this is not a joke

Chapter 121 I'm the only one left!

Chapter 121 I'm the only one left! (Please subscribe!)

After dinner, Wei An secretly called Meng Yibo and asked him about the test of the mental strength coefficient.

The most important thing is that Wei An wants to find out whether the level of mental intensity of his parents is normal or abnormal.

"Usually, the mental strength I'm talking about with a coefficient of 3 is almost the high range of the human mental strength threshold." Meng Yibo said: "However, for some mentally strong people, the threshold range is even higher, and you Investigators can also make up for it through acquired efforts. For example, some investigators in the central city raised this coefficient to 3.8 in the process of building spiritual barriers, and some even exceeded 4 or more."

Wei An: "..."

From this point of view, my parents are considered to be extremely talented, Wen Qiong is 5, and Wei Zhengdong, who has been clamoring all day but has never been in strange stories, has a spiritual coefficient of 5.7.

According to Meng Yibo, if it exceeds 4, it is already very powerful, but what is the situation of my parents now?
Wei An couldn't figure it out.

He didn't even understand that he didn't inherit the spiritual coefficient of his parents.

However, regarding the spiritual coefficient, the Administration did not require every investigator or participant to report it, so he hadn't thought about disclosing the mental coefficient of his parents for the time being.

Wei An also greeted Pei Na, and Pei Na would not disclose it unless the management bureau asked her to.

Wei An also tested Pei Na by the way, and this woman's mental factor also surprised Wei An, with a score of 3.3.

This value also exceeded the threshold range mentioned by Meng Yibo.

After a round of tests, Wei An was hit hard because he was the lowest. He suspected that the mental coefficient of 2.2 was the culprit for his neurotic behavior in strange talks from time to time.

the next day.

Just before Wei'an was about to enter the social group app to start his solitaire adventure, Chen Fang also went to the management office to report for duty.

She has now completed a total of three strange stories, and the last one was recommended by Wei An, and the two completed it together, which made her smoothly promoted to investigator.

Wei An was worried that her third strange story would come at any time, so she wanted to return the Tang knife to Chen Fang as soon as possible.

He suggested that Chen Fang just joined the Guitan Administration, and the social group APP Solitaire Guitan also has a multi-person group, so Chen Fang can enter with him, and take this opportunity to return Tang Dao to her in the Guitan.

Chen Fang never doubted Wei An's recommendation, and she agreed immediately after completing the entry procedures.

But Pei Na also wants to go there, she said that in the future, as long as Wei An comes into contact with ghost stories with multiple people, she will try to see if she can get into the ghost stories together.

After all, if she was just working as a handyman, Pei Na felt that many of her roles could not be brought into play, and she did not share more pressure for Wei An.

And after all, I will often deal with ghost stories in the future, but I have never even entered ghost stories. Without personal experience, my ability will not be able to improve.

So like last time, the three of them made an appointment and went to Huilong Library together.

After the last strange talk, this library has been ordered to be closed and can no longer be opened.

At present, there are only two security guards guarding the post booth at the entrance of the library. They patrol the vicinity regularly and no one is allowed to enter.

Before Wei An and the others arrived, the administration had already notified the security guards, so Wei An and the others drove the car straight in and stopped in front of the stone steps facing the library gate.

Because the library has been closed for a long time, there is no other car in the parking lot outside, only Wei An's car is displayed here alone.

The two security guards at the gate just spoke a few words to them in a hurry, and then immediately retreated to the security booth at the gate.

The two security guards obviously knew that there might be strange stories in the library, so they didn't dare to approach them at all. They even agreed to guard the library door after paying them a fee, and the management team also guaranteed that guarding outside would not have any impact. , otherwise no one would dare to agree to stay here.

After the three got out of the car, they opened the door and walked in. It was still early in the morning, the breeze was cool, and there was silence in the huge library.

Because the interior space is very large, even though it has been closed for many days, the air still does not feel dull after walking in.

Passing through the hall on the first floor, the three of them came directly to the second floor of the library.

There are a large number of bookshelves here, and all of them are filled with books. Some bookshelves are about five stories high, and you need to step on the sliding ladder to remove the books on them.

Come to a reading area behind the bookshelf, where there are long tables and chairs for readers to sit and read books, and there is a bar next to it. During normal business hours, there are also various coffee drinks here, of course, the price is slightly lower than outside more expensive.

Near the reading area are two large floor-to-ceiling glass windows, which provide good lighting. On the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a curtain is drawn, and inside is the destination of Wei An and others - the computer area.

In the computer area, you can read some e-books. These books do not have physical versions and can only be read through computers. Of course, you can also find electronic versions of almost all physical books in the library, and you can download them after paying.

Wei An opened the curtain and walked in, followed closely by Chen Fang and Pei Na.

According to Jian Hui, when he and Jiang Jialiang were operating the sixth computer, a strange talk arose and they were sucked into it.

So they ignored the other computers, but went directly to the sixth computer, and Pei Na sat in front of the computer as agreed at the beginning.

Let her operate the computer because as an ordinary person, Pei Na does not have a special occupation like Wei An and Chen Fang, and the chance of being sucked into the ghost story is the least, so let her operate it. chance of getting in.

The computer was quickly turned on, showing a desktop with a panoramic view of the library in the background.

At this moment, Wei An was standing on Pei Na's right side, and Chen Fang was standing on her left side. Both of them were bent over, staring at the computer desktop.

"Here." Wei An pointed to an icon displayed on the desktop.

This is a shortcut icon of a social software called "Dreamer". The original intention of the design is to establish a dream community in the software and attract like-minded netizens to communicate and discuss in the group.

But this software is not popular, and I don't know why this thing is installed on the computers in Huilong Library.

"Shall I open it now?" Pei Na moved the mouse over the software icon and asked.

Wei An and Chen Fang looked at each other and nodded, "If you are all ready, you can click on it."

Jian Hui and Jiang Jialiang were here at the beginning. Jiang Jialiang operated the computer and clicked on this software, and then the two were sucked into the strange talk.

The slight clicking sound of the mouse sounded, and the software named "Dreamer" was opened in front of me, showing a title with a combination of artwork and text. After a while, the title faded, and then a login interface popped up, with a text prompt at the bottom of the interface .

[Please enter your name and click "Enter". 】

"There is only a name, but there is no password, and there is no registration option." Wei An pondered: "Is it possible to log in to this software as long as there is a name, and registration is not required?"

Speaking of this, a strange feeling came suddenly.

Wei An withdrew his gaze from staring at the computer screen, shifted his attention, and then found that Pei Na who was sitting next to him just now, and Chen Fang who was standing on the other side had disappeared.

He froze for a moment, and couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart.

Because at this moment, he didn't know whether he had entered the ghost talk, or whether it was Chen Fang and Pei Na.

Everything around seemed normal, and the light coming in from outside the library still showed that it was morning, that is, the time had not changed.

The surrounding scenery is exactly the same as before.

Wei An had an ominous premonition, he didn't go in, but Chen Fang and Pei Na both went in instead!
Because this is a strange talk with many people, there is no reason to only enter it at this moment. On the contrary, if the two people are missing, it is most likely to enter the strange talk.

"What the hell... are you playing with me?" Wei An said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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