The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 380 The Ending of Princess Nan

Concubine Nan originally thought that Concubine Yufang was behind the scenes, but now she heard Nan Wang say this, and she became even more angry, "My lord, is this concubine really such a vicious person in your eyes? ? You trust others, and you don’t trust concubines?”

This concubine Yu side must have no good intentions. This matter has become a big deal, and she just went to cry to the prince by such a coincidence?Pleading for her, afraid of retreating?Concubine Nan and Concubine Yufang have been fighting for so many years. Concubine Yufang has been suppressed by her all these years. It is only in the past year that she has gradually gained her own power. I never thought that the other party would be so ruthless!

If I had known, she should have let her die twice in the first place, so as to avoid embarrassing her now!

"It's not that this king doesn't believe you, and now that the facts are in front of us, I can't help whether I believe you or not." Nan Wang looked at Princess Nan with disappointment in his eyes. He really didn't expect that after more than 20 years of husband and wife, Nan The princess actually did so many things behind his back.If the incident didn't happen today, could it be that he was doomed in this life to have his offspring withered and his loved ones to leave him?

Nan Wang, who has always been flirtatious, naturally couldn't bear it!

His child, how can he let the person in front of him be mutilated?

"Then what do you mean, my lord? Could it be that you want to listen to those rumors and dispose of my concubine?" Looking at Nan Wang's eyes, Nan Wangfei said that she would not be disappointed, that is impossible.

After many years of husband and wife, she thought that Nan Wang had at least some pity for her, but now it seems that there is not even the slightest bit?

Haha, it's thanks to her doing these things. If she didn't do it, how miserable would her lower body life be with Nan Wang's flamboyant character?

"Princess, you have worked hard for this king these years, but I can't agree with your way. From today on, let Concubine Yu to be the housekeeper. Concubine, you have been tired for many years. You should have a good rest. When you get back to the south of the Yangtze River, I will buy you a house, and you can enjoy the blessings." Nanwang dare not let Nanwangfei run the house anymore, he is a man, and he is also a traditional man. There was such a vicious person by his side who killed his other heirs.

Although he cared about his sons and daughters, some sons and daughters were naturally better. Prosperous sons and daughters were a sign of a family's prosperity. He couldn't let Princess Nan continue to be self-willed.

"What do you mean? Take away my rights and let that bastard in Yuhuan replace me? My lord, are you trying to spoil my concubine and destroy my wife? But my lord still cares about the reputation of this palace?" Nan Wangfei has done so in private all these years. The dirty things are all for the future of the children. She must stabilize her position as the concubine and the status of the sons and daughters as the sons and daughters, so she can't let the king of the south mess around, let alone let the family have so many people. Many people compete with her children for property!

She has done so much, how could it be possible to hand over all of this to others, not to mention that the other party is Concubine Yu, who she has been fighting with for so many years, and she can't wait to give him to the bone?

Concubine Yufang is undoubtedly the most failed masterpiece of Nan Wangfei in these years. Under her strict supervision, Concubine Yufang Ran has a son and a daughter. Why doesn't she hate it?Apart from her, who in this palace can give birth to a son?No one can!

But she has thought of so many ways over the years, but she can't do anything about Concubine Yu. Nan Wang's protection is one reason. Besides, Concubine Yu's background is indeed good, and she is also very smart. She knows how to guard against her. When the side concubine gave birth to the concubine, she took the opportunity to leave. When she came back, the child was born, and the concubine Nan did not have time to resort to means. Later, there was nothing she could do.

It is also because of no choice but to have Concubine Yu, Concubine Nan hated Concubine Yu so much that she hated Concubine Yu so much, and now she is required to hand over the rights of housekeeper to Concubine Yu, so that Concubine Yu can be proud, and Concubine Yu can take care of her. How could she be willing to take all the fruits of her hard work over the years?

"My lord's treatment like this, I don't accept it!" Gritting her teeth, if Nan Wangfei hadn't tried her best to restrain herself at this moment, she would almost be angry.It's just that she knows that she can't get along with Nan Wang at this moment, anyway, she is unwilling to hand over all the rights.

Why?All of this is hers, and if she really handed it over, isn't it just to pave the way for that bitch Yu Side Concubine?What about my own son and daughter?Now that Ning'er is married far away, it may be difficult for her to come back, but she also needs their support, she will never compromise!

"You don't accept it, this is the king's decision, you can't help it!" Nan Wang didn't expect Nan Wangfei to refuse directly, his face was a little ugly, and the eyes he looked at Nan Wangfei were also a little unkind.

"Then the lord is telling me, what crime have I committed, that the lord wants to treat me like this?" Nan Wangfei may follow Nan Wang to calm the other party's anger in other matters, but she will never do this matter.Because she knew that once Concubine Yuchuang really took control of the power of the palace, Concubine Yuchuang would definitely be detrimental to her and her son, so wouldn't all her painstaking efforts over the years be ruined?

"What crime have you committed? Do you still want me to tell you? Being jealous, killing the heirs of the palace... Just because of jealousy, I can divorce you!" Nan Wangfei has always been courteous towards Nan Wang. It is rare to be so emotional, Nanwang is also angry, seeing Nanwangfei's disobedience to his arrangement, he is sure to deal with Nanwangfei in his heart.

How can a woman like this be the mistress of the palace?Isn't his embarrassment enough now?

"My lord, I have done so much for my lord, I have worked so hard for so many years, how can you be so cruel, my lord?" Nan Wangfei didn't expect that Nan Wang would say such a thing, and she felt more and more heartless that Nan Wang was heartless. Ken let go of his power.

"A person like you can't afford to be the mistress of this king's palace. This king doesn't want to let people see jokes anymore." Marrying such a femme fatale woman who is duplicity has already made Nan Wang very distressed. , Nan Wang does not deal with the opponent, how can he convince the public?

"Hehe, my lord, is this how you treat your first wife? You dote on your concubine and destroy your wife like this, let the emperor know, your lord, but you still want to keep your position?" Nan Wangfei came from a famous family, and now she has made this threat , It was also a measure taken out of desperation. Sure enough, Nan Wang's face changed when he heard this, "Are you threatening me?"

"I don't, I'm just telling the truth. The prince should know what the emperor hates the most!"

"You!" Nanwang didn't expect Nanwangfei to say this, it was as if he didn't know Nanwangfei anymore, and felt that the once so docile woman had disappeared.

Could this be her nature?Don't rush now, so it's all exposed?

"My concubine, I still hope that the prince will think clearly!" Seeing that her words have worked, Nan Wangfei also became humble at the moment. A figure rushed out, "My lord, don't do it, the rumors outside are definitely not true, how could the wangfei empress do this? The lord think twice, I can't afford it!" She has always been neat and elegant, but now her hair is a little messy, and her eye circles are also red, she is indeed a little embarrassed.

"What are you doing here?" Nan Wangfei saw that Concubine Yufang came to join in the fun, and immediately yelled that it was not good, but before she had time to refuse, Yuside Concubine knelt down in front of Nan Wang, "Think twice, please take it back, my lord." Fate, I don’t have the ability to do this!” Just now Consort Yu heard it at the door, but now Nan Wang and Nan Wang Concubine are at a stalemate here, she must play a role.

After working so hard to plan for so long, how could she let the opportunity slip away again now that the time and place are favorable?

This time it was rare for someone to help, if Concubine Nan escaped from this catastrophe, what fate awaits her, concubine Yu Chou can imagine!Now that her face has been completely torn, she must win, because she can't afford to lose!

"Yu'er, get up, it's cold on the ground, you're not feeling well, don't catch a cold!" Seeing Concubine Yu's arrival, King Nan felt distressed. Stimulating Nan Wangfei like a knife, Nan Wangfei's eyes turned red, and the jealousy in her eyes almost made Nan Wangfei lose her mind.

"If my lord really loves my concubine, don't push my concubine to the forefront. My lord, I hope my lord think twice! I believe that the rumors outside are not true, my lord, don't misunderstand the slander!" Tears gathered in the circles of my eyes , Concubine Yu's pitiful look made Nan Wang's heart ache, "Get up first, don't cry, your eyes are not good, don't cry and hurt yourself." It's different, this kind of love is not adulterated at all, otherwise Concubine Yufang would not have lived so long under the eyes of Princess Nan.

"My lord agrees first, and I'll get up right away!" Concubine Yu Chou didn't get up yet, she just glanced at Princess Nan from a place where King Nan couldn't see, the complacent and triumphant gesture in her eyes made Princess Nan furious, Immediately, anger came, "There is no need for you to pretend to be kind!" Concubine Yu is here now, is she really here to say something nice to her?Princess Nan is not stupid, she naturally knows that this is impossible!

"Princess, shut up!" Nanwang really didn't expect that Concubine Yufang would speak for Nanwangfei like this, and Nanwangfei was so ungrateful, and she also had a little disgust for Nanwangfei in his heart. I regretted that I was blind at the beginning, but was blinded by Princess Nan.

"My lord, are you scolding me for this woman?" It was indeed stimulated today. Concubine Nan looked at Wang Nan in disbelief. Respect, where would you yell at her like now?

"Princess, Yu'er kindly begged for you, but you are so ungrateful and even insulted Yu'er, what kind of heart do you have? How can you be so vicious?" Nan Wang shook his head and turned Yu'er sideways. The concubine helped her up, she already had a decision in her heart.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Yuhuan, you bastard, I'll fight you!" Nan Wangfei rushed towards Concubine Yufang as if she suddenly lost her mind. She rushed too fast, just Nan Wang didn't even react, even Nan Wang was pushed by Nan Wangfei!

"You madman, are you crazy?"

"Haha, I'm crazy! I've been suppressing myself all these years, seeing your beauties come in one after another, what's it like in my heart, do you know? You only know how to have fun outside, and you don't care about things at home , do you know how hard it is for me to manage this family? Do you know how hateful your concubines are? Do you know how painful it is for me to look at them? You don't even care about my feelings! You only know that you are happy and happy, no matter how painful it is, you don't care, I have endured it for so many years, I have had enough!" Nan Wangfei was also in a hurry, and she was a little unscrupulous at the moment Speaking up, the words that have been suppressed all the time, are now all said in one brain, Nan Wang doesn't know what's wrong with him, and now he just wants to express freely, "You only care about your romantic life, but where do you want to be?" What about me? Your concubines are pregnant one by one. If they all gave birth to children, wouldn't this palace be overcrowded? What are their identities, and what is my identity? Why should their children be compared to my son? , Why are you arguing with my son? Those are just a life, so what if I deal with it? As the head of the house, I can't deal with it..."

Maybe she was really out of breath, or maybe she was stimulated by the scene in front of her. Concubine Nan couldn't vomit right now, she vented all her inner anguish, and admitted what she had done these years. Nan Wang's complexion was getting worse and worse, and there was a strange smile on the face of Concubine Yu in his arms.

Princess Nan, Princess Nan, how can you escape this time?As I said, I will definitely avenge my poor child, and now you are reaping the consequences, don't blame me, you asked for all of this, you deserve it, you did it yourself!


Nanwang looked at Nanwangfei, and heard the other party admit these things, the coldness on his face deepened, and finally saw that Nanwangfei seemed to have fallen into some kind of madness, Nanwangfei coldly hugged Yufangfei and retreated After a few steps, "I'm afraid that the princess will lose her mind and go crazy. Come, someone, watch the princess well, don't let the princess come out and hurt people!"

"You, what are you going to do? Why are you treating me like this? Let go!" She was tied up suddenly, Princess Nan struggled desperately, her headdress was a little messy, and her eyes became more and more stern.

"It's good to see, the princess is not allowed to take another step here, do you understand?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Let's go!" Looking at Princess Nan coldly, King Nan never felt that a woman could be so ugly. King Nan turned around and took Concubine Yufang and left. Okay? What should the outside world say?"

"Tell the outside world that the princess is ill and needs to rest. I have made arrangements for this matter, but in the future, I will wrong you."

"My lord, I'm not afraid of being wronged, I just feel..." Concubine Yucai seems to want to speak for Princess Nan, but King Nan has made a decision in his heart, so naturally he won't listen, "Okay, this matter I have my own arrangements, so don't say too much, this palace will be handed over to you in the future, I am assured of you!"

Concubine Yu Fang knew that Nan Wang had made up her mind this time when she heard Nan Wang's words, her heart was full of joy, but her face did not reveal anything, "Yes, my lord, I will do my best."

"From now on, this yard will be temporarily closed. Don't allow people to come in, lest if it spreads out, it won't look good."

"Yes, my lord!" Seeing Nanwang's complexion, Concubine Yufang was still very worried, "Your lord, are you alright? My concubine looks at you with a bad face, but because of the princess's matter, you are hurting your spirits?"

"She is like this, she is not qualified to be the princess of the Southern Palace, so don't mention it again in the future."


"Okay, I'm tired, you go to rest too, I'll let the people in charge go over later, so you can take over these things!"

"Yes, but my lord, what about the prince?"

"I'll handle it, don't worry!"

"Yes, my lord! I send you off!"

"No need, you go back, I want to walk alone." The person who has been sleeping with me for many years is like this. Nanwang thinks that his heart will not hurt, that is impossible, not to mention that Nanwang has his son by his side, It is also troublesome to deal with, and Nan Wang has to think of a perfect plan.


After Concubine Yucai returned to her yard, everyone left quickly, except for the old mother beside her. Concubine Yucai's eyes were very serious, "Everything has been dealt with, and nothing is left behind. Suspicious traces?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this old servant did it himself, without anyone noticing, no one will find out!"

"Well, but this thing is really good. I have never seen her lose her composure. Now the prince is completely disappointed in her, and he will never show mercy to her. It's just that I'm worried about the son, I'm afraid it's not good Passed."

"Your Majesty now controls the power of this house, do you still need to worry about the son? The son has been arrogant since he was a child, and he used to be protected by the princess. Now that he is gone, how can the son still become a great weapon?"

"It's true what Mammy said, but I don't know who this mysterious person is. He actually helped me a lot secretly, but I don't know if the other party will betray me by then. I'm still a little worried."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, since the other party helped us without leaving a name or surname, he also wanted to help us. Your Majesty is relieved. Only your Majesty and this old slave know about it. This old slave must keep his mouth shut. It's just that the other party wants to threaten us. We, that’s also without evidence, isn’t it?”

"Well, it's just that I never knew that there are such powerful people in this capital. It's okay if the other party is a friend, but if it's an enemy, then it's really..."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, no matter whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, the other party must have a feud with the princess, otherwise it will not be the case. We are just reciprocal and reciprocal. The other party used the hand of the empress to dispose of the princess. The empress did so, which is also considered a reward. got help from the other side."

"I'm relieved when you say it like this. Now things are more than half done. She suppressed me so much for many years and caused me to lose my child. Thinking of my son who took shape, I will dream about it at midnight. Wake up crying. Now she is acting like this, no one can blame others." Speaking of this, Concubine Yu's face was full of cruelty, and she knew that if she didn't act, sooner or later, Princess Nan would completely wipe her out. If she is gone, she will take the initiative to fight for herself and her two children to win a chance of life for herself.

"What the empress said is that if we don't do anything about this matter, the princess will not let us go. Now that we do it first, we have grasped the opportunity. Now as long as the prince is settled, we can rest assured. As for the future things , we just need to draw it slowly, and when the time comes, what the empress wants will naturally be obtained."

"Well, the prince is here, so I don't worry about it. This is the inner court, and the prince can't control it even if he manages it. If the prince is a law-abiding person, I won't bother with him. If he is restless, Then don't blame me for being rude!" Now that half of the revenge has been avenged, Concubine Yuchuang is also relieved. After fighting with Concubine Nan for so many years, Concubine Yuchuang is very tired every day, and now, finally It's time to catch my breath.

"Your Majesty, just relax. No one can suppress Your Majesty now. The hardships your Majesty has suffered all these years are not in vain. The prince loves Your Majesty so much. Her good days are yet to come!"

"Hope!" Now that the true face of Concubine Nan has been revealed, Concubine Yu is also very happy. Although she doesn't know who is behind the scenes to help her this time, but she got the result she wanted, Concubine Yu is still very happy .

After being wronged for so many years, now that Concubine Nan has been completely suppressed, how can Concubine Yu side not be happy?

++++++++++++++++++ I am the plot transition line

What exactly happened in the Nanwang Mansion is unknown to everyone, but on the second day, the Nanwang announced to the outside that the Nanwangfei was ill and needed a long-term recuperation. When the Nanwangshizi heard the news that his mother and concubine were ill, they inquired in every possible way. But Nanwang didn't let him see him, and finally the prince forced him to see him. At that time, Nanwangfei was really sick, and she was taken care of by Nanwang. The prince was very sad when he saw it, but Nanwangfei was in a coma. Shizi couldn't say anything, so he could only bear it.

Because of this illness, Nan Wangfei lasted for a long time, and later died. The son of Nan Wang went out to ride a horse sadly because his mother and concubine had gone, but broke his leg and lost the qualification to inherit the throne. Concubine's son inherited.

Of course, this is something to say later, Princess Nan paid a heavy price for what she did, and even harmed her own sons and daughters. This is her own crime and she cannot live.

But now, when the news of Princess Nan's serious illness spread, the messages in the capital did not disperse. Everyone was speculating on how Princess Nan's illness came about, but no one confirmed it. up.Some people said that Princess Nan was wronged and became sick from anger, while others said that Princess Nan pretended to be sick because she felt shameless, and some said that Princess Nan was taken care of by King Nan... In short You can say anything, this new year in the capital was very lively because of the matter of Nan Wangfei. It was not until a long time later that Nan Wang left and did not return to Kyoto in a short period of time, these rumors gradually dissipated.

At this moment, Su Lanzhi was also satisfied with the result of Princess Nan's situation, "So, Princess Nan is now being guarded by King Nan?" Although there are many rumors outside, this is the most true .

"Well, she has done so many evil things, Nanwang is naturally angry with her, how could he let her go so easily." Holding Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan knew that Nanwang made things difficult for Su Lanzhi that day. Zhiyan saw it all in his eyes, how could he let it go like that?

"Then tell me, what have you done these days? Now she is like this, but it's your credit?" Looking at Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi knew that when she came back that day, Qin Zhiyan Zhiyan was furious when he found out what happened in Nanwang Mansion.With Qin Zhiyan's love for her, he definitely wouldn't just let it go.

"I just helped and provided some convenience. She has offended so many people, and many people are waiting to trouble her. Why should I do it?" Qin Zhiyan smiled, and Qin Zhiyan didn't deny it either. Nan Wangfei has always been there, and will always provoke Su Lanzhi, so it's better to solve it, so as to avoid future troubles.

"But something happened to her. Prince Nan and Princess Anning will definitely not let it go like that. Don't forget, Princess Anning is married far away now. But I heard that she is very favored there. , are you not afraid that she will cause trouble again?"

"Don't worry about that, she has many people to deal with it over there, she doesn't have the energy to take care of it here, and the prince of Nan Wang is not worried, so someone will do it." Qin Zhiyan is not unaware of the power struggle. Yes, since Princess Nan is gone, it will be very difficult for the son of Prince Nan to keep his current position.

But anyway, the son of the Southern Prince is always arrogant and has done a lot of evil things. As for his fate, it is up to fate, anyway, it is not his responsibility.

"You!" After taking a look at Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi knew that although Qin Zhiyan didn't do anything directly this time, he must have helped a lot. Otherwise, how could Concubine Yu side go so smoothly this time?

"Okay, now that this trouble has been resolved, let's not talk about her, lest she disgust us again. Lan Lan, can we talk about something else?" Qin Zhi didn't want to continue thinking about those who made them unhappy. Of course Yan had to think about other things.

"Okay, talk about something else."

"Hehe, Lan Lan, in fact, we can do something else." Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Qin Zhiyan looked at Su Lanzhi's jade-like face, his Adam's apple twitched, and his heart ached. .

"You, you're going to eat later!" Glaring at Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi found that Qin Zhiyan had become more and more rascal recently.

"Lan Lan, don't worry, I'll be there soon..." Without saying a word, he picked up Su Lanzhi and put him on the bed. Qin Zhiyan pulled down the curtain, and soon bursts of happy voices came from the room up.

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