this is not a joke

Chapter 117 Get 5 Emperor Money Again

Chapter 117 Received the Five Emperors' Money Again (Please Subscribe!)

Those hairs were really disgusting, especially the sticky hair sprayed out from Yu Changshun's mouth, in Wei An's eyes, it was like a chemical weapon.

So at first he closed his eyes and mouth immediately, and held his breath, and his face was soon covered with a thick layer of black hair.

If a girl had been treated like this, she would probably have vomited long ago, but Wei An wouldn't, his endurance was not bad, at most he just felt uncomfortable in his heart.

After his face was completely covered by hair, an extremely strange feeling came over him in an instant, Wei An's head buzzed, and he suddenly realized that he was not lying on the ground anymore, but came to a strange environment.

Trying to move his limbs, he found that his limbs were not restricted, and Yu Changshun, who was pressing on him just now, seemed to have disappeared.

He also can't feel any hair on his face, but everything is normal.

After hesitating for a moment, Wei An tried to slowly open his eyes.

Sure enough, there was nothing on his face, and he found that he was standing, instead of being pinned down by Yu Changshun as before, unable to move.

Turning his head and looking around, he found that this was a deep corridor, a completely unfamiliar environment.

The walls on both sides of the corridor are covered with wallpaper, mainly in tan and black, which looks extremely depressing, and there are no wall lights installed.

But it was weird, although there were no lights around him, he was still able to see things in this corridor, and he could see the deepest part of the corridor before it became pitch black in that direction.

Wei An glanced back, the corridor behind him also had no end, and he didn't know where it led.

He quickly came to his senses, there should be two possibilities for his current experience, one is an illusion, after being covered by those strange black hairs on his cheeks, at this moment he had an illusion that was almost equal to reality, so that it could not be broken for the time being it.

The second possibility is that he has entered the ghost talk.

Wei An prefers the second possibility, because he found that now he can open his inventory and take out any weapon props he has ever obtained.

Of course, these items can also be taken out in hallucinations. After all, it is an illusion, and anything can happen.

It's just that Wei'an is too familiar with the feeling of entering the ghost talk, and he has no reason to doubt it.

"This is a strange story. I came in suddenly after my face was covered by the hair sprayed out by Yu Changshun." Wei An quickly speculated, "In other words, this strange story is most likely related to those black hairs."

The terrifying woman with long hair wriggling in the mouth of the well that he saw next to the ancient well last time appeared in his mind.

Now Wei An knows that, as a monster with a higher level, this woman can choose to enter other ghost stories. , Another example is that she reappeared in the strange talk between the white-haired old woman and Gu Jing, trying to chase herself.

One thing that can be explained now is that Wei An's decision to burn the hair directly on the spot was correct, but for some reason, there was a problem with Yu Changshun's transaction, and he did not bring the cloth bag containing the black hair.

And judging from the scene where the guy sprayed hair from his mouth just now, he probably ate the hair directly, or the hair got into his body, so there was no cloth bag at that time.

Now everything makes sense, and this guy's strange behavior after the strange talk should be the reason.

"Does that mean I'm now in the weird talk that belongs to that black long straight?" Wei An said to himself.

Although the atmosphere here is full of strange talk, but he still dare not draw conclusions rashly.

At this moment, a sound of vomiting suddenly appeared in front of Wei An, and a figure stumbled and staggered out from the depths of the corridor.

Wei An took a closer look and found that it was Yu Changshun.

"You came in too!"

At this moment, Yu Changshun looked completely different. His hair was disheveled, his body seemed to be as weak as before, not as agile as before, but his expression was terrifying, his facial features were ferocious, especially his eyes, even though he was separated from them From a distance, Wei An could see the red light in his eyes, like a beast about to go crazy.

Wei An thinks that his spirit should have entered into a kind of frenzy. In the final analysis, it is still caused by mental damage, which leads to problems in reality, but this problem is hidden deeply and has not been exposed until now.

"The hair entered his body, but it's not a real thing, but a means of control similar to ideas, but it made Yu Changshun himself have an extreme desire for hair, and stimulated this potential idea to the maximum." Wei An quickly analyze.

At this moment, the stumbled Yu Changshun suddenly started to speed up, staring at Wei An with a pair of eyes, and ran towards him.

Wei An immediately retreated, but at the same time, he noticed that the direction of the corridor behind him was also strange.

Although he didn't hear any sound, after taking a few steps back, he immediately turned around and saw a figure of a long-haired woman faintly appearing in the darkness, standing there without saying a word.

The outline of this woman is very similar to the long-haired woman in the ancient well, Wei An has no doubts, thinking that they are the same person, he dare not step back.

In the strange talk about the "hospital mortuary", this woman must have had some ulterior purpose in letting them take out those weird hairs, although Yu Changshun was the only one who did it later.

And when she appeared from the ancient well later, she must have wanted to take revenge on herself, because Wei An was the first person to propose burning her hair off.Without the intervention of Wei An, that time might have been successful.

Wei An held the bloody hammer in his hand, and instead of retreating, he charged towards Yu Changshun.

He actually has a good choice now. The long-haired woman behind him must be more threatening than Yu Changshun, so it's better to face Yu Changshun directly. Don't look at that guy who is crazy and looks scary, but Wei An with the red weapon in his hand is not at all. fear.

As soon as the two approached, Wei An smashed Yu Changshun's head with a hammer. Yu Changshun didn't dodge, his head exploded with a bang, but he still reached out to hug Wei An.

At the same time, a large number of black hairs protruded from the pores on the surface of his skin, piercing through the skin, trying to wrap Wei An.

Wei An appeared with a scalpel in his other hand, quickly cut off the hair that was trying to wrap around him, and then smashed Yu Changshun's right cheek horizontally with a hammer.

The guy's head drooped on the spot, and his neck should have been broken from the sound.

But at the same moment, not only did more hair grow on his skin, but he also heard a crash, as if several metal objects fell to the ground.

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that it might be the only special prop on Yu Changshun's "Five Emperors Coin". He hardly thought about it, and immediately continued to cut off the hair with a scalpel, squatting down, and quickly picked up the copper coin on the ground.

At this time, Yu Changshun had actually collapsed on the ground and twitched. It was the hairs in his body that still kept pestering Wei An.

The woman behind him was getting closer and closer, and Wei An could feel a strong threat coming. At this moment, his heartbeat almost stopped, goose bumps appeared all over his body, and he couldn't help but want to run away.

"This black long straight is even more powerful than that white-haired old woman!"

Wei An muttered to himself, put away all the copper coins he had picked up, stood up and cut off Yu Changshun's body with the sharp side of the bloody hammer.

As expected, Yu Changshun's body quickly turned into a mess of hair, which fell to the ground sparsely.

Looking at this scene, Wei An's guess was confirmed.

"This is not a ghost story!" He looked up at the woman who was approaching, "You are the scariest monster I have ever seen, and you actually pulled me into the space between ghost stories and illusions with only a little hair in reality , Is this the world you created yourself?"

The long-haired woman who was approaching him stopped immediately. This woman's skin was so fair that she couldn't even see her facial features clearly, as if her entire face was a flat surface.

She stared at Wei An quietly without saying anything.

Wei An continued: "There are elements of ghost stories here, but they are not real ghost stories. So Yu Changshun is fake, so needless to say, I am also fake. In fact, my body and Yu Changshun's body did not appear here at all, it is our My consciousness is projected into the ghost story you created..."

After saying that, he turned the scalpel upside down and pointed it at his throat, ready to cut it off at any time.

"If my prediction is right, I should be able to get out as long as I kill myself. Do you want to force me to try?"

The scene fell into a stalemate. After a while, the long-haired woman suddenly turned around and walked slowly into the depths of the corridor.

And the world in front of Wei An disappeared with her figure, turning into glass shards, which quickly collapsed piece by piece.

(End of this chapter)

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