Chapter 161

In fact, Wei An only became partially conscious after falling asleep for a while, but he was still in a dazed state, unable to move his body.

He was able to open his eyes slightly, and found that he seemed to be lying on the floor of the living room in the room just now, and then his consciousness became blurred again.

But at the same moment, an inexplicable fear rose in Wei'an's heart, as if he was having a nightmare, and encountered some extremely terrifying things in the dream, which made him unable to restrain this emotion, and the feeling of terror went straight from the soles of his feet. Rushing to the forehead, I couldn't help trembling in my heart.

Not only that, but now he feels like he can't wake up and move when he has a nightmare.

I didn't expect the lying corpse's attack method to be like this. I knew it was like this. When I saw this guy's real body for the first time, I just went down with a hammer, and everything was fine.

But if he really wanted to do that just now, it might cause the lying corpse to attack in advance, making him dizzy immediately instead of waiting until he was about to leave.

Not long after, Wei An fell asleep again in a daze. When he woke up again, he didn't know how long it had been, but it was not yet dawn. He might have slept for a few hours, or he might have only slept for 10 minutes.

The sense of fear just now still exists, as if there is an extremely strong threat nearby, which makes him have to guard against it, and has to feel fear.

Wei An wanted to turn his head to look around, but his body was still unable to move, he could only roll his eyes, and saw the tattered coffee table not far away and the same tattered cloth sofa next to the coffee table.

He didn't see where the corpse was lying, but soon his body seemed to have some consciousness. Wei'an felt his legs were cold, as if he had disappeared.

After struggling for a long time, except for the movement of the eyeballs, the body was still unable to move.

"Consciousness strengthening."

He directly turned on the "Consciousness Strengthening" in his professional skills, and then the scalpel appeared in the palm of his hand according to his thoughts, but he held it backwards, that is, the blade end was in the palm, and the moment the scalpel appeared , the sharp blade cut the skin of Wei An's palm.

As the wound appeared, the effect of "strengthening consciousness" immediately penetrated into his body and drilled into his mind.

But this time, what Wei An wants to strengthen is the control over his own body. After a while, the effect of strengthening his consciousness will come into play. His body twitches slightly, but he can only slowly raise his head.

Seeing that his limbs were still intact, but his feet were still numb, he turned his head with difficulty and looked to the side of the sofa, but there was nothing there.

Then Wei An turned his head to the other side, and in his eyes, he saw the body lying on his right side, and the distance between the two was less than half an arm.

This guy's eyes were closed and he was motionless. If no one disturbed him, Wei An suspected that he could lie down until the end of the world.

But I can no longer lie down. This is very likely to be an attack method of the lying corpse. First, I will be stunned, and then my limbs will gradually become rigid during the process of "lying the corpse" with him, until my whole body becomes a dead body. A living corpse.

Just thinking about the result is chilling.

Now although Wei An's body was stimulated by the strengthening of his consciousness, he was able to move slightly, but it was still far from the level of free movement or standing up to resist.

Taking a deep breath, he has only been awake for a while now, and he feels the dizziness from just now coming again, which means that the lying corpse is purely a range attack, as long as it is within his range, he will be affected by the dizziness.

But now he couldn't move his body, and it was impossible to run out of this range. Wei An stimulated himself with "Consciousness Enhancement" again, and felt that not only his fingers could move, but his interfering throat could also make a little sound.

He immediately put the scalpel back into the inventory, and then took the poker card King of Hearts in his hand, moved his lips, and said a word with difficulty.

"Hey, whose... red envelope?"

After saying this, Wei An didn't know if he made it clear, but immediately looked at the man lying beside him.

In the next second, the man suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head slowly, and looked at himself. The eyes that were originally lifeless were now dyed with a layer of color, as if they had regained some vitality.

Immediately, Lying Corpse shifted his gaze to Wei An's hand, his gray-skinned arm stretched out immediately, and grabbed something in Wei An's palm.

Although this object is cold, it seems to be a rectangular object, a bit like a very special red envelope.

Lying Corpse immediately snatched the thing and grabbed it in his hand.

At this moment, Wei An saw a line of text prompt appear on this guy's forehead.

[Randomly increased the lying corpse's desire for red envelopes by 3 times. 】

Not long after this line of text appeared, the expression of the lying corpse was even more impatient. Although it was still lying on the ground, the other hand also stretched out, holding the playing cards with both hands, without even thinking about whether it was a card. It's not red, but I want to violently tear apart this layer of metal immediately to see if there is any money in it.

At the same time, because the desire for red envelopes increased significantly and the attention was shifted, the range and strength of the attack emitted by the lying corpse moment dropped sharply.

Wei An felt his stiff body suddenly loosen, and he lost some kind of control in an instant.

He sat up abruptly, and at the same time he had already clenched the bloody hammer tightly in his hand, and slammed it hard on the lying corpse's head.

At this time, the lying corpse was holding the poker cards in both hands, and was still studying how to open them. At the same time, he already had doubts in his heart, but before he could react, the hammer approached, and the guy immediately kept this position and lay down forever, his body Get stiff again.

Wei An smashed a few more hammers. He didn't expect this guy's defense to be so weak. In fact, the first hammer just now had already dealt with the opponent. The next few hammers seemed a bit redundant.

The restraining force around him weakened wildly again. At this moment, Wei An's only slight dizziness was gone, and his surroundings should have returned to normal.

The playing card got out of the lying corpse's hands and flew back to Wei'an, and he put it away immediately. He checked the lying corpse's body again, and found that it was a complete corpse that had been dead for a long time.

However, the skin color of this guy's body has changed, it's all a faint purple-gray, and there is no corpse smell, Wei An doesn't know how long this strange corpse has been dead.

Perhaps according to the scavenger woman, since the existence of this city, the corpse of the lying corpse may have existed.

This guy's defense is not strong, but the attack method and range are very strange, it is simply unimaginable, basically can't defend against it if it can't be detected, and if you don't pay attention, you will get hit.

Wei An squeezed his legs that had lost consciousness just now, and found that they were recovering. He sat on the ground and waited for his body to recover for a while, then slowly stood up.

He limped and walked carefully to the door of the room, looked outside, but saw nothing suspicious.

Judging from the mission of the intruder this time, the only one who is still chasing and killing him is the old ghost who has never shown his face.

I don't know what the guy's attack method is, Wei An has learned the lesson of laying the corpse this time, so he dare not be careless anymore, thinking that he should at least keep a certain distance from the old ghost.

The most important thing is that the old ghost has never shown up, and he has no idea what the other party looks like.

From Wei An's point of view, the monsters in this strange story are not only sinister, cunning, and scheming, but also have strange looks and attack methods. Now let's say that the old ghost that has never appeared does not look like a human, but a A dog, a bird, or even a cockroach, Wei An would not find it strange.

And these weirdos should have reached some kind of agreement with the scavengers before, which allowed them to enter the abandoned building to hunt and kill themselves without approaching the third floor.

After confirming that there was no danger nearby, Wei An opened the door and slipped out immediately. He couldn't let the old ghost succeed, so he had to go up to the third floor, otherwise staying here would still be dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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