The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 384 Complete Disappointment

Now the more King Qin thinks about it, the more he regrets it, and the more he thinks about it, the more frightened he becomes.

What happened today made Princess Qin see the true face of Shangguan Wuyou. If it was true that every step of the year was under Shangguan Wuyou's control, then Qin Wang had to say that Shangguan Wuyou was a real woman. It's too scary.

"I'm sorry for your mother and son!" Sighing, King Qin has always felt guilty towards Shangguan Wuyou all these years.Because he always felt that he owed Shangguan Wuyou a lot. When the late emperor bestowed the marriage, he resolutely regretted the marriage and ruined Shangguan Wuyou's happiness.What he has always wanted to make up for is that he may have underestimated a woman's jealousy too much.

He really didn't expect that the woman's mind was so weird and vicious.

"Father, it's not your fault, and you didn't want to." Seeing King Qin like this, what else could Qin Zhiyan say?If it is possible, Qin Zhiyan believes that King Qin also does not want to marry Shangguan Wuyou, but in the end it is King Qin who is at fault in this matter, and Shangguan Wuyou really has a weird mind, King Qin is hard to guard against!

"Hey, now I have led wolves into the house, and made your mother and concubine almost become like this, and I almost hurt you today, I, I really shouldn't!" Now King Qin has to rejoice, the tea with medicine is finally It was Qin Xu who drank it.Although he lost a grandson, King Qin felt very regretful.But compared with Qin Zhiyan, King Qin felt that it was a blessing.

"Father, don't blame yourself." Qin Zhiyan knew that the truth was really uncomfortable. If possible, he didn't want King Qin to regret and suffer so much.But only in this way can King Qin see clearly the true face of Shangguan Wuyou, and finally solve this trouble, so he can only be ruthless.

"Hey..." With a long sigh, King Qin seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden, and his face had become a bit vicissitudes, not as high-spirited as before.

He knew that it was because he was too willful when he was young, he wanted to do whatever he wanted, and he didn't want to be restrained, that's why he was like this.In the end, he was really sorry for Princess Qin and Shangguan Wuyou.

It's just that he really can't control his own heart. He once thought about obediently obeying the imperial decree and marrying Shangguan Wuyou, but he happened to meet Qin Wangfei and fell in love with Qin Wangfei. This love made him The dissatisfaction with this marriage in his heart became more and more intense, and he didn't want it to end like that.

He really didn't want to hurt anyone if he could.

"Father, don't think too much." As a man and child, Qin Zhiyan couldn't say anything when he saw King Qin like this.

"I want to be alone for a while, you go back and rest first!" These days, he saw Shangguan Wuyou's true face more and more clearly, and Qin Wang felt that he was really pathetic.

Maybe he should have been more cruel and heartless at the beginning, and since he decided to hurt her, he would hurt it thoroughly, and resolutely refused to marry her in. Maybe today, Prince Qin's mansion is truly harmonious, and there will be no open and secret fighting like it is now.

After all, he was soft-hearted at the time...

"Father, we won't bother you anymore, you were tired last night, you should rest well!"

"Well, you too, take a good rest!" Sighing, King Qin closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about the foolish things he had done all these years.

When he was young and frivolous, he was always too rebellious, but he was the youngest son of the empress dowager, and he was doted on multiple times. With the doting of his parents, he always liked to do some willful things, and because of this he hurt many people.Over the years, he tried his best to make up for Princess Qin and Shangguan Wuyou, but in the end?After all, he still hurt the person he cared about the most.

After thinking for a long time, King Qin suddenly wanted to see Princess Qin very much. When he came out of the study, King Qin went directly to Princess Qin, but found that Princess Qin was still sleeping. King Qin signaled everyone in the room to go out and not come out Excuse me, sitting by the bed alone, looking at Qin Wangfei's pale face, Qin Wang's eyes are full of remorse, "Luo'er, I am the one who is sorry for you!"

Now thinking of the hurt Qin Wangfei suffered because of himself, Qin Wang's heart is as painful as that needle prick.If possible, he would rather be the one who suffers now instead of Princess Qin.

Hey, if he hadn't provoke Luo'er back then, as Luo'er, would she have lived a good life?Also very happy?And there is no need to be far away from home, and there is no need to look at the face of the queen mother...

Thinking that the Queen Mother has always been indifferent to Princess Qin these years and was very picky, King Qin's heart ached even more.

It was he who was sorry for her!

"Luo'er, my Luo'er..." Gently stroking Princess Qin's face with his fingers, King Qin really found that Princess Qin had lost a lot of weight, and her face was also very pale, revealing a long-term illness. Weak and weak, as if he was going to leave at any time, King Qin felt as if his heart was being pricked by a needle, and he regretted it more and more.

"It's my fault, it's really my fault, I'm sorry..." It was his love that caused Luo'er to suffer so many grievances, and it was also his love that made Luo'er, who was originally noble, humiliate. If it wasn't for him, if It was in Nanzhao, his Luo'er, who would dare to give her such grievances?

It's all his fault!He didn't handle these things well!Now that he has become like this, what should he do?

Maybe it's because King Qin's mood is too unstable, or maybe the atmosphere in the room is a little different. Princess Qin was sleeping, but now she slowly woke up, and when she woke up, she saw King Qin's complexion. Qin Wangfei couldn't help but feel a little strange, "Hai, what's wrong with you? But what happened? Why do you look so bad?"

"Oh, it's okay, I just came to see if you're awake. How about you, did you sleep well last night?" Because of Li Ruolan's matter, King Qin didn't come back, so naturally he didn't want Princess Qin to see anything.

"Well, Lan'er has made some food for me these few days, and the medicine she boiled for me is also good. My spirit has improved a lot these days. It's just that you are haggard, Hai, but what's bothering you? Are you okay?" He wanted to get up, but King Qin stopped him, "Okay, I'm fine, just lie down and don't get up."

"It's okay. I've slept for a long time. It's good to sit for a while!" Smiling, King Qin rarely showed such an expression. This expression made Princess Qin very disturbed. When Princess Qin saw it, she naturally wanted to ask.

"Then I'll help you, be careful!"

"I'm not that fragile, don't worry!" Seeing that King Qin looked at him like a porcelain doll, he couldn't help but smile, with a joyful and helpless expression on his face, "Tell me, what happened."

"It's nothing, don't worry, I can take care of it. I just came to see you, and now I see you well, so I feel relieved." It is said to be relieved, but Princess Qin still hasn't got the antidote, King Qin Worry too!

"Isn't it convenient to talk about this?" Seeing that King Qin refused to talk about it, Princess Qin thought it was a matter of the court.

"Well, it's hard to say now, I'll tell you slowly in the future, now you just need to take care of yourself." He took a pillow for Qin Wangfei, and Qin Wang saw that Qin Wangfei was so thin now , is completely a person who has been ill for a long time, and it is inevitable to add a little sadness to my heart.

If, if Luo'er's antidote can't be found, what should I do?

No, he must not let this happen!

"If it's about the affairs of the court, don't worry too much. Your body is important. I see that your complexion is not good. Would you like to lie down and take a rest? Replenish your energy?" Seeing that King Qin didn't want to say more, Princess Qin wisely She didn't ask too much, she knew there were some things King Qin didn't want to say, and it was useless for her to ask.

"Well, that's fine, I'll lie down with you for a while, and I'm really tired." At this moment, he was full of fear of losing, and Qin Wang really wanted to hug Qin Wangfei, as if this way, he could be real. It feels like Qin Wangfei will not lose her.

"Okay, then I'll lie down with you for a while!" Princess Qin is a smart woman. In fact, these days, she has noticed that King Qin and the others are hiding something from her, but she also knows that the other party is doing her best by hiding it from her. , so she didn't ask too much, but just observed a lot by herself. From these observations, she also noticed some differences, and she couldn't help but feel a little startled.

"Well, let's all lie down for a while and have a good talk. We haven't had a good talk for a long time." He took off his clothes and lay next to Princess Qin. King Qin held Princess Qin in his arms, feeling the thinness in his arms. body, could not help but sigh.

"Okay, what are you talking about?"


"Then tell me, I'm listening."

"By the way, you haven't gone back to Nanzhao for a few years. Are you homesick?" Remembering that Princess Qin left her hometown and followed him here, many times Princess Qin was crying and homesick in secret. Now King Qin really feels that, He owes Princess Qin too much.

Back then, he put in so much effort to repent and marry the woman in front of him at the expense of disobeying the first emperor's imperial decree. At the beginning, he just wanted to stay with her forever and be happy for the rest of his life.But at some point, he forgot his original intention and his persistence.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think, is it because Shangguan Wuyou is too insidious?Or has time passed, and he has forgotten his previous vows and original intentions?

"Hai, why did you suddenly mention this?"

"No, it's just that I remembered that you haven't seen Brother Jihuang for many years. You probably want to see him too?"

"Well, sometimes I really think about it. Brother Huang and I have had a very good relationship since we were young. I haven't seen him for so many years. I really miss him, and I don't know if he is in good health. It's just that I'm married here now. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to go back a few times in my life, and I'll be satisfied with the occasional correspondence." Hearing the heavy and complicated tone in King Qin's tone, Princess Qin naturally wouldn't really say that she was homesick, Even if she wanted to, she could only think in her heart, marry a chicken as a chicken, and marry a dog as a dog, now that she has married to this Da Cang, she is a member of Da Cang, and this is her home.

"Since you think about it, how about I accompany you back when you recover? Let's go see the scenery of Nanzhao together?"

"Hehe, but my body is not sure when it will be better!" His eyes were a little sad, but Qin Wang looked at him firmly, "Luo'er, your body will definitely get better, and your body will be better now. Is it a lot? When you are well, I will go back with you, okay?"

"But what about your common affairs? How can you let go of your affairs in the army so easily? And where the emperor and the queen mother..." In fact, it's not that Princess Qin didn't want to go back these years, but the queen mother didn't like it at all. She died, and she didn't dare to mention the matter of going back, lest the Queen Mother always say that she was showing off.

"Don't worry about these things, anyway, when you recover, I'll take you wherever you want, okay?" Qin Wang felt that there was nothing better than truly being by Qin Wangfei's side after so many years of ignorance. , It is more important to give the other party happiness.So, after all this was over, he let go of his burden, fulfilled his previous promise, and took Qin Wangfei to see the mountains and rivers of the world, and really only envied the life of mandarin ducks and not immortals.

"Okay, Hai, whatever you say is fine." Hearing that King Qin's tone was not quite right, Princess Qin naturally agreed, and sighed inwardly. Princess Qin took back all the words that came to her lips. She didn't want to make King Qin feel more uncomfortable.

"Luo'er, what I promised you before, I will definitely do it, so you have to get better quickly, okay?" Over the years, because of those so-called heavy burdens, because of the responsibilities on his shoulders, he really failed to live up to the things in front of him. There are too many women, but fortunately she suddenly realized that in the days to come, he will fulfill his previous promise, and will not let the other party suffer the slightest grievance because of those so-called responsibilities and burdens.

"Okay, I'll be fine, Hai, don't worry!" Seeing King Qin like this, Princess Qin felt very uncomfortable.She knew that she was worrying everyone now.

"Then let's make a deal like this, you must get better!" King Qin was really afraid of losing.

"Well, I will, definitely!" She still has someone who loves her so much, she is so reluctant to let go, how can she be willing to leave just like that?

"Well, that's good, let's go to bed first, have a good rest, and take care of your body!"

"Well, sleep!" With her eyes closed, Princess Qin quickly fell asleep because of her weakness. When she fell asleep, King Qin, who had had his eyes closed, opened his eyes. She was determined, "Luo'er, this time I won't make you feel wronged again because of anyone or anything. I won't let her go, absolutely not!"

Already made up his mind, King Qin looked at Concubine Qin's face with nostalgia, just kept looking at her, as if he wanted to engrave her into his heart, his eyes were full of reluctance and guilt.

++++++++++++ I am the scene change line

After Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi left, the two returned to their own room. Su Lanzhi thought of the situation of King Qin just now, and was a little worried, "Yan, do you think Father King will be thinking wildly? Is it time to get into a dead end? "Is it difficult for anyone to face such deception?

To be honest, Su Lanzhi can understand King Qin's mood very well.

"Don't worry, my father is a strong person, and after seeing all this clearly, I can completely untie the knot in his heart and my mother's concubine. This will be good for him and my mother's concubine." If Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei I have always been so guilty towards Shangguan Wuyou, I don't know what will happen in the future, it is better to expose the other party's true face early, and the irreversible day can be avoided.

"Well, as long as the father and the concubine feel guilty about the side concubine for a day, then we will never be able to do anything, and it's good now. It's just the concubine mother, have we been hiding it?"

"Now the concubine mother is weak and can't bear the stimulation anymore, let's wait until the poison given to the concubine mother is cured!" Qin Zhiyan couldn't tolerate any accidents.

"Well, Yan, when it comes to the poison of the concubine mother, I have a guess, but I don't know if it's true." Su Lanzhi also thought about this question for a while, but she hasn't decided yet.

"You tell me."

"Everything grows and restrains each other. I'm thinking that the poison in the concubine's mother is made from a herb called Duanhuncao. This kind of grass grows in the seedlings, and it grows on the cliffs. It is extremely difficult to pick. I I was thinking, is there a possibility that its natural enemies grow near it? If so, wouldn’t there be hope for the antidote for the concubine mother?” Su Lanzhi vaguely remembered seeing it once This medical principle, all things generate and restrain each other, this is the rule and the principle of maintaining balance.Although this soul-severing grass is powerful, there must be its natural enemies, but Su Lanzhi doesn't know what it is.

"You're right, I'll let someone go to Miaojiang to see what's going on!" If it wasn't for the fact that the situation in the capital is unclear recently and he couldn't leave, Qin Zhiyan would have wanted to go there himself Come on, so at least he can rest assured.

"Okay, when the time comes, let them bring back all the things around the Severing Soul Grass, and I will study it carefully!" This possibility is very high, if you get those herbs, Su Lanzhi's dissociation medicine, then you will go one step further .

"Lan Lan, I have worked hard for you these days." These days, Su Lanzhi has to manage the chores of Prince Qin's residence, and also has to face Shangguan Wuyou's calculations. Most importantly, she has to take care of Princess Qin. It was very hard work.

"It's not hard. After all this is over, the weather will clear up, and we will all be able to live the days we want. Now the hard work is worth it!"

"Well, what you said is very true. Lan Lan, don't worry, this day is not far away." He will not let those people continue to be arrogant.

"Well, I know." Thinking of something, Su Lanzhi's expression suddenly changed, "By the way, Yan, there is one more thing, I think I'd better tell you."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Su Lanzhi's serious face, Qin Zhiyan knew that this matter might not be a trivial matter.

"These days, Qin Xuan seems to be very strange, I suspect..."

------off topic-----

Hehe, it is said that today is Christmas, I wish everyone happy laying eggs, (*^__^*) hehe...

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