this is not a joke

Chapter 116 Variation

Chapter 116 Variation (please subscribe!)
The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the windshield in front of the car had been washed by the rain, and it was hard to see clearly. Even if the wipers were opened to the maximum, it would not help.

Fortunately, Wei An and Pei Na have arrived at Yu Changshun's community.

The management of the community was a little lax, because the rain was too heavy, and the security guards guarding the security booth at the gate were unwilling to come out to register. They just stood inside and looked at the license plate number outside, and then let them go after hastily registering.

The car parked directly downstairs of the building where Yu Changshun was. After getting off the car, Wei An and Pei Na immediately ran to the eaves outside the apartment building, flicking the raindrops off their bodies.

After waiting at the door for a while, a cleaning lady in charge of the building's sanitation opened the door from inside the unit building. Wei An and Pei Na thanked them and entered the building.

According to the address sent by Zhou Xin, the two took the elevator to the 14th floor and found room 1404.

He stood at the door and knocked, but there was no response.

Immediately, Pei Na knocked on the door, and Wei An called Yu Changshun again, but no one answered.

When we were having dinner together just now, Wei An also asked Zhou Xin and the others that Yu Changshun had asked for sick leave from the company and handed in a sick leave certificate from the hospital, saying that he had a serious stomach problem.

So he shouldn't be traveling away from home.

Now no matter knocking on the door or calling, there is no response.

Wei An turned to look at Pei Na, and Pei Na immediately looked around, and then she saw a camera at the connection between the corner of the wall and the ceiling not far away, and she didn't know if it was good or bad.

As members of the Administration Bureau, they didn't care whether they would be photographed. Pei Na skillfully took out two thin pieces of iron and inserted them into the gap of the door lock. She didn't know what she touched, and then she reached out and grabbed the door handle. , with a sudden force, there was a click, and the door was opened, but the door lock was also directly broken.

Wei An was taken aback and said, "I thought you would open the door quietly and without damage."

Pei Na said solemnly: "Yes, I am not injured. But my instructor only taught us how to violently break down the door, we can't do sneaky things."

Wei An: "..."

The door opened, and a strange smell wafted out of the room.

Wei An didn't know what the smell was, so he turned his head to look at Pei Na, and saw Pei Na smell it carefully, and whispered, "It seems to be the smell of hair!"

"Hair, does it smell?" Wei An wondered, he really didn't know this.

Pei Na shook her head: "Hair itself has no smell, but the scalp will secrete oil to adhere to the hair, and after the external dust is absorbed and fused, excessive bacteria will be produced, which will cause the odor to appear. In this room, it is all this kind of smell."

"Excellent." Wei An gave her a thumbs up.

At this time, the room was completely dark except for the slight opening of a door, which could be seen here, and it could be seen that all the curtains were drawn.

Pei Na said again: "The smell is very strong, the room has not been ventilated for at least three days."

The two did not go in immediately, but tried to turn on the light, but the room seemed to have tripped and there was no response.

They didn't turn on the flashlights of their mobile phones, but waited for their eyes to adapt to the darkness inside, and then walked in one after the other.

Pei Na is in the front and Wei An is in the back.

Except for a little darkness, the living room looked normal, and there were no weird scenes.But there was no sound in the room except darkness.

Pei Na quickly turned her head and pointed to Wei An in the direction of the bedroom. She didn't speak, but Pei Na was sure that she could smell a faint rancid smell wafting from the bedroom.

Years of experience told her that someone had died inside, and judging by the current weather, it had been at least two days since the death.

Seeing Pei Na's solemn expression, Wei An knew that something bad must have happened in the bedroom, so he followed Pei Na to the bedroom and gently pushed open the door that was concealed.

But after pushing halfway, Pei Na found that she couldn't move anymore. When she looked down, she saw a thick layer of black material on the ground, which looked like hair, blocking the opening door.

Wei An looked down, and then told Pei Na to stand aside, not to go in for now.

He took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it into the bedroom. The moment the flashlight was turned on, he saw a blurry figure flashing past in the bedroom, and he couldn't see clearly what he looked like.

But at the same moment, Wei An also found a person lying on the bed, a dead body to be precise.

The corpse is bald, but it should be a woman, and there are signs of decay, which is the source of the putrid smell in the bedroom.

Pei Na leaned over and saw the scene in the bedroom.

At this moment, Wei An pressed her ear and said softly, "There is still someone inside, it should be Yu Changshun."

Pei Na nodded and signaled Wei An to step back a little, while her legs were slightly bent, her whole body was tense, and she was ready to go.

Not long after, there was movement at the door of the bedroom, and a head poked over, ready to look outside.

At this moment, Pei Na kicked the bedroom door extremely sharply, the door was directly broken, half of the oblique upper part fell off, the door slammed backwards, and the person behind the door who was watching was also kicked. Get hit and fly.

Pei Na immediately rushed into the bedroom, stepping on hair all over her feet, and grabbed the fallen person, and the fallen person was Yu Changshun.

Hearing Wei An's introduction before, Pei Na thought that Yu Changshun was clumsy, but she didn't know that the grab didn't touch the opponent, Yu Changshun quickly rolled on the ground, quickly avoided Pei Na, and rolled to the bedroom door, In a flash, he entered the living room.

Wei An suddenly saw him jumping out, and immediately backed away in surprise, but Yu Changshun rushed directly at him, which was completely different from his usual movements, as if he was a different person.

Wei An was thrown down immediately.

Now it's not in the ghost story, he can't take out all the weapons and props, so he can only rely on himself to resist, but his strength is obviously not as strong as Yu Changshun.

After Yu Changshun threw him to the ground, he immediately opened his mouth wide, and a lot of chewed hair sprayed out from his mouth. Wei An knew something was wrong, but the opponent was so strong that he couldn't break free immediately, so he closed it immediately. Eyes and mouth, hold your breath.

Pei Na shot behind her, and the bullet shot into Yu Changshun's back and heart in an instant.

Yu Changshun's body twitched suddenly, and he threw himself on Wei An's body without moving.

Pei Na hurried forward and pulled him off Wei An's body, and saw that this guy was very angry, because the bullet hit the vital point of his heart, and he might die in a second.

However, Wei An lay still on the ground, Pei Na felt nervous, seeing that Wei An's face was already covered with a large amount of black hair, it seemed that she was not breathing.

"Wei'an, Wei'an!" She suspected that poison might be attached to these hairs, so she didn't dare to touch them directly with her hands.

He ran to the sofa, tore off two white cloths, and quickly cleaned off the hair on Wei An's face. He saw Wei An's eyes were tightly closed and his mouth was biting tightly, but there was still no sign of waking up.


Pei Na was anxious, she tried his heartbeat and found it was normal, but she was still in a coma for some unknown reason, then she called the ambulance center.

In Pei Na's opinion, there might be something wrong with those hairs, which prevented Wei An from waking up.

She has a lot of first aid knowledge in her mind, but for the current weird situation, it is obvious that she can't easily rescue her indiscriminately, as long as Wei An is not in danger of life for the time being.

Not long after the call was hung up, Wei An suddenly made a movement and began to cough violently. After a while, he opened his eyes, and Pei Na quickly helped him sit up.

After a while, Wei An slowed down, showing a smile on his face, and couldn't help blurting out: "Haha, the Five Emperors' money is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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