The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 56 The Death of Baixin

"Fufu doctor, come quickly, mother concubine, mother concubine is vomiting blood!" It was the first time seeing such a scene, Su Qingxiu was extremely scared in her heart.

If something really happened to the concubine, wouldn't he be miserable?

No, there must be no accident, the relationship between him and the second brother is already so stiff now, if something happens to the concubine, then he and the second brother will never have any contact in this lifetime?

And if this matter got out, wouldn't his reputation be ruined?

Absolutely not!

"Doctor, why don't you come quickly, Xiangxue, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you go and ask the doctor?" The blood on his face shocked everyone, Xiangxue was usually calm, but now he saw it , I just felt my body trembling a little, "Servant, servant, let's go now!"

She looked at Su Qingxiu in fear, Xiangxue never expected that Su Qingxiu would vomit blood from old Princess Qing's anger.

"Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine, are you alright?" Su Qingxiu was really frightened, the black blood from Old Concubine Qing just sprayed on his face, at this moment, he only felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart.

God, how could this be?


The mansion doctor rushed over when he heard that Old Princess Qing was vomiting blood. Seeing the blood on Su Qingxiu's face now, he felt that this scene was extraordinarily weird. Seeing him coming, Su Qingxiu seemed to be watching It was like a savior, "Doctor, go and show your concubine mother, what's wrong with your concubine mother? Why did you suddenly vomit blood?"

"Yeah, mansion doctor, mother concubine, now, will she..." Although Sun Xueru wanted to see the old princess Qing die of anger, but looking at this scene now, she also felt cautious. With a bit of yin, especially looking at Su Qingxiu's face covered with blood, Sun Xueru was really afraid that she would have nightmares at night.

This pair of mother and son are indeed top-notch, and they are equally selfish, but they will not end well!

"My lord and my concubine, don't worry, Caomin just take a look!" Seeing the dying state of Old Princess Qing, the government doctor didn't expect that he would go out for a while, and it became like this. These things are indeed a little scary, but on the surface they still maintain a calm, careful inspection of the old Princess Qing, and when the inspection is over, the government doctor's heart suddenly sinks, and Su Qingxiu sees her, and becomes more and more anxious, " The doctor, mother and concubine, what happened? Why did she vomit blood?"

"Hey, my lord, the old concubine is getting old, and her body is naturally not as good as when she was young. Today, the old concubine suffered a cold and was out of breath. She almost had a stroke. Now she is even more out of breath and twitching all over. It seems to be a stroke. Already!"

"Stroke? How can this be good? Doctor, you have to cure the concubine mother no matter what!" Hearing the word stroke, and seeing the strange twitching on the face of old Princess Qing, Su Qingxiu really was terrified.

"My lord, I will do my best, but now I want to treat the old concubine, and I hope that the lord and the concubine will avoid it for a while!" The whole room was in chaos, and the doctor was also anxious, so he hurriedly dispersed the people so as not to affect the old concubine. He healed.

"Okay, okay, doctor, you must keep the concubine mother intact, otherwise, be careful of yourself!"

"Yes, my lord, save the grass people!" I felt that my head was breaking out in cold sweat, and the government doctor was also very frightened, but fortunately, he had given acupuncture just now, so the problem shouldn't be serious?

"My lord, let's go out for the time being, so as not to delay the doctor's treatment!" Sun Xueru couldn't hide the joy on her face when she heard that the old princess had a stroke. No one has been lording over her head.

"Okay!" She regretted so much in her heart, Su Qingxiu really wanted to slap herself at this moment, so as not to say those words and make the old concubine angry.

"My lord, let's go out!"

"Hmm!" I was worried, but there was nothing I could do. As soon as Su Qingxiu went out, thinking about the old Princess Qing's body, she became a little anxious, "No, this king has to ask the chief doctor of the Imperial Hospital, Sun Imperial Physician, to come. This time the illness is so dangerous, this king is very worried!" After finishing speaking, he was about to send someone to fetch the imperial physician Sun, but Sun Xueru hurriedly stopped him when he saw her, "Wait a minute, my lord!"

"How can this matter be delayed? Mother and concubine's life is dying now. As the head of the imperial hospital, Sun Taiyi's medical skills are naturally excellent. If he comes, mother and concubine's life will be safe!" If old Princess Qing If something really happened, wouldn't the account be on him?Then his future future will be ruined, and if because of this incident, the second brother really ignores him, then in the future, won't he just be a powerless and idle prince?

No, absolutely not, the concubine mother must not have any accidents right now!

But what happened to this woman?Why stop him?

"My lord, don't worry, just listen to my concubine before deciding not to!" Sun Xueru hoped that the old Princess Qing would be paralyzed like that, why would she just let Imperial Physician Sun come?

"Then tell me, why did you stop this king? Don't let the imperial doctor Sun come to treat you? Or do you have some selfish intentions?" I really don't understand why the other party stopped her, but Su Qingxiu knows that since Sun Xueru married here, the old princess Qing It is not impossible for Sun Xueru to be pressing down on the other party all the time, because she is a lady with a noble background, and she is dissatisfied in her heart.

It's just that if the other party's dissatisfaction affects the future of Prince Qing's Mansion under such circumstances, Su Qingxiu's heart will feel extremely uncomfortable, and she will even be dissatisfied with Sun Xueru a lot.

"My lord, this concubine is not for myself, but for my lord's sake. My lord, think about it. Today is the mother's and concubine's birthday banquet. It was supposed to be a celebration, but as a result, many things happened in the mansion. If these things let outsiders Got it, but I still don’t know how to organize our Prince Qing’s Mansion! I feel that today’s events should not be spread to the outside world. The mansion doctor is a doctor in our mansion, so naturally he won’t spread the word. In the middle of the night, if someone is alarmed, the prince will not be able to explain it at that time. Today's happy day, the mother and concubine fell ill. If this gets out, what will others think of our Qing Palace? And the prince, don't forget , Today there are so many scandals in the palace, Aunt Bai and the others are still being punished there, if it gets to the ears of Tai doctor Sun, how will the prince deal with himself in the future? The prince, I know that you are worried about the health of the concubine, But this is a big matter, and I hope the prince will consider it carefully." What Sun Xueru said is reasonable, once the stakes are mentioned, Su Qingxiu originally wanted to invite Sun Taiyi to come, but now she hesitated .

Seeing Sun Xueru's adorable look at this moment, thinking of herself so much, but being misunderstood by herself, Su Qingxiu's face softened a little bit, "It's better for the princess to be careful, otherwise this king will really I made a big mistake, but I really don't feel at ease with my concubine mother!" After struggling again and again, for the sake of the reputation of the palace, Su Qingxiu had no choice but to choose this way.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. This doctor is the best doctor in the capital. Although he may not be as good as Doctor Sun, he is also very skilled in medicine. Moreover, he has been treating my concubine all these years. , maybe even more familiar than the doctor Sun, the lord just need to relax. Mother and concubine are blessed in heaven, and today the emperor will come to celebrate her birthday in person, so it will definitely be fine." Soothe Su Qingxiu, Sun Xueru, every word All the words touched Su Qingxiu's heart, seeing that Sun Xueru thought of him so much, and comforted him so much, Su Qingxiu's face softened even more.

"Hey, that's the only way to go. Fortunately, the second brother sent a lot of supplements to the concubine mother on weekdays. The concubine mother has been in good health these years, so it should be fine!" Princess Qing is fine, today is such a good day, if something really happened to the old Princess Qing, then it is really difficult for him to explain to everyone.

"Yes, my lord, don't worry, mother and concubine will be fine!"

"It's Xue'er, you're so thoughtful. It's my blessing to have you as my concubine!" Because of her distrust of Sun Xueru in her heart just now, Su Qingxiu felt ashamed at the moment, and pulled her hands, with tenderness on his face, "Today, I thank you for your hard work!"

"What did the prince say? These are what concubines should do!"


"Don't sigh, my lord. When my lord sighs like this, my body and mind will panic." At the moment when she was reading the blood on Su Qingxiu's face, Sun Xueru endured the disgust and took out the handkerchief in her bosom, "My lord And lower your head, let this concubine wash off the blood on your face with you, so that the prince won't be hit by the blood!"

"Almost forgot, I have Princess Lao!" Hurriedly lowering her head, Sun Xueru asked someone to prepare hot water, but she cleaned it for Su Qingxiu herself. Su Qingxiu looked at Sun Xueru's patient and considerate appearance, and the already beautiful facial features under the light Su Qingxiu has always loved beauties, and this Sun Xueru was also a superior beauty when she was young, but now that she is old, she is still well maintained, especially at this moment when the lights are dim, it is even more beautiful for him. A dreamlike hazy feeling made Su Qingxiu feel extremely beautiful when she saw it.

She has always felt that Sun Xueru is too arrogant, but seeing the other party showing a soft and delicate side to herself, the way Su Qingxiu looks at Sun Xueru at this moment is different.

"Xue'er is so knowledgeable, the king is very pleased. Today's incident has wronged Xueer. Did Xueer blame me?" Thinking of Bai Ri's incident, thinking of Sun Xueru Bai Ri's sadness, but now Still putting his consideration first in everything, and being so gentle, Su Qingxiu felt a little bit guilty towards Sun Xueru.

"My lord, the concubine was too excited during the day, but now I understand that all of this is Yu'er's fault, and she deserves to suffer. It's just a piece of flesh that fell from her concubine after all. I really feel distressed, that's why I contradicted the prince, I hope the prince doesn't blame the concubine!" Then she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and when talking about Su Lanyu, Sun Xueru said to the old concubine Qing and Su Qingxiu's hatred added another layer, but for her own child, she had no choice but to disguise herself, "Can the lord take good care of Yu'er for the sake of serving the lord wholeheartedly as a concubine all these years?" ? Tomorrow she will go to Yanlai Temple, after I die, maybe I won't be able to see her again!"

"Hey, this child, Yu'er, has been in great pain since she was a child. She gave her great hope, but she never thought that she would make such a big mistake today. But after all, it's a father-daughter relationship. Tomorrow, you It's a good arrangement, and don't let her be wronged, it can be regarded as a little kindness from this king as a father!" Now that Sun Xueru took the initiative to show his favor, Su Qingxiu naturally wanted to accept it.

Although he doesn't like Sun Xueru very much, but Sun Xueru's natal Nanchang government is an existence that he has to fear.

He has indeed done what happened today, and now that he has offended Su Qinglan, he can't even offend the other one, otherwise his life in the future will be really difficult!

Anyway, Su Lanyu has nothing to do with him anymore. Even if he doesn't say anything about this favor, Sun Xueru will do it. In this case, he will give him a favor, so that the other party's resentment towards him can be eliminated a little bit, so as to avoid future troubles. People from the Nanchang government came to ask for an explanation.

"My lord, the concubine knows it!" A little bit of emotion flashed in Sun Xueru's eyes, but there was ridicule in Sun Xueru's heart.

Su Qingxiu, oh Su Qingxiu, you act like this in front of your face and behind your back, without responsibility, why did my concubine marry someone like you back then?

Even though she hated Su Qingxiu in her heart, but her husband is heaven, and she has children, Sun Xueru can only do this, please her, otherwise if the other party is really angry and takes away her son's identity, She really has nothing left.

But, she won't just let it go, she will definitely make it difficult for them all!


After waiting for a long time, the mansion doctor finally came out, his face was not as heavy as before, when Su Qingxiu saw her, she hurriedly asked, "Mansion doctor, how is mother concubine?"

"Back to the lord, the old concubine is out of danger for the time being, but she is temporarily unable to move, and she needs to recover slowly, and in the future, she can't be stimulated anymore, otherwise it will be really dangerous!" After the words fell here, the doctor I was also intimidated by this battle today.

"Really? The concubine mother's body is really all right?" This news is naturally good news, Su Qingxiu is indescribably happy.

"Doctor, is mother and concubine really all right?" Shun Qi asked, but Sun Xueru was furious in her heart. How could this dead old woman be so hard-nosed and still not dead?

"There is nothing dangerous at the moment, but the old princess needs to rest, and because of the stroke, her body is a little weak, and she needs to take care of herself to recover!" The doctor saw that the old princess was fine, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He could see Su Qingxiu's eyes very clearly just now, if he didn't heal her well this time, it would be a real trouble.

"Really? Then can we go in and see the concubine mother?" Knowing that the old concubine was teased by Su Qingxiu just now, if Su Qingxiu went in now, wouldn't she be so angry that she would fall ill again?

Sun Xueru thought about it like this, she was eager to go in and see, Su Qingxiu also wanted to make sure if the old princess Qing was really okay, so she also wanted to go in, "Yes, doctor, can I go see the concubine mother now? "

"My lord, it's better for the old concubine to rest these days. There's nothing to do, so don't bother the old concubine. The old concubine can't stand the stimulation anymore!" The doctor is not a fool. In that scene, he knew very well that naturally he couldn't let Su Qingxiu go in to stimulate the other party.

"If that's the case, then I won't go in. Doctor, you are here to take good care of my mother and concubine. If there is anything, ask someone to notify me immediately!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Xue'er, let's go back!"

"Okay!" Somewhat reconciled, but Sun Xueru can only let it go, she is still Su Qingxiu's wife after all, and her son's wings are not yet full-fledged, so it's not time to head-on.

Anyway, in the future, wouldn't there be plenty of opportunities?

Now, isn't there an opportunity?

Thinking of the few people who were still in Su Qinglan's yard, Sun Xueru smiled. When the two walked halfway, Sun Xueru seemed to have thought of something suddenly. Looking at Su Qingxiu, she was a little anxious, "My lord, there is one more thing, The concubine mother is sick now, we can't deal with it!"

"What's the matter?" Su Qingxiu forgot about Su Zhenxian and Bai Xin who were punished with a white board just now because of Lao Qing's concubine vomiting blood.

"My lord forgot, just now my concubine punished Zhenxian and Aunt Bai severely, and now I'm afraid I've finished the blank board, what is my lord going to do?" There are still people who haven't dealt with it, this is a big problem, and it's a good time to take advantage Seeing that Princess Qing was ill, she was in control of everything.

"This..." Thinking of what Old Princess Qing had done, Su Qingxiu immediately felt a headache.

Hey, his mother concubine is really, why did he leave him such a mess?

"My lord, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. For the present plan, we have to think carefully about how to deal with this Aunt Bai, and Zhenxian. I know that the lord loves Aunt Zhao. Now that Zhenxian is injured, the lord can't help it." You have to think about it, how should you explain to Aunt Zhao, after all, this is her only son!" Aunt Zhao was specifically mentioned, and she also said that as a prince, how could Su Qingxiu need to explain to an aunt?

An aunt is an aunt, even if she gave birth to a son, she is still an aunt, not the serious master of the mansion, how can she have such face?

As the son of Old Princess Qing, Su Qingxiu has been following Old Princess Qing all these years, so she is naturally very concerned about her own identity, especially since he is not as good as Su Qinglan in everything, so he naturally takes his identity as a prince even more seriously. Listening to Sun Xueru asking him to be a prince to explain to Aunt Zhao, I can't help but feel that Aunt Zhao is really proud of her favor. She raised a son and went to steal someone, and the one who stole was Su Qinglan's concubine. , how good-looking?

I suddenly became angry in my heart, I just felt that Aunt Zhao doted on Su Zhenxian too much on weekdays, which made the other party so unruly and caused such a thing, and immediately became dissatisfied with Su Zhenxian, "What's there to explain, he If you do something wrong, your mother and concubine will be punished, so you have to suffer!"

"Then, what about Aunt Bai, my lord? What should I do?" Thinking of Bai Xin, Sun Xueru felt that this person deserved what he deserved.But if this person goes down a hundred boards, he is afraid he will die?But it's a pity to die like that.

"Let this matter be handled by you. I'm tired, so I'm going back to rest!" I don't want to bother with these many things. As a prince, this matter belongs to the inner house, so Su Qingxiu naturally doesn't want to bother with it, so as not to mess it up I am not clean, so it is best to push it to Sun Xueru.

As the eldest daughter of Lord Nanchang, I believe that the other party will handle this matter well.

"Won't your lord go take a look?" Seeing Su Qingxiu's look of wanting to get rid of the suspicion, Sun Xueru naturally knew what the other party was thinking, but it was because she knew that she said so on purpose.

What she wanted was the other party's words!

"No, you, as the princess, should handle the affairs of the inner house. I believe that you will not let me down!"

"Since the lord trusts me so much, I would be more respectful than obedient, and I will definitely live up to my lord's expectations!"

"That's good, just go and have a look, don't let this matter cause the palace to be criticized by others!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I understand!"


Seeing Su Qingxiu leave, a little smile crossed Sun Xueru's face, thinking that the lives of those two people were in her own hands at this moment, Sun Xueru smiled, "Lian'er, let's go, follow me to see that What happened to the two of you!"

"Yes, princess!" Carefully following behind Sun Xueru, Lian'er was conscientious, Sun Xueru looked at the other party's obedient appearance, and nodded in satisfaction, she was really clever.

When I came to Su Qinglan's yard, I heard the sound of people crying from a distance, but Sun Xueru didn't care, and walked in. At this time, the board had been beaten, but both of them were seriously injured, and no one dared to move. It was already late, and the government doctor was at the old concubine Qing's place. Aunt Zhao and Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue were really at a loss.

Aunt Zhao is standing beside Su Zhenxian at this moment, looking at her son's flesh and bones, she hastily rushed over when she heard the news just now, and wanted to ask Su Qingxiu for help, but for some reason, Su Qingxiu is now They didn't come yet, but Sun Xueru came instead, and Aunt Zhao immediately felt that something was wrong.

And Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua were coaxed to sleep early by Bai Xin, but it was too noisy outside, so they were finally woken up. When they woke up, they saw their mother being beaten. Watching from the side, he wanted to ask his father for help, but he heard that Su Qinglan had left them and left, and then wanted to find Old Princess Qing, but heard that it was an order from Old Princess Qing herself, the two children were still young, Seeing such a scene now, my legs are so frightened that my legs are weak, and tears are kept endlessly like the spring water. I have suffered great changes at a young age, I just feel as if I have been abandoned by others, and hatred is born in my heart of the seeds.

At this moment, the tears of both of them were all dry, seeing Bai Xin lying there dying like that dilapidated doll, both of them were anxious.

"Mother, wake up, don't sleep, wake up, Hua'er is afraid!"

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Look at Yue'er, where is Daddy? They all said that Daddy is gone, don't want Yueer anymore, what's going on?"

"Mom, wake up!"



But no matter what the two children called, Bai Xin never woke up. Sun Xueru knew that Bai Xin was probably dead, so she went in and ordered people, "Bring my concubine's thousand-year-old ginseng to Aunt Bai to eat, so that I can eat it. She wakes up!"

It would be a pity if he died just like that, this person must have had a sworn feud with Murong Yan and the others, she would have to take advantage of it no matter what.

Seeing Sun Xueru coming, Aunt Zhao hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed despite the blood dripping from her body, "Princess, concubine, please save Xian'er, concubine, please Already!"

She is just such a son, if she really left like that, or became a useless person, what should she do?

"Aunt Zhao, it's useless for you to beg my concubine. This is an order from my concubine. Zhenxian has committed a serious crime. Now he just hits a white board, which is very good." Looking at Aunt Zhao The beautiful and moving appearance, although pale due to the injury, is more and more lovable, and Sun Xueru feels particularly angry.

This vixen, relying on her youth and beauty, seduced the prince to death, if she doesn't give him a good boost today, how can she suppress him in the future?

"Princess, concubine, please, please let the doctor come to see Xian'er, he has been beaten so many times, his life is in jeopardy!" When she came, more than half of them had been beaten, She is soft-spoken, just a little aunt, and this matter is an order from the old princess, how can she stop it?

She watched her son's execution, but she had no way to help, so she had to block many boards by herself. Now she is also injured, but compared with Su Zhenxian's, her injuries are really too serious. Insignificant.

"Aunt Zhao, aren't you embarrassing this concubine? Get up quickly, you are injured, the prince will blame you for this!" His tone did not loosen at all, Sun Xueru has always been so cruel and ruthless when dealing with enemies !

"Princess, princess, please, please, please..." As a mother, although Aunt Zhao has been favored over the years, she also knows that Su Qingxiu is not a long-term lover. Yes, it can only be his own son.

Therefore, even if she tried her best, she still had to cling to her support for the rest of her life.

"Aunt Zhao, are you deliberately trying to embarrass this concubine? You also know that Zhenxian has made a mistake. How can I explain to my mother and the prince when you are like this?"

"Princess, please, as long as you save Xian'er, the concubine will listen to you in the future. Whatever you want the concubine to do, the concubine will definitely do it. Concubine, please, please..." the head It was all broken, and Sun Xueru seemed very unbearable for the other party to be like this. At this moment, her face finally loosened, "Aunt Zhao, what are you talking about? No matter how you say, Xianer is the blood of the prince, and belongs to Mingyou Brother, if this concubine can help, of course she will!"

"Princess..." Hearing that the other party's tone finally softened, Aunt Zhao's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and she quickly thanked her, "Thank you for your kindness, concubine, thank you, thank you, the concubine will remember the kindness of concubine Wang, in the future I will definitely repay you well!"

"Hey, my concubine doesn't need your repayment anymore. Everyone is serving the prince. As long as you serve the prince well, this concubine will feel at ease!"

"Yes, yes, the concubine knows, and the concubine will always listen to the concubine from now on!"

"Okay, Lian'er, let someone take Zhenxian back to the hospital for treatment, don't worry Aunt Zhao!"

"Yes, princess!"

"Aunt Zhao, there is only so much this concubine can do. As for the prince and concubine mother..."

"Don't worry, princess, don't worry, princess, the concubine will take the initiative to plead guilty, and she will definitely not embarrass the princess!" Although she has always disliked Sun Xueru oppressing her and her child, but now the other party controls her child's life, Aunt Zhao Also had to give in.

It's just that she will remember this account, and in the future, she will ask for it back a hundred times and a thousand times!

Seeing that the person left, Zhang Momo was a little worried, "Wangfei, let the second young master go like this, okay?" Then Aunt Zhao is not a fuel-efficient lamp, isn't this letting the tiger go back to the mountain?

"Anyway, it's a waste, so why should I be afraid of it?" The one hundred boards she handed down carefully and mercilessly, even if Su Zhenxian survived by luck, he might be disabled. It just so happened that Aunt Zhao would be heartbroken to watch it every day!

"But Aunt Zhao..."

"Isn't she just an aunt? Is it possible that I can turn over, and my concubine can't do it today. Otherwise, Aunt Zhao will bite back and make the prince resent my concubine because of this matter. Let it go today." They didn't expect to leave someone with a clue!" She is the eldest daughter of the noble Nanchang Duke and Concubine Qing, how can she have any bad reputation?

"It's still the princess who thinks carefully!"

"Mommy is too worried. After this incident, Wang Ye saw that Aunt Zhao was so proud of being favored, and he would definitely neglect her. Now that she has another useless son, isn't she deliberately embarrassing Wang Ye? With Wang Ye's temperament Mammy thinks that he will still pamper Aunt Zhao?" Today she intentionally let Aunt Zhao go, and when the time comes, she will make Su Qingxiu completely lose interest in Aunt Zhao. At that time, Aunt Zhao will still Isn't it up to her to clean up?

"What the princess said is very true, but now this Aunt Bai..." motioned Sun Xueru to look at the Aunt Bai who had only breathed a sigh of relief. When Sun Xueru saw her, her face was a little sad, "Hey, this Aunt Bai is also that Yuan The second daughter of Marquis Wu, this concubine really feels sorry for her, Madam, please go to Marquis Yuan's mansion and invite Marquis Marquis Yuan and Mrs. Marquis Yuan to come, so that Aunt Bai can return to her roots!"

"But Wangfei, will Marquis Wu of Yuan take his anger to Prince Qing's mansion because of this?"

"The main fault of this matter is that Aunt Bai. Now that our palace has dealt with these two people, Marquis Yuan Wu must not be such an unreasonable person." What's more, this Bai Xin probably hates Murong very much now. Yan and Su Lanzhi?She naturally knew what to say.

"Then I'm going to invite this old slave!" Mother Zhao also knew not to ask too much about the matter of the master, lest the master think they are talking too much, and went to Yuanwuhou's mansion without saying a word. It's developing in the direction I want, but finally I feel that my breath is a little more relaxed.

"Bring Aunt Bai back to the house!"

"Yes, Princess!" Carrying Bai Xin back carefully, Sun Xueru looked at Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue's frightened faces, and smiled kindly, "Hua'er, Yue'er, I want to visit my mother." ?"

"Well, but mother didn't wake up!" Looking at Sun Xueru, the two of them seemed to have seen a savior. Both pairs of eyes looked at Sun Xueru pitifully, and Sun Xueru's face became more and more kind, "Huaer Yueer don't want me!" Hurry up, your mother will wake up soon, when she wakes up, she will naturally have a lot to say to you, wipe your tears and go in with your aunt, okay?"

"Okay, Hua'er (Yue'er) don't cry!" After wiping away her tears, Sun Xueru saw her and smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, let's go!" A little disgusted, but Sun Xueru hid it very well.

After this incident, is it possible that the seeds of hatred have already been buried in the hearts of these two children?

It seems that the Prime Minister's Mansion will be very lively in the future.

Murong Yan, do you like the gift this concubine gave you?

"Auntie, is mother really going to be okay?"

"That's right, auntie, why did daddy leave Hua'er and sister behind?"

"Auntie, is it true that Daddy doesn't want us anymore?"


The two children have never had to worry about food and clothing since they were young, and they were pampered by Bai Xin. They got what they wanted, and they suddenly changed. At this moment, their hearts are full of hatred and fear.

If something happened to Mother, what should they do?

"Don't worry, you go and see your mother first, and have a good talk with them!"


Seeing Sun Xueru's kind words at this moment, the two children couldn't help but become a little dependent on Sun Xueru, and reluctantly let go of Sun Xueru. At this time, Bai Xin's hanging breath was supporting him, but he woke up.

"Mother, you finally woke up. Mother, Hua'er is so scared. Daddy doesn't want Hua'er anymore. What should I do?"

"Yes, mother, why did daddy not want Yue'er and Hua'er, and mother, why were you beaten?"

"Mother, don't scare Hua'er, okay? Hua'er was terrified when he saw a lot of blood on Mother's body!"



The two villains finally saw Bai Xin wake up at this moment, they just felt that they finally had a backbone, and they were no longer so afraid, but they were very anxious in their hearts and wanted to know everything, watching Bai Xin wake up , I kept asking.

When Bai Xin woke up and heard the words of the two children, he immediately thought of Su Qinglan's disgusted and indifferent eyes, and even in front of so many people, he ignored her and gave her a divorce letter without mercy!

The love in his heart suddenly turned into monstrous hatred, and the fierce light in Bai Xin's eyes frightened Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Hua'er, Yue'er, remember, it's your aunt and sister who caused you to be like this, you must avenge your mother, you know?" If there is no Su Lanzhi, no Murong Yan, what would I do? Will it look like this?

Thinking of Su Lanzhi's eyes just now, and thinking of seeing Murong Yan's moist eyes when she was half unconscious, Bai Xin's heart at this moment has nothing but hatred.

It's them, it must be them, they must be calculating themselves, who made me a thorn in their side, a thorn in their flesh!

However, even if she died, she would not make it easy for those two people. She would turn into a ghost and make them restless for the rest of their lives!

"Mother, is it really the aunt and the elder sister's fault? Why did they do this?"

"Because they are jealous of mother, jealous of mother having you two children, Hua'er, Yue'er, you have to remember, remember mother's hatred, and avenge mother, you know?"

"Mother, don't worry, Hua'er will definitely avenge you!"

"Mother, Yue'er will do it too, but what shall we do?"

"Hua'er, Yue'er, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. You are still young. When you go back to Xiangfu in the future, you must not show your hatred. You must study hard and work hard to get your father's attention, because Your father is your amulet, you know? Also, you should keep in touch with your grandparents and let them protect you. Don't act rashly, understand?" The two children are still so young, and Bai Xin knows that the two The first child is not yet capable of avenging her, so she must let the two children grow up and become ren first!

Revenge, no rush!

"Mother, Yue'er understands!" Nodding her head, Su Lingyue is older and more sensible, but Su Zhenhua is not so sensible, "Mother, why can't we go to grandpa and grandma to avenge you now? I hate them!"

"Hua'er, in the future, you must never say such things in front of outsiders, you know? Otherwise, don't call me mother in the future!"

"Mother..." The grievances I have suffered today have already been serious, and I finally saw my relatives who I can rely on, but the result is still like this, Su Zhenhua only feels that he wants to cry!

"Hua'er, be obedient, you don't know anything now, don't be impulsive, Yue'er, you have to take good care of your younger brother, you know? Your younger brother will be your reliance in the future!" Handing Su Zhenhua to Su Lingyue, Bai Core is really worried.

Today I blame her for being careless, following the advice of Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan, which made her not have much time now.

But her child is still so young, how can she rest assured?

Her husband can no longer be relied on, and Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi can't tolerate her and her child, what should she do?

What should she do to let her two children grow up safely, and then avenge her?

Bai Xin was struggling with the ownership of her two children, so Sun Xueru said at this moment, "Aunt Bai, don't worry, my concubine has sent someone to invite Yuan Wuhou and Mrs. Yuan Wuhou, please hold on for a while, believe me They will be here soon. If you have anything to say or explain to you, just explain it.”

"Princess Qing, thank you..." With a light tone, Bai Xin's heart was chilled thinking about what the old Princess Qing had done today.

It turned out that all the love was fake, everything was not as important as the other party's son, nor was it as important as her reputation in Prince Qing's Mansion.

What is she doing for the sake of being a good daughter-in-law and a mistress, but why she became a concubine for someone else, and even fell in love with someone she shouldn't love, and ended up hurting herself...

It was she who was too stupid, and ended up harming herself and her own child!

"Aunt Bai, this concubine knows that you have a lot of grievances, but there is nothing the concubine mother can do about such a big incident. This matter happened in Prince Qing's mansion, and the concubine mother has to take care of it. What's more, the uncle is the concubine's biological mother. Son, you should be able to understand the mood of the mother and concubine!" Although the words were pleading for old Princess Qing, they were not separating the two of them?

"Hmph, I don't dare to be a concubine!"

"Aunt Bai, you..."

"My concubine, I am very grateful for today's incident. My concubine will remember her kindness and will not embarrass her. Don't worry, my concubine!"

Seeing the resolute hatred on Bai Xin's face, Sun Xueru knew that this time bomb had been planted, and in the future, Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi would have good fruits to eat. She was happy, but her face was a little sad, "Hey, it's good if you can think like this, this concubine has no choice but to do it, this concubine has already done it!"

"Princess, please leave more time for the concubine and the child. The time for the concubine is running out!" She still has a lot to tell the two children, otherwise the two children will be so young at that time, and Murong Yan and the other children will be killed. Su Lanzhi was killed, so who else will avenge her?

"Then Aunt Bai, please speak carefully, just don't get too tired, don't forget that Yuan Wuhou and Yuan Wuhou's wife are already on their way!"

"The concubine knows..."

Looking at her two sons and daughters, Bai Xin has so many things to say, so many things to explain, but she knows that she is exhausted, and the reason why she can speak without any hindrance at this moment is because of the light of the past. Like, "You must remember, protect yourself well, and behave well in front of your dad, don't let your dad see anything, you know?" The two children are still too young, and Bai Xin finally chose not to tell The two children are going to avenge Su Qinglan.

However, if the two children really avenged her, wouldn't it be the man who will suffer the most?

He made himself so sad, and he wanted to let him live and die, let him watch his own flesh and blood fight with his own eyes, and watch his beloved people move away from him one by one, haha!

"Mom, we all know!"


That night, Bai Xin talked a lot, and the two children seemed to have grown up overnight, and they both became much deeper.

Finally, when Yuan Wuhou and Mrs. Yuan Wuhou came, Bai Xin could only breathe a sigh of relief. They stayed in the room and chatted for a long time. No one knew what they talked about, but that night, Bai Xin's body was buried Yuan Wuhou and Yuan Wuhou's wife were taken away for cremation, and Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue were also taken to Yuanwuhou's mansion by the two of them.

On the second day, it was reported that Bai Xin had contracted a serious illness and died suddenly in the middle of the night. At this time, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan were taking over the affairs of the mansion. When hearing the news, Su Lanzhi was quite calm. It's just that Murong Yan sighed, "If I knew today, why bother!"

"Mother, don't think too much, it's not your fault!" Knowing that Murong Yan has been worshiping Buddha these years, she has a kind personality and can't bear to kill, Su Lanzhi is a little worried that Murong Yan will blame herself.

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