this is not a joke

Chapter 113 That's Another Ghost Story

Chapter 113 That's Another Ghost Story (please subscribe!)
Hearing Wei An's words, Chen Fang and Pei Na's subconscious reactions were different.

Chen Fang's reaction was that when everyone was concerned about Wei An's physical and mental condition, this guy was actually considering the level of weirdness.

From the perspective of her profession, Pei Na's first reaction was the meaning behind Wei An's words. If a person hadn't gone to the area outside the coverage area of ​​the strange talk, it would be impossible for him to say these words. .

So Pei Na's expression changed immediately, and she blurted out, "Did you leave this building during the strange talk?"

"Ah!" Chen Fang reacted with a look of horror.

When communicating with Wei An before, she heard that during the strange talk, never leave the area where the strange talk happened without authorization, otherwise there will be unexpected and terrifying encounters.

"If I don't leave that building, I might not be able to come back now." Wei An said, "I can tell you about this separately, but I won't write it in the report. Because there are still many mechanisms and mutual interactions in the strange stories." If the connection is not clearly identified, it may cause other participants or investigators to follow suit and take risks.”

After a pause, he said again: "Even if I want to report, I will make a detailed report to the Bureau after I have more contacts and integrate my own analysis."

"Well, we won't talk about it." Pei Na and Chen Fang nodded at the same time.

Wei An didn't disclose his identity as the "intruder", but roughly said that he found that there were still some things in the strange story that he didn't understand. In addition, he had a special occupation, so he stayed for a while.

This coincides with what Chen Fang said just now.

Then during this period of time, he discovered that the hero of the strange talk was not dead. When he said this, Chen Fang was shocked.

Then the male protagonist chased him down, and he ran out of the range covered by the strange talk, and saw a white-haired old woman, an ancient well, and an ancient courtyard.

Although these contents are not much, in Pei Na's opinion, it may be the most detailed description of the world outside the scope of coverage of ghost stories ever.

The most important thing is that Wei An is back, and he didn't get lost or die in the world outside the ghost story.

After Pei Na and Chen Fang finished digesting it, Wei An said to Chen Fang: "The Tang knife is still in my inventory, but I can open the inventory and return it to you next time we enter the strange talk together. Well, try to get it back in the inventory." Before your next strange talk comes, I will hand it over to you."

"It's okay." Chen Fang waved her hand.

In fact, this time, thanks to this orange weapon as Wei An's last trump card, otherwise, if he wanted to kill the man, Wei An would have to shed a layer of skin first.

The feeling of physical injury was still there just now, but Wei An knew that it was just a remnant of his consciousness, and his body was intact.

He stood up while leaning on the railing of the corridor, without letting Chen Fang or Pei Na help, and the three of them went downstairs quickly.

Pei Na called a staff member of the management authority who was in charge of the scene, gave some instructions, and then greeted the security officer who assisted here, indicating that after checking and searching the entire building, the students can be allowed to move in normally.

The three of them came to the parking lot and got into the car. Pei Na was still driving, Chen Fang was sitting in the co-pilot, and Wei An felt uncomfortable, so he just lay down and rested in the back seat.

After the car started, Pei Na asked, "You just said that you made new discoveries in the world outside the weird talk area, and you said that there are levels of weirdness?"

Chen Fang also asked curiously: "Brother Wei, how many monsters did you encounter just now?"

"My name is Brother An. Usually they call me Brother An." Wei An corrected.

"Okay, Vigo."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, Vigo."

Wei An looked up at the night sky outside the car window, and didn't realize that Chen Fang hadn't changed his words, but said slowly: "I just met two weirdos outside of the strange talk, but I only saw the white-haired old woman, and the other After chasing me for a distance, he kept calling me 'Vilang', but I escaped."

While analyzing, he said: "The woman named Wei Lang, the range of strength should be locked in the ancient courtyard where she is located, and a short distance outside the ancient courtyard. The white-haired old woman next to the ancient well has a range of activities in the The area around ancient wells and trails."

"That is to say, these weirdnesses have their own range of activities, and they will not cross the boundary under normal circumstances?" Pei Na analyzed.

"No." Wei An shook his head, "I guessed like you at first, but now that I think about it, I should not have actually reached the unknown and terrifying world beyond the area covered by the ghost talk, although I ran so far It’s far away, but it’s still in the ghost story.”

"Why do you say that?" Chen Fang was surprised.

Wei An explained: "The white-haired old woman only moves around the ancient well and the path, which is the strange talk area where she is, and she is the weird one. And the same goes for the ancient courtyard. The woman who called me Weilang is also the ancient courtyard. The strange story is weird, and the ancient courtyard where she is located should also be a strange story."

Pei Na understood a little, "That means you actually went to the other two ghost stories?"

"Yes, those are two other independent strange stories. For some reason, they were connected with the strange story in bedroom 309 at that moment." Wei An nodded.

Then he said again: "If I really ran to the dangerous and terrifying world outside the ghost story, I might not be able to come back at this moment."

"Then why do you say that the weirdness in the horror world outside the ghost story area has levels?" Pei Na wondered.

Chen Fang nodded. She also felt that these two things had nothing to do with each other. She didn't know why Wei'an's thoughts suddenly jumped to this.

Wei An smiled: "Because I thought of another strange story, which is the 'hospital mortuary' that I experienced with other people last time. In that strange story, there were several strange creatures with strange behaviors, namely the Tauren , a slender black figure, and an extremely fat big fat man, uh, and a hand. These weirdos didn't come to hunt us down, but made a deal with us respectively."

"They give me a feeling that they don't belong to that strange talk, but seem to be a cameo in that strange talk." Wei'an continued: "You must know that the weirdness we encounter can only be seen in a certain place. The monsters that appeared in the ghost stories, and the monsters I just mentioned should be able to appear in other monsters, so their level and strength should be higher than the monsters that are relatively fixed in the monster stories."

In fact, Wei An still has another guess, which is that black hair and the long-haired woman who just saw coming out of the well.

If the clump of hair that was burned off was also weird, then maybe the woman whose head emerged from the ancient well was the body of that weird hair.

In other words, this woman, like the tauren and other monsters, can choose to appear in any monster story.

Therefore, she chose to appear in the strange talk of Gujing.

"Black hair, black hair..." Wei An muttered to himself, "So the hair is also weird."



"Come and pick me up tomorrow, we're going to meet someone." Wei An said.

(End of this chapter)

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