this is not a joke

Chapter 115 Falling into Madness

Chapter 115 Falling into Madness (Add more updates for the leader!)
In the end, everyone still ate pork chop rice bowl, because Wei An had to go to Yu Changshun's house, so he suggested to eat something simple to save time.

It just so happened that Pei Na was not taboo, and her appetite was astonishing, which did not match her graceful figure at all.

The others seemed a little surprised, because Pei Na had already caught up with the boy's appetite, but only Wei An knew very well that Pei Na usually looked fragile in front of people, but in fact she exercised very intensively, it was definitely not like this. Several old men are comparable.

After eating, it started to rain lightly.

"Yesterday it was sunny, but today it's raining." Zhou Xin stretched out his hand to cover his glasses on the bridge of his nose so as not to get wet from the rain.

"Then let's go first." Wei An waved to them.

The place to eat is relatively close to the company, and these people can walk there in a few steps without getting wet.

Seeing Wei'an and Pei Na getting into the car, a colleague asked Zhou Xin, "This kid said he was eating at the public house, did he tell you which unit he is in?"

Zhou Xin shook his head.

In fact, Zhou Xin also asked during the meal just now, but Wei An just winked at him and didn't answer.

From Wei An's point of view, it is not appropriate to disclose the identity of his investigator to everyone, otherwise, a large number of people he knows will come to his home every day, no matter whether he encounters strange stories or not, he will come to consult, or directly express that he wants to hug his thigh .

After all, everyone has fears and worries about ghost stories.

To relieve their fears and worries, he has the unified deployment of the General Administration to do the work, and he alone does not have that much ability.

I can tell Zhou Xin about my job as an investigator, but it's really inappropriate to tell everyone now.

Seeing Wei'an's expression, Zhou Xin probably had a guess, and planned to call him directly to ask him later.

Watching Wei An and Pei Na drive away, a colleague standing beside Zhou Xin nudged him with an elbow and said, "Look, that girl named Pei Na is driving again, I feel like she belongs to Wei An driver or assistant."

Zhou Xin nodded, because he also felt the same way. When the girl was eating and chatting just now, she showed a strong sense of attachment to Wei An. No matter what Wei An said, she did not refute or disagree.

Moreover, Zhou Xin felt that this girl was not at all reserved, shy and cautious in front of these strange old men, and she had seen too much world at a glance.

This formed a sharp contrast with her attitude towards Wei An. A woman who had seen the world, but obeyed Wei An's words, which meant that at least at a certain point, Wei An was able to completely suppress her.

It's just that Zhou Xin didn't know this girl before, she should be Wei'an's new friend recently.

Zhou Xin stopped thinking about it, and planned to call Wei An at night to find out.


The sun was shining brightly in the morning.

It was pitch black inside.

All the windows were drawn with heavy curtains, not a ray of sunlight could seep in.

In this dark room, rustling noises can be heard from time to time walking on the ground, as if there are many snakes or various small insects crawling on the ground in the room.

Whether it is the living room, bedroom or kitchen, there is a strange smell at the same time. It is not smelly, but it smells very uncomfortable.

There is a young woman lying on the bed in the bedroom. This woman is not asleep, but has passed out. She originally had beautiful long hair, but at the moment her head is bald. Spots of blood, and some unshaven stubble.

On the right side of this bed, Yu Changshun was sitting on the ground with his upper body naked and wearing pajama pants. His eyes revealed a fiery madness, as if his brain was completely controlled by an obsession. With long black hair, he carefully smoothed them out in the palm of his hand, and then placed them neatly on the ground.

At this time, on the floor of the bedroom, a large number of black hairs have been placed in place. These hairs are long and short, extending from the bedroom door to the foot of the bed. Every visible position is covered with hair.

Don't know where this guy got so much hair.

After arranging these two strands of hair neatly, Yu Changshun carefully took another large tuft of long hair from his side, picked up a wooden comb placed on the bedside table, and brushed the long hair in his hand.

These long hairs don't seem to be so smooth, a little dry and dry, which makes the sound of combing make people feel tired.

Not long after, the girl lying on the bed moved slightly and slowly woke up from the coma. She first opened her eyes, and after slowly adapting to the light and darkness, she quietly turned her head to look at the side of the bed.

What caught my eyes was Yu Changshun with a fanatical and persistent expression.

This girl is Yu Changshun's wife, that is, Yang Meifang, the lovely wife who became a regular after being a junior. A few days ago, she found that something was wrong with Yu Changshun. He kept smelling his hair.

Then check out tons of pictures and videos about hair online.

What Yang Meifang couldn't accept was that two large bags were delivered to her home at noon yesterday, and when she opened them, they were all covered with hair, some of which were long or short.

After receiving the hair, Yu Changshun fell into madness as if he had found a treasure.

Yang Meifang asked him what he was going to do, but Yu Changshun didn't explain, but dragged all the hair to the bedroom and poured it all out.

Yang Meifang quit immediately and had a dispute with him.

How could he know that Yu Changshun, who was usually extremely respectful to him, suddenly seemed to go crazy, and directly knocked himself out with an ashtray.

Yang Meifang woke up once on the way, and found herself lying on the bed with Yu Changshun lying beside her head.

She turned her head and saw that this guy was chewing on her long hair scattered beside the pillow, making that unbearable sound like a vicious dog eating.

This scene directly scared Yang Meifang to the point of fainting, but now when she woke up, she felt her head was chilly, and she reached out to touch it quietly, and all her beautiful hair had disappeared, leaving only a few sporadic strands, and her head hurt, which shows that Yu Changshun While shaving her own hair, she must have damaged a good deal of her scalp.

Even at this moment, Yang Meifang is not sure whether her hair was shaved off by that crazy guy, or just gnawed off!
She felt that the world in front of her had become less real, but her rationality was telling her, don't let Yu Changshun know that she woke up, because that guy is already crazy!
Not only was he crazy, but now Yang Meifang felt that Yu Changshun was no longer a human being, like a hungry ghost who was extremely obsessed with hair and crazily devoured it.

Yang Meifang worried that this guy would go crazy and eat herself. She felt very cold, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably because of fear.

The more I tried to control my body not to shake, the more my body trembled.

At this moment, the sound of hair shaving beside the bed suddenly stopped.

Startled, Yang Meifang turned her head to look quietly, and saw Yu Changshun lying on the edge of the bed with his chin resting on the bed, staring at her without blinking.

The guy's eyes were bloodshot, like a beast.


The strong sense of fear made Yang Meifang unable to hide it any longer. As soon as she screamed, Yu Changshun jumped onto the bed and covered her mouth with his hand, and could only whimper.

Yu Changshun pressed Yang Meifang, who was struggling constantly, with his feet. Suddenly, the wooden comb in his right hand was raised high, and the palm covering his mouth moved away. The end of the wooden handle was inserted into her mouth in a second. With both hands, the comb was dead Pressed it down...

(End of this chapter)

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