Su Lanzhi was greeting the guests, but she suddenly found that Shu Xiangxiang and Li Ruolan were gone. Su Lanzhi couldn't help but feel very strange, "Yunzhu, go see what happened to sister-in-law and Miss Shu? Where did you go?" Today You must be extremely careful, otherwise it will be bad if you follow the opponent's way.

"Yes, Second Madam!" Yunzhu knows martial arts, so it's easy to find someone, but Yunzhu just left when he was stumbled, "Yunzhu, there's no more tea over there, go and cut a pot. Don't keep the ladies waiting for too long." Shangguan Wuyou seemed to know what Su Lanzhi was going to do, Yunzhu was about to leave, but she stopped her back, Yunzhu couldn't help being a little embarrassed, Su Lanzhi Seeing her, he nodded to her, "Yunzhu, go make tea!"

"Yes, Second Madam!" Yunzhu was also anxious, but at this moment if she refused to obey Shangguan Wuyou's arrangement in front of everyone, it would be bad for others to see, so Yunzhu had no choice but to bear it and hurried to make a cup of coffee. tea.

Yunzhu left, and Su Lanzhi still had Qiushuang beside her, but Su Lanzhi knew that Shangguan Wuyou had been watching, and she would definitely not let Qiushuang go, so Su Lanzhi had to give Qiushuang a look, "Qiu Shuang, find a way Let Chun Nuan go and see what's going on, Chun Nuan is far away, she should be easy to walk away!"

"Second lady, don't worry!" Qiushuang nodded. Su Lanzhi's four maidservants are all here to help today, but Su Lanzhi deliberately kept Yuetao and Chunnuan away, thinking that if something happened, she would They took good care of each other, and now it seems that this decision is indeed correct.

Qiushuang then went to deliver tea and got in touch with Chunnuan, and gave Chunnuan a look. Chunnuan naturally knew that something must have happened. After a while, Chunnuan pretended to have a stomachache to go to the toilet while everyone was not paying attention, and hurried ran to the backyard.

Seeing that Chun Nuan had left, Qiu Shuang was relieved, "Second Madam, Chun Nuan has already gone, I believe you will know what happened soon."

"Well, well, we have to go say hello over there!" Seeing that Li Ruolan and Shu Xiangxiang had left for some time, Su Lanzhi saw that Shangguan Wuyou was busy there as if nothing had happened, and she knew in her heart that Shangguan Wuyou It must have started to move, so I don't worry about it right now, anyway, she and Qin Zhiyan already have a countermeasure, so they definitely won't worry.

Coming to Shangguan Wuyou's side, Su Lanzhi saw that Shangguan Wuyou was very busy, and smiled, "The side concubine is still busy, do you need my help?"

"Second Madam is fine. I'm busy. There are really a lot of people here today. Now that everyone has sat down, it's much easier."

"Well, that's right. The palace hasn't been this lively for a long time. Today's situation is also due to the side concubine's empress." I don't know if he meant something, Shangguan Wuyou listened, his face paused, and then he laughed , "Hehe, how can this be my credit? Most of the people who came today are close to the princess, and the second lady is your good friend, otherwise it wouldn't be so lively." Shangguan Wuyou looked at the Su Lanzhi's smiling face immediately felt dazzling, but thinking that Su Lanzhi would stop laughing soon, Shangguan Wuyou felt very happy.

"The concubine's concubine is absurd." There are indeed many people who came today, and they are all noble wives from the capital. Su Lanzhi and Shangguan Wuyou are so busy that they have to take care of everyone and accompany everyone Talking, both of them looked very busy, and the smiles on their faces remained the same.However, they all knew in their hearts that soon, some people would not be able to laugh.


Shangguan Wuyou has been observing Su Lanzhi in the dark. In fact, when Chun Nuan left just now, she knew that she deliberately did not stop Su Lanzhi in front of her, just to let Su Lanzhi relax.

Hehe, do you really think she is a three-year-old child?Could such a trivial skill still fool her?

A sneer flashed across his heart, Shangguan Wuyou looked at Su Lanzhi, and really wanted to see how long Su Lanzhi could be so proud!

It doesn't appear on the surface at all, Shangguan Wuyou now just needs to wait quietly, she believes that soon, Su Lanzhi will no longer be as complacent as she is now, and soon, she will be able to disassemble Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi, when the time comes, let's see how Su Lanzhi fights against her!

And once she succeeds in what she did today, when the big event is over, what future does Qin Zhiyan have?

Hehe, if you fight against her, you have to know how much you weigh!

Satisfied, Shangguan Wuyou saw someone rushing over at this moment, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be restrained.Especially seeing Chun Nuan's nervous look, Shangguan Wuyou was extremely proud.

"Second Madam, Second Madam, this is not good..." Chun Nuan did not expect that when she went to the backyard, she encountered such a situation, and now she didn't care about other things, so she hurried to tell Su Lanzhi.

"Chunnuan, what's the matter? You speak slowly!" In front of everyone, Su Lanzhi certainly wouldn't let the family ugliness spread. Su Lanzhi asked Chunnuan to follow her to the corner. She was about to ask something, Shangguan Wuyou Then he rushed over, "What happened to Chun Nuan? Why are you so frizzy? How bad it is for everyone to see!" Shangguan Wuyou looked at Chun Nuan's expression, and he couldn't tell how happy he was Yes, but she didn't show it on the surface. She came here now to show her concern.

"The side concubine, the second lady, something happened." Chun Nuan was also nervous. She was already restraining herself just now, but such a big incident happened, it is already very good for Chun Nuan to be able to do this.

"What happened? Why are you in such a panic?"

"Second Madam, Ms. Shu, something happened to her." Chun Nuan said that it seemed a little difficult to say here, and for a while, she really didn't know what to say.

"What's going on?" Looking at Chun Nuan's appearance, Su Lanzhi knew something was wrong, but Chun Nuan was from an unmarried girl's family, so she was embarrassed, "Second Madam, go and see, Miss Shu's side I'm afraid it's not good." Chun Nuan hesitated, and her expression was a little strange, Su Lanzhi frowned when she saw it, and was about to ask again, but Shangguan Wuyou interrupted, "Second Madam, I'm afraid Chun Nuan has something to hide. Maybe it's hard for Ms. Shu to say what happened there. There are so many people talking here. gone."

Some pain, just to see it with your own eyes, is the most impressive and will never be forgotten in a lifetime.She believes that after today, no matter how deep the relationship between Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan is, there will be cracks in the future, which can no longer be filled!

"Well, that's fine, let's go!" Su Lanzhi was also anxious about what happened in the back yard, and asked Qiushuang to watch here, and left with Shangguan Wuyou after finding an excuse.


When she came to the back yard, Su Lanzhi heard that soft moan from a distance, Su Lanzhi frowned suddenly, feeling that something was wrong.

Shangguan Wuyou listened to this voice, his heart was full of joy, but his face suddenly changed, "What's going on here? It's broad daylight, who is making a scene here?"

"This..." Chunnuan looked at Shangguan Wuyou, and suddenly hesitated to speak. When Shangguan Wuyou saw him, he immediately became angry, "Is there anything I can't say? There are so many guests outside, who is so bold?" Yes, messing around here? What should I do if I let outsiders know about it?"

Hehe, Su Lanzhi, Su Lanzhi, after a while you see the scene inside, will you be so angry that you vomit blood?

I'd like to see how much love you and Qin Zhiyan have, how can you not be affected at all?

"Side concubine, the people inside are..." Before Chun Nuan had time to say anything, Shangguan Wuyou had asked someone to open the door. Chun Nuan immediately smiled mischievously at Su Lanzhi, and Su Lanzhi gave the other party With a look, Chun Nuan hurriedly restrained her expression, trying to stop it, but it was too late, "The side concubine, there are the eldest young master and the eldest young mistress inside!" Chun Nuan had just finished speaking, and Shangguan Wuyou had already seen what was inside. Shangguan Wuyou looked at his son and daughter-in-law in disheveled clothes, a disgusting smell of blood came out of his nostrils, Shangguan Wuyou immediately felt something was wrong, "What are you doing? Xu'er ,stop!"

Shangguan Wuyou was too excited just now, so he didn't pay attention for a while, but now he was hit suddenly, and Shangguan Wuyou noticed Li Ruolan's breathless voice and the smell of blood in the air, It's really scary to smell it.

"My concubine, what's the matter?" Su Lanzhi heard Shangguan Wuyou's words, and hurriedly asked with concern, Shangguan Wuyou only reacted and closed the door directly.

It would be terrible if others saw it like this!

"Hurry up, call the imperial doctor!" Shangguan Wuyou was really panicked at this moment, looking at the pool of blood on the bed from a distance, Shangguan Wuyou didn't care about it anymore, and hurriedly took a piece of paper on the table. The pot poured directly on Qin Xu's head. Qin Xu just came to his senses at this moment. Looking at the scene in front of him, he suddenly didn't know what was going on, "What's wrong with me?"

"You, get up quickly and get dressed!" Shangguan Wuyou looked at Qin Xu like this, and said in his heart that he was not angry. It was full of blood, Shangguan Wuyou looked a little scary.

"Mother, what is this?" Qin Xu looked at Li Ruolan, who was dying on the bed, and then at the bloody bed sheet, and was startled. Shangguan Wuyou hurriedly covered Li Ruolan, "Okay, you first Get up, get dressed, I'll tidy her up!" Seeing the blood, Shangguan Wuyou also knew that Li Ruolan might be in trouble, but he felt anxious, but at this moment, it's more important to save the other party's life first!

"Yes, mother!" Qin Xu went to get dressed in a daze. Although he had never seen such a battle, he had a bad premonition when he saw the snow on the bed.Feeling flustered, Qin Xu put on his clothes hastily. Before he could understand, Su Lanzhi's voice was heard at the door, "Miss Concubine, what's the matter? Eldest brother and sister-in-law are all right?"

"No, it's all right, Second Madam, is the imperial doctor here?" Shangguan Wuyou was about to explode in anger, but he couldn't help it, so he gave Qin Xu a look, and Shangguan Wuyou quickly put Li Ruolan on and put on her clothes. I also changed the bed sheets, and I kept thinking in my heart which link went wrong, and how could it be like this.

But why, she just can't remember?

"I've asked someone to call, but is anyone uncomfortable? Concubine, do you want me to go in and have a look?"

"Second Madam, don't come in anymore, it's a little inconvenient!" Shangguan Wuyou felt a little flustered for the first time, after doing all this, he felt a sense of exhaustion.

She has been here before, so she naturally knows what that pool of blood means. Looking at the blood-stained bed sheet, Shangguan Wuyou closed his eyes in pain. She, who has always been strong, couldn't help but cry now. .

"Oh, then I'll go and urge the imperial physician, are brother and sister-in-law okay?"

"Let the imperial doctor come first!" At this moment, my heart was a little confused, Shangguan Wuyou warned Qin Xu in a hurry, told Qin Xu not to talk nonsense for a while, and asked about the situation by the way, Qin Xu didn't know clearly, and what he said was also very vague "Mom, I don't know what's going on. Just now my second brother told me something, so I went to his place, and then someone made him a pot of tea, and I drank it together. When I came back Seeing Ruolan, I don't know what's going on, I suddenly seem to lose my mind, I, I don't know what's going on!"

"Well, how could it be? Why are you going to his place if you have nothing to do? And didn't you say that? If you have nothing to do, don't go to his place casually, and don't eat his food casually!" Shangguan Wuyou was really angry, how could she It's easy to come up with this plan, just to completely destroy Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi, but why is it her own son and daughter-in-law who suffer?

Seeing the daughter-in-law like this, I'm afraid it's not good. When the time comes, the in-laws will pursue it, what should I do?

"I don't want to either, mother, but there are some things in the military camp that I need to discuss with my second brother, and he also drank the tea, I..." Qin Xu naturally knew that he was being tricked, Thinking of Li Ruolan's puddle of blood, he knew what happened even if he had never experienced it before, and his heart was filled with hatred!

Qin Zhiyan, you plot against me!

"Okay, I didn't think carefully about this matter. Don't talk for a while, let me deal with it!"

"Mother, what do you mean..." Sometimes Shangguan Wuyou did things without telling Qin Xu. Qin Xu originally thought that this time Qin Zhiyan was plotting against him, but he never thought that it was Shangguan Wuyou's actions. Shangguan Wuyou also felt a little resentful.

"I'll talk about this matter later. For now, let the imperial physician come and see Ruolan, and hope it's all right." Even though he said this, Shangguan Wuyou knew that Li Ruolan was in danger, and his heart was filled with desolation. The hatred between Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi deepened.

Qin Xu saw Shangguan Wuyou's face in his eyes, and naturally knew that Shangguan Wuyou couldn't handle it well this time, and felt a little resentful in his heart, but now he couldn't ask any more questions, so he had to endure it .


The waiting time seemed to be very long. Shangguan Wuyou and Qin Xu saw that Li Ruolan's face was getting paler, and the blood under her body still didn't stop. Will she be okay?"

"No, it's time for the imperial doctor to come!" Stabilizing his mind, Shangguan Wuyou saw that the imperial doctor hadn't arrived yet, and immediately felt that Su Lanzhi must have delayed on purpose. Just as he was about to say something, he heard someone outside the door There was a sound, just listening to the sound, I'm afraid it's not just one person.

"My concubine, the imperial doctor is here, you open the door!" Su Lanzhi knocked on the door, Shangguan Wuyou gave Qin Xu a reassuring look, and hurried to open the door, but when he opened the door, he saw King Qin and Qin Zhiyan, Shangguan Wuyou's complexion suddenly turned dark.

"My lord!"

"Let me see the eldest daughter-in-law first!" With a wave of his hand, Qin Wang signaled Shangguan Wuyou not to speak, but let the imperial doctor in. The smell of blood in the room was too pungent, and Qin Wang didn't go in either, but just let the imperial doctor in. The doctor went in.

"Okay, imperial physician, take a look at Ruo'er first, and see what's wrong with her!" In fact, he knew what was going on in his heart, but Shangguan Wuyou couldn't explain it clearly. The imperial physician went in to have a look. There are also some bad ones.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the other party's expression, Qin Wang also guessed that something was wrong. The imperial doctor glanced at everyone and sighed, "The baby in Da Furen's stomach can't be kept, and she has lost too much blood. It’s dangerous to be afraid of people!”

"What? She's pregnant with a child?" Although Qin Xu had some guesses just now, he was still very surprised when he heard the imperial physician say this.

He didn't even know about his child, but he just went there?And because of him?

Qin Xu thought of how the child in Li Ruolan's stomach went, and suddenly felt cold all over his body.

God, he killed his own child now, isn't he an executioner?

Thinking of this, Qin Xu's face turned pale, and his expression was gloomy and terrifying. The way he looked at the imperial doctor was really cautious, and the way he looked at Shangguan Wuyou also made Shangguan Wuyou feel I was shocked.

"Xu'er, you..." Seeing his son's eyes like this, Shangguan Wuyou suddenly felt a little guilty.

What happened today was due to her lack of consideration, but how could she have thought that Qin Xu would go to Qin Zhiyan's place, let alone that Li Ruolan was pregnant with a child!

"Okay, let's take a look at the situation of the eldest daughter-in-law first, and talk about other things later!" King Qin looked at Qin Xu's eyes, and then at Shangguan Wuyou's expression, and he also had some guesses in his heart, but King Qin didn't say it clearly, he just Turning to the imperial physician, "Emperor physician, is the eldest daughter-in-law's condition serious?"

"Indeed, he lost a lot of blood, and he lost his child, so his body was seriously damaged. I'm afraid it's not good, minister, I dare not say it!"

"The imperial doctor must do his best to heal no matter what!"

"My lord, I should try my best. I have given her a hemostatic needle first. The bleeding has stopped now. It's just that the eldest lady is very worn out. Even if she can survive this calamity, she will have a child in the future. I'm afraid It's impossible..." The imperial doctor sighed, and the scene inside was really scary.It's also because Li Ruolan's fate is too high, and she hasn't died yet, or else the gods have come, so I'm afraid they don't care about it?

"The imperial doctor tried his best to treat her, and the rest will be discussed later. Her body is the most important thing now." Hearing that Li Ruolan couldn't conceive a child, King Qin felt regretful, but the most important thing is to live.

"Yes, I'm going to prescribe the medicine. If the lady can wake up within twelve hours, she will be fine in the future. It's just that this time she lost too much blood and the energy is seriously depleted. I'm afraid I can't live without the medicine." Thinking of Li Ruolan's young body being ruined like that, the imperial doctor has seen this matter a lot, and thinking of the things in this big mansion, the imperial doctor decided to rot in his stomach.

"Well, the imperial physician will prescribe the medicine first, so that the eldest daughter-in-law can drink it earlier."

"Yes!" The imperial physician quickly prescribed the medicine, King Qin asked someone to grab the medicine, and hurriedly boiled it for Li Ruolan to drink, "Now I have to trouble the imperial physician to watch here, the eldest daughter-in-law is not out of danger now, The imperial doctor has to worry about it."

"This is what the minister should do!"

"It's troublesome." After Qin Wang finished speaking, he told others to take care of him, and called Shangguan Wuyou and Qin Xu aside alone, "What's going on? The eldest daughter-in-law was pregnant with the child, why didn't she die?"

Everyone didn't know about Li Ruolan's pregnancy, but now that she went away suddenly, King Qin couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

To be honest, because of Shangguan Wuyou's matter, King Qin also had a grudge against Qin Xu, and now about Li Ruolan's childlessness, King Qin's mood is very complicated.

"My lord..." Shangguan Wuyou wanted to say something, but seeing Qin Xu's distraught look at the moment, Shangguan Wuyou was also in a bad mood.

She has prepared for so long and done so much for today, but why, the result is like this?

Her grandson, the grandson she had been looking forward to for so long, how come she didn't know about it, so it was gone?

When Ruo'er was conceived, why didn't she know?

Thinking that Li Ruolan might not be able to conceive a child in the future, Shangguan Wuyou felt a little worried at the moment.

Without a son-in-law, how will Qin Xu compete for the position of son in the future?

"Say, what's going on? What happened just now?" Qin Wang looked at Shangguan Wuyou's pale eyes, and then at Qin Xu's distraught look, and sighed in his heart, knowing that this matter was of no consequence to Qin Xu and Shangguan. The impact of worry is enormous.But there are some things that he has to figure out.

"My lord, Xu'er was framed by someone just now, and Xu'er had no intention of doing so." Shangguan Wuyou is really not reconciled, now that she has no grandson, and her daughter-in-law has become like this, how can she let it go?

Qin Zhiyan, you are doing well, but this time, don't think you can escape!

"What's going on?" King Qin frowned when he heard Shangguan Wuyou say this, seeing Shangguan Wuyou's appearance, he knew in his heart that Shangguan Wuyou would definitely not just let it go.

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