this is not a joke

Chapter 154 Pursuing Questions

Chapter 154 Pursuing Questions (Please Subscribe!)
Although they said so, Wei An and Pei Na's guards were not lifted, but they still waited until the end of an hour.

A text reminder of the strange talk soon appeared in front of my eyes.

[The last solitaire mission has been completed, and you have successfully passed this ghost story. 】

There was a sudden blur in front of my eyes, and when it became clear again, I saw Pei Na sitting in front of the computer, and Chen Fang standing on Pei Na's right.

The two sides finally met at this moment.

Pei Na wasn't too excited, but felt that Wei An had been hit with a stick just now, and now she felt a little sorry, and she was avoiding him even with her eyes.

Chen Fang jumped up excitedly, and ran to Wei An, "You guys finally appeared!"

"It was you who appeared!" Jiang Jialiang said: "Brother An has already completed several solitaire tasks in this strange story."

"He came here this time because he wanted to find you!" Chen Fang said.

Wei An quickly took out the Tang knife from his inventory and threw it to Chen Fang.

"Hurry up, you guys leave first, I'll go out later."

Chen Fang was taken aback, but remembering that Wei An was in the same situation before, she didn't ask further.

Pei Na asked: "Why did you go out later? The strange talk in the dormitory last time, you just got injured all over your body when you came out later. If it was more serious at that time, you might have died inside." .”

At this time, the text of the settlement of the strange talk has appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Pei Na got the wordless book, and Chen Fang got the glass paperweight, and each got 300 energy points as rewards for this strange talk.

As for Jiang Jialiang, he also got energy points, and unexpectedly got a special skill of "beating villains" with the soles of his shoes.As he said, the stinkier the shoes, the better it will be when fighting monsters.

Wei An said: "I can't help it either, haven't you heard what Chen Fang said? My non-chief value is ridiculously high when facing strange talks."

"Did you run into something difficult?" Pei Na approached him and asked in a low voice.

Wei An looked at her and didn't speak.

When he met such a smart personal assistant, he was considering the question of whether his personal privacy should be deliberately protected.

"Okay, I'll tell you about this after I go out this time." Wei An said.

"Do you need me to stay and help you?" Pei Na asked.

Wei An shook his head, "If you can't stay, you will be forced to leave by the strange talk. On the contrary, I will be forced to stay by it. Hehe, I will tell you in detail after I go out this time."

Not long after these words were spoken, the figures of Pei Na, Chen Fang and Jiang Jialiang began to fade.

Wei An could also see Pei Na's anxious face, looking at her with concern.

Pei Na looked away from Wei An's injured leg, her lips moved, as if to say "I'm sorry".

Soon there was only Wei An left in the computer area, including this library.

【congratulations,……!You have completed Level E Ghost Story - Solitaire Adventure. 】

[Personal result evaluation: super completed. 】

[Main task reward: 300 energy points. 】

[Superior completion, an additional reward of 300 energy points. 】

[Acquired item: Cursed poker (special, series item), introduction: (see Chapter 144, praise me for being a money-saving expert). 】

[Hidden mission not completed. 】

Wei An looked at the ghost talk text that appeared in front of his eyes, especially the text that said "hidden mission".

What this hidden mission is, he doesn't even know now.

However, after careful recollection, Wei An thought that the level of completing the task this time was still good, at least he got the evaluation of "extraordinary completion", but he couldn't activate the hidden task.

Perhaps it was because of the unpleasant quarrel with those guys in the chat group, and now they have killed a paper doll, and the other party didn't give them a chance to complete the hidden mission.

As long as the old ghosts and others in the group deliberately do not release this hidden mission, no matter whether they are participants or intruders, it is impossible for them to obtain the hidden mission information.

"Is the hidden mission in the abandoned building at No. 66 Shangyi Road?" Wei An was thinking wildly.

The regret in his heart was fleeting, and then Wei An looked at the text reminder that reappeared in front of him and belonged to him.

[Intruder, do you feel that this world has more wonders than other ghost story worlds?Do you think this city is very real?Do you think the city of those guys in the chat group is terrifyingly deep and closer to humans?In fact, there is an answer to all these, in this city.From now on, you can explore freely in this city, but at the same time those guys just now will hunt you down.When you find the answer, it's time to leave.I wish you success! 】

"Don't say that this city is very real and very weird, I feel that this text comes from a person with ulterior motives!" Wei An said to himself.

Looking at the text about the intruder's mission, he raised his head and looked at the pale sky outside the window.

The feeling that there was always a pair of deep eyes watching all this in the sky reappeared.

"You and I think we are masters, but we are actually chess pieces, because an invisible hand is playing chess."

—A complaint from an anonymous person.

Wei An sighed inwardly, and rubbed his injured foot. The actions of killing the paper figurine just now were a bit intense, but now his injured leg was in severe pain.

If possible, he would like to lie down and rest for a while now, but the intruder mission just now said that those "dreamers" in the chat group will hunt and kill him.

These guys all know their position, so now this library has become the most dangerous place, and he must leave immediately.

Limping, Wei An leaned on the wall and walked towards the first floor. He quickly left the building and came down the steps.

The SUV that only exists in the ghost talk is still there, and the rear seat is still emitting a smell of urine. After Wei An got in the car, he started the car and left.

No matter where you go now, you have to stay away from the library as soon as possible.

Wei An walked along the city road without purpose. Fortunately, the injured foot didn't have much impact on driving, at most, he could just drive slowly.

Driving aimlessly, Wei An didn't know where he was. Only the area near the library in this city was similar to Zhoucheng in reality. After leaving there, Wei An couldn't figure out the direction without road signs. .

He was considering whether to go directly to Shangyi Road, at least the enemy's enemy was his friend, hiding in that abandoned building, maybe the "dreamers" in the chat group would not dare to go there again.

As for the scavenger woman, Wei An felt that there was still room for communication with her.

It's just that this intruder mission is not easy to complete, because the mission requires Wei An to find the answers to the questions just now, which is the key to being able to get out. If he can't find the answers, he can't hide in the abandoned building for a lifetime.

The sky above the city was already bright, and there were more pedestrians on the street. The scene of revival of everything gave Wei An the illusion that he had left the ghost talk and returned to the real world at this moment.

At this moment, Wei An stopped the car at an intersection and waited for a red light, and saw a large-scale clinic not far ahead of the intersection, and a stop line was just drawn on the side of the road.

Before he left Guai Tan, he decided to heal his leg injury first, otherwise, if it affected his actions, it would be very bad for him to wait for those guys to chase him down.

After passing the traffic light, he quickly pulled over and limped towards the clinic that had just opened for business.

(End of this chapter)

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