Chapter 103
In fact, after lying on the bed, Chen Fang "falls asleep" before Wei An, because her mental resistance is much lower than Wei An's.

After experiencing many strange talks, Wei An had the opportunity to absorb the black energy twice. Although he did not build a mental barrier, his mental resistance was stronger in comparison.

It's just that the first black gas was given to him by the woman's body in the taxi on purpose. Wei An suspected that it was instigated by the invisible hand behind the strange talk, and the second black gas was obtained by accident just now. It's just that if there is no "Jia Yuhan's blessing", he will suffer from it instead.

The enhanced mental resistance allowed Wei An to resist a little more. He didn't expect that he would fall asleep instantly after lying on the bed. There must be something wrong with him that he didn't know.

Taking advantage of the moment of resistance, Wei An directly consumed 50 energy points and started plot speculation.

The text of the plot speculation was displayed in his mind instantly, so Wei An didn't need to read it word by word, he could immediately know all the guessed information.

[Analyzing the plot of the host's experience...]

[According to the plot experienced by the host, the plot that may happen next has been speculated. 】

[Plot 1: You never imagined that after lying on the bed, you would be affected by the rules of ghost stories and fall asleep immediately.So your first guess is that this must be related to a certain key factor in that case, and what this key factor is is temporarily unknown.After you and Chen Fang woke up, it was dark outside the window, indicating that it was still evening, but you did not lie on the bed you chose, but hugged each other on the bed that was suspected to have been slept by a man and a woman.This is a very standard sleeping position for couples. Although you are embarrassed when you wake up, you find that both of you are weak and unable to move.Not long after, you felt a sudden movement under the bed.The probability of this scenario happening is 99%]

[Plot 2: Because you are facing the wall, you can't see what's under the bed, but you can feel a person wriggling out from below and standing by the bed.A wave of extreme anger spread in the dormitory. The person standing by the bed went to the toilet, took a toothbrush, and then slowly poked the sharp end of the toothbrush into the place where your back is facing. in the back.The toothbrush breaks in the process, and you grin your teeth in pain.The man inserted the broken half toothbrush into Chen Fang's temple in front of you.The probability of this scenario happening is 80%]

[Plot 3: At this moment, a man's voice suddenly sounded in the dormitory. It was very low, and it seemed that he was about to cry when he spoke, which was extremely strange.He said: Just chop it up, and stuff it in the closet just like them.The other person didn't speak.The man said again: Then feed more sleeping water, let them maintain this posture and become two mummified corpses.The other person still didn't speak.But soon you felt a sharp object inserted into the wound on your back just now, and with the severe pain, you lost consciousness.In the dimness, a familiar Tang Dao passed by your ear. For some unknown reason, although Chen Fang was seriously injured, she still tried her best to use this knife to pass through the person behind you.The probability of this scenario happening is 65%]

After learning about the three conjectured plots, Wei An had no time to analyze them, and gradually lost consciousness.

There was a dead silence in the bedroom.

About half an hour later, there was a clicking sound from the direction of the empty wardrobe just now, and the upper and lower wardrobe doors were slowly opened.

In the hazy darkness, two people could be vaguely seen crawling out of the closet one after the other. Both of them were men, wearing vests and shorts, and their faces were terribly pale.

Not only that, but all their limbs were broken at weird angles, and bones protruded from the broken joints, unable to stand upright, they could only squat and crawl on the ground.

Every step of crawling makes the sound of rubbing bones against bones, which sounds horrific, but there is no other sound.

One of the men's necks was broken, and his left shoulder drooped weakly. His two eyes seemed to be looking forward, but only the whites of his eyes were exposed.

After crawling out of the closet, the two of them moved into the middle of the bedroom bit by bit like a mass of flesh, or to be more precise, like two large spiders.

In the next second, a person stepped on one of the five emperors' coins on the ground, and there was a scorching sound between the broken sole of the foot and the five emperors' coins, followed by a burst of black air.

The man immediately withdrew his feet, not daring to get close to the five emperors' money placed on the ground.

The two crawled around to Chen Fang's bed, and one climbed onto the bed like a giant spider, while Chen Fang was still soundly asleep.

Soon the second person also climbed onto the bed. After they crawled beside her for a while, one raised her hand and the other raised her foot, directly lifted Chen Fang up, and slowly moved to the place where a man and a woman were sleeping. on the bed.

Not long after, the two climbed down from the bed, walked around the five emperors' coins on the ground, and came to Wei An's bed.

At this time, Wei An was the same as Chen Fang, also sleeping soundly, as if he had taken a lot of sleeping pills.

One of the men with sunken cheeks quickly moved over Wei An's face, staring at him silently face to face.

Not long after, the man opened his mouth with great difficulty, because his face bones had been deformed and squeezed, he managed to open his mouth a little, and a smear of saliva mixed with blood dripped down onto Wei An's shoulder.

Wei An's eyelids moved, but there was no other reaction.

Another person climbed up to his feet and lifted his feet up, and the man who was dripping with a big cloud of saliva lifted Wei An's shoulders.

The two weird limbs were all broken into several pieces, but they could still lift Wei An with all his strength, and moved him to the same bed as Chen Fang just now.


After an unknown amount of time, when Wei Anyou woke up, he found that it was still dark outside the window.

His body shook, and he found that he could only maintain the current posture and could not move, and the current posture was the same as the plot speculated. He put his arms around Chen Fang, and Chen Fang turned his back to him. Both of them were lying on the right side. The legs are slightly bent, and looking from the top down, they are two "S" shapes that are close together, which fit perfectly.

This posture... If Chen Fang wakes up, it will be more or less awkward.

Just as Wei An thought about it, Chen Fang, who was in her arms, suddenly trembled slightly like a conditioned reflex, and woke up quickly.

After waking up, Chen Fang soon realized that she was no longer on the bed just now, and the sleeping position was not right. She just saw the hand of the person holding her behind her, and she knew that it was Wei An.

But even though she woke up, Chen Fang also found that she couldn't move at all, she could only open her eyes, her lips moved, her throat was dry, and she swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva before finally being able to make a sound.

"Wei... An." She spoke slowly.

"Hmm..." Wei An immediately replied, "I can't... move...move."

This tone sounded as if he was defending himself.

Fortunately, his body was sore and numb, and Wei An was also very fortunate, because if his body was as sensitive as usual, this posture would kill him.

Chen Fang in her arms was trying to move, but Wei An knew that her thoughts were futile, because no matter how hard she tried, her body would only tremble slightly at most, but she couldn't move at all.

"Please... don't... tremble!" Wei An reminded very hard.

(End of this chapter)

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