this is not a joke

Chapter 125 Begging for Yang Qi

Chapter 125 Begging for Yang Qi (please subscribe!)
Later, Wei'an's patients on the left and right beds returned. One of them had problems with the urinary system, and the other had urinary stones.

It seems that most of the people who live here have illnesses in this area. Wei An heard the two roommates talk about the cause of Uncle Song's death in his own bed, which is said to be bladder cancer.

Anyway, since he was admitted to this hospital, Wei An has been feeling a little cold in his crotch. This should be the instinctive fear of a normal man, and he can only comfort himself in this way.

Night fell quickly, and someone in the hospital cafeteria pushed a small trolley, which was selling nutritious lunch boxes, and walked around the wards asking patients if they wanted to buy them.

In the ghost talk, the participants don't feel hungry. Of course, Wei An can also eat on time. Even if he doesn't eat when the time comes, there will be no problem.

The premise is that the participants know that this is a strange talk. Participants who fall into the "everyday strange talk" will not have this kind of understanding. They will only think that this is a normal world, so they will also eat and sleep on time .

The two patients each bought a box of nutritious boxed lunches. Wei An said that he had a bad appetite, so he didn't buy any.

He always felt that this so-called nutritious meal should be called yin-yang meal, and he was afraid that something would be wrong if he ate it.

During the period, Wei An took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that the mobile phone had stopped working, and he did not know when it was turned off.

After bragging with the two patients in the same ward for a while, the nurse came over and asked the family members to leave the ward and prepare to turn off the lights and rest.

There were only three patients in this ward, including Wei An, and no family members were present, so when the door of the ward was closed, the three of them went to a cramped bathroom near the door, and stopped talking after returning.

The patient closest to the door went to turn off the light, and soon there was a sound of heavy breathing, probably falling asleep.

Wei An has remained alert and did not sleep, although the surrounding area is too quiet at the moment, it is really suitable for sleeping.

He guessed that Uncle Song, who came back to ask for Yang Qi, would appear soon after the surrounding environment calmed down.

Unexpectedly, after waiting, time passed by every minute and every second. I don't know how long it has passed, but there has been no movement.

Wei An was pretending to be asleep. The two patients next door had already fallen asleep, and one of them was talking in sleep from time to time. He couldn't see what time it was. Wei An just thought it must be very late. It could be two or three in the morning.

But he still didn't feel anything unusual.

But no matter what, acting has to be a complete set, he still closed his eyes until a long time passed, and his consciousness began to become blurred unknowingly.

Suddenly, Wei An shuddered and opened his eyes.

He found that he had squinted for a while at some point, it shouldn't be long, but he was defenseless during this time, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back.

The moment Wei An opened his eyes, he almost stopped breathing, because just in front of his eyes, less than a fist away, a strange old face seemed to be staring at him.

This person should have appeared during the time when he was asleep, quietly, Wei An had never seen this face before, and it should be Uncle Song who died during the day.

However, although Wei An opened his eyes, the other party still didn't notice, and they were still very close. Those eyes seemed to be staring at Wei An, but in fact, the surface of the pupils of the eyes was covered with a white film, as if he had a disease. Cataract sensation.

The old man should not be able to see anything, he was lying on a certain bed by other means.

Wei An didn't move or make a sound, just staring at the other party.

After a while, the old man straightened up slowly. It can be seen that his body is very thin, not tall, with sparse white hair, wearing a hospital gown, and walked towards the person lying on the bed in the innermost part of the ward.

Immediately the old man made the same movement, bending down as if observing the sleeping patient.

Wei An looked at it seriously. At this time, the sky outside was still pitch black. It should be around four o'clock in the morning, but there was still a little moonlight penetrating into the ward, allowing him to see the old man's movements clearly.

I don't know why the old man didn't beg for the yang energy from himself, but ran to the next bed instead.

Wei An speculates that it may be because the old man has a problem with his eyes. He can't see clearly or can't see his position at all, so he can only determine the target through close-range perception.

Not long after, a strange scene happened.

I saw the old man put his face close to the sleeping patient again, even the tip of his nose was almost touching the other person, and then his mouth opened, and it opened wider and wider, reaching an unbelievable range.

Even so, the corners of the mouth were not torn, and it looked terribly frightening.

In the next second, the sleeping patient's mouth was slowly opened, as if being pried by an invisible force.

"Uncle Song is inhaling Yang energy."

This scene reminded Wei An of the scene in the movie where the old demon of Montenegro sucked Yang Qi, but what Uncle Song sucked was not everyone’s Yang Qi, but his own last mouthful of Yang Qi before he died. gas.

But according to the Solitaire rules, the yang energy is with me, so how could this uncle go to other people to absorb it? Didn't he ask himself to ask for it?

Without thinking about it, I saw a light white breath slowly drifting out from the patient's open mouth, and was inhaled by Uncle Song without leaving a trace.

Immediately, the patient's body softened and he didn't move.

Wei An was taken aback, feeling that this person must be cold, this plot was exactly the same as that old Montenegro demon's reaction after absorbing the yang energy of passers-by.

Looking at Uncle Song again, he straightened up, turned around and walked towards him again.

Don't need to think too much, I didn't absorb my Yang Qi just now, so I should try again now.

As for the patient on the bed to the left of Wei An, he should have been sucked while he was sleeping, and now it is even colder than the patient just now.

"This rule is wrong!"

Wei An murmured in his heart, thinking to himself that if the person sucked this yang energy would belch immediately, then why did he let Uncle Song suck it?Isn't this looking for death?

Before Uncle Song's stiff body moved to Wei An's hospital bed, Wei An closed his eyes and pretended to turn over in his sleep.

At the same time, he glanced at the patient on the hospital bed on the left, and found that the other person was lying on the bed limply, and that posture really did not look like he was asleep.

Make sure it's cold.

At this moment, Wei An could feel that Uncle Song had come behind him, but he hadn't made any other movements. It should be that he suddenly turned over and knocked out the confident Uncle Song.

There was a chill coming from behind him, and he didn't know if the uncle wanted to suck his yang energy, but the other party stood behind him all the time, not knowing what he was doing.

Not long after, there was a slight sound of footsteps moving, but Uncle Song still moved, bypassed the end of the bed, and walked towards Wei An's front again.

At this moment, Wei An was recalling the rules of this Solitaire game, while carefully analyzing it. It stands to reason that Uncle Song just came back to ask for a mouthful of his own yang energy, but everyone is dead, so why do you want yang energy?
Could it be that this uncle wants to return the sun? !
The two patients just ate the nutritious meal, but I didn't eat it. Now that I think about it, could this nutritious meal really be a yin-yang meal, and those who eat it will attract Uncle Song's attention and provide the other party with this yang qi. That's why Uncle Song chose to suck those two first after he appeared.

In this way, it is not as simple as asking for the last breath of Yang Qi, it is probably to suck away the last breath of Yang Qi of all the living people present, so that Uncle Song can repay the Yang Qi himself.

When thinking of this, Wei An squinted his eyes, and saw Uncle Song slowly walking in front of him, with his mouth slightly open, and a vague death aura spread over him.

"There's actually death energy in him now!" Wei An was surprised.

He remembered that Uncle Song just now looked like a corpse, not surrounded by such a strong death energy. He only carried a ray of remnant soul on his body, and he took a breath of the Yang energy of the first patient.

Later, Uncle Song sucked away the yang energy of the second patient, and now his whole person is completely different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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