this is not a joke

Chapter 118 Popo's Settlement

Chapter 118 Popo's Settlement (Please Subscribe!)
So far, Wei'an still doesn't know the specific grade and real identity of this black long straight monster, but based on the fact that the other party can directly create a space similar to strange talk, one can roughly infer her strength.

The tauren, the slender black shadow, and the super fat man who cameo in the "hospital mortuary" as traders before were all trying to get the participants to bring out the hair that belonged to this woman.

It shows that this woman may really have a way to break away from the restrictions of the ghost story world and appear in the world where Wei An is.

However, only Yu Changshun brought out the hair in a special way, and it should be used as a backup pawn.

Facts have proved that after those hairs were burned off by Wei An, the plans of the weirdos failed, and Yu Changshun's backup came into play.

However, at this point in the matter, the role of the backup was still discovered by Wei An in time, and it failed to develop to the point where it could not be remedied.

As for Wei An, there is one thing that made him have an unexpected gain, that is, after entering the Hei Changzhi space that has the nature of the world of strange stories but does not belong to the real world of strange stories, he did not expect to put Yu Changshun's The five emperors' money, a special prop, was brought here.

As a prop in the ghost story, it can only be used in the ghost story, and it cannot be used or even touched in the real world anyway.

Unexpectedly, after entering the dark, long and straight space (the principle of space formation is unclear to Wei An), he snatched Yu Changshun's complete set of five emperors' money.

So after Wei An woke up from breaking that world, he immediately expressed emotion.

Pei Na looked at Wei An inexplicably, and wanted to ask him how he was feeling, but seeing Wei An's appearance, she began to consider whether to call the ambulance center and withdraw the ambulance just called.

Looking at Yu Changshun who was lying on the side again, although he was very angry, he still held his breath and did not die.

So the ambulance can still help.

Not long after, people from the Management Bureau and the Public Security Bureau came to the scene one after another. All the curtains in the room were opened, and the switch was reconnected.

Pei Na followed the ambulance to the hospital, while Wei An chose to stay at the scene and inspect Yu Changshun's home with Meng Yibo and the others.

After the administration confirmed that the bathroom was ready for use, Wei An went inside and washed his face well, wiping off the filth on his face just now.

After the identification of the management bureau here, the body of the bald woman lying on the bed is indeed Yu Changshun's wife Yang Meifang. She has been dead for two days. There was a comb in it.

Wei An and Meng Yibo inspected the hair that was strewn all over the bedroom floor, and he quickly came to a conclusion that some of the hair that Yu Changshun spat out from his mouth just now came from here.

The other part should have eaten his wife's hair, because he ate too much and couldn't digest it at all, and the stomach and intestines had a rejection reaction, so he vomited it all out again.

So in the ghost talk, those hairs may be hidden by entering Yu Changshun's body, but in fact they just planted a strong psychological shadow and spiritual hint on Yu Changshun.

After all, like Wei An and Jian Hui, he was mentally traumatized, but it was much more serious than the latter two.

The weirdness of Hei Changzhi is really terrifying, through the spiritual damage planted, Yu Changshun can actually project the space created by it, which is similar to the strange talk.

If Wei An hadn't seen it through, he might have fallen into Yu Changshun's original situation again, waiting to be eaten away by that weird Hei Changzhi step by step.

Just as the on-site inspection was about to end, Pei Na called Wei An and told him that Yu Changshun had died after rescue failed.

In fact, it was a miracle that the guy survived to the hospital after being shot in the heart.

Meng Yibo and Wei An came outside the room, he lit a cigarette for himself, and took a deep breath, as if digesting what Wei An had just said to him.

While checking just now, Wei An explained the whole incident and some of his own opinions and speculations to him.

Meng Yibo was completely terrified. He believed that this was the first time since the strange talk happened that there was such direct evidence that the strange talk wanted to enter the human world. This is a major discovery and must be reported to the General Administration as soon as possible.

"You write me a detailed report on your analysis just now and the strange talk in the 'hospital mortuary' some time ago, and you must add your analysis and speculation just now, and you must not miss a single word." Meng Yibo road.

Because of this request, Meng Yibo felt that Wei An's analysis was very reasonable, most of it was correct, and could provide a lot of reference value for the General Administration.

Wei An nodded, "I'll dictate, let Pei Na write it for me, then polish the text, and hand it over to you tomorrow."

"That's right." Meng Yibo said: "The investigators were assigned a mental detector, which is the latest product like the search device, and can prevent investigators from being mentally harmed unknowingly during strange stories."

"Can it resist mental damage?" Wei An asked.

"No, it's to test your mental coefficient. The higher the coefficient, the greater the mental strength, and the less likely you are to be hurt." Meng Yibo said: "If the coefficient is negative, just like Yu Changshun just now must be negative, then special measures should be taken." Pay attention."

"Okay, give it to me at the bureau tomorrow." Wei'an nodded, "Didn't you talk to Jian Hui? How was the result of his strange story? Did investigator Jiang Jialiang die in that strange story?"

Meng Yibo's face became a little ugly, "It's impossible to be sure now, but according to our analysis, the possibility of Jiang Jialiang's survival is relatively high, about 70%."

"What's going on?" Wei An asked curiously.

Meng Yibo sighed, "This social group APP Solitaire Strange Talk is the same as what we discussed that day. At that time, they were already conducting the second solitaire, and they happened to pick up Jiang Jialiang, while Jian Hui was in the first solitaire. Arrived once."

"According to Jian Hui, Jiang Jialiang's task at the time was to burn paper money at a crossroads. Jian Hui told him not to be brave, to follow the task requirements completely, and not to do anything inconsistent with the requirements. But later Jiang Jialiang did not always follow. By breaking this task, the whole Solitaire was solved, and then he never returned to Jian Hui. Jian Hui said that he secretly went to the intersection to look twice, and every time he could see Jiang Jialiang still squatting there burning paper money, but told him But she didn't respond at all, and didn't dare to get too close."

"How did Jian Hui get out?" Wei An asked.

"After he finished his second solitaire, one of the characters in the ghost talk said he didn't want to play anymore, so the solitaire was terminated, so he was able to quit." Meng Yibo said.

Wei An nodded, he could guess that Jian Hui should adopt the life style that he is good at, and this strange talk may only need to complete the task smoothly as required, and there should be no other thoughts or actions.

This is exactly in line with Jian Hui's behavior style, but if one happens to meet an investigator who wants to really break up this strange talk, the risk will immediately increase several times.

As for Jian Hui's ability to pass through the strange talk smoothly, it was just passing through, and it cannot be said that he really broke through the strange talk.

"Several working groups in our bureau have discussed it and asked the director for instructions." Meng Yibo said: "If Jiang Jialiang is still alive, we can't let him get stuck in strange stories and never come out. Currently Hu Fei is investigating The clerk has already applied to go in to solve this problem, I don’t know how you think about it here?”

Wei An hardly hesitated, and replied, "I'll follow the bureau's arrangement."

"Huh——" Meng Yibo suddenly let out a long breath, "In this case, I will represent the 103 members of the Jiang family first, thank you! At present, their family members are very worried, and Jiang Jialiang's parents are going crazy."

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, he felt as if he had been tricked by Popo.

But having said that, what is Jiang Jialiang's identity?There are more than 100 people in this big family!

(End of this chapter)

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