this is not a joke

Chapter 160 Lying Corpse

Chapter 160 Lying Corpse (Please Subscribe!)
In fact, crouching under the bed at this moment, watching the upside-down face appear little by little in the dark, there is an indescribable sense of terror.

But Wei An interrupted the further spread of this sense of terror one step ahead of time with a bloody hammer, and with a bang, the upside-down forehead was hit firmly.

The man groaned all over his body, obviously deliberately suppressing the sound he wanted to make, and was directly knocked to the ground by a hammer.

But soon the guy turned around and crazily got under the bed.

Wei An didn't expect him to get in directly, and before the hammer turned back for a while, the guy had already put his hand on his shoulder, grasping Wei An's shoulder with five fingers, and the fingers were embedded in the muscles.

The corner of Wei An's mouth cracked in pain, he stretched out his uninjured foot, and kicked this guy's lower abdomen, almost kicking him out.

This guy hugged Wei An's injured leg again, and just touched the wound. Wei An seized the opportunity to hit the opponent's left shoulder with a hammer.

Now Wei An can be sure that Ashes is definitely the real body, because last time when he used this hammer to attack the woman in the shroud, he basically solved the opponent in a few hits, but now this guy has been hit twice with the hammer, although Injured, but still alive and well.

The second hammer made Ashes' left shoulder sag, but it didn't affect his movement much. He still reached out to grab Wei'an's arm, his nails embedded in the skin, and blood flowed out.

At the same time, Wei An smelled a burning smell, and suddenly found that the bed above his body was emitting thick smoke, and began to feel a burning smell.

Unexpectedly, when Ashes sat on the bed just now, it quietly ignited the bed, and although the fire started to grow bigger, the flames could not burn the area covered by the edge of the bed, and the thick smoke was only within this area Rolling, unable to escape.

From what it looks like, Ashes is going to trap Wei An here and directly turn it into a barbecue.

Wei An immediately lowered his voice and threatened: "I don't believe you can control the flames, but also my voice! If you don't let go, I'm going to scream, and I'll alarm her..."

Before he finished speaking, Ashes let go of his hand immediately, but at the same time kicked Wei An's body. With the force of the kick, his body rushed out and left under the bed.

Although Wei An was blocked for a while, he still rolled his body and came to the edge of the bed. Just as he was about to leave the bottom of the bed, Hui Hui's two hands stretched out to hold his body against him.

At this time, the flame on the bed was getting bigger and bigger, and it was already burning down, and the four feet of the bed had also turned into charred black, and it was about to surround Wei An soon.

Wei An directly threw the poker heart K, slapped it on Ash Ash's face, and said, "She is here, dare to set fire to her territory! She will kill you first!"

Ashes had always been on tenterhooks when he took action against Wei An, and he perfectly controlled the burning area of ​​the flames to this place, so that even the thick smoke couldn't seep out.

It was also fortunate that the smoke was going upwards. At this moment, the top of the bed was full of thick smoke floating, and Wei An was lying on the ground, so he inhaled less smoke.

Now Ashes heard Wei'an's words, he was startled, thinking that Wei'an was going to shout, and after being hit by the red K at the same time, his sense of fear of "may offend her" suddenly increased.

In Wei'an's eyes, a word appeared on the opponent's forehead after the heart K hit Ashes.

[Randomly increased Ash's fear of scavengers by 4 times. 】

After this line of text appeared, Hui Hui's face was distorted in fright, and he backed away quickly with a fright. With a wave of his right hand, the flame on the bed immediately became much smaller.

Wei An took the opportunity to roll out from under the bed, and only had time to put his uninjured foot on the ground, squatting in a half-squat position, and raised his hammer to hit Ashes hard on the head.

With a bang, Ashes' head was smashed flat, and he snapped his fingers with his left hand at the same time, and a flame ignited between his fingers, instantly igniting Wei An's clothes.

The flames came fiercely and were fundamentally different from ordinary flames. Before Wei An could react, he immediately took off his coat and threw it away. The moment the clothes fell to the ground, more than half of them had already burned.

No matter how painful the injury was, Wei An raised the hammer again and hit Ashes on the head violently. After five or six hammers, Ashes stopped moving.

Wei An was out of breath, turned his head to look at the bed that was still burning just now, and found that there was no trace of flame on the entire bed, but all turned into coke, and the thick smoke that could not be emitted just now disappeared strangely.

Turning around, he saw Ashes' entire head had been flattened off, but no blood flowed out. This guy's facial features were originally ordinary, but now they were all smashed to pieces, and he couldn't tell what was where.

Although he hadn't moved, there was still a flame still flickering between the fingers that snapped his fingers just now, flickering and extinguishing.

Wei An stepped on his finger, stomping out the only flame.


After taking a breath, Wei An stood against the wall, ready to see if this guy would come back to life.

He looked at the bloody hammer in his hand. After all, it was a red weapon, and it was powerful against monsters. It was not impossible to kill a monster of this degree.

Just to be on the safe side, Wei An is going to wait and see patiently.

At this time, he was still paying attention to any movement outside the house, especially to prevent the guy lying dead from appearing.

Looking at the open living room door, Wei An limped forward, squatted down reluctantly and rearranged the five emperors' coins on the ground, and when he was about to close the door, he suddenly noticed something strange in the living room.

He turned around quickly, and saw a man in his 50s lying upright on the fabric sofa in the living room full of holes, with his hands on his chest, his eyes closed, and there was no movement at all.

Thinking about it with my toes, I knew that this must be the true deity of the lying corpse.

It's just that Wei An didn't know when he came in, or whether he entered the room with Ashes, but he was lying on the ground, so he didn't make a sound.

But the weird thing is that this guy didn't attack him.

Wei An's heart sank, feeling a little bad, he immediately collected the five emperors' money, left the room directly, and went to the corridor.

Just as he was about to look for other rooms again, he suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness. He immediately supported the guardrail of the corridor, but the guardrail snapped due to disrepair for a long time, almost causing Wei An to fall down.

Wei An immediately stepped back, leaning his back against the wall on this side of the room, his head still dizzy.

He knew very well that this was not due to his own body, but probably related to the appearance of the lying corpse. As long as he could walk a little farther and stay out of this range, he would be able to stop the dizziness.

But thinking about it, my body has lost its balance. If I didn't lean against the wall, I'm afraid I'm going to fall outside the guardrail of the corridor and fall directly from the building.

"Go... to the third floor!"

Wei An immediately made a decision, gritted his teeth, and with the last bit of consciousness, leaned on the wall and approached the stairs, preparing to go directly to the third floor.

This is the closest to the scavenger woman, and the lying corpse would not dare to follow directly, nor would he dare to cover his dizziness to the third floor.

However, although the plan was good, Wei An still failed to reach the stairs, and the whole person was already kneeling on the ground due to dizziness. This is because he has the red heart K, an item that can enhance psychological endurance, if he does not have these items, If I were a normal person, I would have fainted long ago.

Of course, there is another point that must be explained. Wei An's mental strength is obviously not enough, the coefficient is only 2.2. If his father's 5.7 is here, it may be nothing.

Wei An fell to the ground.

Not long after, a rustling sound suddenly came from the house to the door, and the man who was lying on the sofa just now slowly moved out.

His eyes are still closed, his body is not actually bent, but still lying flat and straight, but he can move strangely.

When he reached Wei An's side, the man stretched out a gray right hand, grabbed Wei An's arm, and dragged him back silently.

In the next second, the door of the room closed.

(End of this chapter)

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