this is not a joke

Chapter 157 Did You Met Her?

Chapter 157 Did You Met Her?
"Could it be that the scavenger woman left the abandoned building and came to the street?" Wei An murmured in his heart.

Not long after, he parked the car on the side of the road and looked at the opposite intersection, and saw that it seemed to be a bustling area with people coming and going.

There is a comprehensive commercial plaza here. Next to the place with the most people is a fountain, and there are several rows of seats in front of the fountain, and many pedestrians are sitting on it to rest.

Wei An quickly noticed that there was a woman with disheveled hair on the far right of these seats, just below the flower bed.

The woman was half squatting, with her back against the flower bed, and she seemed to be muttering, not sure if she was talking or eating.

The clothes of the scavengers were in tatters, and there were many people in the square, so no one noticed her existence.

After Wei An saw this scene, he was a little hesitant. He didn't know if it would be better to communicate with her in the past now, or to wait for a while, and then approach when there were fewer people around.

After thinking about it, there are too many people here, so we can't delay, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee that the lying corpses, ashes and old dogs will not follow and hurt innocent people.

Now Wei An has a feeling that the longer he stays in this city and this strange talk, the more he feels that he is in a completely real world, and there is no difference between them.

Even if the strange talk would disappear the moment he left, or return to the original state, now he didn't want to see other innocent people being hurt.

You must know that when we first went to Moonlight Hospital, Wei An's attitude was still indifferent, and he didn't treat the people in this city as real living people.

But now he is unknowingly changing this attitude, no longer treating these people as fakes, and he also parks within the parking line when parking, otherwise he is worried that he will be fined.

Obediently following other pedestrians across the zebra crossing, Wei An quickly came to the square, but he did not immediately approach the direction of the flower bed, but stood at the side of the fountain, his eyes swept over the woman who scavenged from time to time.

At this moment, the woman's behavior is too normal. Not only does Wei An not feel any weirdness or even danger from her, even the moment he sees this woman, he has a feeling in his heart that he wants to ignore her immediately. .

After all, the other party was dirty, unkempt, and sloppy. Normal people would subconsciously keep a certain distance from her.

Because of the short distance, Wei An could see clearly this time that the woman was not talking to herself, but was actually eating.

Under her feet is a bowl of unfinished fried rice that was discarded by someone, and there is a disposable spoon in the bowl. This woman scoops up a spoonful of rice from time to time, puts it into her mouth and chews slowly, as if enjoying the moment pleasant time.

Wei An was stunned for a moment.

First of all, this woman is the most awesome and weird in this weird talk, and her appearance as a scavenger is already subversive enough. Secondly, not only does she appear as a scavenger, but her words and deeds are no different from a real scavenger. Eat other people's leftover meals!
"Which drama is this playing? I have lived too many good days, and want to experience the life of a miserable person?" Wei An secretly speculated.

At this moment, a man walking beside him took out a lighter, put a cigarette in his mouth, and was about to light it.

Wei An was startled, fearing that this guy would be possessed by ashes, he immediately reminded him: "Brother, this is a public place, smoking is prohibited."

The man's face suddenly darkened, and he still bit the cigarette in his mouth, with a bad expression.

But soon he saw that "No Smoking" was written on the sign next to him. The guy was cursing and didn't know what he was talking about. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and put the lighter away. leave.

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda." Wei An suppressed his anger.

When he heard that guy swearing, he wanted to give him a hammer, but after thinking about it, if they were not fake people but real ones, then he would have saved someone's life now.

When he looked at the scavenger woman sitting by the flower bed again, Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and saw that she raised her head at this moment, staring at herself through the loose hair.

After Wei An looked at her, the woman looked away, and put another spoonful of leftovers into her mouth.

Wei An knew that the other party had recognized him, so he stopped hiding immediately, walked directly to the woman who scavenged waste, and then squatted down beside her, also leaning his back against the flower bed behind.

The person sitting not far away glanced at Wei An, wondering why he chose to be so close to a beggar, but he just took a look and ignored him.

"Who are you?" The woman mumbled while chewing the fried rice.

At this moment, Wei An didn't feel the strong sense of danger from this woman when they first met, but as if she was a scavenger, an ordinary human being.

"You should know who I am," he replied.

"Why do you still stay here after Solitaire is finished?" the woman asked again.

"I also want to know why I can't get out." Wei An didn't hide anything, "Every time I enter this kind of strange talk, I am not a participant, but an 'intruder'. Am I not worthy to enter the strange talk?"

"Your question... is very novel." The corners of the woman's mouth were slightly pursed. Not only did she not feel a little scared at this moment, but she was also easy to get close to.

"I thought you would give me the answer." Wei An said with some regret.

"When I feel threatened, I will judge that a certain participant is not just participating, but has the possibility of destroying me." The woman said suddenly.

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, carefully appreciating her words, and quickly asked: "Then your relationship with Guitan is..."

"I don't know either, but I might be a ghost." The woman said while shoveling the last bit of rice in the bowl into her mouth.

Then she threw it away, and the paper bowl and disposable spoon just fell into a trash can two meters away.

Wei An was puzzled: "You mean, you are the Solitaire Monster itself? Or are you the city?"

"Is there a difference?" the woman asked.

"Is there no difference?" Wei An thought through the woman's question that it might not be as simple as he thought.

After thinking for a moment, Wei An said: "So when a strange story decides that I am not just participating, but may destroy the strange story, it will consider me an 'intruder'?"

The woman didn't answer, she stood up, patted her butt, and walked out of the square.

Wei An immediately stood up and followed her side by side.

"You just said that you are a monster, so you set the rules here?" He asked.

The woman shook her head: "I'm not that capable."

After saying this, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Wei An, "This is my home for me, my memory is here, and my whole life is here. But since I have memories, The city is already here."

"Everyone in the city belongs to you, so you can choose a better life." Wei An said.

"I have this power and this ability, but I can't choose this way." The woman shook her head and looked up at the sky above her head. "Today's sunshine is a bit dazzling."

As soon as the words fell, a cloud layer approached, just blocking the sun above the head, and a cool feeling came down immediately.

Wei An has realized the strength of this woman's ability, and feels that she can control everything in this world in a flash, but it seems that there are many things she can't control at all.

He couldn't help asking: "That is to say, if you are gone, this city still exists? You appear here only as a person in charge, which is equivalent to a job?"

The scavenger woman suddenly smiled, picked up an unfinished beverage bottle that had been thrown on the ground, unscrewed the cap, drank the rest of the beverage in one gulp, and then threw the bottle into the trash can.

At this time, a young man in a suit and leather shoes happened to pass by her. The woman approached and asked him, "Do you are real?"

The young man stared at her strangely, did not answer, but said "crazy", and then left quickly.

The woman looked back at Wei An with a confused face, Wei An felt that she was trying to tell herself a certain fact, for example, no one would doubt whether they were real or not, on the contrary they would doubt the authenticity of others.

Wei An thinks that he needs to analyze this issue carefully.

After a pause, he said, "Thank you last time, if it weren't for you, I might have been cold."

As soon as the words were finished, the scavenger girl suddenly became serious, her brows were slightly frowned, she leaned in front of Wei An, stared into his eyes, and asked word by word: "You... have met her already?"

(End of this chapter)

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