this is not a joke

Chapter 133 There is still 1 short

Chapter 133 is one more short

After communicating with the man surnamed Li, Wei An guessed that the reason why the homeless man was unwilling to be cremated might be because of this dog.

Because the staff of the crematorium said before, this person has some mental problems, but it is not serious.

The man surnamed Li also confirmed this situation, and then said that the homeless man had eaten the food of their dog, and it looked like this more than once.

The dog may have been in frequent contact with the homeless, so he is not opposed to sharing food with him, and the two may have become good friends because of this.

So after the fire broke out, the homeless man first rescued the owner's two children, and then returned to the scene of the fire, most likely because he wanted to save the dog with the broken leg.

Because the dog named Huihui happened to break his leg a few days before the fire, so he was not in the kennel, but was brought into the house by the owner for easy care, but no one expected to encounter an electric motorcycle deflagration A fire accident was caused.

In the end, the homeless man was burned to death on the second floor in order to save Huihui, and Huihui also died in another place on the second floor. The two may not have seen each other.

After Wei An put the body of a slightly smelly dog ​​curled up on the ground, the man's corpse guard was stunned.

A look of joy slowly appeared on his face, and he stared closely at the gray corpse.

After waiting for a while, Wei'an felt that this guy's vigilance against everyone began to lower, he wrapped Hui Hui's feet in black plastic bags, lifted them up and approached the homeless man's body again.

This time, the corpse guard did not attack, but took two steps back and stood aside.

Wei An lifted the white cloth off the bed, and then placed the gray body on the bed, next to the charred body of the homeless man.

After covering the white cloth again, Wei An said, "That's fine, let's send it to cremation together."

"Cremate the two of them... together?" the staff asked with some hesitation.

"Yes, if your leader disagrees, you can ask him to come to me, and I won't leave for the time being," Wei An said.

"He, he should agree. Last time, the team leader also came to push the bed himself, but he fainted due to sudden high blood pressure."

Wei An nodded. The staff of this crematorium are exposed to these situations all day long, so it is impossible not to believe and pay attention to them, so Wei An is not worried that the team leader will disagree.

But at this moment, in Wei An's eyes, the corpse guard suddenly disappeared into nothingness and could never be seen again.

The staff member felt that this was accomplished, he nodded gratefully to Wei An, and kept on thanking him, and then the man surnamed Li also expressed his gratitude to Wei An.

The two pushed the mortuary bed to the cremation room.

Be careful all the way to the corridor outside the door of the morgue, nothing happened.

The staff member turned around and said to Wei An: "Master, please wait a moment."

Then he pushed the mortuary bed and trotted all the way to the cremation room.

"Two corpse guards."

Wei An stood in the mortuary and looked around. At this moment, there were no corpses to be cremated, so it was impossible for there to be corpse guards.

Guarding the corpse, since there is no corpse, where does the spirit of guarding the corpse come from?

He was also going to wait and see if there were any other corpses that would be sent over for cremation later.

Now it seems that it is not as difficult as imagined to solve the last wish of the corpse soul. As long as you pay attention to observation and analysis without angering the other party, and find the regret of the corpse soul before death, it is not difficult to fulfill their last wish.

After waiting for a while, I still didn't see other corpses being brought in.

Wei An paced back and forth, left the morgue and walked outside slowly, walked through the corridor and stood in the large yard outside the morgue. There were still many relatives and family members of the deceased when he came here just now. Cremation, these people also leave.

The huge courtyard was quiet, except that the big chimney next to the cremation room not far away was still slowly emitting smoke.

The ones still being cremated at this moment should be the tramp and the dog he was still worried about until his death.

Wei An sighed softly. At this moment, he had a very strange feeling. The world he was in now was not a ghost story, but a real world. Is it unreal?

Perhaps this is a world mixed with some horror and weirdness and a lot of strange rules but not lacking in reality. It can separate areas and spaces, large or small, in which rules generate more weirdness, and then derive Unbelievable.

Wei An's brain thinking at this moment is in a divergent state, perhaps because he has just sent away the two deceased, and he is emotional, so when thinking about the problem, he unconsciously has thoughts that he has never had before.

"Except for what I didn't think about, the rest is the existence of this world."

I can't remember who said this sentence, but Wei An thinks it is very appropriate to use it in the current world of ghost stories.

Walking back and forth in the yard twice, I suddenly heard the familiar voice of the staff member, calling "Master" one by one, calling himself.

When Wei An returned to the entrance of the corridor, he saw the staff member walking quickly with another older man.

"This is my master and our team leader." The staff introduced.

"Hi, my name is He." The man stretched out his hand to Wei An.

Wei An shook hands with him without hiding anything, "You can call me Wei An."

Team leader He said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Wei, Xiao Wu told me everything just now, thank you! If I hadn't met you today, I don't know how long it would take to solve the problem just now."

Wei An said, "As long as it's resolved."

Team Leader He seemed very enthusiastic: "To be honest, we invited someone to look at it two days ago. That person seemed to be just a crooked person with no real skills. Not only did he collect the money, but the problem still hasn't been resolved. Just now I I have already applied to the above, please wait, the funds will be approved soon, and this is our reward for you."

"No need, no need." Wei An waved his hand.

In fact, he really felt that the front was useless.

"How is this possible?" Team Leader He was determined, and suddenly took out a wad of money from his pocket and stuffed it into Wei An's hands, "In this way, I'm afraid the application process will be a bit slow, I will give you the reward first, and wait I will get it back after it is approved over there. You also know that this kind of funds cannot go through the normal approval process and must be reimbursed through other channels."

Wei An declined but accepted the money. He felt that people in this world were too enthusiastic, especially when it came to giving money. He never thought about giving anything else, such as weapons or special props?
Of course, if the money can be stored in one's inventory, it can also be regarded as an extra income, which may be used in the future.

But he has already tried, and the item bar can only recognize energy points at most, and cannot store the money in the ghost story.

Team Leader He kindly invited Wei An to his office, and Wei An also took the opportunity to ask him if there would be any corpses waiting to be cremated.

Team Leader He replied without thinking: "No, today's is gone, but there are two more tomorrow."

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and wondered if he had to wait here for another day?And it doesn't necessarily mean that the two corpses tomorrow will have a guardian soul.

The three of them soon came to Team Leader He's office. The office was not big, and the desks and chairs inside were packed very tightly, and the office was not far from the morgue.

The people who work here are basically courageous and have no taboos.

After Wei An sat down, the staff quickly poured him a cup of tea.

Team Leader He exchanged pleasantries with him, and Wei An told him that he was a local. In fact, this city is similar to Zhoucheng, so it can be regarded as a local.

Not long after, Wei'an noticed that Team Leader He was hesitant to speak, he was actually more anxious than the other party, secretly thinking that this guy was stammering, if there are similar incidents in the crematorium, he should hurry up and talk about it.

However, if he behaved more anxiously than the other party, he might attract suspicion, so he suppressed the restlessness in his heart, Wei An raised his teacup and took a sip of tea, then pretended to be surprised and said, "Header He, I think Do you... have something to say to me?"

Team Leader He seemed to have finally seized the opportunity, and hurriedly nodded and said, "Indeed, there is one more thing I would like to ask Mr. Wei, Master Wei, for your help!"

"But it's okay to say (hurry up!)." Wei An immediately nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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