this is not a joke

Chapter 156 Possession

Chapter 156 Possession (please subscribe!)
Dr. Jin, who was prescribing medicine for the patient, was startled, and then she saw Wei An and Xiao Ke, the tablecloth on the table suddenly burst into flames, and said in a panic: "Why is there a fire?!"

Wei An happened to have a glass of water in front of him. He poured it just now and didn't take a sip. He immediately poured the water on the burning tablecloth.

Although the flames were not completely extinguished, most of them were quickly extinguished.

Wei An tore off the tablecloth, threw it on the ground, stepped on it several times with his uninjured foot, and the flames were completely extinguished.

But at this time, Xiao Ke had already used the lighter to light the seat cushion of the chair again. Wei An didn't think much, just kicked him on the ground, and rushed to snatch the lighter.

Although Dr. Jin couldn't understand why Xiao Ke set those things on fire for a while, and why Wei An was so cruel to a child, she quickly realized that there were more important things to do, and immediately followed the nurse into the infusion room, I saw Grandma Wang lying upright on the bed, motionless.

The nurse said: "There is no response to how I screamed. I felt her pulse and it has stopped!"

Dr. Jin immediately pressed Grandma Wang's carotid artery, and sure enough, there was no beating. "It should not be long since the onset of the disease. I am here for emergency treatment. You should call the ambulance center immediately."

After the words fell, she immediately began to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but there was no defibrillator and other equipment in the clinic.

At this time, Wei An had already pressed Xiao Ke to the ground, but this guy's fingers were tightly held, and the lighter he was holding in his palm couldn't be snatched away.

Wei An had no choice but to cast a glance at Xiao Ke, who had a gloomy complexion and distorted facial features, said "I'm offended", and raised his hand to punch him.

After being punched, Xiao Ke showed a ferocious smile, and said with a chuckle, "I want to see you burned to ashes."

"Let's talk about it when I die a hundred years ago!" Wei An directly took out the bloody hammer and hit him on the forehead.

Xiao Ke suddenly fell into a coma, loosened his hand, and dropped the lighter on the ground, and Wei An immediately picked it up.

At this time, Dr. Jin, who was rescuing in the infusion room, was heartbroken because there was no improvement after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. On the contrary, she found that Grandma Wang's body had started to become cold.

This is impossible!
Because Grandma Wang stopped her heartbeat not long ago, her body must be warmed up for a while before it gets cold. How could she not be able to maintain her body temperature so quickly?

"Is the phone connected?" Dr. Jin jumped anxiously.

You must know that the patient's accident happened in the clinic. In this case, the family members will usually rely on the clinic.

To put it seriously, the clinic might close down this time.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Dr. Jin ran to the door of the infusion room, and saw the nurse rushing over in a hurry, and said, "I have already called and said that I will be here in about six or seven minutes, so I can continue to give the patient CPR."

"Have you learned it? Come on, I'm out of strength." Dr. Jin was nervous and out of breath, panting.

The nurse nodded, also very nervous, and immediately returned to the infusion room with Dr. Jin. Suddenly, the two of them froze, their eyes wide open, staring straight ahead, and even forgot to breathe.

I saw Grandma Wang, who was still lying on the hospital bed just now, sitting up now!

However, Grandma Wang still had her eyes closed, and this scene looked a little weird.

"Grandma Wang!" Doctor Jin called out immediately.

But the other party didn't respond, the nurse stepped forward, pulled Grandma Wang's wrist, suddenly startled, and blurted out: "Her hands are already cold!"

I felt for my pulse again, but there was no beat.

This result frightened the nurse so much that she screamed, threw off Grandma Wang's hand, and ran to the infusion room.

Dr. Jin was still standing there, her brain was buzzing, and she couldn't figure out what happened for a while, but her heartbeat was so violent that she couldn't think, there were beads of sweat on her forehead, and her limbs began to move uncontrollably trembling.

"Wang...Grandma Wang..."

She could hardly hear what she said, and her eyes seemed to be glued to Grandma Wang's body, unable to move away.

In the next second, Grandma Wang closed her eyes, slowly turned her head towards her, and then opened her lips, making an unpleasant, irregular sound from her throat.

Dr. Jin let out a scream and fell straight to the ground.

Wei An, who had already subdued Ashes, was getting up from the ground at this moment, arranging his clothes and hair, and ran in immediately after hearing Doctor Jin's screams.

When he saw the weird scene on the bed, he hardly thought about it, and Wei An blurted out: "Lying corpse?!"

Then he walked in with the bloody hammer, just like he did with Xiao Ke, and hit Grandma Wang on the forehead. The other party immediately lay back on the bed, and there was no more movement.

And the next second, it should be Dr. Jin who was fainted, his whole body twitched violently twice, and sat up with his eyes closed, emitting a strange aura from his body.

"This is……"

Wei An suddenly understood in his heart. He reached out and touched Dr. Jin's arm, and found that his skin had become icy cold in such a short period of time, no different from a dead person.

After a while, he put away the hammer and limped out of the infusion room.

With the red weapon in his hand, Wei An didn't hit Dr. Jin on the forehead with a hammer, and the doctor lay down again without any movement.

On the one hand, it was because the bloody hammer was really powerful, and on the other hand, the person who was possessed by the guy lying in the corpse was a little weaker than usual, so he could only bear it.

Wei An didn't linger in the clinic, he put the medicines in his pocket and left immediately, got on the side of the road, got into the SUV and drove away.

Now it seems that although Ashes and the Lying Corpse found themselves, they used a strange method similar to possession, and this kind of possession was very special.

If there is someone playing with fire, then this person is the object of being possessed by ashes, and if there is someone lying down, then this person is also the object of being possessed by the lying corpse.

And the most important point, it seems that the possessed person cannot be rescued at all, and has become a dead person, just like Xiao Ke, Grandma Wang and Dr. Jin just now.

In fact, the force of Wei An's bloody hammer hitting them was not heavy. Judging from the endurance of human beings, at most it would only cause a big bump on their foreheads, rather than directly beating them to death.

That means that after being possessed by ashes and lying corpses, they are already dead and cannot be reversed.

Also, the old ghost didn't show up. I don't know what form that guy will show up in. Now Wei An has to take adequate precautions.

He didn't plan to travel in places where there were people, otherwise, when those guys found out about his whereabouts, they would probably use these innocent people to appear and attack him.

Once possessed, it is death.

Although Wei An is not sure whether this city really exists and whether the people here are real, he does not want to see this kind of thing happen again and again.

What's more, exploring the secrets of this strange city and the question of whether it is true is also the only purpose of his current stay here.

Wei An is now planning to go directly to No. 66 Shangyi Road, at least there will be no harm to innocent people. Instead, these guys chasing and killing him will be cautious and dare not mess around.

The only problem is that he has to find the direction of Shangyi Road, and now he has lost his way.

After stopping the car and asking several pedestrians on the street, because the road is remote, some people said they had heard of it, but they didn't know the exact location, while others shook their heads and said they had never heard of it.

Wei An had no choice but to return to the car, ready to use the "positioning role" again to find the direction of Shangyi Road where the scavengers were located. At this moment, he actually didn't want to consume any more energy, but there was no way, it was impossible to spend it here all the time.

After the "positioning role" was activated, he turned his head and looked around, and quickly caught the familiar, flashing red dot, and quickly drove the SUV to turn around and drive in that direction.

But just after turning two streets, Wei An was taken aback, and found that the red dot was not far ahead, less than 300 meters away from him.

And this area is not Shangyi Road, he is sure of that!
(End of this chapter)

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