this is not a joke

Chapter 134 3nd

Chapter 134 The Third One

Team leader He took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and took this opportunity to organize his words to see where to start.

After a while, he said, "There has always been a taboo in our crematorium. At three o'clock in the middle of the night, you can't hang out with incense candles in your hand, otherwise it's easy to meet a woman. Our unit director forgot this half a year ago." It happened that her aunt passed away and was about to be cremated at 05:30 in the morning. As a result, the director took several packs of incense candles outside the yard at three o'clock, and was going to send them to the mourning hall to burn incense for her aunt. Weird woman, until now the director has not been able to come to work."

"Are you living in the hospital?" Wei An asked.

Team Leader He shook his head: "At first she was in the hospital, and then she has been living at home. Several Taoist monks were invited to show her, but she still hasn't recovered."

"Can you tell me in detail? Also, do you know why that weird woman appeared in the middle of the night?" Wei An asked.

Team Leader He seemed to be struggling with whether he could tell the whole story, but soon he said: "It's a long story. We call this woman Si Sanniang. She lived in the city before she was alive, and then died of a sudden illness. After transporting them over and going through the post-mortem process, they were ready to be cremated, but since that day, a scene that overturned all the staff in our crematorium happened. Si Sanniang’s body could not be burned no matter how it was burned. After being dragged out of the furnace, it was found that the shroud on her body had been burnt off completely, but her body was intact, and even her skin was still cold."

Wei An was surprised.

Team Leader He continued: "That's it, we changed Si Sanniang's shroud four times, and burned the body four times, but it still couldn't be burned, and even the hair wasn't damaged. In the end, the director said, really If not, we can only bury Si Sanniang in the ground like this."

"This matter is not a good one, so the staff at the top and bottom did not dare to spread it outside, otherwise the job would not be guaranteed. After asking the superiors in secret, the director arranged for us to negotiate with Si Sanniang's relatives, and finally asked someone to give Si Sanniang Mother did a grand ceremony, and then buried her body directly. Because this matter violated the cremation regulations, it could only be done in secret. We are on the crematorium's own site, which is next door Find a plot for her in the cemetery, and then buried her in secret."

At this time, the staff member added: "Because Si Sanniang's body cannot be cremated, the cemetery I found was not for the urn, but larger than the average cemetery, otherwise the coffin would not fit in. Some uninformed outsiders even I thought that Si Sanniang had a prominent position during her lifetime, which is why she had such a large cemetery."

Wei An asked, "Then do you know what's going on at Si Sanniang's house?"

Team Leader He nodded: "Si Sanniang brought two children, a boy and a girl, by herself. The older girl is in junior high school, and the younger one is still in fifth grade. It is said that her husband ran away because he owed a whole lot of gambling debts. Later, some people said that they had remarried outside, but others said that they got married to a rich woman."

"How did her child deal with it later?" Wei An asked.

Because if Si Sanniang's body could not be cremated, and there were ghosts wandering outside, maybe the last wish in his heart would be related to the unattended child.

"The child has already been adopted by her cousin's family. Although Si Sanniang's cousin's family situation is not very good, there is no problem in bringing up the two children." Team leader He said: "We have all understood these things, the problem is That doesn't seem to be the reason."

Wei An asked again: "Has her ex-husband never shown up? Even at her funeral?"

"I came out once, and left after three sticks of incense. I didn't even care about the children." Team Leader He said.

The staff member took the words: "I was also at the scene at the time, and he had to leave immediately after burning incense, because as soon as he appeared, he was scolded by other relatives and friends on the spot, scolded bloody, and some even wanted to beat him. My other colleagues and I rushed to stop those people, otherwise the day might not be over."

Team Leader He sighed.

"What disease did Si Sanniang die of?" Wei An asked.

Team Leader He said: "It seems to be an acute myocardial infarction or something. Her other relatives said that maybe her ex-husband ran back at that time. Because this guy owed a lot of gambling debts outside, maybe he went to the Secretary again Sanniang asked for money, and the two had a dispute, which led to illness."

"But this is just rumored by everyone." The staff member said: "There is no evidence, and if it was her ex-husband who got into an argument because of asking for money and made her mad, and didn't see the Public Security Bureau take this guy back for questioning, then It means that the truth may not be what they say."

Team Leader He nodded: "But one thing is for sure, Si Sanniang's natal family already hates her ex-husband to death. If the two sides meet, that guy will definitely be beaten."

"Then you just said that Si Sanniang's ghost would wander around the crematorium at three o'clock in the middle of the night. Be especially careful not to hold incense sticks, otherwise she will be attracted? Do you know the reason for this?" Wei An asked curiously .

Team Leader He said: "We don't know the reason, it's just that we have encountered this several times, and everyone has summed up the experience."

"Have you all met Si Sanniang at night?"

"I met it before, but the team leader didn't." The staff member replied, "I was also going to deliver candle paper money to customers at that time, and the time was around three o'clock in the middle of the night. Seeing a woman in a shroud standing there at the end of the corridor, I was so frightened that I didn’t dare to move, let alone approach, so I turned around and ran back to the office. Other colleagues called for help. When the colleagues arrived, they didn’t see anything, but I had put down the incense sticks for a long time.”

"Recently, Si Sanniang's ghost hasn't appeared for a long time." Team Leader He took over the words, "The most important thing is that we generally understand the conditions for her appearance, so we have avoided taking incense, candles, paper money and other things in the middle of the night, which are usually given to customers. They are all prepared in advance, or put some directly in the auditorium, ready to be used at any time.”

Now Wei An has a general understanding. According to the two people, the ghost that appeared is indeed Si Sanniang, but he is not sure if it is Si Sanniang's corpse guardian spirit.

Si Sanniang's body could not be cremated, and even after the fire, her body was still cold, which meant that her last wish was very obsessed and must be dealt with properly.

From this point of view, it is quite in line with the conditions for the appearance of the corpse guard, so Wei An decided to take a look for himself in order to draw the most accurate conclusion.

If it is really Si Sanniang's corpse guardian spirit, which is the third one in this solitaire mission, as long as it is dealt with, he can go back to the library to do business.

"Okay, the situation is probably clear, I can take a look first." Wei An agreed to Team Leader He's request, "I will stay here tonight, please cooperate and give me some paper money for incense sticks in the evening wait."

"No problem, no problem!" Team Leader He immediately smiled and thanked repeatedly, "All our staff can cooperate with you, master, you can ask for anything, and I will do my best to apply for the most reward for you .”

"Small things, those are small things, not worth mentioning." Wei An waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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