this is not a joke

Chapter 155 Here we come!

Chapter 155 Here we come!
Seeing Wei An coming limping, a female nurse who was cleaning up the garbage at the door stepped aside and asked Wei An, "Sir, do you want to..."

"Let me take a look at my legs." Wei An pointed to his own legs.

"Please sit inside for a while, Dr. Jin will be here soon." The nurse greeted immediately.

Then she washed her hands, brought Wei An a glass of warm water, and then went to wipe the table.

At this time, only this nurse has just arrived in the clinic, and everyone else may be on their way to work.

Wei An waited for about 10 minutes, and a slightly fat lady walked into the clinic with ease, holding two deep-fried dough sticks and a pack of soy milk.

After seeing Wei An, she was about to ask, when the nurse rushed over and said, "Doctor Jin, this gentleman wants to see his leg."

Doctor Jin nodded, put away his satchel and breakfast, and walked towards Wei An.

Wei An rolled up his trouser legs, and Doctor Jin only took one look and asked, "Is this... the one who was beaten?"

Wei An let out a "hmm" and didn't speak.

"Who called? Did you call the police?" Dr. Jin asked subconsciously.

"No, no, they are family members." Wei An immediately shook his head, with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face.

In Dr. Jin's eyes, this smile seems to contain a lot of content, such as the young couple getting up early in the morning to have conflicts, or the man in front of him didn't come home all night, and after returning home early in the morning, he was hit by his wife's broom .

But looking at the injury, Dr. Jin asked casually: "Your wife is a martial arts student or an athlete. There should be no strength left in this stick, and it almost hurt the bone. You'd better not walk around these days. Just lie down obediently at home."

Wei An is submissive, so he doesn't have much to say.

Dr. Jin applied some medicine to his legs and prescribed oral medicine.

Wei An looked at the pills that were packed three times a day, one pack at a time, and was thinking about whether to take the medicine from the ghost story.

But when I think about staying here now, isn't it because I want to find the answer to this world and this city?If this city is just a place that operates by the rules of ghost talks, how can it give itself so much sense of reality?

After thinking of this, he took the medicine without hesitation.

Putting down the water glass, Dr. Jin also sat back in his chair and began to eat breakfast.

At this time, Wei An was in a bit of trouble, because he didn't have any money on him. He originally made a lot of money when he was in the crematorium, but he had already given it all away. At that time, he was really lacking in foresight. when.

After hesitating for a moment, Wei An said, "Um... Doctor Jin, I... just left home in a hurry and forgot to bring my money..."

"It's okay." Who knows that Doctor Jin is very forthright, "You should live near here, and I'll bring it next time. Your wife can bring it if your legs and feet are inconvenient."

Speaking of this, Dr. Jin smiled, "If she doesn't care about you."

It can be seen that this doctor likes to add stories to patients in her heart, but it also proves that she is warm-hearted and did not ask Wei An to pay the treatment fee immediately.

"Thank you, Doctor Jin." Wei An said.

"Well, it's okay, you take a rest first, take the two ointments and apply them every three hours to speed up the absorption of the medicine." Doctor Jin said.

The clinic was still quiet, Wei An nodded, and didn't leave immediately, but just leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Not long after, an old woman walked into the clinic with a cane and was supported by a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. The two seemed to be very familiar with the place.

The old lady said to Dr. Jin: "Doctor Jin, I'm the first one today, come on and continue the treatment."

Dr. Jin just finished her breakfast at this moment, she wiped her hands clean, and said with a smile: "Aunt Wang, you are the first one! Come in, lie on the bed inside, and I will dispense your medicine."

"I'm sorry to trouble you!" Grandma Wang smiled.

Dr. Jin said: "Let your grandson accompany you again?"

Grandma Wang walked into the infusion room next to the clinic's treatment room, and replied: "Xiao Ke just happened to be on vacation, so his mother asked him to accompany me for treatment these few days."

"This child is so filial!" The nurse took over the words.

Although Wei An closed his eyes, he did not fall asleep and listened to their conversation.

At this time, he squinted his eyes and took a look. There are three beds in the infusion room, which can be used for infusion lying down or as a treatment room.

Grandma Wang and her grandson Xiao Ke quickly came to the leftmost bed, slowly took off their shoes and lay down on the bed, while Xiao Ke took a stool and sat by the bed.

"Your mother asked you to play less with your mobile phone." Grandma Wang reminded Xiao Ke.

"It's quite real. Everything in this world looks so real." Wei An muttered to himself, "It's the same as the world I live in. It's humane, with elders' nagging, and children's lack of self-control and their obsession with mobile phones... ..."

With grandma's reminder, Xiao Ke, who had already picked up the phone, had to put it down. Out of boredom, he took out a lighter from nowhere, sat on the edge of the bed and pressed it with his head down.

Grandma Wang stopped talking, but closed her eyes as if she wanted to take a rest.

At this time, the nurse was dispensing the medicine, and Dr. Jin was receiving another person who came in to buy cold medicine.

Sitting inside, Xiao Ke kept pressing the lighter's igniter with his fingers, but he didn't ignite it once. Wei An opened his eyes and watched Xiao Ke's movements through the transparent glass wall of the infusion room.

Suddenly, a trace of vigilance rose in his heart.

The lighter in Xiao Ke's hand suddenly burst into flames, and at this moment he finally ignited it. Without hesitation, the child immediately aimed the flame of the lighter at the bed sheet in front of him, as if he wanted to ignite it.

"Hey..." Wei An immediately said.

Dr. Jin was talking to the person who bought the medicine, but he didn't pay attention, and the nurse was also in the dispensing room, so he didn't hear the movement outside.

But Xiao Ke, who was about to light the bed sheet, heard it. He still pressed the lighter, kept the flame burning, and turned to look at Wei An who was sitting outside.

Wei An straightened up, pointed at the lighter in his hand, and pressed his palm down, signaling the little guy to stop making such dangerous moves.

Xiao Ke smiled, stood up and walked out of the infusion room, walking towards Wei An.

After he left the infusion room, the nurse who prepared the medicine was walking into the infusion room with the medicine bottle and medical equipment, and didn't notice anything strange about Xiao Ke.

At this time, Xiao Ke walked in front of Wei An with a smile on his face. The flame of the lighter in his hand had already been extinguished, but he immediately lit it again.

Staring into Wei An's eyes, Xiao Ke's smiling expression has become strange, she leaned forward, and said softly: "Do you think we can't find you if you hide here?"

Wei An was startled, and almost took out the bloody hammer, but he held back immediately, shifted his gaze to the lit lighter in Xiao Ke's hand, and quickly replied: "Are you Ashes?"

Xiao Ke didn't answer, but quickly lit the tablecloth on the table in front of Wei An with the lighter.

"I like to see them turn into ashes." Xiao Ke's face looked even weirder at this moment, with a half-smile, and even the facial features had been stretched out of shape.


At this moment, the nurse in the infusion room who was about to administer medicine to Grandma Wang suddenly ran out screaming, and while running, she shouted in horror: "No, no, Grandma Wang...she's dead !"

(End of this chapter)

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