this is not a joke

Chapter 119 The Jiang Family

Chapter 119 The Jiang Family (please subscribe!)
Luo Kai, the boss of Huafei Game Company, was visibly panicked after the Weitan Administration reported the news of Yu Changshun's death.

As for the investigator job here in Wei'an, he found out through his own contacts, and he never mentioned it to others, so he kept his mouth shut.

Because Yu Changshun entered the ghost talk with them last time, afterward, a special working group from the administration found Luo Kai and communicated with him about the preparations for the second ghost talk.

But Luo Kai didn't expect that something happened to the first participant of the strange talk at this time!It seems that Yu Changshun went mad and died because of the sequelae of the "hospital morgue" strange talk.

Wei An comforted him for a long time on the phone, telling Luo Kai clearly that the problem was with those hairs back then, all of them had their hairs burned off, only Yu Changshun had something wrong, and he didn't tell them honestly how to deal with the hairs.

"That kid also got hair at that time?" Luo Kai was surprised.

"Come on, it's just that he didn't tell any of us." Wei An said: "So it caused his current tragedy."

"Alas—" Luo Kai was speechless, but at the same time felt relieved.

If it was because of this incident that caused the current result, then he was not as worried as before.

"He Guanglu also called me just now. It's inconvenient for him to bother you directly. Let me ask him if there's anything wrong. Now we can feel relieved." Luo Kai said: "That guy Yu Changshun has brought all this on himself. There is no follow-up threat."

"Yes, no. You just need to seriously prepare for your own strange talk next time." Wei An gave Luo Kai a reassurance.

Later in the day, Wei An and Pei Na went through the ins and outs of the whole matter together, Wei An dictated, Pei Na typed, and compiled a detailed report.

It was handed over to Meng Yibo when he went to work the next day.

Meng Yibo returned to the office with the report, but before he could read it seriously, his phone rang suddenly. He glanced at the caller ID, immediately put down the report in his hand, closed the office door, and then connected the phone.

The moment the phone was connected, the old boy lowered his voice immediately, and his tone became extremely respectful, "Hi, Mr. Jiang!"

A man's voice that sounded about 80 or [-] years old came from the phone, his voice was calm and slow, "Did he agree?"

"Well, I agreed. Our investigators are very conscious. He didn't say anything nonsense, he just said: listen to the bureau's arrangements." Meng Yibo nodded hurriedly: "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, he is Our best investigator here, so far, he has never missed a strange story in his hand!"

"Jialiang is the youngest of my seven grandchildren. Although my Jiang family has always respected the child's freedom to choose his own development path, but now he is not alive or dead. Please understand my worries as an old man."

This old man Jiang seemed to be of high authority, or had a very high social status, but he still lowered his posture when talking to Meng Yibo, and spoke simply and clearly.

Meng Yibo felt that he was respected by the other party, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Jiang, please don't worry, I will notify you as soon as I have good news."

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

The phone hangs up.

Meng Yibo heaved a sigh of relief, took out an unopened small instrument from the cabinet, left the office, and went to Wei An's office.

At this moment, Wei An, Pei Na, and Jian Hui were together, and seemed to be learning about the specific situation of the strange talk about entering the social group APP Solitaire game.

After Meng Yibo went in, he handed the small instrument in his hand to Wei An, "This is the mental detector. It can be tested anytime and anywhere, and can remind yourself at all times. Jian Hui got it here yesterday."

Jian Hui nodded, pointed to this small instrument, and said, "This thing works quite well. I tested it, and my spiritual coefficient is 2.4. This is still when I suffered mental damage during the strange talk."

"Under normal circumstances, what is the normal mental factor?" Wei An asked.

"About 3 coefficients." Meng Yibo said.

"Then I'll test it now."

Wei An became interested, and immediately opened the package, and found that the mental detector was similar to a thermometer, with a switch on one end and an infrared emitting point on the other end.

According to the instructions in the manual, point the infrared end to your temple, and then activate the switch.

I didn't feel anything, and after a while, the small screen in the middle of the thermometer displayed Wei'an's mental coefficient.

"2.2?" Wei An glanced at it.

He tested it again, and the result was still "2.2", indicating that the result would not fluctuate and should have a certain reference value.

However, judging from the results, Jian Hui's mental trauma is better than his own, it is 2.4, and he has absorbed two wisps of black energy to supplement it, but he did not expect that it is still 2.2, it seems that the construction of mental barriers is heavy. It's a long way.

"The lower the mental coefficient, the more serious the mental damage of the person, such as Yu Changshun's, is a sign of being deeply hurt, and the mental coefficient should probably be negative." Meng Yibo said.

"That is to say, if the mental coefficient is zero, this person is considered to be on the verge of collapse." Pei Na guessed.

"Yes, it's almost like this." Meng Yibo said to Wei An and Jian Hui again: "Every time you experience a strange talk, you'd better test it, or when you feel that something is not right, you should also do a few more tests , It is best to always grasp your own spiritual coefficient."

Both Wei An and Jian Hui nodded.

Meng Yibo looked like he suddenly remembered something, and asked Wei'an: "By the way, the bureau just decided that it's up to you to investigate the strange talk about the social group APP. If Jiang Jialiang is not dead, try to rescue him. Of course , It is best to be able to dismantle this strange story, but don’t force it. After all, investigator Hu Fei is not experienced enough, and his ability to deal with strange stories is not as strong as yours, so his application has not been considered by the bureau for the time being.”

"Has the game been decided?" Wei An asked.

"Well, it's settled."

"Jian Hui isn't going either?"

Jian Hui: "...cough cough, I...uh, maybe I can't solve it, because I tried it once, but now I don't feel sure."

In front of Wei An, Jian Hui knew that the other party knew his details, so there was no need for him to pretend to be forceful.

After a pause, Jian Hui said again: "This strange talk, looking at the whole Zhoucheng, maybe only you, Wei'an, can solve it."

This sentence can be regarded as a resounding flattery to Wei An.

Wei An looked at Meng Yibo and asked, "Brother Bobo, this Jiang Jialiang's family is not an ordinary person in Zhoucheng, right?"

Meng Yibo was slightly taken aback, nodded and said: "The Ark Group in Zhoucheng belongs to his Jiang family, and two other members of their family hold important positions in the central city, but usually the Jiang family is very low-key. If you cling to this level of relationship, It is of great benefit to us and our Zhoucheng Administration."

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(End of this chapter)

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