't want to go through this muddy water, but he owed Qin Zhiyan a kindness. In addition, Su Lanzhi was diligent and eager to learn, and he had been asking him for medical skills all these years. Su Lanzhi treated it as her own disciple.It's also because of this kind of affection, otherwise, with the temperament of Imperial Physician Sun, I'm afraid he would never be contaminated by these things.

Sighing, Imperial Physician Sun took Shangguanyou's pulse, looked at him, and frowned, "The side concubine was just frightened just now, so she feels a little uncomfortable, just rest for a while." In a word, it can be considered She saved Shangguanyou's face and didn't expose her face to face, but Shangguanyou left without an excuse.

This Su Lanzhi, didn't she mean it? [

Gritting his teeth in his heart, Shangguanyou could only sit patiently at this moment, hoping that everything would go well.

These dead men were all given to me by my father. I have done a lot of things for her over the years, and there is nothing wrong. I think there will be no big problems, but I don’t feel at ease if I stay in the end.


Shangguanyou has been in torment for a day. Li Ruolan is still imprisoned here because she failed to go back. She is not in a good mood, especially Su Lanzhi is not in a bad mood today. She is in a bad mood. It was dark, and there was no news from the King of Qin, and the few of them couldn't sit still after eating.

Fortunately, Princess Qin is considerate. Seeing that there is still no movement from King Qin, she didn't embarrass everyone, "It's getting late, you go back first, and you should take a good rest." Today is indeed difficult. Because the two daughters-in-law didn't go home, they even asked people to apologize. Fortunately, the two families were not dissatisfied. For this, Qin Wangfei was also very guilty.

"The concubine, the concubine, I will go back first, and I will come to see the concubine tomorrow!" It seems that the dead man has not been recruited yet, so that's all right, let someone solve it tonight.

"Well, let's all go back. We've made everyone work hard today. Don't think too much, things will always come to light!" Waving her hand, Princess Qin is also very tired today. Seeing everyone go back, Princess Qin also I plan to go and see how King Qin is doing.

"Mother, let me go with you!"

"The dungeon is not a good place, aren't you afraid?" Seeing Su Lanzhi's charming appearance, Princess Qin was really worried.

"Mother Concubine, I'm not afraid." There was still no news from Qin Zhiyan, and Su Lanzhi was not at ease, so naturally she wanted to take a look.

"You, let's go!" Su Lanzhi will support the entire Qin Palace in the future, and there are some things that should be faced. Although Qin Wangfei is a little reluctant, she still does not stop her, and Su Lanzhi is allowed to go.

"Mother, I will help you!"



When Concubine Qin and Su Lanzhi went to the dungeon, on the other side of the dungeon, King Qin's face turned ashen. Qin Zhiyan at the side saw him, looked at King Qin, and knew that King Qin was in a very bad mood at the moment. "Father, what are you going to do about this matter?"

"I really didn't expect that they would have a connection with Miao Jiang?"

"Father, I heard that Lord Zhen has gotten very close to the fourth prince recently, and I'm afraid they have reached some kind of alliance." Yanyou Su Lanzhi had prepared the poison long ago. This poison made people desperate to survive. The dead man could not resist the trick in the end, but the content shocked the King of Qin especially!

"How can she do this?"

"Perhaps after all these years, she is not reconciled, right?"

"Hey, I'm sorry for her, but she..."

"Father, in the matter of feelings, the so-called who is right and who is wrong, all of this is just her own obsession. Father has already done his best to her."

"Hey, one wrong step, one wrong step..." Sighing, all these years, she always thought that Shangguanyou was a kind woman, and because she owed too much, King Qin always felt more sympathy for Shangguanyou.All these years, he has been very guilty towards the other party. What Qin Wang did not expect was that Shangguanyou would treat him like this!

"What is the father planning to do now?"

"Now the fourth prince is becoming more and more powerful. Even the second prince is no match for him. Recently, the emperor's brother has been doting on Concubine Guo Hui. I'm afraid there will be a bloody storm soon..." Sighed, King Qin couldn't help it. Unexpectedly, Emperor Wen, who has always been wise, would now lose himself because of his beauty.

"Father, there is one more thing, I don't know if I should say it..."

"What is it, just say what you say!"

"Mother Concubine's body has always been up and down. A few days ago, Madam Wei insisted on Mother Concubine's room, and found that there were quite a few cockroaches in Mother Concubine's old clothes, all of which were dead. At that time, Nanny Wei thought it was strange, so she asked Lan Lan to investigate. Lan Lan found that the old things of the mother concubine were actually contaminated with poison! The poison penetrated through the skin and penetrated into the body, making the body weaker and weaker. In the end, he emptied the person's body and left..."

"What did you say?" If what happened just now made King Qin disappointed with Shangguanyou, then now, King Qin has the intention to kill Shangguanyou!

"Father, Lan Lan and I both suspect that the poison is related to today's poison. It's just that the poison is too overbearing, and Lan Lan and I can't find an antidote. Father, this matter may be a bit tricky It's gone." Although I wish I could kill Shangguanyou, but now that Princess Qin has become like this, if she really kills Shangguanyou, then Princess Qin will really be saved.

"This vicious woman!" King Qin's face was bruised when he heard this, and he wished he could tear Shangguanyou into pieces immediately.

Fortunately, he thought that the other party was a good woman who was educated and reasonable, and he always felt guilty about the previous things, but he didn't expect that the other party had done so many things in the palace for so many years. , but who knows how many people are there in the dark?

"Father, don't be impulsive, this is not the time to touch her!" If possible, Qin Zhiyan would like to tear Shangguanyou into pieces, but now that Shangguanyou has been in charge of the palace for so many years, today there is still a dead man in Li Ruolan By my side, who knows if there are other people around?Otherwise, why would Qin Wangfei's poison be caught so inexplicably?

Now if you move the other party, wouldn't it be a surprise?

"But leave this disaster, what will your mother and concubine do?" Qin Wang really has the intention to kill now, no matter how much he owes Shangguan, he will not allow the other party to hurt the person he cares about!Especially in such a vicious way!

"Father, don't be impulsive. Now we can only wait and see for the time being. Now that Father knows the truth of the matter, what we have to do is to strip off all the people she has placed in the mansion, and also I have to find a way to find the antidote for my concubine, otherwise I'm really worried..." If it wasn't for Princess Qin, for the sake of the overall situation, Qin Zhiyan really wanted to kill his enemies with his own hands!

"But your mother and concubine have been poisoned for a long time, and it's not a problem to delay it, not to mention that the poison is so overbearing and weird, it's hard to guard against it!"

"Father, don't worry. Judging from her recent actions, she may not be in a hurry, otherwise she won't make repeated actions in the near future. I believe that after today's incident, she will definitely be very anxious. When the time comes, We just have to wait and see what happens, and pull out the power she hides in the mansion together!" It was also Su Lanzhi who had recently come into contact with the housekeeper's affairs, and gradually realized something was wrong, otherwise Qin Zhiyan would not have waited so patiently Woolen cloth?

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