The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 381 Can't hold it anymore?

The matter of Princess Nan came to an end, and Princess Qin didn't ask much about it.

This winter was a sad season, Princess Qin's body was getting weaker and weaker, and Li Baixuan couldn't withstand the severe cold in the end, so she went away quietly in one night.It was already the second day when Su Lanzhi got the news, she hurried over with Qin Zhiyan, looked at the plain white Jingbei Hou Mansion, and saw Murong Shu's small figure kneeling there numbly, Su Lanzhi Lan Zhi really couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

People can't be resurrected after death, maybe some people's life trajectory, she really can't change it?

I vaguely remember that Li Baixuan also went there on a snowy night in the previous life, but it was a few years earlier in the previous life, and although it was a few years later in this life, she still couldn't make it through.

Is this life?

Seeing the haggard and regretful look of the second uncle Murong Yuan, and seeing Murong Shu's painful expression like a lifeless porcelain doll, Su Lanzhi sighed and walked over, "Second uncle, sister Shu'er , mourning and change!" Su Lanzhi didn't know what else to say, she knew how much Li Baixuan's death had affected Murong Shu, and also knew how regretful Murong Yuan was, but all of this was irreversible. up.

People cannot be resurrected after death, perhaps, this is really fate?The second uncle struggled for so long, but in the end he couldn't fight for his life.I just feel sorry for Sister Shu'er, she is still so young, what can she do in the future?

I just hope that the second uncle can see that she is lonely and helpless, and thank her for his care and love in the future?

"Sister Lan'er, mother..." Murong Shu lost a lot of weight, and her eyes lost their previous expression. Seeing Su Lanzhi coming, Murong Shu burst into tears.

Mother, why did she just go there?She didn't even have time to tell her, and she clearly remembered that her mother's spirit was exceptionally good yesterday, as if her body was recovering, and she talked a lot with her, but why, when she got up early in the morning, her mother went Woolen cloth?

"Sister Shu'er, don't be sad." Wiping Murong Shu's tears with a handkerchief, but the more she wiped, Su Lanzhi felt uncomfortable.But at the current state, she really can't do anything else.

Although she knows medicine, she is not a genius doctor after all, and she cannot bring the dead back to life.

"Sister Lan'er..."


Li Baixuan went there at a young age, her departure had a great impact on this family, the smile on Mrs. Jingbei Hou's face also lost a bit, and she always looked at Murong Shu with pity.

The funeral has been held for a few days, and Murong Shu is as if she has no soul. She keeps vigil in the mourning hall every day. She is the only child of Li Baixuan. Let people watch, so that nothing happens to Murong Shu.

In the end Li Baixuan went uphill, and Murong Shu cried to death. She was too weak to bear it, and finally fainted, scaring everyone half to death.

After sleeping for a day and a night, Murong Shu finally woke up. Mrs. Jingbei Hou felt sorry for her loss of mother when she was young, and finally decided to take her by her side to raise her, so that Murong Yuan, a grown man, would not be able to take care of her daughter.Naturally, Mrs. Jingbeihou has other considerations.

Murong Shu didn't say anything, but she became more and more silent. Every day if she had nothing to do, she always stayed in the room and read a book, and she was always in a daze. The smile on her face disappeared. It made everyone feel distressed. Mr. Murong Xiang He thought of a way to take Murong Shu out for a walk to relax, but Murong Shu didn't bother to move, Murong Xiang was worried.

Everyone was worried when they saw Murong Shu like this, and tried to calm her down so that she would not have time to think about it, and they would not let anyone leave her every day, lest she do stupid things.

Murong Shu also knows that everyone is worried, but the pain of losing her mother, she really can't help laughing anymore, and she doesn't want everyone to worry, she will gradually start to come out, it's just the pain in her heart, but it's a lifetime scars.


Everyone saw her situation in their eyes, and knew that some things were unavoidable, and they could only wait for the passage of time for Murong Shu to recover slowly?

"Shu'er is really pitiful. She lost her mother at such a young age. What should she do if her second uncle remarries in the future?" Murong Yuan is still young. , will definitely marry again in the future.

But fortunately, Mrs. Jingbei Hou took Murong Shu over to raise her. I'm afraid she also had such thoughts in mind, and didn't want Murong Shu to suffer.But Mrs. Jingbei Hou is getting old, in the future...


The current Murong Shu made Su Lanzhi think of her past self, she also lost her mother at a young age.She knows how hard it is to live without her mother's care and care.In addition, Bai Xin once suppressed her deliberately, and didn't teach her anything, otherwise, how could she suffer so much when she grows up?How did it end up being such a big mistake?

"Lan Lan, don't worry. Now that my grandmother is raising her in the house, she will think about it. Besides, my grandmother loves her so much, so she will definitely handle this matter well."

"Well, yes, I was too worried." After all, Murong Shu is luckier than her in her previous life. In her previous life, she was helpless, but Murong Shu still cared so much about her family. In the future, she would even be a second uncle to remarry. , Grandmother will definitely take a good look at her, won't she be wronged?

Thinking of this, Su Lanzhi sighed, since some things cannot be avoided, then they can only make up for it in the future.

"Okay, you are tired these few days, sleep, and have a good rest!" Su Lanzhi also went to help Li Baixuan's funeral a lot, and she was indeed tired. Although Qin Zhiyan felt distressed, he also knew that You can't stop it, you can only watch it.

"Well, sleep!" She closed her eyes. Although Su Lanzhi knew that this day would come, she still felt very uncomfortable.

Li Baixuan has gone, so what about the mother concubine?And Yan?

As the death of these two people in the previous life approached, Su Lanzhi's mood recently was full of anxiety.

Can she stop it?Now that the concubine's body is like this, can she really change their fate?

Sometimes Su Lanzhi is really scared.She was really afraid that all of this is just a mirror image, and it will disappear in a blink of an eye, so what's the point of her rebirth?

No, she must not lose again. She must clearly remember the lesson of the second aunt. She has been a little loose recently. She must go all out and fight against fate!



In the blink of an eye, winter turned to spring, and the weather gradually became warmer. Li Baixuan's departure, and because of the time, everyone gradually accepted this reality, but every time I think about it, I still can't help but feel sad.

Shangguan Wuyou also felt that the atmosphere in the mansion was a bit strange these days, but she didn't notice anything, and felt uncertain in her heart.This uncertainty made Shangguan Wuyou always feel uneasy, so on this day, she felt that she had to start taking action, so she suggested to Princess Qin that the palace has been deserted for a long time, and taking advantage of the good weather, hold a flower viewing feast What.Qin Wangfei saw that the palace was indeed deserted, so she agreed.

"That's right, the weather is also very good today. The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. It's the most suitable for people to come and enjoy them. Moreover, the flowers in the yard are also in bloom. It will be more lively if some people come." Qin Wangfei's body is now There are good times and bad times, Princess Qin is also a little depressed, but she doesn't want everyone to know.

"What the princess said is very true. Nowadays, the princess is always in the yard and doesn't go out for a walk. More people come over, and the princess will have a lot of conversations with herself." Shangguan Wuyou will come to greet Qin Wangfei on time every day, regardless of Qin She insisted on what the princess said. Except for the day when she was "seriously ill" in the cold winter months, she never missed a day. Now that the weather is better, it is even more impossible for her to fall behind.

"Well, it's up to you and Lan'er to arrange this matter together, and you know who you're inviting, it just needs to be carefully prepared."

"Sister Wangfei, don't worry!" After getting what she wanted, Shangguan Wuyou sat for a while, and then left, but when she left, she glanced at Nan Wangfei's courtyard in the blink of an eye, and there was a little bit of treachery across the corner of her eyes, really It was shocking.


Concubine Qin quickly talked about the banquet in the mansion. In fact, with Concubine Qin's temperament, she usually would not invite people to the house, especially Concubine Qin is not in good health now, how can she have such thoughts?

Su Lanzhi was a little strange when she learned about it, but later she realized that all this was Shangguan Wuyou's idea, and she was a little worried, "Yan, what do you think she is doing?" Pulled up the power of Shangguan Wuyou's dark place bit by bit, could it be that Shangguan Wuyou sensed something, so he wanted to act?

"She's very careful. I'm afraid she sensed something was wrong? Maybe she couldn't hold back and wanted to do something."

"Well, that's what you said. I already know the poison on the concubine mother, but the antidote is very troublesome to make. I'm afraid it will take some time. It would be best if I could have the poison. Maybe it can be done quickly. Some, mother and concubine will suffer less." Qin Zhiyan sent many people to Miao Jiang to inquire about it these days, only to learn that this kind of poison is the soul-killing grass, and people who are poisoned by this poison will have physical injuries. It goes down day by day, and the final feeling is that the body collapses and dies. This takes a long time, and it is also a kind of pain for the poisoned person.What's more, the antidote to this poison is extremely rare, and now Su Lanzhi is also very distressed.

"Lan Lan, don't worry, take this matter slowly." Knowing that Su Lanzhi has been very distressed about Princess Qin's body these days, and has taken many measures to delay it, Qin Zhiyan looked at Su Lanzhi's thin face and felt in his heart It's all a little painful.

His Lan Lan was already very thin. These days, he has really worked hard.

"People who have been hit by this soul-severing herb will become terminally ill the longer the time passes. Although I have stabilized my concubine's condition, if I don't get the antidote, I'm afraid it will be troublesome." Now she can only delay, but Su Lanzhi is also anxious about the fact that Princess Qin's illness cannot be completely relieved.

She is a doctor, and she knows that if a person's body collapses, it is really difficult to recover.If Qin Wangfei's body is not cured as soon as possible, the poison will be cured by then, and her body may not be able to survive.

"I know all of this, but you have tried your best now, I understand, don't be too harsh on yourself. The most important thing for us now is to get the poison, which will also help you make the antidote of."

"You're right, but she hasn't poisoned her anymore, how can we get it?"

"This banquet may be an opportunity!" Looking at Su Lanzhi, a ray of light flashed across Qin Zhiyan's eyes, Su Lanzhi heard something, and immediately thought of something, "What do you mean..."

"She won't do things without a purpose. Maybe she will do something at this banquet. We will wait and see what happens. When the time comes to push her to a certain level, she will definitely not be able to hold back anymore!" Qin Zhi Yan already had a plan in his heart, but he didn't want Su Lanzhi to worry, so this time, he chose to hide it.

Lan Lan, don't worry, I will be fine. This time, I must completely solve that person, otherwise the palace will never have peace!

"Well, then I'll make people look at her in a good way, so that she won't succeed." The closer to Qin Zhiyan's death in his previous life, Su Lanzhi's mood was actually not calm, and she vaguely felt that she must have something to do with Qin Zhiyan. The concubine's body is related, otherwise how could Qin Zhiyan, who is so cautious, go away suddenly?

It's just that Qin Zhiyan doesn't say anything, and Su Lanzhi doesn't ask, but she will work hard and be careful, and she will never let the tragedy of her previous life repeat itself!

Neither of them said what they planned in their hearts, they both started to deploy secretly in order not to worry the other party, for the same purpose.


On the day of the banquet in Prince Qin's Mansion, there were really many people who came. These guests were all decided by Su Lanzhi and Shangguan Wuyou, but what Su Lanzhi didn't expect was that Shu Xiangxiang was also among the invited ones.

Seeing Shu Xiangxiang coming now, Su Lanzhi couldn't help thinking of the list that Shangguan Wuyou discussed with herself that day. When she first saw Shu Xiangxiang's name, Su Lanzhi was also a little surprised. After all, Shu Xiangxiang's family and they walked together Not very close either.It's just that Shangguan Wuyou said that now that there are more Su Lanzhi in the family, it is natural to invite some young women, and Shu Xiangxiang is Li Ruolan's friend, so naturally he has to invite.At that time, although Su Lanzhi couldn't figure it out, she didn't say anything, so she agreed. Seeing Shu Xiangxiang walking over now, Su Lanzhi naturally gave him a smile back.

"Second Madam Qin, how are you doing recently? Why do I see that Madam Qin Er seems to have lost some weight, but she's tired recently?" Shu Xiangxiang's words were full of concern, people who didn't know thought she and Su Lanzhi had a very good relationship of.It's just that Su Lanzhi knows that the friendship between them is actually just a two-sided meeting.

"Miss Shu is concerned. I'm fine recently." Smiling, Su Lanzhi was also polite when talking to the other party. Shu Xiangxiang was a little annoyed when she saw that Su Lanzhi didn't feel anything because of her words, "Second Mrs. Qin is fine. Well, I thought that Mrs. Qin Er was not feeling well recently, otherwise she would lose weight."

"How could it be?" Knowing that the other party was implying that she was in poor health, Su Lanzhi didn't mind. She is the master today, so she definitely won't have anything to do with it. "Miss Shu, go and sit for a while. I still have something to do here, so I won't entertain Miss Shu."

"It's okay, Second Madam Qin, you're busy!" Shu Xiangxiang was also a very measured person, knowing that Su Lanzhi didn't want to talk to him, he left, and when he walked to the front, he saw Li Ruolan, and Shu Xiangxiang started talking to Li Ruolan.

Counting it, Shu Xiangxiang looked down on Li Ruolan in his heart, and felt that Li Ruolan really didn't have much connotation, and his temper was not particularly good.The friendship with Li Ruolan was average before, but Shu Xiangxiang has been very interested in Qin Zhiyan recently. In order to get close to Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi's road is blocked, and Shu Xiangxiang can only take Li Ruolan's road.

Isn't she able to enter the Prince Qin's mansion openly now?My aunt said that as long as Qin Zhiyan fell in love with her, she would definitely be made a concubine. She used to disdain to compete with others, but since she saw Qin Zhiyan's demeanor, and that day in the hall Hearing Qin Zhiyan's declaration, Shu Xiangxiang knew that only such a man was worthy of her.

What she wants is a man who treats her wholeheartedly, unlike others who are half-hearted and have many wives and concubines. Qin Zhiyan is undoubtedly the best choice.Seeing the love between Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi now, Shu Xiangxiang thought countless times, how lucky he would be if that person was him!After thinking this way too many times, Shu Xiangxiang became more and more crazy.

"Hehe, Ruolan, I see that you look good recently, it seems that you are doing well recently!" Although he disdains Li Ruolan in his heart, Shu Xiangxiang looks down on a good daughter-in-law marrying a bastard.And in her opinion, Qin Xu was inferior to Qin Zhiyan in everything, how could he be comparable to Qin Zhiyan?

I really don't know what the person in front of me thinks, does he really think that Qin Xu can be the prince?joke!

"Really?" Li Ruolan was also happy to see Shu Xiangxiang coming. Recently, she and Shu Xiangxiang have been quite close. Li Ruolan thinks it is very beneficial to be friends with someone like Shu Xiangxiang, not to mention Shu Xiangxiang's identity, Li Ruolan, the person behind Shu Xiangxiang, felt that being friends with Shu Xiangxiang was not a loss at all.

"Yeah, your complexion is ruddy. I haven't seen you for a few days, and you look much more beautiful. Is there anything good going on recently?"

"Hehe, you are used to coaxing me!" Women love beauty, and Li Ruolan was also happy to be praised by Shu Xiangxiang. She couldn't help touching her face, as if she really felt that was the case.

"Don't you know who I am? I never say those nonsense, don't you believe me?"

"Well, that's right, come on, let's sit down, have a cup of tea, and have a good talk!" Li Ruolan saw Shu Xiangxiang happy, and pulled Shu Xiangxiang over, Shu Xiangxiang saw Li Ruolan pulling her, her eyebrows frowned slightly , didn't say anything in the end, and followed.

Then Li Ruolan talked a lot. Although Shu Xiangxiang was impatient, he agreed to them one by one. He talked and laughed with Li Ruolan. It seemed that their relationship was good. Seeing the scene in his eyes, he couldn't help frowning.

When did these two get so close?Why doesn't she know?

I always feel that Shu Xiangxiang seems to have a little different thoughts towards him these days. Although the other party conceals it very well, Su Lanzhi has always been a very sensitive person, and naturally he has noticed the little bit of hostility that Shu Xiangxiang has revealed towards him. .Su Lanzhi knows what it is without thinking too much, so Su Lanzhi is now on guard against Shu Xiangxiang.

"Second Madam, what are you thinking? Someone is coming over there!" At this moment, Shangguan Wuyou suddenly appeared in front of Su Lanzhi. Seeing the smile on the other party's face, Su Lanzhi also smiled, "Then I'm going right now."

"Well, the second lady, I'll go over there to help!"

"Thanks for your hard work, concubine."

"It's not hard, I should do all of this." Ever since Shangguan Wuyou fell ill, when she recovered, Su Lanzhi basically controlled the entire palace. Shangguan Wuyou originally wanted to take the opportunity to seize power, but never Thinking that Su Lanzhi would reap the benefits in the end, she was really not reconciled.But there was too much movement in the past few days, King Qin and the others were also very vigilant recently, Shangguan Wuyou didn't dare to make any more moves, otherwise it would be bad if he exposed himself.

Now Shangguan Wuyou gradually felt a sense of crisis, so today, she must succeed, otherwise, wouldn't her years of hard work be in vain?

She will never allow it!

Looking at the smile on Su Lanzhi's face at this moment, Shangguan Wuyou's mouth had a cold arc.

Su Lanzhi, Su Lanzhi, I want to see if your smile is still so dazzling after today!

Turning around and leaving, Shangguan Wuyou knew that there were still a lot of things to do today, so he had to make careful preparations, "Hehe, Miss Shu, are you still used to drinking these teas?"

"Of course I'm used to it, thank you, my concubine."

"Just get used to it, get used to it!" While speaking, Shangguan Wuyou looked at Shu Xiangxiang with a gloomy look in his eyes. Shu Xiangxiang suddenly felt a little dizzy at this moment, and touched his head, not knowing what was wrong with him.

"Miss Shu, do you feel unwell?"

"I don't know what's wrong, I seem to be a little dizzy."

"It might be a cold, Ruo'er, help Miss Shu go to the backyard to have a rest!"

"Oh, yes, mother!" Seeing that Shu Xiangxiang was uncomfortable, Li Ruolan hurriedly asked someone to help Shu Xiangxiang to rest. When Shangguan Wuyou saw her, she worriedly told the people around her, "I think Miss Shu is not feeling well. Now, go and take care of me!"

"Yes, concubine concubine!" The man quickly followed, Shangguan Wuyou didn't stop, as if nothing happened, and went to busy entertaining guests again.

------off topic-----

Hey, I've been feeling sick since yesterday. I slept all day today, and I just got up to type now. I kept my friends waiting for a long time, embarrassing.

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