this is not a joke

Chapter 105 The third person

Chapter 105 The Third Party

After Wei An said these words, Chen Fang, who was lying on the bed behind her, also slowly sat up. Her body gradually regained consciousness, but the pain on her wrist became more and more intense.

The woman in the red dress in front of her was obviously moved by some of Wei An's words just now, so she stopped attacking, but the man who provoked him was going to continue to deal with Wei An, but was knocked down by Chen Fang.

Now the woman in the red skirt's hatred and wariness towards Wei'an has not disappeared, and the man's strange annihilation by Wei'an and Chen Fang does not seem to arouse her more anger.

However, Wei An could clearly feel that there was an extremely terrifying feeling emanating from this woman, and instead of diminishing, this feeling was gradually increasing.

Not only him, but also Chen Fang who was sitting on the bed could sense the terror in the woman, and more oppression permeated the room.

"This girl died wearing a red dress!"

Wei An muttered to himself.

It is said that the murderous person in red clothes is the most powerful kind after turning into a ghost, with extremely strong resentment, which is difficult to eliminate under normal circumstances.

Chen Fang unknowingly squeezed the handle of Tang Dao again, but her thoughts were the same as Wei An's. This girl is terrifying, but she hasn't done anything yet, so there should be room for relaxation.

Wei An cleared his throat, retreated to the bed and sat down.

At present, there is only this bed in this dormitory for sitting on. If I sit on other beds, I am afraid that I will soon fall into a coma again.

"It should be like this..." Wei An said: "You love your boyfriend very much, but because of school regulations or other reasons, you often choose to have trysts here."

As he said, Wei An pointed to the bed where he was sitting, "At that time, the Radio and Television University should not have such strict management, and even the roommates in this dormitory would often stay on the Internet all night outside the school, so I gave them Created more opportunities for trysts."

"Of course, things are not absolute. Your roommates found out about your affairs very quickly, and you may have been embarrassed at first, but later you continued to do so by hanging mosquito nets to cover up. During this period, a certain roommate began to harbor evil intentions, or You got something on your mind, so you said something to drive you apart, or something like that."

Speaking of this, Wei An saw the woman in the red dress shaking her head, and the indescribably terrifying atmosphere on her body became more intense.

"That's not it?" Wei An immediately corrected: "It means that your boyfriend has really betrayed you or the idea, coupled with that roommate's provocation, so you are convinced, or in some aspects You are also confirmed."

The woman in the red skirt nodded slowly.

Wei An pondered for a moment, then continued: "The fact is that your boyfriend not only brought you to the dormitory for the night, but also brought other girls. Moreover, the malicious roommate secretly left evidence and then quietly told you. And his purpose is to want you to leave your boyfriend and choose him."

After a pause, Wei An's tone changed slightly, "Or, it's not just a simple choice of him, to put it a bit evil, but to ask you to satisfy some of his dirty ideas."

This time, the woman in the red skirt didn't say anything.

Wei An turned his head and glanced at Chen Fang, seeing Chen Fang looking at him in surprise, probably because he was surprised why he thought of so many evil things.

He shrugged and explained: "It's not that my thoughts are dirty, it's that this world is not clean at all. Since the things here can form strange stories through cases, it is conceivable that it is already extremely dirty, otherwise strange stories Such good material will not be let go.”

Speaking of this, Wei An seemed to think of something, because the woman in the red skirt didn't say anything just now, and he said again: "It seems that my guess is a bit conservative. Not only the boy, but other roommates in the dormitory have this The idea is to let the boy negotiate with you on their behalf, but you didn’t know that these people were involved at first, and you thought it was just the boy who wanted to violate you.”

The woman in the red dress nodded.

Wei An looked down at the decapitated man, "This guy should be the representative."

He looked up at the woman in the red skirt again, "The following are some of my speculations, which may be biased, but they should be close to each other. In fact, you and your boyfriend did not take the sleeping pills, but other people represented by this guy. And the people who were drugged were you and your boyfriend."

"As for what happened after taking the medicine, I don't want to guess any more." Wei'an looked sad, "From the perspective of these roommates, they firmly believe that being alone is worse than being happy together, but at least the person on the ground has some admiration for you, and he knows to tell you You, your boyfriend is actually not a good person, and then he showed you the evidence of your boyfriend's cheating that he secretly left behind."

The sense of terror on the woman in the red dress began to recede. It should be some points that she didn't understand before, but after Wei An explained it, it suddenly became clear.

"Then why are they all dead?" Chen Fang interjected with a puzzled expression.

At this time, her body had basically recovered, and she sat next to Wei An while supporting herself with one hand.

Wei An cast his eyes on the woman in the red skirt, as if he was talking to himself: "I feel that the more I speculate, the darker I become."

He continued: "Since they are all dead, there must be a conflict. The source of the conflict must also revolve around the sister in red skirt and her boyfriend, so if my guess is normal, sister in red skirt knows After finding out that I was drugged, I found the heartbroken boyfriend. Although I hated him very much, I could only ask him to go to other people to ask for an explanation. This heartbroken boyfriend brought weapons, such as hammers, etc. in advance. Sure enough, there were conflicts during the period, which eventually led to tragedy.”

"This is a normal guess, what about the abnormal one?" Chen Fang asked.

Wei An realistically glanced at the man on the ground, then looked at the woman in the red skirt, and said slowly: "Sister in the red skirt and this guy drugged everyone in the dormitory, and then beat them all with a hammer one by one while they were asleep. Die. Including his boyfriend."

Chen Fang was stunned and stared at the woman in the red dress in front of her.

"During this process, the movement may be a bit loud, causing the people in the next dormitory to hear it, that is, the man we met in the corridor outside." Wei'an said: "Then this guy on the ground also used a hammer to kill him. kill."

"But how did she die?" Chen Fang was puzzled, and then looked at the man with a different head on the ground, "And this man."

Wei An said: "The high probability is suicide. After finishing this horrific case, he jumped from the upstairs, his head fell to the ground first and died. Of course, it is also possible that this man wooed sister Hongqun after the incident, expressing that he would love her in the future." Together, after being rejected, he was hammered to death with a hammer, and the man then committed suicide."

After a pause, Wei An tapped his forehead, "I feel like my brain cells are dying, but after thinking about it, the reasons and processes of the incident are nothing more than the following, and one of them always matches."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the woman in the red skirt in front of him, "So, your boyfriend not only lied to your feelings and stepped on two boats, but other people also took this opportunity to ruin your body, making you full of resentment while you were alive, Wicked deeds are committed and cannot be undone. Now you understand."

While Wei An was speaking, the sense of terror on the woman in the red dress was further weakened, getting weaker and weaker, until it was almost unbearable.

Not long after, her body began to tremble slightly, she didn't express anything, she just retreated to the corner step by step, and tightly stuffed her body into the corner.

At this time, the expression on Wei An's face suddenly became serious. He stared at the woman in the red dress carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more abnormal his expression became.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fang also found that the atmosphere suddenly became unusual.

Wei An blurted out: "I overlooked a very important question."

"What's the problem?" Chen Fang asked.

At this time, the woman in the red dress in the corner had completely disappeared.
Wei An said: "It's her identity! We took her for granted as the heroine of this pair of boyfriend and girlfriend, but now it seems that she is not, she is the third party!"

As soon as the words were finished, there was a bang, and there was a sudden knock on the door of the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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