this is not a joke

Chapter 104 Calling You Cheap

Chapter 104 Calling You Cheap (please subscribe!)
At first, Chen Fang didn't realize it, until she suddenly felt something wrong with Wei An's accent, and then realized that she really couldn't move anymore.

A face became flushed, Chen Fang let out a soft snort, and her whole body suddenly became stiff.

Wei An let out a long sigh of relief, and said gratefully, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Chen Fang replied in a strange way.

The scene at this moment became both awkward and delicate.

After a while, the two began to speak much more smoothly, but their bodies still couldn't move.

Chen Fang said: "I can't lie down on this bed. I felt dizzy after I lay down just now, and then..."

Wei An also said: "Me too, this should be the rule of this strange talk, of the four beds in this dormitory, only the one we are lying on now is fine, the other beds may fall asleep immediately once we lie on them, Can't resist."

"Why is this?" Chen Fang wondered.

"I guess it has something to do with the original case. The man and the woman went back to the dormitory and slept on the same bed. It doesn't look simple." Wei An said: "Maybe some of their actions have been worried about being secretly videotaped, recorded or recorded by their roommates after a long time." I eavesdropped, so I got some sleeping pills and poured them into the water dispenser, and the others would fall into a deep sleep after drinking it, so they could feel more at ease."

"So as soon as we lie in bed, we immediately pass out?"


"Since it's all like this, why don't these two people go out to rent a house?" Chen Fang wondered.

"Mostly it is prohibited by the school, or some other conditions cannot be met, so they cannot live off-campus." Wei An analyzed.

"What should I do now?" Chen Fang asked, "Although I can talk, my body is too weak and I have no strength at all."

"The plot of the ghost story should not be over, otherwise the two of us would not be able to maintain this posture and be unable to move." Wei An said.

Chen Fang's face began to flush slightly again.

Not long after, the two of them felt a sudden vibration from under the bed almost at the same time, and Wei An immediately said softly: "The plot is still happening, try to get yourself back to action as quickly as possible, now let me handle it first."

After a while, the feeling of creeping under the bed became stronger, but Wei An and Chen Fang were both facing the wall, unable to know who it was that crawled out.

Until there was no sound of crawling again, a vague figure stood in front of the bed. Wei An tried his best to look back and glance away, but he could only vaguely catch the shadow of that person.

It seemed to be a woman with disheveled hair standing in front of the bed, with her head lowered, looking at the two lying on the bed.

Wei An clearly remembered that he had checked under the beds just now, but the space under each bed was very narrow, and there were only plastic basins or one or two pairs of shoes, no one was hiding, and no corpse was found.

Even if someone hides under the bed, it is possible that it will be squeezed and deformed.

And the long-haired woman standing by the bed now is obviously a terrifying appearance after her body has been deformed. Her standing body is bent to the left, her arms are slightly stretched forward, her mouth is wide open, and her eyes are also bulging out. .

At this time, the woman's face showed an uncontrollable anger. After seeing a man and a woman lying on the bed, she wanted to swallow them alive.

There was a gurgling sound in her throat, and the woman turned around and walked to the place where the toiletries were placed. Wei An knew that the woman was going to get the toothbrush with a sharp handle.

When the woman brought the toothbrush over, Wei An immediately spoke and said calmly, "I'm not your boyfriend, they're setting me up."

"Ah—" A shrill cry came from the woman's mouth.

It could be heard that she was still very angry, and she didn't seem to listen to Wei An's words at all. From the woman's point of view, she already believed that Wei An was someone, and this was a long-standing resentment in her heart.

Knowing that the words just now had no effect, Wei An spoke again: "Even if you kill me, your resentment will not disappear. Because I am not the source of your resentment, the man who slept on this bed deceived you, maybe it wasn't His reason, I wonder if you have considered other factors, such as his roommate?"

The next second, there was a sharp tingling sensation on his back, and the tip of the toothbrush still pierced his skin.

"For example, the person who has been giving you bad ideas behind your back!" Wei An said again.

As soon as these words came out, the tingling pain on his back suddenly eased.

"Leave him alone, this guy has always been duplicity." A strange man's voice suddenly appeared and took Wei An's words.

"it's him!"

Wei An, who had known the plot for a long time, knew that the man who spoke in the inferred "Plot 3" had appeared in advance, so he immediately raised the volume.

"Giving sleeping pills to other people, if you didn't do it, he ordered you to do it. I don't know what happened between you and your boyfriend, and I don't know what role this guy with bad ideas played among you. But why don't you keep your eyes open, take a good look, and find out beforehand?"

As soon as these words came out, the feeling of being pressed against by a sharp toothbrush behind him disappeared quickly, and the tingling sensation was gone.

Wei An continued: "I slept on another bed, but I was here after waking up, and so was the girl in my arms. Who did all this for you, who wants to show you this scene, What is he thinking, in fact, if you think about it carefully, you will understand..."

At this moment, Wei An felt pain in his back again, which was more severe than before, but it was obviously not caused by the girl.

At the same moment, a strange man's voice sounded next to his ears: "You... are not worthy of her at all!"

The Tang knife in Chen Fang's hand passed Wei'an's ear in an instant, and the time estimated in "Story 3" arrived, and she was finally able to swing the knife at this time.

The knife came very suddenly, but it was also timely, because the weird man who assassinated Wei An was whispering to him.

After one stab, Wei'an felt that there was no sound in his ears, and Chen Fang did not move. It turned out that she was desperately turning the Tang knife half a circle to attack.

But at the same time, because she moved forcibly, the wrist holding the knife was broken.

After the knife, Wei An's body twitched violently. Because his mental resistance was stronger, he was the first to recover, and immediately turned around and sat up.

What came into view was a deformed girl standing not far from the bed. She was wearing a red skirt, half of her face was covered by long hair hanging down, but the other half of her face could be seen. It was visibly deformed and looked extremely terrifying.

Beside the girl's feet, a man was lying on the ground, one-third of his head was cut off by Chen Fang's Tang Dao, and the red and white blood flowed all over his head, but it seemed that he was still trying to stand up.

Wei An quickly swung his hands twice, took the scalpel in his hand, bent down and cut the man's neck with a knife, and then made another knife with force, and the man's neck fell to the ground.

Suffering successive attacks from the orange weapon Tang Dao and the yellow weapon scalpel, this guy couldn't take it anymore and didn't move.

Wei An wiped off the blood that splashed on his face, and said, "I call you a bitch!"

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at the woman in the red skirt: "Don't trust other people's words! Come on, now I will help you sort out the ins and outs of what I know. If you are wrong, you can correct it at any time."

 The phenomenon of male and female friends living together in the boys' dormitory is not fictional. I have actually seen it. I remember being surprised at the time. Later, it was reported and verified, and the couple were directly expelled from the school.

(End of this chapter)

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