this is not a joke

Chapter 123 The 1st Solitaire Mission

Chapter 123 The First Solitaire Mission (please subscribe!)

"Wei An went in!" Pei Na said firmly.

Because at this moment she has opened the dreamer software and tried to log in, but the software shows that the server cannot be connected, please try again later.

No matter how many times Pei Na tried, it was still the prompt, even the chat interface couldn't be displayed.

"Kewei'an is alone. This is a strange story with many people. Why did he only let him in?" Chen Fang was very surprised. "At least let me, who has a special profession, go in together!"

Pei Na was thoughtful, then raised her head after a while and asked, "Did his non-chief value increase again?"

She had heard Wei An mention it many times, but when it comes to encountering strange stories, this guy is surprisingly lucky.

Take the first ghost talk as an example. Although the ghost talk was in the embryonic and recessive development stage at that time, everyone else was working overtime, so it was fine. Only Weiando stopped in the office for a while before running into it.

There are too many strange stories to encounter, and there are even cases where other strange stories (ancient wells and ancient courtyards) are encountered again in strange stories. People say second.

"Let me report to Team Leader Meng Yibo." Chen Fang took out the phone again and dialed the number.

After waiting for a while, she pressed the phone a few times and listened softly to her ear. She suddenly showed a strange expression, stared at Pei Na, and said: "The call cannot be connected, not only Meng Yibo, I just now Calls to my parents, and even yours, didn't work."


Paper figurines: Rule [-], each solitaire has corresponding requirements, read the requirements carefully, complete the solitaire task at a specific place and at a specific time, then come back here and leave a message for us.

Ashes: Rule [-], as a rookie, you cannot issue solitaire tasks, and you can only passively complete the solitaire tasks we send you. When you successfully complete the three tasks, you will transform from a rookie to an old man, and then you will be on an equal footing with us.

Lying Corpse: Rule [-], the first thing after becoming an elderly person is to send us a red envelope, a big one.

Ember: Is this also a rule?
Paper man: I think it is possible. After all, I still need two eyes. If I have red envelopes, I can buy eyes.

Ashes: But you can't add rules indiscriminately!

Old Ghost: No need to argue.Newcomers, let us know if you're ready, and the solitaire begins.

Wei An: Excuse me, is this solitaire mission multiplayer or single player?

Now Wei An must figure this out, otherwise he will only be alone. If there is a multiplayer mission, he will have no skills at all, and he will have failed before he even started.

Old Ghost: According to your actual situation, it can be single player or multiple players.Currently you are alone, so the Solitaire missions will be single player as well.

Wei An: OK, then I have no problem, we can start.

Paper Doll: Have you started?started?Then this time I, the blind man, will take the lead. I am the initiator of this solitaire...

At this moment, Wei An saw a commonly used Solitaire applet appeared on the chat interface, the initiator was "Paper Man", and there was a line of text behind his initiation.

[Please "lying corpse" send a red envelope in the group. 】

The second Solitaire player is "Lie Corpse", and this guy is the one who has been shouting the most in the group for asking Wei'an to give out red envelopes.

Lying Corpse: Why do you want me to give out red envelopes?Shouldn't it be posted by a newcomer?
Paper figurine: Didn’t you just say in Rule [-] that the big red envelopes are only given out after the newcomers have successfully transitioned to the elderly, so now it’s your turn to pick up the dragon, and it’s your turn to give it out.

Lying Corpse: ... Fuck
Ashes: Hurry up, don't dawdle!

Not long after, a red envelope dropped onto the chat interface like a bomb, and it was sent from a dead body.

However, Wei An didn't try to grab it, he just quietly watched the red envelope being divided up by others.

Paper figurine: Newcomer, why don't you grab the red envelope?

Wei An: I'm a newcomer, so I'm sorry to snatch the old man's red envelope.

Lying Corpse: Hey, I found that I admire you a little bit, keep your word, wait 24 hours...

[Weian has already won 3.46 yuan. 】

[Your red envelopes will be robbed within 30 seconds. 】

Lying Corpse: ... What's going on?
Wei An: Then I’d better do as the Romans do.

Paper figurine: Hahaha!

Ember: O(∩_∩)O haha~
Lying corpse: Brat, are you really robbing?

Wei An: Then I withdraw the red envelope now, is there still time?

Lying Corpse: Well, it’s too late!

Paper Doll: No.

Ashes: Can't break the rules of the game.

Old ghost: It's your turn to lay the corpse, hurry up.

Lying Corpse: Ahhhh, you are all coveting my red envelope!Newcomer, you wait for me!

Not long after, Wei An saw a second Solitaire screen appear on the chat interface. The person who played the solitaire was the "lying corpse", and the next person to solitaire was himself.

[Please "Weian" go to Moonlight Hospital to go through the admission procedures, stay in bed 39, and stay in the hospital for one night, and return to the computer the next day. The patient on the 39th bed just died, you lived in the same bed after admission, and absorbed his last breath of yang energy.At night, he will come back to ask for this Yang Qi, please remember to return it to him. 】

Seeing this solitaire task, Wei An was stunned for a moment, and immediately asked in the chat interface: Why did the last solitaire just send out a red envelope?It's so complicated when it comes to me?
Lying Corpse: Because you are a newcomer.

Paper figurine: Newcomers are not qualified to question. You can only complete the task unconditionally given by the previous player.

Ashes: This task doesn't seem to be difficult.

Old ghost: After seeing the task clearly, go quickly, don't dawdle.

Wei An: That means I can leave here now and go to the hospital.

His other meaning is that the area of ​​activity of this strange talk is too big. After leaving the library, walking in the city, and then arriving at the hospital named Moonlight, it can cover such a large area.

Paper figurine: You can do it anytime, we are waiting for your news.

Ashes: I hope you won't be unable to come back.

Lying Corpse: No, I have to come back, he hasn't given out red envelopes yet!
Wei An temporarily left the computer, left the computer area, and quickly went down to the lobby on the first floor of the library. Then he opened the door and saw that the outside was exactly the same as Zhoucheng in reality. You can still see the two security guards everywhere.

He remembered that the car key was on Pei Na's body, but when he walked to the front of the car and took a look, he found that the key was placed in the driving position of the car, and the door opened as soon as he pulled it.

Get in the car and start it quickly, turn the car around, and drive to the gate of the library.

The two people in the security booth moved, but they didn't show up. Instead, they quickly opened the electric gate for Wei An.

Wei An probed to see the faces of these two people, but saw nothing.

He quickly drove the car to the street and looked around. The situation on the street was the same as usual, full of pedestrians and heavy traffic, and it felt no different from the real world.

When I was wondering where the Moon Hospital was, I immediately saw a sign on the side of the street, which said: Go straight and the Moon Hospital is 3.46 kilometers away.

"Damn it, isn't this the amount of the red envelope I snatched from the 'lying corpse' just now?"

Wei An has learned that guy's bad taste and revenge mentality, and even the distance to the hospital is related to the amount of the red envelope he was robbed of.

"I'll bring that yang energy back later and give it to you directly." Wei An muttered to himself, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove forward following the sign.

(End of this chapter)

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