"Mother Concubine, you should get out of the way!" Looking at the old Princess Qing's unyielding appearance, a little bit of helplessness flashed across Su Qinglan's eyes, but what happened today really chilled his heart, and he really couldn't help it anymore. Stay here for a second!

"Qinglan, even though this is due to concubine mother's lack of consideration, concubine mother is also thinking of you, so you don't understand concubine mother like this?" Looking at Su Qinglan, the eyes are full of disappointment and pain. After so many years, this Su Qinglan has always They are all filial children, and this is the first time they have rebelled against her so much!

No matter what, Old Princess Qing can't accept it!

This is her son, the son she had laboriously conceived in October, how could he treat her like this because of this idea?

"Mother Concubine, are you really thinking about your son? What you want, your son has already satisfied you, can't you let him go?" Why do you want to treat him like this over and over again?

He is a human being, not an animal without emotion, he also has feelings and heartaches!

"If you really listened to my concubine mother, why did my concubine do this?" If Su Qinglan was really willing to do what she wanted, and break up with Murong Yan from now on, so as to open up branches and leaves for their Su family, why would she do it? As for that?

"Mother and concubine, isn't it difficult for you to force others?" He also has feelings and intentions. How can he be like that wooden man, accepting all the love and affection as he says?

What's more, Yan'er was originally the wife he was marrying, so how could he completely give up on her?

"Then you're just forcing the mother and concubine?" If Su Qinglan still couldn't forget Murong Yan, if the prime minister's mansion is as prosperous as their Prince Qing's mansion, then why does she need so much heart?

She is also a mother, and she also wants her children to be happy in the future!

"Mother Concubine, maybe we really have too many differences in thinking, the son should not disturb Mother Concubine, so as not to bother Mother Concubine's purity!" In fact, no, maybe it's better, at least, they won't be in such a tense situation !

Seeing Su Qinglan leave so mercilessly, old Princess Qing's heart suddenly became impatient, "You stop for my concubine!"

"Mother, take care!"

"If you step out of Prince Qing's mansion, you will not be my concubine's son from now on!" I was also anxious and wanted to keep Su Qinglan. The old concubine Qing was usually proud, and few people dared to resist her. Seeing Su Qinglan turn around and leave so mercilessly, Old Princess Qing was full of panic and fear, and she spoke naturally, without going through her brain. She would regret it when she said such words, but as an elder, how could she admit to herself? fault?

Feeling a little flustered, but also a little stubborn, Princess Lao Qing saw that Su Qinglan finally stopped, and she was relieved.Sooyoung

Sure enough, this child still cares about her mother.

I just breathed a sigh of relief, but when I heard Su Qinglan's voice, the old Princess Qing almost fell down, "Mother, concubine, am I really your biological son?" If he is the other party's biological son, as a mother, how can he How can he be so cruel and even speak out so many right words when he has done so many wrong things?

"Qing Lan, what do you mean by this? Don't you really not recognize this concubine as your own mother?"

"Are you really my mother? But why, I can't feel it?" The eyes were full of pain, and the old Princess Qing's heart was suddenly grabbed by someone, and she wanted to say something What, but the old man still couldn't save himself. In the end, he just moved his mouth and didn't say anything.

"Is this concubine your own mother? Don't you still know?" What she said, she obviously didn't mean to say that, but she still said it. Old Princess Qing was so angry that she was stubborn, but when she In front of so many people, how could she put down her body and explain?

"Really? I'm really confused this time, Yaner, Laner, let's go!"

"Murongyan, is it you, is it you, a bitch, who pushed my concubine's son to disobey me like this?" Old Princess Qing saw Su Qinglan leaving again, and hurriedly chased after her, looking at Murongyan's face. The look of being moistened made me feel unspeakably angry.

Qing Lan would be like this today, it must be the ghost of this woman, otherwise how could Qing Lan, such a filial child, hurt her heart so much today?

"Okay, concubine mother, you are the old concubine Qing, please pay attention to your own identity!" Pulling Murong Yan behind her to protect her, Su Qinglan looked at the look of old concubine Qing who didn't know what was wrong, and there was really something in her eyes. Extremely disappointed, unable to face the old concubine Qing any longer, she dragged Murong Yan away quickly!

"Okay, you go, don't come back when you leave, I don't have an unfilial son like you!" She wanted to keep her, but the old Princess Qing was used to others' obedience over the years, and she couldn't say soft words after all.

"Mother Concubine, take care!" Really chilled, Su Qinglan left without mercy.

"Uncle, if it's getting late today, you should stay here first, the younger siblings and Lan'er may not be able to handle it!" Seeing Su Qinglan's anger, Sun Xueru looked at the old Princess Qing who was shaking with anger , I felt relieved.

It's just that she can't just say nothing on the surface, otherwise everyone will say that she doesn't understand the general situation, and it will be bad.

"Sister-in-law, take care!" The determination has already been made. Although Su Qinglan usually looks easy to talk to, once a decision is made, it is very difficult to change it.

"Uncle!" There was some anxiety on her face, which showed that Sun Xueru still had to do kung fu.

"Farewell!" Ignoring Sun Xueru's persuasion, Sun Xueru just knew what she meant, and looked at the old princess Qing, as if I had tried my best, "Mother, do you want to persuade me again, be soft or something, You also know that I’m afraid my uncle is really angry today!” Knowing that the old concubine has a stubborn personality and is very concerned about face, she will never give in, but Sun Xueru said that on purpose, this is not to anger Lao Qing deliberately. Princess, do you want to stir up the anger of the old princess?

Sure enough, upon hearing Sun Xueru's words, Old Princess Qing originally wanted to put down her posture and talk properly, but when she heard the other party's words, she quickly dismissed the idea, "Hmph, I don't want such a son!" The words were That said, watching Su Qinglan go farther and farther, Old Princess Qing felt indescribably anxious and frightened. In the end, her breath became tight and she couldn't catch her breath. She just rolled her eyes and passed out. .

"Mother Concubine, what's the matter with you? Wake up quickly? Uncle, don't leave, Mother Concubine has fainted from your anger, come back quickly! Come on, call the doctor!" Looking at the old man Concubine Qing is like this, Sun Xueru feels relieved, and really wants to ignore her, but there are so many people, as a daughter-in-law, she can't be so unfilial, "Hurry up and tell the second master that the mother concubine Passed out by his anger, tell him to come back quickly, and you, go and inform the prince!"

What should be done, Sun Xueru won't be tainted by others, Su Qinglan left in the middle of the night, the news is not good, she naturally wants to stop it, and also notify Su Qingxiu, otherwise Su Qingxiu will blame everything on her On the head, isn't she wronged?

At this moment, looking at Bai Xin and Su Zhenxian who had already been beaten lifelessly, Sun Xueru's eyes were full of complacency.

Hmph, I'll let you guys see what will happen if you anger this concubine!


Su Qinglan in the distance heard Sun Xueru's exclamation, and immediately stopped in her tracks. Seeing Su Lanzhi, she knew that her father couldn't bear it after all, "Daddy, should we go back? Grandma is already sick today, and this will If my son is really anxious, the situation must be extremely urgent!"

Deliberately mentioning the old Princess Qing's illness today, Su Lanzhi just wanted Su Qinglan to see the truth of the matter clearly, so that Su Qinglan thought it was another bitter trick of the old Princess Qing.

Sure enough, Su Qinglan, who couldn't bear it at first, heard Su Lanzhi's words, her face flashed with deep disappointment and pain, she tightened the hands of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, sighed, but her tone became more determined, "Let's go!" After finishing speaking, he left without thinking about it.

The concubine mother was full of anger when she spoke just now, and her complexion was completely the same. She looked healthy, how could she look sick?

It has long been known that the old Prince Qing's mansion deliberately used tricks to trap Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, so as to facilitate her strategy. Su Qinglan was deceived by her mother like that, how could she feel better?

Maybe it's the concubine mother who is pretending to be sick at this moment, so as to keep him. This time, he will definitely not be fooled so easily!

Thinking of this possibility, Su Qinglan really couldn't tell what it was like. The feeling of being cheated by his biological mother really made his heart ache!

That's his biological mother, not someone else, why do you treat him like this?

As he was walking, the servant chased after him. Seeing Su Qinglan, he hurried over and knelt down, "Second Master, the old concubine has passed out, you should go back and have a look!"

What happened today scared everyone to death. This is really the first time I saw such a scene. Everyone was worried, fearing that if they were not careful, they would die imminently.

"Mother Concubine is ill, just ask the government doctor to treat her. The truth is not a doctor, and you can't make Mother Concubine sober. You go back!" What you said is reasonable, but that person was ordered to dissuade Su Qinglan, how could he just leave like that? up?

"But second master, the old concubine is thinking about you, you'd better not leave, go back and see the old concubine!" If this person refuses to go back, what will he do!

"The truth is not a panacea, if you can't achieve this effect, you just give way!" Now that you have decided to leave, you must not hesitate any longer.

"But..." It can't be like this, you go back, at least the slave is easy to deal with!

"If you like to kneel, then kneel!" Su Qinglan didn't want to pay any attention to this person, so she just skipped the other person and left, leaving the person kneeling there, chasing or not chasing.

The look in the eyes of the second master this time is so terrifying, it is the first time he has seen the second master like this, and he dare not try to persuade him anymore.


The pace became faster and faster, just not wanting to let herself have any doubts and soft-heartedness, Su Qinglan just kept walking with a cold face, not saying anything on the way.

And Murong Yan, who had been silent all this time, looked at the relieved expression on Su Lanzhi's face, and a trace of complexity flashed deep in her eyes.

Laner, she...

I just felt a little complicated in my heart, Murong Yan looked at the cold light on Su Qinglan's face, it was the first time Murong Yan saw Su Qinglan who was so furious.

Everything happened too suddenly today. She just wanted to see if Su Qinglan was okay, but she was hugged by the other party as soon as she entered, and then the other party called her so anxiously, hugged her, and said loudly. Calling, such a heartbreaking and desperate voice, she was never able to push the other party away, and in the end she could only let the other party pull her tenderly several times.

She was exhausted and fell asleep, but unexpectedly, she was suddenly woken up by the other party. Seeing the gentleness and complexity on the other party's face, and the gloomy complexion, she still didn't know what happened. Something happened, and the other party called him up and told him to pack up and leave.

She was puzzled, but she could only follow suit. Later, seeing the angry look of Old Princess Qing and Su Qinglan's decisive look, although Murong Yan was puzzled, she also knew that something big must have happened, otherwise It is impossible for Su Qinglan to treat her always respectful mother like this.

He has always been a modest son, polite, filial and good-tempered, and today, he is afraid that he is really angry and chilled?

Although Murong Yan resented the old concubine Qing in her heart, looking at the current situation, she really felt a little indescribable.

What exactly happened here?How did it become what it is today?And Lan'er, what role does she play in this?

Murong Yan is not an idiot, on the contrary, she has a pure heart. Although she doesn't know everything today, she can guess that Old Princess Qing must have used some means to hurt Su Qinglan's heart. The matter of punishment, all kinds of things are entangled, I am afraid it is not that simple?


Su Qinglan had ordered her servants to prepare the carriage early, but when she came to the door, she didn't see the carriage for a long time. Su Qinglan became angry immediately, "What's the matter with this old horse? Didn't someone tell him to wait here Is it at the door? Why haven't you come yet?"

At this moment, Su Qinglan was so anxious that she just wanted to leave early, why would she want to stay here for a second?

"Daddy, don't worry, maybe he's still cleaning up, we'll wait!" It was freezing cold, Su Lanzhi felt feverish all over after they walked for a while, looking at Su Qinglan Being so angry, Su Lanzhi felt a little bit guilty.

Just for the future, she had to do it.

Old Princess Qing doesn't like her and her mother, so there will be many actions in the end. Instead of letting Su Qinglan be caught between them all the time, it's better to let Su Qinglan feel cold towards Old Princess Qing, so at least, father won't be so embarrassing again in the future up.

"But it's late today. If he delays coming, it will probably be too late when he returns to the Prime Minister's Mansion!" She also knew that it would be unwise for her to leave today, but Su Qinglan really couldn't stay any longer.

So many things happened in just one night, if this continues, who knows what else will happen?

Rather than staying here in fear, it is better to go back to Xiangfu, at least it is his territory, so there is no need to worry about that much!

"Daddy, just wait!"

"Yeah, master, you were so anxious just now, I'm afraid the old horse has fallen asleep at that moment, we'd better stay calm, just wait!" Having not been close to Su Qinglan for many years, Murong Yan is really at this moment I'm a little tired, but I still have to walk so much, I'm really a little tired.

"Well, let's wait!" Seeing Murong Yan's tired face, Su Qinglan felt a little guilty, "Yan'er, can you still hold it? Can you take it?" He was hit just now It is inevitable that there is a lot of demand for medicine. The two have not been tender for a long time. Su Qinglan felt the tightness just now, and she also knew that Murong Yan was not used to it.

What's more, he was out of his mind just now, and he couldn't help being a little crazy. His Yan'er was not in good health, so he was really worried.

"My lord, I'm fine!" Qingxin has been widowed for many years, and suddenly she received the dew. At this moment, Murongyan's cheeks were flushed pink, her eyes became much clearer than usual, and she didn't know what to do. How to face Su Qinglan, I always feel extremely awkward, especially thinking about Su Qinglan's wolf-like tiger just now, Murong Yan only feels that her face is burning and her heartbeat is a little faster.

"Yan'er, you..." I wanted to ask if the other party was blaming him, but seeing Su Lanzhi at the side, Su Qinglan didn't want her young daughter to hear these private conversations in the boudoir, so she stopped, just quietly Looking at Murong Yan's pink and tender face, she felt that the desire that had been calmed down with great difficulty was once again on the rise.

These years, he has never paid attention to these affairs. He is busy with official duties every day, and he only occasionally treats the concubines in the mansion tenderly, and every time he feels lifeless and hastily.

He thought that there was something wrong with his body, or he was old, and he didn't have the heart, let alone the impulse and strength, but now it seems that he doesn't have the heart. Haven't met the person you want, so you've been lacking in interest?

For a while, they didn't know what to say, they were just silent, waiting for the coachman to arrive, but in the end, it was King Qing Su Qingxiu who waited instead of the old horse.

"Brother, why are you here?" Looking at Su Qingxiu's brother, who was a direct relative, Su Qinglan's heart became even colder.

They are obviously the closest people in this world, but why should they treat him like this?

These years, for the sake of their Su family, he has been working hard to be his prime minister and support his family, but why, why is he like this?

"Second brother, why are you so confused? Where are you going in the middle of the night?" Just now, Su Qingxiu received the message sent by someone from Sun Xueru. He left the gentle township and ran here quickly.

Although they don't want to admit it, Su Qinglan's credit for the glory they have now in Prince Qing's Mansion is not small. Even though she is very jealous of Su Qinglan in her heart, Su Qingxiu can't cut off this family relationship, otherwise Su Qinglan will really be with her at that time. They have drawn a clear line in Prince Qing's Mansion, so what should they do?

"Brother, I really want to go back!" Facing Su Qingxiu, perhaps she was too disappointed, Su Qinglan's tone was indifferent, and she completely lost the harmony of the past.

"Second brother, what are you doing? Mother and concubine are sick now, and you still leave in the middle of the night like this. If others find out, what do you think of our Qing Palace? Do you want others to say that you are unfilial? Concubine mother fainted and left in the middle of the night?" Duan Duan couldn't let Su Qinglan just leave like that, Su Qingxiu knew that after Su Qinglan left, the relationship between the two families would really weaken in the future.

Today, his foundation in the court is unstable, and Su Qinglan needs to be promoted for many things. At this time, there must be no gap between them!

"Brother is serious. Is mother concubine really sick? You and I know very well. Brother should not persuade the truth. The truth must leave today!" Yes, he must leave, so no matter who is in the way, he must leave!

"Second brother, what do you mean?" Su Qingxiu immediately stopped Su Qinglan. Su Qingxiu knew that Su Qinglan suspected that the old Princess Qing was pretending to be sick. To be honest, he also suspected it, but he couldn't let Su Qinglan leave because of suspicion.

But this mother concubine is real, why does she keep using this trick?The second younger brother doesn't believe it now, so what to do.

"Brother, I really don't want to argue with you about today's matter. If you really want to stop me like this, we brothers will have nothing to do in the future!" Su Qinglan really doesn't understand people who are close blood relatives, why are these two people joining forces to plot against him?

"Second Brother, what do you mean by that?" While questioning, Su Qingxiu's face showed a trace of uneasiness, thinking about how hot she was for Hua'er just now, and also realized that something was wrong with her body.

Could it be that the second brother had already discovered that he had drugged himself?

How can that be done?

"What do you mean by the truth, I believe the eldest brother knows it in his heart!" Looking at the embarrassment across the other party's face, Su Qinglan really felt sad.

Is this the so-called relative?

He wholeheartedly wanted to support Prince Qing's Mansion, to make life easier for his mother and concubine, and to avoid the regrets his father had before he died, but how did these relatives treat him?

He has never been selfish, he only wants everyone's well-being, but why, one or two, insist on imposing their ideas on him?

Is it because he has a good temper and is easy to talk, can these people bully him like this?

"Second brother, big brother doesn't know what you're talking about!" Looking at Su Qinglan's eyes, Su Qingxiu felt like she had nowhere to hide, she cast her gaze away, not wanting to be scrutinized by the other party, but she tried her best to keep calm on her face up.

What happened to the second brother today?Why did he suddenly seem to have changed his temper, and he didn't know him anymore?

"It's good that brother is clear in his heart. Since this is the case, I still hope that brother will stop blocking the truth, otherwise this brother really can't do it!" Seeing that Su Qingxiu didn't show any remorse or guilt, Su Qinglan was also chilled But I don't want to waste my time and talk, I just want to leave quickly.

Damn it, why hasn't this old horse come yet?

"Second brother, are you really that heartless? This king is your real brother!" Startled by Su Qinglan's threat, Su Qingxiu wasn't sure if she should continue to stop her, or she would anger Su Qinglan, he really I don't know what to do.

"Brother, please step aside!"

"Don't you really care about mother and concubine's life or death? You are not afraid that the censor will take part in you, and your official position will not be guaranteed?" Su Qingxiu could only threaten if she couldn't stop it.

Even if Su Qinglan received the emperor's favor again, if the accusation of unfilial piety spread, the position of prime minister might not be able to be kept?

"If this is what the eldest brother wants, just ask Yushi to participate in the truth. Now, the truth just wants to leave!"

"You really don't care?" Seeing Su Qinglan's fearless appearance, Su Qingxiu was really frightened by Su Qinglan's aura. She wanted to threaten the other party, but found that the other party was not afraid at all, but she was so scared to death. I feel extremely aggrieved and helpless.

Now that Su Qinglan is down, who will they call to support the Prince Qing's Mansion in the future?

Hey, now that his power has not been consolidated, how can he see the opponent fall?

"Brother wants to let the censor participate in the truth, that is your freedom, brother, the truth can't interfere!" In fact, today's events are also planned, Su Qingxiu will not only keep people from knowing, but will also help him Keeping it secret, so Su Qinglan didn't worry at all.

Even if it is known by others, he has already thought of a countermeasure, and he will not lose the big because of small things.


"Brother, farewell!"

"Second brother, your coachman, the king, has already been detained. If you want to leave, then go out by yourself!" It was really urgent, and Su Qingxiu could only force the other party to stay like this. She thought Su Qinglan would do it because of this. Compromise, but unexpectedly, Su Qinglan just glanced at him lightly, the sharpness in her eyes almost made Su Qingxiu feel afraid to look directly at him!

"Brother, what do you mean?" In the icy and snowy weather, it was already very cold outside, but now Su Qinglan's tone was colder than that of the three feet of ice, and everyone present could only feel trembling when they heard it. Almost wanted to run away.

Su asked that Su Xiangsu was famous for being gentle and refined, with a very good temper. Why does she look a little stricter than the old concubine today, which makes people really fear from the bottom of their hearts?

"This king is doing this for your own good. My concubine is seriously ill. As a son, in order to avoid being criticized, you'd better stay here!" After taking a few steps back, Su Qingxiu was also frightened by Su Qinglan's arrogance. Seeing Su Qinglan like this for the first time, to be honest, Su Qingxiu was still a little scared in her heart.

It's just that if Su Qinglan is left like this, it will be really difficult to get closer to each other in the future. For now, the only plan is to keep the other party, and then let the concubine mother comfort her, so that the matter can be calmed down.

From the bottom of her heart, she always thought that Su Qinglan was still the filial and good person she used to be, and her temperament was extremely easy to control, so Su Qingxiu was not afraid of what Su Qinglan would do.

It's just that he forgot that the reason why Su Qinglan tolerated them before was because he valued love, filial piety, and guilt, and because he had a big heart, so he turned a blind eye to some things. .

But Su Qinglan didn't expect that her connivance, instead of satisfying the other party, gave the other party a chance to plot and hurt him once and for all. He was really angry and didn't want to bear it anymore!

"Brother, do you have to force the truth like this?" As she approached Su Qingxiu step by step, Su Qinglan was really hurt when she saw her brotherly face without any scruples.

Well, this is his brother, his real brother!

For her own benefit, she didn't care about his feelings at all!

"Second brother, elder brother said that this is for your own good. It's freezing cold today, and it's midnight. If you leave like this, and the word will be heard by those who care, what will they think of you and our Qing Palace? And The snow is so thick outside, you drive all night, if something happens, what will you do? You just stay, don't be impulsive!" Su Qingxiu felt that today's Su Qinglan really saw it in peace Wen Wen looks different, a little scared, but for his own sake, he can only suppress the fear in his heart.

He knew that Su Qinglan valued friendship and was the most filial, no matter how angry he was, he would never do anything to him!

"You really won't let the truth go?"

"The groom has already fallen asleep, and he won't wake up until tomorrow. Second brother, don't waste your efforts!" The first thing Su Qingxiu did when she got the news was to send someone to stop the groom, gave him medicine and fell asleep. , so, where can Su Qinglan leave?

"Okay, very good!" Just when Su Qingxiu thought that Su Qinglan would compromise, Su Qinglan suddenly laughed, "Since big brother is so disregarding brotherhood, don't blame the truth for being ruthless!"

"You, what are you going to do?" In the night, Su Qinglan's cautious smile made Su Qingxiu feel panicked.

"Brother, you should be clear about what you have done these years. If you don't let the truth leave today, tomorrow the truth will report all the things you have done these years to the emperor. By then, the elder brother will still be safe." If you can't keep the throne, then the truth will be the final decision!" Originally, I didn't want to be so heartless, but Su Qingxiu is so persuasive today, if he doesn't respond, the other party will really ride on him!

"You, what do you mean?" Seeing Su Qinglan's determined look, Su Qingxiu's heart was full of guilt, and she always felt that all her shameful things seemed to be exposed to the other party.

"Brother knows in his heart, do you need to tell the truth in front of so many people? If you don't mind, I will tell you the truth. Presumably, I should know that the emperor hates forming cliques for personal gain. My brother has been..."

"Okay, Su Qinglan, I just want you to leave!" I really didn't expect that he was caught by Su Qinglan for being so secretive in his actions. Su Qingxiu felt a burst of fear in his heart. How could he dare to stay at this moment? Live in Su Qinglan for half a minute?

"Brother figured it out earlier, it's good, let people prepare quickly, the truth is impatient!"

"I know! Come on, hurry up and bring the second master's carriage and wake up the coachman!"



The people left very quickly, and the carriage was ready very quickly. Su Qingxiu watched Murong Yan and the others get into the carriage like that, and felt very unwilling, but there was nothing she could do.

"Second brother, what you said just now, can you cover up one or two things for my brother?" He has long been relying on the fifth prince, and they have been sitting on the same boat these years, but this is the taboo of the emperor. How can the emperor know?

"Brother, I believe you know the truth about what the emperor thinks in his heart. The truth is all I have said today, and I hope you will take care of yourself!"

"You, what's wrong with you, this king is your real brother!" I don't know if the emperor knows about this matter?If the emperor knew about it, wouldn't he have died miserably?

"Brother looks like this, does he look like a real brother?" Thinking of Su Qingxiu's persecution just now, and thinking of everything Su Qingxiu has done these years, Su Qinglan is really completely disappointed in this brother.

"You, don't forget, you are also from Prince Qing's Mansion. If this king falls, you will not end well!" When I was in a hurry, I had to use this trick, but Su Qinglan just smiled mockingly, "Brother, please do it yourself. Farewell! Old horse, let's go!"

"Yes, master!" After throwing the horse rope and leaving, Su Qingxiu saw Su Qinglan leaving so ruthlessly, her eyes widened with anger, "Su Qinglan, you are doing well, wait for the day when I become a king, This king definitely wants you to look good!"

Even though she said so, Su Qingxiu didn't dare to act recklessly at this moment.

Today's sage is healthy and healthy, and he is just over fifty years old. How can he let go of the power in his hand at this time?

Because of this, Emperor Wen especially disliked the formation of cliques among the princes, colluding with ministers, and forming cliques. Once Emperor Wen found out that he had done these things, his future would be completely ruined.

Su Qingxiu saw Su Qinglan's firm tone just now, and was not sure how much evidence the other party had. Although he really wanted to fix the other party, but he couldn't help it. Now, he had no choice but to endure his anger.

One day, he will make the other party regret everything he did today!


But Su Qinglan, who had already left at this moment, felt very uncomfortable when thinking about Su Qingxiu's face just now.

He really didn't understand, they were born from the same root, and they had a good relationship when they were young, why did they end up in the current situation when they grew up?

Su Lanzhi knew that Su Qinglan had faced too much today and felt uncomfortable, so she comforted her, "Daddy, don't be unhappy, you still want us, and my mother and I will always be with you!"

"Yes, sir, the Buddha said: Destiny is created by oneself, form is born from the heart, everything in the world is a transformation form, the heart does not move, everything does not move, the heart does not change, everything does not change. Brother's heart has changed, so naturally From his point of view, everything has changed, the master doesn't need to worry, everything is just his own choice after all, so you don't have to worry about it." The Buddha touched the beads in his hand, and Murong Yan looked at the troubles on Su Qinglan's face. Speaking authoritatively, Su Qinglan sighed when she heard the words, and in the end she just took a deep look at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, and gradually, she made up her mind.

"It's me who disturbs others." He has always been imprisoned by this family relationship, so many times he let his mind be blinded by others, causing the people around him to suffer because of it. It is his fault.

"Master, as long as you want to open it!" Family affection is hard to let go, and it always makes people lose their usual calm.It's just that sometimes, some family affection is also a burden.

"Hey..." In the end, all the entanglement turned into a sigh, Su Qinglan took the hands of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, and finally smiled, "It's okay, it's okay that I still have you!"

Maybe only these two people around are wholeheartedly for their own good, without selfishness?

But in the past, he didn't understand it all the time, which caused the two of them to suffer so many grievances.

But in the future, not anymore.

"Yes, Daddy, you still have us, don't think too much, we will be fine in the future!" Without Bai Xin in Xiangfu, life will definitely get better and better.

From now on, just wait for the father to recover the mother in a good way.

"..." Although Murong Yan didn't say anything, she didn't stop Su Qinglan from holding her hand. The alienation in her eyes gave off a little warmth, but they were so deep that she couldn't tell what she was thinking. .


None of them noticed leaving, only the three of them. Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua also went with them, but they were nowhere to be seen. I don't know if everyone avoided them on purpose, or if they really didn't expect that those two people also went with them. The child of Xiangfu.

But at this moment, Old Princess Qing was lying on the bed, trembling with anger, showing symptoms of stroke, the government doctor was so anxious that sweat came out of her face, Sun Xueru saw that Old Princess Qing was trembling all over, I just thought it was very funny, but I had to pretend to be caring, but I was holding her back.

"Doctor, how is the concubine mother?"

"Back to the princess, the old princess is very anxious today, showing signs of apoplexy, Caomin has already injected the old princess with needles, and now the old princess may have to rest, she must not be stimulated."

"Really? How could it be so serious?"

"The old concubine is already old. Today, she suffered from the cold and the cold, and she also got angry. She didn't get angry for a while. Now she is still in good condition. She just needs to rest for a while. I can recover!" Fortunately, I didn't have a real stroke, and if I did, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Hey, this uncle is really true. Why did you make the concubine mother angry like this? The prince is going to invite him back now, and he doesn't know if he can come back. If he doesn't come back, the concubine mother will be even more angry?"

"Princess, even if the Prime Minister doesn't come back, I can't let the old concubine know. If the old concubine gets angry again, the grass people really don't know what will happen!" Hey, what are these things? These things, these ordinary people, it is really better not to mess with them.

"Well, this concubine knows!" Why is that dead old woman so fateful?Still not dead yet?It's best to be pissed off, like this, let's see if she can continue to dominate her!

"The grass people will go to boil the medicine first!" The doctor only felt that there were many special things in Prince Qing's mansion today, and he felt that the people in this family were extraordinarily strange, and wanted to pretend that he didn't know anything, but, is it possible?

Now, he just hopes that no one will bother him about today's affairs, otherwise, how can he be an opponent of these rich and powerful as a little government doctor?

As soon as the mansion doctor went out, Su Qingxiu came back with a dark face. Sun Xueru saw her and knew that Su Qinglan hadn't come back when she saw the other person's face. She immediately felt even happier, and hurried to greet her, and asked with concern , "My lord, where's uncle? Did you come back with you?"

"Hmph, don't mention such unfilial people!" Thinking of Su Qinglan, Su Qingxiu was furious!

"What? What does the lord mean, that my uncle refuses to come back? How is this possible? My uncle has always been extremely filial to his mother and concubine, how could he just leave in such a heartless way?" Sun Xueru Ming raised his voice intentionally. Knowing whether to let Old Princess Qing know, but she was looking forward to the early death of the other party, so naturally she especially wanted to let the other party know!

"Who knows him, what happened after this king left, why is he so angry?" From Su Qingxiu's point of view, their scheming today is nothing, anyway, it's not like they never did, Su Qinglan doesn't need to be so angry ?

And aren't they all thinking of him? (Of course he is trying to win over Su Qinglan, and he doesn't want Su Qinglan and Murong Yan to reconcile, lest he look jealous!)

He wouldn't be happy to be someone else!

"Isn't it just that my uncle found out about the concubine mother, and in a fit of anger, Aunt Bai left after divorce!" In fact, Sun Xueru had long disliked Bai Xin, a prostitute who went to be a concubine for others, on weekdays Still showing off her might, Sun Xueru, as the daughter of a decent family, naturally looks down on people like Bai Xin.

"What, you said that Qinglan divorced Aunt Bai?" Aunt Bai was the second daughter of Marquis Yuan Wu, so she just divorced, how could she explain to Marquis Yuan Wu, and besides, Marquis Yuan Wu had another What about Concubine Jing and the Fifth Prince, will Su Qinglan only piss him off?

"Yeah, Aunt Bai stole and was caught on the spot. It's normal for my uncle to be angry!" Seeing Su Qingxiu's reproachful expression, Sun Xueru knew that in Su Qingxiu's eyes, there were only benefits and no relatives. I couldn't help but feel more and more disappointed with this person.

Why did she marry such a ruthless person in the first place?

"But even if it's stealing, you can't rest like that. That Bai Xin is not an ordinary maid, she is the second daughter of Marquis Yuan Wu. How can it be so easy to just rest, this concubine mother will not stop her." Huh?" If Concubine Jing blamed her, it would be terrible!

"Where is the mother and concubine stopping me? The mother and concubine are still looking forward to it. Now Aunt Bai and Su Zhenxian are still facing the board. They each hit a blank board. The mother and concubine are dizzy from anger. Didn't you see?" It was full of sarcasm, and Sun Xueru knew that in the heart of Old Princess Qing, only her son and grandson were what she valued, so she just wanted to make the other party feel sad and see her beloved leave her!

"Hey, this mother and concubine is confused, why don't you know how to persuade him? Xian'er is also the king's child, so you let him be beaten like that?" Thinking of Su Zhenxian, Su Qingxiu thought of the beautiful Aunt Zhao , Immediately felt that Old Princess Qing really did not give him face, why did she punish his son without notifying him?

Isn't that man also the grandson of the old princess?

"I persuaded you, if you don't believe me, you can ask casually, but the mother concubine doesn't listen at all!" She persuaded, but it just added fuel to the fire.

"Hey, how much did the concubine mother punish you?" Just now she felt itchy, but she didn't pay attention to what happened later, now thinking about her son, and thinking about Aunt Zhao's cute appearance, Su Qingxiu suddenly felt bad confessed.

"Both of them have a hundred boards each!"

"What?" Su Qingxiu was terrified by not expecting such a severe punishment for Old Princess Qing.

"Hey, my lord, this concubine really thinks that the mother and concubine are being punished like this, which is a bit harsh. Not to mention that Aunt Bai is delicate and tender, even Zhenxian has never suffered like this. Is there still life left?" Even though Sun Xueru said that, she wished that Su Zhenxian would die sooner, and as for Bai Xin, it would be good if she died, so as not to always show off in front of her.

"Hey, mother and concubine are confused, why don't you persuade me? If this is really an appointment, how can we explain to Concubine Jing!" This Bai Xin is no ordinary concubine, how can he be punished so casually? up?

"My lord, don't blame the concubine. The concubine has already said what should be said, but the mother concubine, she won't listen to persuasion!" Looking anxious and regretful, Su Qingxiu looked at Sun Xueru like this, and knew The temperament of the old prince and princess was so stubborn that she would not listen to anyone's persuasion. At this moment, she just felt panicked in her heart, seeing that the old princess Qing had lost the filial piety she used to have.

This concubine is really getting more and more confused, isn't she?The second brother left in anger, and punished Aunt Bai and Xian'er like this. Isn't this deliberately looking for something to do for him?

"Hey, what should I do, concubine mother, how can you do this? You are like this, Aunt Bai is still in our mansion right now, and Xian'er is also my son's flesh and blood, why are you like that? Are you cruel?" I really felt that Old Princess Qing was a little confused, Su Qingxiu was holding back her anger at the moment, so she had no choice but to vent that anger on Old Princess Qing.

"You, you, you..." She raised her finger and pointed at Su Qingxiu. Old Princess Qing never thought that after leaving one of her sons, another son would be responsible to her for such a thing. How could she not be angry?

Also, Qinglan didn't come back, what should I do?

"Hey, concubine mother, didn't you discuss with your son before doing anything? What should we do now? A white board is not a joke. Aunt Bai is pampered. If she just goes like that, when the time comes Concubine Jing came to ask us for someone, what should we do? And Xianer, if he gets down on the white board, won’t his life be ruined? Concubine Mother, why are you getting more and more confused as you get older? Discuss it with your son, what should you do if you are like this?" Su Qingxiu didn't seem to see the angry look of old Princess Qing, she just kept complaining, and the old Princess Qing became anxious all of a sudden, "poof" Spit a mouthful of blood on Su Qingxiu's face, Su Qingxiu was frightened immediately.

Seeing the old Princess Qing roll her eyes, she collapsed stiffly, Su Qingxiu only felt the blood in front of her eyes, her legs went limp from fright, "Ah, come on, come on! "

------off topic-----

Cough cough, so what, Chapter 51 Yunxiao thinks it is better not to let Su Qinglan have not touched those concubines in these years, it is not practical, Yunxiao changed it, and became a relative who would occasionally be gentle with those concubines and mind You can go back and have a look, (*^__^*) hee hee...

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