this is not a joke

Chapter 126 I suck!

Chapter 126 I suck!

If it was a ghost just now, Uncle Song now looks like a half-dead person, with a strong death energy permeating his body, he is about to die, not completely dead.

In Wei'an's view, dead people are not terrible. What is terrible is this kind of old man who is dying and defrauding his corpse. With two mouthfuls of yang energy in his body, the current Uncle Song can't tell what he has become , just feels extremely weird.

He opened his mouth, let out a slight "ah", and moved closer to Wei An's face. At this time, Wei An's body was covered with goose bumps, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He wanted to take out the bloody hammer and knock it down on the old man's head, but the rules of Solitaire were limited, he couldn't fight against the weirdness, but had to follow the rules.

"Does it have to be given to the other party?" Wei An hesitated.

He didn't have a clue yet, when the lifeless face was about to approach him, he coughed and flattened his mouth, as if muttering in his sleep, turned over again, facing the hospital bed inside.

Uncle Song's body froze suddenly, maintaining a bent posture, his eyes seemed to be able to see after inhaling the yang energy just now, looking at the back of Wei'an's head through the albuginea.

But just now, when Uncle Song approached Wei An, Wei An used the "Detail Capture" skill to obtain a detail that he didn't notice.

Uncle Song's body gave off a slightly tense feeling, as if he was exerting force, and the focus of force was on his left hand, which was clenched into a fist and clenched tightly.

It was possible that he was holding something in his hand, this was Wei An's first reaction.

After turning over, there was no movement behind him. Now Wei An didn't know Uncle Song's reaction, what he was doing, and he didn't dare to move anymore.

At this time, Uncle Song didn't move at all. He just bent his waist and opened his mouth slightly. His white pupils stared at Wei An who was lying on the bed, and he didn't move for a while.

The scene seemed to be at a standstill.

Wei An became a little worried, fearing that Uncle Song hadn't succeeded in absorbing his yang energy twice, and might directly strike behind his back, such as hugging his head from behind and biting his back after getting angry, or biting his back.

At this moment, a burst of cold air invaded the back of the neck, and Wei An almost shivered.

He could feel Uncle Song's face almost touching the back of his neck, as if he was sniffing around, a cloud of cold air traveled along the back of his neck to the back of his head, and then slowly descended from the back of his head to his back.

Wei An remained still until the cold air disappeared, he could imagine that Uncle Song should straighten up.

There were slight footsteps on the ground again, and Uncle Song quickly reached the end of the bed, and walked around the end of the bed to the side where Wei An was lying on his side.

At this moment, Wei An narrowed his eyes slightly, watching the shambling figure slowly approaching. At the same time, the terrifying big mouth opened wider and wider. Uncle Song's facial skin was like rubber that could be stretched at will. It all feels fake.

This time, if Wei An turned around again, he seriously doubted that Uncle Song would attack him immediately instead of stealthily absorbing Yang Qi.

So he no longer pretended to turn over, but suddenly opened his mouth in advance the moment Uncle Song's face approached him, and at the same time he opened his mouth, Wei An sucked suddenly.

Uncle Song's body paused, and a pale white breath condensed out of his mouth like a pillar of air, pouring into Wei An's.

This breath was originally colorless and odorless, but now it was mixed with a faint bad breath smell, but it was consistent with the yang energy that Uncle Song absorbed from the mouths of the other two patients.

After taking a sip, Wei An couldn't bear it anymore, made a retching sound, and sat up immediately.

Uncle Song was going to inhale, but he didn't expect that before he started inhaling, Wei An sucked out the yang qi he had just inhaled, and saw his body tremble slightly, his body was still densely covered with dead qi just now At this moment, it disappeared quickly, and the body became thinner again visible to the naked eye.

As for Wei An, who had inhaled this yang energy, his face flushed red, as if he drank two catties of white wine in one breath, and his hair was almost tinged with white gas.

His heart was beating like a drum, and a layer of sweat oozed from his whole body. Not only did he feel a hundred times more energetic at this moment, but his strength also increased a lot.

Wei'an had an illusion that if he met the strange talker in "Dorm 309", that is, the man with a strong physique, he would not have to sneak attack with a bloody hammer, but would wrestle with him head-on.

"I'm so... afraid that I will increase my life by 20 years at once!"

Wei An himself was taken aback.

In fact, he was planning to repay Uncle Song in the same way in advance. In fact, he wanted to prevent the other party from sucking away his yang energy by means of counter-inhalation.

Unexpectedly, the judgment was wrong, and he inhaled too early, instead he plundered the yang energy that the opponent had just absorbed.

Uncle Song stood still for a moment, his expression gradually changed from stunned, and a ferocious look emerged, which could never be erased.

In the next second, the old man with his mouth still open uttered a hoarse cry from his throat, revealing anger, and rushed towards Wei An on the bed.

Wei An had been prepared for a long time, turned over and got off the other side of the bed, stepped on the ground with both feet, and saw Uncle Song already standing on the bed, rushing towards him again.

Now is not the time to confront the other party head-on, because Wei An remembers that this solitaire game is to let Uncle Song suck away his Yang Qi, but the premise is that he has to get this Yang Qi before letting him suck it.

Now Wei An is not at all sure whether he has obtained the yang energy that Uncle Song had before his death. If he did not obtain it, then he is very likely to end up in the same fate as those two patients, and he is completely heartbroken.

So he didn't dare to gamble. If he lost the bet, he would have to risk his life.

But it doesn't mean that you have to confront Uncle Song. There is no need to take out the Tang knife or the bloody hammer now and chop the old man to the ground.Otherwise this solitaire game will definitely fail.

Uncle Song threw himself on Wei An's shoulder and opened his mouth to bite him on the head. Wei An lost his focus and sat down on the ground.

Uncle Song had a lot of strength, but Wei An, who had taken a big breath of Yang Qi just now, was also not weak. His face was actually still flushed, and he was unable to use his strength.

Taking the opportunity to free up his right hand, he grabbed Uncle Song's tightly clenched fist, and with all his strength, he broke the fist apart.

During this process, Wei An could hear the sound of bones breaking, which showed how tightly Uncle Song clenched his fists, and even the clenched bones were completely stiff.

As the bone finger broke, his palm was opened, and an irregular piece of paper was quietly lying in Uncle Song's palm.

Wei An grabbed the piece of paper, and after the piece of paper left Uncle Song's palm, there was a plop, and Uncle Song fell straight on the ground, his body stiff and motionless.

Wei An sat on the ground, stepped back a little, held the piece of paper in his hand, and cast his eyes on Uncle Song. After waiting for a while, he found that the other party had remained silent.

He brought the piece of paper closer to his eyes for a closer look, and found that it was not an ordinary piece of paper, but a piece of incomplete poker, with a poker pattern on the back, but a blank front, just not the area with suits.

(End of this chapter)

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