The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 385 Conflict between mother and son

Qin Zhiyan sent people to look for the Soul-Severing Grass the next day, and they rushed there overnight. This time, Qin Zhiyan sent a lot of dark guards out, and he was also worried that something might happen, and he would not be able to greet him at that time. .

When Li Ruolan woke up the next day, she still knew that the child in her stomach was gone, and she immediately made a fuss. When Su Lanzhi heard about it, she hurried over there, and as soon as she went there, she saw the noise inside , Su Lanzhi immediately felt a headache.

"Whoever harmed me like this, whoever harmed the child in my womb, I want his life!" Although Li Ruolan didn't have much strength now, she still smashed many things in the house.Although they are all small items, what's wrong with the things in Prince Qin's Mansion?

"Nonsense, what are you doing?" King Qin came as quickly as possible when he heard about this matter. He saw Li Ruolan frowning here as soon as he arrived. Totally dissatisfied.

"Father, you have to decide for me, my child, my poor child, there is a lot of blood..." This is the first time Li Ruolan has encountered such a thing, and Li Ruolan was really terrified. Qin Xu's appearance really scared her.Now although she knew that Qin Xu had been drugged, she still felt a little scary looking at Qin Xu.

Is that person a bird (forbidden word) beast?How could you kill your own child?

"You are wronged about this matter. This king knows that this king will make the decision for you. Now this matter has been investigated clearly. Someone deliberately framed it. The person who poisoned me has been found, but she has committed suicide. But don’t worry, this king will not let the person who hurt you behind the scenes, I will give you an explanation for this matter, but I still need time to investigate!” King Qin’s perfunctory words sounded like Shangguan Wuyou’s In the ears, there was a surprise.

She never thought that King Qin would not mention anything.

What does it mean?Is it what the lord meant?

"Father, who is it that wants to drug your husband?" No matter how hard she thought, Li Ruolan couldn't figure out who it was. Based on her understanding of Qin Xu, Qin Xu was very good at life on a daily basis, and he didn't know how to talk to anyone. Even more will not provoke the enemy.

So what's going on now?

"It's not clear now, this matter has to be investigated slowly. You are weak now, so you should take a rest and stop making trouble." Qin Wang actually doesn't like Li Ruolan's way of losing his temper at every turn. This is Qin Wang's mansion, isn't it? Li Manor, King Qin is very unaccustomed to such a savage woman.

"Father, you must not let that person go!" Li Ruolan really hated him at the moment. If she had known this, she shouldn't have approached Qin Xu in the first place. It would have been nice if a maid had passed by at that time!

I just feel sorry for her child...

At this moment, Li Ruolan only knew that her child was gone, and she didn't know what was more serious. After she knew it, she didn't know how to make a fuss!

"Don't worry, it's okay, Xu'er, please comfort the eldest daughter-in-law first, now that she is weak, don't let any more accidents happen."

"Yes, father!" Qin Xu actually felt a headache seeing Li Ruolan like this, but he was indeed at fault for this matter, and he felt a little guilty towards Li Ruolan in his heart.Hearing what King Qin said, he wanted to help Li Ruolan, but Li Ruolan suddenly avoided it. Qin Xu looked at the scared look on Li Ruolan's face, and the little bit of guilt in his heart disappeared, "You are What to do?"

"I, I'll go rest by myself." Although she knew that Qin Xu was drugged, Li Ruolan still blamed Qin Xu in her heart.Especially thinking of my pain that day, thinking of Qin Xu no matter how much I begged, Qin Xu didn't seem to hear him, and tortured her so hard until the child in her belly was tortured. In Li Ruolan's heart, How could there be no grudges at all?

"Okay, you help Madam to rest!" Knowing that Li Ruolan is a little afraid of him now, Qin Xu didn't come any closer, but asked Li Ruolan's personal maid to serve Li Ruolan, so Li Ruolan lay down weakly.

"Daughter-in-law, you have a good rest. If you have anything to say, just say it, but don't make trouble like this in the future, it's not good for you." King Qin really felt that Li Ruolan was ignorant now. What are you doing?

"Yes, father, my daughter-in-law knows."

"Well, if you have something to do, you can ask someone to inform your mother or Lan'er. Let the kitchen cook for you whatever you want to eat. Your health is critical now." After all, it is their Qin Palace who owes each other, and the King of Qin also knows that Li Ruolan's matter will come when the time comes It would be troublesome to give the Li family an explanation.

"Yes, Father."

"Well, then you can rest, and we won't bother you anymore." King Qin went out after finishing speaking, motioned for Shangguan Wuyou to go out as well, found a place, and began to say, "If the Li family finds out about this matter, I'm afraid It is also something to be investigated. Now it is better for us to take the initiative to tell the other party, so as not to be told by them." Now that the good girl has married in, she has become like this, and King Qin is also a parent, so he knows this feeling very well.

"My lord, now that Ruo'er is weak, I think it's better to let her take care of her first, and don't tell the people in the Li Mansion for the time being? I think, after Ruo'er recovers, we will send someone to notify her." Wouldn't it be better for them?" Shangguan Wuyou didn't expect King Qin to let this matter go so lightly, and didn't even mention it in front of Li Ruolan, at this moment Shangguan Wuyou was angry in his heart.

My lord, is your heart really so biased?Qin Zhiyan is your son, isn't my Xu'er your son?Why do you favor Qin Zhiyan so much?Just because he was that woman's son?How can you be so cruel?

"It's our fault. It's better to say it earlier, so that they don't know about it from other people's mouths, which will affect the relationship between the two families. And the eldest daughter-in-law's current situation is also very unstable. I think it's better It’s good to let her natal family come over, we naturally have to express our views on some things, so as not to worry them.” Since Li Ruolan has no possibility of giving birth in this life, then regarding the issue of Qin Xu’s heir, King Qin and the others have no choice but to Don't think about it.This must be a concern of the Li family, so Qin Wang felt that he had to tell the other party, so that they could reach a consensus and avoid future troubles.

"But my lord, if Ruo'er is weak now, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear the blow. We're just like this. If she finds out, wouldn't it be..." Shangguan Wuyou only felt that King Qin was forcing her. He had a ghost in his heart, so he naturally didn't want the people in Li's mansion to know.Because she doesn't want to be discovered by anyone, she will really be in trouble when the time comes.

"Don't worry, we have to keep this matter from her for the time being. We have to wait for her body to recover and her mood to calm down. Then we will let her know slowly. It's just that we have to send a letter to Li's mansion." Yes, otherwise it won’t make sense.” King Qin insisted on this point, but in fact, he also had the intention of suppressing Shangguan Wuyou in his heart.This time, Shangguan Wuyou did what he had done, and King Qin was very angry. Although he can't move the other party now, King Qin still has to find something for the other party to do, so that Shangguan Wuyou will not always have to plot against Qin Zhiyan and him. Su Lanzhi is gone.

"Then, my lord, what if the Li Mansion wants to investigate? How can we give a regulation?" It was King Qin's refutation of her opinion so firmly, and Shangguan Wuyou suddenly felt something bad in his heart.Now I dare not say no more.

"This matter is also our fault. We must give an explanation. Now that the princess is not healthy, Lan'er is not suitable to talk about this matter. You should explain this matter to them! You are the mother-in-law of the eldest daughter-in-law. You also have to come up with a charter, after all, Xu'er is your own flesh and blood, you have to think about it for them." Naturally, King Qin would not let Princess Qin pick up this hot potato, let alone Su Lanzhi. Now that he is the one who suffers, it is good to let Shangguan Wuyou suffer a little, lest this person always be so arrogant.

"But lord, it's inappropriate for a concubine to come forward in this matter? After all, a concubine is just a side concubine..." I didn't expect King Qin to let himself handle this matter. Shangguan Wuyou was so surprised, how could he not be surprised?

"Although you are only a side concubine, your housekeeper has been very smooth these years. I believe you will handle this matter well, and you will not let me down?" What he said was also to appease Shangguan Wuyou and dispel Shangguan Wuyou's suspicion.

"Does the lord really think so?" Hearing what King Qin said, Shangguan Wuyou immediately felt that his hard work these years was not in vain.

Did the prince really see her?

"I have always believed in you. Now the princess is sick, and Lan'er is a junior, so she is not suitable for dealing with this matter. You should bother me about this matter." King Qin said this while holding back his disgust, in order not to trouble Qin The princess is gone, of course she also wants Shangguan Wuyou to clean up the mess by himself.And saying that, completely interrupted Shangguan Wuyou's idea of ​​making a fuss about it.

"My lord trusts me so much, so I will naturally handle this matter well." Shangguan Wuyou is a person who knows how to seize opportunities. King Qin has said so, so she is naturally obliged.

Although this matter was tricky, she didn't want to take care of it.But King Qin had already spoken, and it would be bad for her to refuse any more.And if the people in Li's mansion really started making trouble, it would be bad for Prince Qin's mansion, Shangguan Wuyou knew this very well.Now that King Qin trusts her so much and entrusts her to do all this, Shangguan Wuyou naturally has to work hard to do it.Moreover, she had to do it beautifully and not leave anyone talking, so that she would naturally be more stable and stable in the heart of King Qin.

"Well, then I will give you full responsibility for this matter. I hope you can handle it well. Don't let each other's hearts leave a knot, let alone destroy the peace between the two families." Seeing that Shangguan Wuyou agreed, King Qin Also satisfied.

"My lord, don't worry, the concubine's life is spared. This matter must be handled properly." After all, Li's mansion is also his daughter-in-law's natal family, which is also very important to Qin Xu's future.Based on this point, Shangguan Wuyou will not offend easily now.

She has already figured out how to solve it, and Shangguan Wuyou has also found a scapegoat. Anyway, she has already dealt with this matter, so she doesn't have to worry at all.

"Well, I don't worry if you do something, then this matter will be decided like this."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Okay, I still have something to do, you can take care of it here, and you should take care of the eldest daughter-in-law these days."

"My lord, don't worry, she is my concubine's daughter-in-law, and I will take good care of her."

"Then I'll go first."

"Go slowly, my lord, send me off as a concubine!" Shangguan Wuyou was in a good mood as he sent off King Qin with a smile, but when he returned to the yard and saw Qin Xu's gloomy face looking at him, Shangguan Wuyou The good mood suddenly disappeared.

"You've dealt with this matter, don't hurt me anymore." Qin Xu now feels that Shangguan Wuyou is getting more and more confused. These days, things are becoming more and more unreliable, and now he even killed him. After losing his son, Qin Xu's heart is full of resentment towards Shangguan Wuyou now.

"Okay, let's go back to the house and talk about this matter!" Shangguan Wuyou gave Qin Xu a careful look, motioned Qin Xu to go back to the house, and dismissed all the servants.Make sure no one is there, and look into Qin Xu's eyes, so as not to be a little anxious, "Xu'er, what are you doing? I didn't think of this, but you still blame me?"

"Can I not blame you? Do you know how long I've been looking forward to this child? Now the emperor thinks highly of me, and even my father thinks highly of me. I'm only one child away, and I can compare Qin Zhiyan to the next level. But look at what you have done? Didn’t you harm me for no reason by doing so much? " These days, Qin Xu found that the King of Qin cared more about him than usual. He is also very caring for him, and often hints that he can give him more as long as he works hard.Qin Xu enjoyed King Qin's love for him very much, and also enjoyed proving to King Qin through his own efforts that he was better than Qin Zhiyan, more capable than Qin Zhiyan, and more qualified to inherit the throne than Qin Zhiyan.Now he sees that success is getting closer and closer to him, but now he is being held back by Shangguan Wuyou...

Thinking of the indifference that King Qin had treated him these past two days, and the way King Qin looked at him now, Qin Xu felt uncomfortable!

All of this was good in the first place, how could the person in front of him be so stupid and ruined it?Father Wang must now think that he is a person who has no city and is not cautious at all. Do you think he is useless then?

To be honest, Qin Xu has been suppressed by Qin Zhiyan all these years, in fact, his heart is more eager than Shangguan Wuyou to prove that he is better than Qin Zhiyan and better than Qin Zhiyan.As the eldest son of a concubine, he has always wanted to get what should belong to him!But what he wants to do more is to prove himself!

These days, he has gained respect, rights, and reuse in the military camp. He originally thought that he could go one step further from what he wanted, but Shangguan Wuyou ruined his efforts!How can he not be angry?

Shangguan Wuyou really never thought that after all her painstaking efforts for Qin Xu, what she got was Qin Xu's incomprehension and incomprehension. She also looked at Qin Xu with disappointment in her eyes, "So you are still blaming me. Is it? I am doing this for you too, if it is not for you, why should I?"

"For me, for me? I think you are for yourself? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be looked down upon by my father now!"

"What do you mean?" Looking at his son's gloomy face, Shangguan Wuyou suddenly realized that he actually didn't understand his son.

"What do you mean? Mother, what do you mean by me? You say you are doing this for me? But why are you not being cautious and not telling me when you want to do something? Look at what you are doing now, you Is this for me? No, you are harming me!" Qin Xu sometimes dislikes Shangguan Wuyou being so arbitrary, especially when it comes to marrying Li Ruolan, Qin Xu really doesn't like Li Ruolan , Facts have proved that Li Ruolan is indeed not a good person.But Shangguan Wuyou decided to let him marry, and didn't give him a chance to refuse.Coupled with what he has seen and heard these days, Qin Xu sometimes really thinks, is Shangguan Wuyou really for him?But why did everything he did drag him down instead?

"Did I harm you? I have done so much all these years, isn't it all for your future? Don't tell me you are willing to be this bastard, who has no power or influence, and has been oppressed by Qin Zhiyan all your life. Have you been looked down upon by others all your life and can't hold your head up?"

"Of course I don't want to, but isn't it because of you that I became what I am now? If you hadn't been so persistent back then, would I have been just a bastard?" Qin Xu sometimes really hated Shangguan Wuyou, he could have been an upright and noble son of aristocrat, he didn't need to look at people's faces, let alone live so cautiously.But his mother is willing to let go of her noble status to be a child for others, what can he do?

If possible, he really doesn't want to be Shangguan Wuyou's son at all!

"What do you mean? Xu'er, tell me, why do you think so?" Shangguan Wuyou didn't expect that her son who had always been loved by her as her heart would actually think this way. The pain on his face at this moment , has blurred her vision.

"Can I not think like this? If you didn't insist on this, would I be like this now? What do you think? Isn't it?" Qin Xu was also mad with anger, and he didn't think about what he said at the moment.Ever since he became sensible, he has hated it in his heart, and his personality has become more and more distorted. Now it is also this opportunity that made him all explode.

Why, why couldn't he have it all?Obviously he can do it, why, why does he have such a mother?

Qin Xu didn't know when he had this kind of thought, but this kind of thought seems to be more and more obvious recently, and he casually said it today, although Qin Xu couldn't bear to see Shangguan Wuyou's painful expression, But for the sake of his future, Qin Xu decided to make up his mind, "I hope you will take care of my affairs in the future, and if you want to take care of it, you must inform me. I don't want such a thing to happen again."

"You, how can you talk to me like this?" Shangguan Wuyou has always thought that Qin Xu is a forbearing child, and she has always let Qin Xu hide his true emotions these years, and never let Qin Xu in No matter what outstanding things the mansion does, even her son is actually very smart.

She always thought that Qin Xu was sensible and knew about it, but since when did the gap between her son and her seem to be increasing?

When did it start?

Shangguan Wuyou found out that she still couldn't remember.

"Mother, let's just talk about it like this. I will take away my own affairs. You can enjoy your life at home in the future. You don't need to take care of these things." Qin Xu said this coldly. The words left, leaving Shangguan Wuyou standing there blankly, as if he had lost his soul, he really couldn't figure out why the son who wanted to listen to her, the son who obeyed her words, suddenly changed Woolen cloth?

Who is talking about their mother-child relationship?

"Mommy, come in for me, Mommy!"

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Seeing Qin Xu leaving in such an annoyed manner, Wang Momo was also anxious in her heart, and hurried in, fearing that something might happen to Shangguan Wuyou.

"Mommy, go and call me the attendant next to Xu'er, I want to ask some questions!"

"Ma'am, the eldest young master has gone out, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back right now."

"Then bring someone from the young master's house over here, and I'll ask!" Who is secretly instigating their mother-child relationship?Why did Xu'er become like this?

"Young lady, don't worry, the young master may be angry that the lady concealed it this time. The young master is in a bad mood, so please don't be angry. How about we discuss this matter in the long run?"

"But you don't even know that Xu'er contradicted me this time. Someone must be doing something secretly!" Otherwise, Xu'er, who has always been forbearing, how could this happen?

"This old slave knows it, but now the eldest young lady still needs the empress here, and the elder young master is also angry now, the empress is afraid that the conflict will be aggravated, the empress should let the eldest young master calm down first, okay? "Mommy Wang can only persuade now. In fact, she knows Qin Xu's temper more or less. She has been taught to be patient by Shangguan Wuyou all these years, but Qin Xu is at a young age. Can you hold back?

"Mother, how could Xu'er do it? I did all this for him!" Shangguan Wuyou was really wronged at this moment, being told by her own son, how could her heart not ache?

"The old slave understands, and I believe the young master understands too, but now that something like this has happened, the young master is also in a hurry, that's why he said those heart-wrenching words, you don't blame me, my lady! Maybe the young master will soon I figured it out, and I’ll come back and apologize when the time comes.”

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