this is not a joke

Chapter 162 The Scavengers' Room

Chapter 162 The Scavengers' Room (Please Subscribe!)
Looking at the sky outside, although Wei An didn't know what time it was, he felt that it might be dawn in a while.

For the problems of this world, he still has not found the answer, otherwise he would have left at this moment.

Slowly came to the stairs outside the corridor. At this time, there was no danger. Wei An doubted whether the old ghost would appear again. He climbed up the stairs step by step carefully. None came out.

Soon after reaching the third floor, Wei An subconsciously didn't approach the room of the scavenger woman, but turned to the right to see if the door of the room could be opened.

When he reached this floor, he even slowed down his breathing. He wasn't sure if the scavengers were asleep or awake at the moment. If the other party was awake, they might have known that someone was coming up, but maybe they didn't disturb her, so she wouldn't Just appear.

Wei An slowly pressed the doorknob and found that the first door was locked. Then he walked to the door of the second closed room and tried to open the door, but found that it was still locked.

He turned his head and looked at the room on the left side of the stairs.

When the slender black shadow was chasing him and Jiang Jialiang, the scavenger woman opened the door from the leftmost room, but Wei An didn't plan to go there, and he didn't even try the first room on the left.

Because the room was too close to the woman's room, it was very unsafe.

Now the doors of the two rooms on the right cannot be opened, so Wei An has to go into the unclosable bathroom at the end of the corridor.

It is said to be a bathroom, but in fact it is more like an old public toilet. You can smell a bad smell as soon as you walk to the door, and I don’t know how long it has been useless.

The ground is made of cement, and there are two squats, one of which is almost full, and it seems that the feces and urine in it have dried up over time.

Wei An slapped his nose and didn't go in. Instead, he turned around and stood at the toilet door, looking out of the corridor from time to time.

Now his whole body is covered with injuries, his shoulder and left arm were inserted into the muscles by Ashes' fingers, although the bleeding is no longer there, but it was caused by scabs, and it hurts a lot when he moves a little bit, and it is very easy to tear again Wound.

In this way, the leg injury caused by Pei Na seemed insignificant.

Of course, these physical injuries are trivial, as long as Wei An can go out, he can recover in minutes.

When he was thinking about the next countermeasures, he had already started the third plot speculation.

But the result of the speculation was the same as he expected. This was just a detailed plot simulation, and he didn't get any substantive hints.

This kind of result has happened before, that is, in the strange talk of "Passenger".

Therefore, Wei An suspects that the plot detector may have discovered some kind of potential mechanism and may be observing him, so he will not give any hints that he is obviously suspected of cheating.

After all, this strange story is different from the strange stories Wei An encountered before. The range of activities is too wide, and there are some unimaginable problems, so there is really a high chance that he will be secretly observed by some kind of existence.

Besides, Wei'an now wants to save more energy points to avoid the possibility of missing the red weapon like the killing ax last time. There are not many energy points left, so he must save some energy points and cannot keep on plot speculation.

When he was observing the outside of the corridor, he looked back at the inside of the toilet where he was from time to time.

Although the space here is very small, you can see it all at a glance, but it cannot be ruled out that the old ghost will not appear. What if the guy's body is a maggot, and he got out of the cesspit without anyone noticing?

Thinking of this, Wei An turned his head and looked at the toilet again, but there was nothing unusual.

When he turned around, he was taken aback for a moment, and saw the last door on the other side of the corridor opened. From his position, he could just see one of the corners. The door panel was no longer visible, and he could only see the dark interior of the room. .

The scene in the sky at this time is very strange, the full moon is still there, and the moonlight is bright, but it seems that there is a faint light on the horizon at dawn. When you look carefully, you will find that this is just your own illusion.

"Why did the door open?" Wei An was surprised.

He leaned his body back into the toilet, only showing one eye looking in that direction.

Not long after, a scavenger woman came out with disheveled hair and stood in the corridor.

The woman walked without making a sound, and exuded a palpitating aura all over her body.

Wei An knew very well that it was best not to mess with this woman at the moment, because now is the time when her "evil" side is most exposed, moody and moody, which is exactly the opposite of her appearance during the day.

The woman didn't stay in the corridor for long, and without shaking her hands, she just walked to the stairs silently and walked down the stairs.

Because she couldn't hear a sound, Wei An didn't know whether she left the abandoned building or just went to the second floor.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement.

Wei An guessed that she might have left, because the sky was about to light up, and the daytime scavenger woman might appear soon, so she wanted to go into the city one step ahead.

Even so, he still didn't move. After waiting for a while, after confirming that everything was normal, he slowly moved his body out, stood at the door of the toilet, and looked downstairs.

I didn't see anything. If the woman left, she should have gone far away by now.

Wei An withdrew his gaze and turned to the open door of the room on the far left. After hesitating for a moment, he quickly approached and glanced down when he passed the stairs, but found nothing unusual.

When he came to the door of the scavenger girl's room, Wei An took a look inside first, and saw that the whole living room was empty, nothing, but the ground was still clean, which should be the reason why the scavenger girl has been living here.

After glancing at the stairs, Wei An quickly walked into the room.

Since there was nothing in the living room and nothing to look at, he went to the bedroom inside.

There was a single bed in the bedroom, which looked tattered, with holes in the batting underneath, and even the bedding was only half in half.

In addition, there is actually a wooden table in this bedroom, and a picture is hung on the wall in front of the wooden table. After Wei An approached and took a closer look, he realized that it was a map, a map of the city.

And on the map, there was a circle drawn with black charcoal, which was very conspicuous. Wei An lay down on the map to distinguish carefully, and saw that the place marked by the circle was the library!

He froze for a moment, an ominous feeling rose in his heart, his eyes turned, and he saw a wire in the gap in the corner next to the map, he reached out to touch it, grabbed it and pulled it lightly, and dropped the wire on the wooden table The rear end was pulled up, and when I looked closer, I found that it turned out to be a network cable!
"Network cable! Library?"

Wei An was startled suddenly, the ominous premonition just now was confirmed, he turned around abruptly and was about to leave.

But after turning around, her body froze, and she stared unblinkingly at the scavenger woman who had been standing at the door of the bedroom at some time. The scavenger woman lowered her head slightly, her curly and dirty long hair covered half of her face, as if she was staring at the woman. looked at himself, and didn't seem to be looking at Wei'an at all.

Wei An's lips squirmed, and four words came out of his throat, "You are... an old ghost?!"

But he knew very well in his heart that to be precise, it should be the "evil" side of the scavenger woman who is the old ghost, and the daytime one is not.

 Forecast, the unit ends tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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