Qin Zhiyan's words made Qin Wang calm down a lot, and finally thinking of Qin Wangfei's body, Qin Wang's eyes flashed with pain, "Yan'er, is your mother and concubine's body really bad now?"

"Lan Lan showed it to Concubine Mother. Now Concubine Mother's body seems to be weakening little by little. Every time she gets sick, her body will become weaker. In the long run, I'm afraid it will be dangerous!"

"Then you guys know what kind of poison your concubine has been poisoned?"

"The poison is very domineering, and it's also extremely weird. Lan Lan and I have been studying it these days, but we haven't seen the poison, so we can't judge, let alone make an antidote." Qin Wangfei's clothes Although there was a little bit on it, it was too little, and Su Lanzhi didn't see the poison, so he started with the antidote.

"I see." Closing his eyes, King Qin made a decision in his heart at this moment. When he opened his eyes again, there was a coldness in King Qin's eyes, "You know what happened today. , don’t tell your concubine mother, she is not in good health, so as not to worry her.” If Princess Qin knew that she was dying soon, she would be very sad, wouldn’t she? [

"Father, don't worry, I will save it!"

"Tomorrow when someone asks, we will say that this person could not stand the torture and died, so as to prevent her from having bad intentions again."

"Father, it would be better to let her people come in and assassinate by themselves, so that she can feel more at ease." Qin Zhiyan knew that the above officials were cautious, and he would definitely not let them lock up the dead man easily .Instead of declaring that this person was tortured to death by them and making the other party still have doubts, it is better to let the other party do it directly. Anyway, they already know what they should know.

"Well, you are still thoughtful, you can arrange it later!"

"Yes, father!" The father and son had just discussed, when they heard the commotion outside, Qin Wang heard that it was Qin Wangfei, a pained look crossed his face, and finally covered it up, and then went out.Looking at Princess Qin's pale face under the moonlight, King Qin thought of Princess Qin's body, and his heart was full of sourness, "Luo'er, why are you here? It's cold and damp in this dungeon, you are not in good health, but Don't freeze."

"I saw that you haven't gone back for a long time, so I came here to see, how is it? Did you ask anything?" Looking at King Qin with concern, Princess Qin sensed that something was wrong with King Qin, but in a blink of an eye, King Qin pulled her back and covered it up. , "That man's mouth is very tight. We tried many methods but it didn't work." Shaking his head, King Qin didn't know if anyone was watching in the dark.

"What should I do? Today's incident has caused such a big commotion, so don't you care about everything?"

"Yan'er and I will be interrogated in a while. It's getting late. We've been tired all day. Let's go back and rest!" After speaking, she pulled Princess Qin to leave. Princess Qin saw King Qin face the younger generation Being so close, a little bit of shyness flashed across his face, and he glanced at King Qin, "Okay, don't be like this, the children are watching!" Although they are old husband and wife, but in front of the children, so but not good.

"What are you afraid of? Let them watch our relationship, okay? Well, let's go back. I'm afraid that today's affairs will be worthless, so let's take a good rest!"

"Well, that's okay." Originally, I wanted to ask, but seeing King Qin's face, Princess Qin didn't ask any more questions, and left with King Qin. Before leaving, King Qin ordered Qin Zhiyan to continue interrogating. The princess left.

"Yan..." Looking at Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi saw the seriousness of the matter from the other's eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Lan Lan, you should go back first. That person is really stubborn. I have to ask again. I believe I can find out tomorrow."

"Well, then you should be careful and come back earlier to rest!"

"Okay!" After sending Su Lanzhi away, Qin Zhiyan glanced in the dark, something flashed in his eyes, and finally went into the dungeon to continue the interrogation.

Su Lanzhi, who was leaving, thought about Qin Zhiyan's expression along the way, and knew that the matter might not be easy to handle, and she was a little worried, but she didn't ask any more questions, and returned to her room along the way, and ordered When people wash up, Su Lanzhi sits directly by the door, not knowing what she is thinking.

After a while, Su Lanzhi suddenly heard someone shouting. Before Su Lanzhi could react, Yunzhu ran in, "Second Madam, it's not good, there's a fire in the yard, Second Madam Go out with your servants first!" The kitchen in the yard suddenly caught fire, and the fire spread a little, Yunzhu was worried about Su Lanzhi, but she didn't want Su Lanzhi to be hurt.

"But someone went to put out the fire?" Su Lanzhi was aware of the sudden fire, but she didn't expect that the man was so good that he even had people in his yard.

These days, she has always been reasonable, and she never expected that there would be someone else. It seems that the power of that person in the mansion should not be underestimated. They really can't do it now, otherwise those chess pieces buried in the dark , but how can we pull out all of them?

My heart was a little heavy, Su Lanzhi had just left the house, looking at the fire not far away, she felt a little irritated for no reason, "Why hasn't the fire gone out? But is it big?" [

"It's windy tonight. The fire was only started in the kitchen, but it spread unexpectedly. Second Madam, don't worry, the servants have sent someone to put out the fire, and it will be extinguished soon."

"Well, go find out who is working in the kitchen today!"

"It's Xiao Xia!"

"What about her?"

"When Qiushuang learned about the fire, she immediately asked about the situation, and now she has sent someone to find her. The second lady wait a moment!"

"Hmm!" Su Lanzhi stood in the yard, although she was dressed a lot, but looking at the firelight, Su Lanzhi still felt a little cold for no reason.Seeing Qiushuang approaching from a distance, with a very bad expression on her face, Su Lanzhi knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Second Madam, it was my servant who was negligent, and my servant could not find Xiaoxia!"

"Wait, let's put out the fire!" Looking at the raging fire, Su Lanzhi seemed to see an extremely sinister face, and Su Lanzhi frowned involuntarily.

"Second lady, come and sit down. It's cold to stand in the snow. If you catch a cold, it won't be good."

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Suddenly, Su Lanzhi saw a familiar figure running towards him from the corner of her eyes, and she saw Qin Zhiyan rushing anxiously, "Lan Lan, are you okay?" He was waiting in the dungeon, but he never thought that it would suddenly catch fire. Qin Zhiyan was afraid that something would happen to Su Lanzhi, so he rushed over immediately.

"Are you here?" Seeing Qin Zhiyan coming, something crossed Su Lanzhi's mind, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Lan Lan, are you okay? Are you injured?" Just now someone came to report that Su Lanzhi's yard was on fire, and the fire was huge. Qin Zhiyan was in a panic and couldn't care less about other things. Lan Zhi was fine, Qin Zhiyan felt that his breathing was normal.

His Lan Lan must not have any trouble, otherwise he will never forgive himself in his life.

"Don't worry, it's just a fire in the kitchen, I'm fine!"

"It's fine, it's fine. But why did it catch fire all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, maybe the maid was not careful, let's talk about it after the fire is extinguished!" Looking at the raging fire, Su Lanzhi couldn't help being a little dazed, and somehow remembered the fire in her previous life. I still remember the despair and pain I felt when I was wiped out in the fire.

Is this a warning?

"Lan Lan, what's wrong with you?" Sensing that something was wrong with Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan hugged Su Lanzhi, afraid that Su Lanzhi would feel uncomfortable.

"I'm fine, let's go, let's go and sit for a while, I'm afraid this fire won't be extinguished for a while." If that person really did it on purpose, then Su Lanzhi can almost imagine that the other party wants to What did you do.

"Okay, let's go and sit for a while!" Su Lanzhi's sudden loss of focus just now scared Qin Zhiyan, and suddenly felt that Su Lanzhi was far away from him, Qin Zhiyan couldn't help hugging Su Lan Zhi, I'm afraid that if she is not careful, Su Lanzhi will disappear.

"This fire is really big!" Fortunately, it is the kitchen, which is still some distance away from her bedroom. If this is her bedroom, the current her will really be wiped out again! [

"Don't worry, it's okay, it'll be fine soon!" Holding Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan was a little scared, and ordered someone to turn off the brazier and come over, for fear that Su Lanzhi would freeze.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Su Lanzhi didn't think about the past life for a long time, and Su Lanzhi looked at the fire, feeling a little inexplicably uneasy in her heart.

Is it because I have been at ease for too long, so many things have been neglected?Otherwise, why would her yard catch fire?

"Well, I know." I'm just afraid, Lan Lan, do you know that the sudden ashes in your eyes just now really scared me?

What exactly have you been through?Why do you sometimes make me feel unreachable?As if you're leaving anytime now?

Lan Lan, my Lan Lan, don't scare me.

"Yan..." As if seeing Qin Zhiyan's worry, Su Lanzhi leaned gently on Qin Zhiyan's arms and smiled, "I'm really fine, don't worry."

"Hmm..." Hugging Su Lanzhi hard, Qin Zhiyan had a worried look in his eyes, knowing that Su Lanzhi must have some secrets in his heart, but if Su Lanzhi didn't tell, he just didn't ask. .

As long as she is by his side is enough, as for the others, he doesn't want to pursue too much.


The two leaned on each other, and after a long time, the fire finally went out, "Second Madam, the fire is out." Qiu Shuang breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that it would burn out because of the strong wind just now. coming.

"Let's go and see together!" Su Lanzhi really wanted to figure out why the kitchen caught fire.

"Second Madam, here, why don't you go?" Qiu Shuang thought about what the fire extinguisher said just now, and felt a little worried, and didn't want Su Lanzhi to get into trouble.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Qiushuang's complexion was not good, Su Lanzhi was a little worried.

"Second Madam, the person who put out the fire just now said that he seemed to see a charred corpse in the kitchen. Judging from that, his body shape is very similar to Xiaoxia's..." It was also at that moment that Qiushuang finally understood why I can't find Xiaoxia anymore.

But why, is Xiaoxia in the kitchen?And will be burned to death?

"Let's go and have a look, it's better to find out about this matter!"

"But Second Madam, it's unlucky to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Let's leave this matter to the servant!" Qiu Shuang didn't want Su Lanzhi to get into trouble. There were already enough things for today, and Qiu Shuang didn't want any more. Su Lanzhi was troubled.

"It's okay, I can't sleep now anyway, let's go and have a look!" After going to the kitchen, Su Lanzhi saw a mummy there. It was small and about the same size as Xiaoxia. Su Lanzhi asked someone to check it. Sure enough, seeing Xiao Xia's belongings there, Su Lanzhi inquired about it, and found out that Xiao Xia had been ill recently, and she might have been boiling "medicine" in the middle of the night just now. All gone.

This result shocked Su Lanzhi very much. Although all of this was very reasonable and everything made sense, Su Lanzhi felt weird and couldn't make sense.

"Okay, Lan Lan, now that this matter is clear, let's rest first, you are too tired today." There is no flaw at all, Xiao Xia is dead, and this matter is indeed from the investigation, but Qin Zhiyan's He also became vigilant in his heart, and secretly decided to strengthen the vigilance around Su Lanzhi, so as to avoid any problems in the future.

"Well, go back and rest, bury Xiaoxia Haosheng, and give her parents some money!"

"Yes, Second Madam!" No one thought that the fire would end like this. At first, someone thought that someone set the fire on purpose, but the arsonist burned himself to death, which is really very strange.

If this is really artificial, then how cruel the other party must be!And this thought is indeed a bit weird and vicious!

"Okay, let's go back, don't think about it!" Qin Zhiyan helped Su Lanzhi go back, Qin Zhiyan just watched Su Lanzhi lie down, and was going to go to the dungeon, but someone reported bad news again , Qin Zhiyan went out in a hurry and came back after a long time. When he came back, his face was very bad. Su Lanzhi couldn't sleep tonight. Hearing the news of Qin Zhiyan's return, he couldn't help but look at him, "But the dungeon Is there something wrong there?"

"Lan Lan, the Miao Jiang woman in the dungeon was assassinated just now and died."

"What?" Hearing this news, Su Lanzhi was still very surprised. Su Lanzhi knew the layout of Prince Qin's mansion best, but that woman from Miaojiang was so important, Qin Zhiyan and the others would definitely strengthen their defenses. How could it be possible?

Thinking of the fire in her own yard just now, and contacting this matter again, Su Lanzhi suddenly understood, "Yan, what are you and the king going to do about this matter?"

"Originally, I wanted to catch them all, but this matter is too involved, and we don't know how many things she has done in the palace these years. Now it seems that I am afraid that it will be a while, and she will not be able to touch her." " Qin Zhiyan also figured it out a long time ago, the fire in the kitchen last night was a bit strange, but now that the man is dead, Qin Zhiyan knows who did it without having to think about it.

Although it was also intended to let the other party succeed, but the other party succeeded in this way, Qin Zhiyan had to be more on guard.

"What you said is that we don't know what the mother's poison is now, and we have to start from her side. Now we can only endure it."

"It's just Lan Lan, I'm going to wrong you."

"Don't be wronged." Knowing Qin Zhiyan's embarrassment, Su Lanzhi smiled indifferently, "Okay, go to sleep, today is enough trouble, let's take a good rest today, let's not think about other things gone."

"Well, what you said is, go to sleep, I'll accompany you!" Qin Zhiyan had already reached a tacit agreement with King Qin on this matter, and now that the matter is resolved, Qin Zhiyan will naturally have to return to his previous appearance.

It's just that everyone has lumps in their hearts. I'm afraid that there are many undercurrents in the Qin Palace now, right?I just hope that all of this can have a happy ending.

"Okay, let's sleep late together!" Smiling, she pulled Qin Zhiyan to lie down. Su Lanzhi knew that what happened yesterday had hit them too hard. Consume each other a little bit, otherwise they will be the ones to suffer.

"Well, take a good rest. I have to visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law tomorrow. If we don't go today, they might be worried." Touching Su Lanzhi's long hair, Qin Zhiyan's eyes were full of pity , he has always wanted to give Su Lanzhi a stable and happy life, but sometimes, things often backfire.

"Well, take a good rest, otherwise your complexion won't look good tomorrow, and your parents will be worried."

"Go to sleep!" Kissing Su Lanzhi's forehead, Qin Zhiyan hugged Su Lanzhi and closed his eyes. Su Lanzhi didn't sleep much all night because she was tired. After all, she couldn't hold it anymore, no? I fell asleep after a while, but Qin Zhiyan opened his eyes when he heard Su Lanzhi's breathing calmed down. Looking at Su Lanzhi's peaceful sleeping face, Qin Zhiyan sighed, his slender Touching Su Lanzhi's face with her fingers, her eyes were determined, "Don't worry, Lan Lan, I won't let anyone hurt you or the concubine mother, I won't let her go easily!" A little bit of coldness appeared on Wen Run's face, Qin Zhiyan finally fell asleep with Su Lanzhi in his arms.


After a night of shock, on the second day, when Shangguan worried, he couldn't help smiling. Thinking of what happened last night, Shangguan You's face was full of complacency.

Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan, if you want to fight with me, it's too early!You are no match for me!

Yesterday was just a warning, I hope you all know how to restrain yourself, otherwise the next time I will have someone burn it, it will not be the kitchen!

Smiled, Shangguanyou was in a particularly good mood today. Qin Xuan saw the smile on Shangguanyou's face when she came, and couldn't help being a little surprised, "Mother, is there anything good today? Why are you so happy, mother?" ?”

"It's nothing, it's just that there were too many things yesterday, and thinking about the result today, I just relax. Okay, are you ready? When you're ready, let's go see the prince and concubine together!"

"Don't worry, mother, I'm ready!"

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