Chapter 132

According to the staff member, the charred corpse should have been cremated more than ten days ago, but the reason why it has not been carried out is that during the cremation process, the relevant personnel will encounter bad luck.

Wei An looked up at the staff member's forehead, and saw that there was a scar above his left brow bone.

The staff member touched the scar and whispered: "I was the first person who was going to send this corpse to be cremated. He rushed forward, knocked his forehead on the sharp edge of the mortuary bed, and the blood gushed out on the spot!"

After a pause, he said again: "It's okay, it's just a skin trauma, and the medicine started to scab after a few days. But my colleague was even worse, his leg broke right at the door, and then the team leader came to push the corpse himself , and passed out before reaching the cremation room, saying that his blood pressure suddenly rose. Since then, no one has dared to touch this mortuary bed again.”

Wei An shook his head and said: "You're right, you can't move, this charred corpse can't be cremated for the time being, and he still has his last wish unfulfilled."

The staff member immediately said: "Master, I have also seen the fulfillment of the last wish of the old man of the Liu family just now. May I ask if you can fulfill the last wish of this corpse? It is impossible to let him stay in the morgue forever."

"How did this man burn to death? Do you know?" Wei An asked.

The staff member nodded: "This man is helpless, and he usually picks up some leftover food on the street, but he doesn't beg. It should be a little mental problem, but it's not too serious. It is said that on the day of the accident, An electric motorcycle on the side of the street exploded suddenly while charging, causing a fire in the store facing the street. This person happened to be nearby. When the fire broke out, he rushed into the store and rescued all two children in the store. The youngest That one is just over a year old."

Wei An didn't expect such a thing to happen, and asked, "What happened next?"

"Later he returned to the scene of the fire, but the shop owner said that there was no one inside, and he didn't know why he ran back suddenly." The staff recalled, "After entering the scene for the second time, he never came out again. When the person was found curled up in the bathroom, his body should have been covered with some water, so although he was burned to death, his upper body was not burned too badly."

"Since there is no one in the shop, what is he going to do?" Wei An asked.

The staff member was stunned for a moment, as if thinking about the current situation, he asked back: "By the way, master, is it because his last wish is still left in the fire scene and has not been completed, so he has been reluctant to be cremated?"

Wei An frowned and said, "What about the family of the child he saved? Haven't they shown up for more than ten days?"

The staff nodded: "Yes, this family is very grateful to the homeless man, but they are also foreigners. The only livelihood here is the small shop that was burned down. After paying the homeless man for his funeral and buying After buying a cheaper cemetery, the family has no money. And although the two children didn’t die at the time, they were burned and are still lying in the hospital, requiring a lot of money for treatment.”

"Oh!" Wei An probably understood.

From this point of view, it cannot be said that the family is ungrateful. It is their limit to be able to handle the funeral of the homeless man and buy a good cemetery for him. At present, the family still has two burnt children lying in the hospital, so the medical expenses may be a lot. Bottomless pit, I can no longer take this place into consideration for the time being.

The staff said again: "Actually, the corpse could not be cremated for a long time. The owner of the house also came to see it after hearing about it, and said a lot of grateful words to the corpse. He thought it was the homeless man who had resentment, so he didn't go to cremation. .But the situation is still the same after he left, and there is nothing we can do."

"This person should not blame the family he saved. There may be other unfinished reasons." Wei An said: "Do you have the phone number of the male owner? Can you contact him now, I want to call him call."

"Yes, we talked on the phone two days ago." The staff took out their mobile phones and rummaged through them.

Wei An glanced back, and saw next to the charred corpse, the corpse guard of the short man was still standing in front of the bed, staring at him fiercely, with a look of strict precautions.

But at the moment, Wei An has no plans to go there, so he won't worry that the corpse guard will attack him for the time being.

"The phone is connected, you tell him. This person's surname is Li." The staff handed the phone to Wei'an at this time.

After Wei An took it, he said to the phone, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Li?"

"Well, hello, hello! The elder brother's body still can't be cremated?" The man on the other end of the phone may have saved the staff member's phone number, so he thought it was the staff member who was talking to him after connecting.

Wei An did not explain his identity, but replied: "Yes, cremation is not possible. But I remembered one thing. When the fire broke out, were there any other people in your house besides the family members who were rescued?" What important things were not rescued?"

The man hesitated for a moment, seemed to be remembering, and then replied: "There are many important things that have not been snatched, such as a few electrical appliances in the room on the second floor, and some cash in the room..."

"No, I mean something that is commemorative or extremely meaningful." Wei An corrected.

The man on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, recalled it carefully, and said, "There is nothing meaningful."

Wei An asked again: "Did the fire accident cause only the death of the elder brother who saved your child?"

The man immediately shook his head and said, "No, another dog was burned to death. A few days before the incident, the dog's foot happened to be broken, so it couldn't escape from the house."

"Where is that dog's body?" Wei An felt that he must have found a key.

The man surnamed Li said: "The body has been burnt and buried long ago."

Wei An frowned, and after making some guesses in his mind, he said, "My words may sound a bit weird, but I want to know if this stray brother has anything to do with that dog in your family?"

The man surnamed Li couldn't answer the question, he hesitated for a long time at the other end, and then said: "You said that, because the elder brother is usually not mentally normal, I remember that he had eaten ashes before. Hmm , My dog ​​is called Huihui, and we usually pour the leftovers into the bowl in its kennel, which is in the alley next to the store.”

"Huh—" Wei An breathed out, "If you want this elder brother to be cremated as soon as possible, dig out that dog's body and bring it here."

The other end of the phone was stunned.

At this time, the staff member had heard a general idea, and followed Wei An's train of thought to guess where the crux of the whole matter was.

He took the phone and walked aside to communicate with the other party in detail.

After hanging up the phone and waiting for almost an hour, a man in his 30s hurried over with two extra large black plastic bags in his hands, which had been tied tightly to prevent the smell from escaping.

The staff obviously knew him, and immediately greeted him, pointing to the plastic bag and asking, "That dog..."

"Well, it's right here. It stinks a bit. I brought it here immediately after I dug it out." The man nodded hurriedly.

"Let's go, go in first." Wei An said.

The three of them quickly entered the morgue. At this time, the corpse guard of the short man was still standing beside his charred corpse.

Wei An prevented him from attacking people, so he told the other two not to come forward, but stood at the door and slowly poured out the dead dog in the plastic bag.

"Don't be on guard anymore, let's see who this is." Wei An said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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