this is not a joke

Chapter 120 Parents' Mental Strength

Chapter 120 Parents' Mental Strength

"Jiang Jialiang was born as a noble son. He did something wrong and chose to be an investigator!" Jian Hui said aside.

In fact, for a person of Jiang Jialiang's status, even if he meets the ghost talk, even if he has met the conditions for being an investigator, he can completely refuse to join.

After all, for Meng Yibo, Jiang Jialiang has all the means that are very effective for Meng Yibo, such as money, beauty, status, etc., so this kid chooses to be an investigator out of love, and has nothing to do with other factors.

"Carrots and cabbages have their own preferences," Meng Yibo said.

Then he looked at Wei An again, "How long will it take to start? Because according to our observation, the triggering conditions of the strange talk are still the same, but we are not sure how long it will last."

After a pause, Meng Yibo said earnestly: "Actually, if you can really bring Jiang Jialiang out of the strange talk, it will be of great benefit to you. At least the Jiang family will owe you a very important favor. Last time you were not Did you get a reward of 50? (Jian Hui: (Д#)) If you convert the favor of the Jiang family into a reward, it may be more than 500 million. According to my understanding of their family, if you really want to convert it into money, at least This number is the bottom line..."

As he spoke, he stretched out three fingers.

"3000 million?" Jian Hui (;OдO) again.

It can be seen that even a person like him is a little moved.

If I had known that Jiang Jialiang had a problem in the strange talk this time, I would have tried my best to rescue him.But after thinking about it, if he really wanted to rescue him right away, it was his own job, which was different from the meaning of Wei An's special rescue now.

Only now that he enters the ghost talk specifically for Jiang Jialiang, can he get the gratitude of his Jiang family.

Thinking of this, Jian Hui froze again.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's because his strength doesn't allow him to think so.

"Of course, I know that you, Wei An, don't value money very much." Meng Yibo said: "This important favor can be kept when you need it in the future, just ask for it."

Wei An shrugged and said nothing.

As I said before, as an investigator, it is enough for the bureau to assign him a task. Unless he is asked to complete an A-level strange talk immediately, Wei An may refuse on the spot, because it is really beyond his current ability. It can be done.

It was the "Three Rumors" B-level strange talk that was searched before, and Wei An has not made up his mind to challenge it yet.

He just told the management authority that the abandoned building is the area most likely to have strange stories, and the management authority has temporarily blocked it together with the Public Security Bureau.

But now, the security guard will still obey the unified deployment of the authority.

Next, these few people got together, and under Jian Hui's introduction, they carefully studied the social group APP Weird Talk, especially the various tasks in it.

These tasks may be repeated in the process of Solitaire, but there are also many new challenges, so it is not meaningful to only study the repeated tasks, and more new tasks that may occur need to be estimated.

Everyone studied for a long time, and formulated several plans under Jian Hui's suggestion.

After getting off work that day, Wei An returned home and found that his mother Wen Qiong had prepared a large table of delicious food. Originally, Pei Na had already driven away after seeing him home, but Wei An called her immediately to ask her to come back.

After parking the car downstairs, Pei Na closed the door with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, I'm here to eat again!"

"Why are you being polite!" Wen Qiong smiled all over her face and enthusiastically invited Pei Na to sit down at the dinner table.

But soon Pei Na helped set up the bowls and chopsticks, and ran to the kitchen to fill up the soup and carry the vegetables.

Wei Zhengdong went to wash his hands, and cheerfully called Pei Na to come over and sit down, "Nana, don't worry about their mother and son, come and sit down quickly, do you want to drink fruit tea? Uncle will make you a cup, it will beautify your face."

Wei An glanced at his father in the kitchen, wondering when he was so friendly with Pei Na, and his tone seemed to be looking at his prospective daughter-in-law.

After a while, everyone was seated. This time, Wen Qiong cooked an extremely rich menu, including chicken, duck and fish, as well as hairy crabs and lobsters.

Pei Na asked curiously: "It's so rich, is it Auntie's or Uncle's birthday today? Then I have to make up a present."

"No." Wei An shook his head, "It's my mother who will enter the second ghost story tomorrow, and she has already received a reminder in advance."

"Ah!" Pei Na was taken aback. She didn't expect this family to be so open-minded, and they will enter the ghost talk tomorrow. Aunt Wen specially cooked such a sumptuous meal to "celebrate".

Wei An seemed to know that Pei Na would be surprised, and explained: "My mother performed well in the first ghost story. Not only did she get weapons and props, she also got a special job."

Pei Na suddenly realized that she had read Wen Qiong's file before, and knew that Aunt Wen's performance in the first ghost talk was great, but she didn't expect that she would prepare to enter the ghost talk in a way of celebration this time.

"I see!" Pei Na nodded.

"Look at the hint in my second ghost story. It's the same as what my son said. It should only be a solo F-rank, so it's not a big problem." Wen Qiong said.

While talking, she picked up a chicken leg for Pei Na.

Wei Zhengdong also picked up a shrimp for Pei Na with his serving chopsticks, and said, "My wife is so capable, I'm not worried, but I just don't know when I will be able to enter the strange talk."

It seems that Wei Zhengdong has been thinking about this issue all day and all night, and it has become an obsession.

Pei Na secretly glanced at Wei An, and Wei An shook his head at her, signaling to ignore Wei Zhengdong.

Yu Changshun fell into madness after he got into the ghost talk. Looking at it now, his father was afraid that he was about to fall into a crazy state because he hadn't been able to get into the ghost talk yet.

However, Wei Zhengdong practiced the so-called wild dog boxing all day long, and at least he could strengthen his body.

"Mom, no matter what level tomorrow's ghost story is, you can't take it lightly." Wei An warned: "Especially, the weird manifestations in each ghost story may be different, so don't trust anyone in any ghost story, whether it's weird or not. living."

"Son, don't worry, I've read all the strange talk reports you've experienced recently, learned a lot of ways to deal with it, and mastered some coping skills. It's fine." Wen Qiong smiled.

Wei An still seemed a little uneasy. Of course, if he knew the special meaning of Wen Qiong's profession "housewife (evil)" in the future, he might not be so worried, or he should change the angle of worry and start to worry. Neither do those low-level weirdnesses.

After digging a few mouthfuls of rice, Wei An suddenly thought of something. He took out the mental strength tester he just got today, asked Wen Qiong to come closer, and pressed the test button on her temple.

Glancing at the small display screen, Wei An was stunned, and saw that the value displayed on it was "5".

When he was in the bureau, Meng Yibo also said that the normal mental value is about 3 coefficients, but Wen Qiong's here is "5". I don't know if such a value exceeding the normal coefficient is considered abnormal?

"Son, what is this thing? Come and test it for me too, come here..." Wei Zhengdong became curious, and he squeezed his head over with the hairy crab still in his mouth.

Wei An had no choice but to point the detector at it and press on his temple.

When the result was displayed, he was completely stunned!

Looking at the value displayed on the small display screen, he handed it to Pei Na to take a look, then Pei Na was also stunned, returned the detector to Wei An, and whispered: "Is it not aimed at the target?"

"Dad, Mom, I'll test you again." Wei An said.

Then he pressed Wei Zhengdong and Wen Qiong's temples again, and then looked at the test results respectively.

The result is exactly the same as before.

Wei An, who didn't believe in evil, pressed his temple again, and the displayed coefficient was still "2.2".

At this moment, he had to accept that his mother Wen Qiong's mental strength was "5", while his father Wei Zhengdong's was "5.7".

(End of this chapter)

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