this is not a joke

Chapter 153 Threat Removed

Chapter 153 Threat Removed
"paper man?!"

Although Wei An was still on guard at this time, like Jiang Jialiang, he also showed doubts.

Then he suddenly realized, and murmured: "So that's the case, you are not dead!"

Now Wei An finally understands that the depth of those weird cities playing Solitaire games is still beyond his imagination.

In the last solitaire mission they proposed, they did arrive at No. 66 Shangyi Road without knowing it, and they also completed the search mission and encountered that terrifying waste picker.

And the scavengers did make a move, but the paper man was not dead. These guys fled in a hurry, furious, so they planned to come back and told Wei An that the paper man was dead.

And their second plan is to let the dead paper dolls directly join the next mission issued by the old ghost, and personally kill everyone in this mission.

With the old ghost's ability, they originally separated Wei'an from Chen Fang and Pei Na at the very beginning, and it should be to pave the way for the final mission. Alright, follow-up arrangement.

It's just that they didn't expect that Wei'an would turn against the army and almost destroy the paper doll, so they used their tricks and used the paper doll to be killed as an excuse to quietly let it appear directly in the scene arranged by the old ghost. Unknowingly, they killed Wei'an and the others.

The old ghost's original plan for setting up this scene has also been changed.

It now appears that this last Solitaire change should be even more sinister than the previous plan.

But they didn't expect that Wei'an's methods are also outrageous. Wei'an first discovered the abnormality through plot speculation. A strange barrier.

This barrier should not be a different space, but a means of blinding the five senses so that they cannot perceive and touch each other's existence.

Even if they are not conscious or too close, they will not be able to perceive each other even in the same space, because this barrier can make people on both sides overlap to some extent.

For example, Wei An and Pei Na are both sitting in the chairs in front of the sixth computer at the same time, but unless they communicate with each other using notepads, they cannot perceive that the other party is actually sitting in this chair.

Although I don't know the reason for this, but the paper figurine who really hiccupped this time is the best proof.

The paper man, this kind of paper-like existence, allows it to come and go freely inside and outside the barrier.The front side is the world where Wei An lives, and the back side is the world where Pei Na and Chen Fang are.

So Wei An suspected that he was sitting on the chair and chatting with Pei Na just now, as if the two had become paper figures. Although they were sitting on the same chair at the same time, they did not affect each other.

When Wei An left a message on the poster, he was worried that the weird one that came and went without a trace would also be seen, so he kept an eye out and wrote a few more words on the back of the poster, reminding Pei Na and the others to leave a message on the computer.

He was also worried about what would happen if the two women couldn't see them, but thinking that after becoming his assistant, Pei Na had thoroughly studied her own information, especially her personality and handling of affairs, so she shouldn't have missed such a thing. key information.

But this does not rule out the element of gambling.

Facts have proved that Wei An made the right bet. Pei Na realized later that the two parties finally completed the information exchange.

So it is impossible to find a pen in this library. From the very beginning, all the pens were taken away on purpose, just in case they would communicate with each other by writing after they realized that there was a problem with the scene.

It's just that the sixth computer in the computer area is turned on and cannot be turned off, because it is the channel to connect to the Guaitan APP.

As for Wei An's initial attack on the hidden paper figurine, as Jiang Jialiang suspected, he didn't really slip his foot, but did it on purpose.

Because Wei An had already used "Liu Gui's eyeballs" at that time, his eyes were slightly red, and Jiang Jialiang accidentally spotted him and asked him if he hadn't slept well.

After wearing "Liu Gui's eyeballs", the world in front of me becomes very pure, and more images are filtered out, among which is the hidden weird outline.

However, because of the particularity of this scene, although Wei An was able to capture this hidden monster through "Liu Gui's eyeballs", it only occasionally had an effect. From time to time, it will become a seam, which cannot be noticed at all, so it will still disappear in "Liu Gui's eyeballs".

And Wei An didn't dare to use the eyeball all the time. After all, this special item has a cooling time. If it is used frequently, it may not be able to be used in this strange story.

So Wei An has been pretending not to see this hidden monster, even if he attacks the opponent, he will pretend to be an unintentional act, until the last moment, he no longer hides, but quickly kills the opponent with the bloody hammer.

At the moment when the hidden weirdness was revealed, even Wei An realized that this guy was the paper man they thought was dead!

I have to say, this guy really looks like a piece of paper cut into a human shape, not the kind of paper people used in funerals.

"Since he had already pretended to be dead just now, now that he is really dead, it doesn't feel so sudden." Wei An said to himself.

Jiang Jialiang shook his head: "They are actually playing dead. These guys will do anything to kill us."

"To be precise, it's to kill me." Wei An corrected: "The blind man has already held a grudge after I destroyed his scene. From this point of view, I still prefer to like lying corpses who only like to grab red envelopes." .”

After a pause, Wei An continued: "Although this guy is blind and can't see anything, as a paper doll, it can travel through the barrier scene set up by the old ghost, making it impossible for people to find it. The weirdness of normal vision is even more terrifying."

"And its attack power is amazing, although it's not as good as your hammer." Jiang Jialiang added.

Wei An nodded, squatted down and checked, and found that the paper man was an ordinary piece of paper after death, nothing unusual, but the face of the paper man not only had no eyes, it didn't even have a nose and mouth.

"How long is it until the end of an hour?" Wei An asked Jiang Jialiang.

Jiang Jialiang looked at the time on the computer, "There are still 9 minutes."

"You tell Pei Na and Chen Fang first that we have killed the hidden weirdness, and let them wait in the computer area until the end of 9 minutes." Wei An said: "During this period, neither of us should relax our vigilance."

"Okay." Jiang Jialiang sat in front of the computer and immediately typed the text in the notepad.

The other side quickly replied: Okay, are you injured?

Jiang Jialiang said to Wei An: "They are asking if we are injured."

"Tell them, apart from the stick they hit me, there is no other injury for the time being." Wei An replied, "Well, according to the degree of my injury, it should be Pei Na's hand."

Jiang Jialiang replied truthfully.

After a while.

Pei Na: -_-||
Wei An stretched out his index finger knuckles and tapped his forehead, while analyzing: "In my opinion, there is basically no threat now. This solitaire mission initially wanted us to kill each other without knowing it, and then If the effect of cannibalism is not good, hidden paper figures will appear and hunt down both of us. Now it seems that there should be no unnecessary threats."

(End of this chapter)

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