this is not a joke

Chapter 112 Wei'an's new skills

Chapter 112 Wei'an's new skills (please subscribe!)

Now Wei An is outside the area of ​​the original strange talk, he is very aware of the danger of this place, so he made up his mind not to touch anyone, no matter what weird scene he saw, he had to pretend he didn't see it.

He didn't dare to imagine the strength of the white-haired old woman behind him, but it was definitely stronger than the strange talker who was still sleeping in the dormitory at the moment.

Even Wei An didn't know whether the old woman was alive or a terrifying monster.

As for the weirdness that came out of the ancient courtyard just now, I am afraid that the strength is not weaker than this old woman, and the place outside the strange talk area is comparable to hell!Startling at every step!
Wei An had no time to look back, because when the old woman chased after her, she made almost no sound, which was completely different from the heavy footsteps made by the ghost talker.

He desperately rushed towards the familiar path. If his speed was fast enough, Wei An reckoned that he could break out of this path and reach the school's No. 1 dormitory.

To reach the trail, one must pass through the ancient well not far away. Wei An quickly rushed over without thinking too much.

But at the same moment, he suddenly saw a person's head popping out of the ancient well.

No, to be precise, a mass of black hair emerged. These hairs were numerous and dense, and at first glance, they all appeared to be hairs emerging from the mouth of the well.

This scene felt very familiar to Wei An, and it reminded him of the large amount of black hairs packed in cloth bags in the "hospital morgue" strange talk.

It's just that the hairs in the mouth of the well give people a feeling of being alive, flying up one by one, like tiny black snakes, with so many hairs appearing, it makes people feel tired at a glance.

Wei An immediately put a certain distance away from Gujing, not daring to get close, and still ran desperately towards that path.

When passing through the ancient well just now, a woman's head protruded from the well, her body was full of decaying breath, and those hairs grew on her head.

The woman uttered a stern and sharp roar at Wei An, which made Wei An slow down, the wound exploded, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

Wei An trembled and almost fell down.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and desperately moved to the stone brick floor of the path. After exhaling, he dragged his numb left half of his body forward along the path with difficulty.

The white-haired old woman behind her felt silently that the old woman had extremely lush white hair, because her facial skin was completely loose and collapsed because of being too old, and she no longer had normal facial features to speak of.

Not only was she hunched over, but she was also walking on tiptoe, looking very strange, no wonder there was no sound coming out.

With the speed of this white-haired old woman, it will soon catch up to Wei An who is already moving slowly.

Wei An turned his head anxiously, put away the bloody hammer, and threw the killing ax in his hand at the old woman.

The old woman also seemed to be afraid of the bloody axe, twisting her body, avoiding the ax blade, and chasing after it again.

The bloody ax fell to the ground with a bang, Wei An didn't feel distressed, anyway, he had already felt distressed just now, and he couldn't take the red weapon away without any extra energy points to exchange.

Seeing that the entrance and exit of the path were right in front of him, Wei An tried his best to move his body, and when he was still about seven or eight steps away, the old woman behind him approached again.

This time, Wei An didn't hesitate, and immediately threw the ice knife, the worst weapon on his body, behind him.

But this time the old woman didn't hide at all, even though the ice knife was directly inserted into her face, her lips squirmed, and the left corner of her mouth suddenly cracked to the root of her ear, and she swallowed the ice knife inserted into her face .

Her throat protruded in the shape of an ice chisel, and soon she swallowed the green weapon whole.

Now that the ice cutter had been thrown out, Wei An was thinking about getting the weapon back. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he finally came to the entrance and exit of the trail, and got out of what looked like morning fog but was actually more like mist. white mist.

The foreground changed, and the familiar dormitory building appeared in front of him. Wei An didn't stop, and continued to walk four or five steps forward.

The moment Wei An fell to the ground, a shriveled hand stretched out from the mist behind him and grabbed it fiercely in mid-air, but it didn't catch anything.

The shriveled hand trembled slightly, as if unwilling to reconcile, and finally retreated slowly into the mist.

At the same moment, the weird talking male lead in front of the gate of the ancient courtyard, whose body was decapitated, was left with only a blood-stained skeleton and a few clothes in place, and all his flesh and blood had disappeared without a trace.

And the gate of the ancient courtyard is slowly closing.


Wei An, who fell on the ground and could no longer move, felt that all the bones in his body were falling apart, and it was extremely difficult to breathe. Every time he took a breath, the pain in his armpits was excruciating, as if he was about to suffocate.

His face was extremely pale, and because of the pain in his body, his hands unconsciously tugged at the green grass on the ground.

Not long after, a text prompt from Guai Tan finally appeared in front of my eyes.

【Intruder, you have successfully completed the final mission and are about to leave...】

[Congratulations, your professional skill "Detail Capture" has been enhanced, upgraded to "Detail Capture (Intermediate)", and you have obtained a new professional skill "Consciousness Enhancement (Low Level)". 】

[Enhancement of Consciousness: This is a skill unique to the adaptor, it does not mean strengthening your personal consciousness.The adaptor has a strong consciousness and is rarely affected and controlled by the plot of the ghost story. You can make good use of your consciousness and apply it to a certain item, such as a weapon, so that the item can exert its original effect within a certain period of time, or Allows the item's basic abilities to be temporarily enhanced.However, within a period of time after the consciousness is strengthened, there will be situations such as lack of concentration and inability to analyze and judge. 】

Wei An didn't even have time to finish reading the text that appeared in front of his eyes, and his consciousness had already begun to lose consciousness.

At the last second, he raised his head and glanced at the dormitory building not far away. He vaguely seemed to see outside the corridor of Room 309 on the third floor, the ghost talker and two huddled corpses clinging to the corridor guardrail. looking at himself.

The strange talk heroine showed a weird smile, stretched out her hand, and waved lightly at him.

Wei An didn't know whether he really saw it, or a hallucination that appeared at this moment, his eyes closed slowly.

When I opened it again, I found myself lying on the corridor of a certain floor of the dormitory building, with Chen Fang and Pei Na squatting beside them, with worried expressions on their faces.

The two worked together to turn Wei An's body over, keeping him in a flat lying position.

Chen Fang asked: "Where did you get hurt in the strange talk just now?"

Because Wei An was in good health at the moment, he could no longer see where he was injured.

Before Wei An could answer, Pei Na said, "It's okay, as long as it's not a mental injury, now that your physical injuries have recovered, even if you bleed a lot. But your subconscious mind still thinks that you are seriously injured, or About to die, etc., as long as you feel it carefully, touch the wound, and change your inner feelings, this feeling of dying will slowly recover."

Wei An reached out and touched the horrible wound on the left armpit, and found that there was no trace, only the clothes were torn.

However, the feeling of being on the verge of death due to severe injuries just now is still there, which makes his face still look abnormal, and he needs time to catch his breath.

After a while, Wei An said while thinking: "I just made a new discovery. In the world of strange stories outside the strange story area, there should be a certain level of weirdness."

(End of this chapter)

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