this is not a joke

Chapter 163 Old Ghost

Chapter 163 Old Ghost
All the clues can be connected, Wei'an now knows why nothing happened when these weird ones broke into here to search.

The paper figurine just pretended to be dead, and sneaked into the solitaire game between him and Pei Na and others, and planned to kill them secretly.

Now it seems that when the old ghost found out about Wei'an's sudden mission to search for No. 66 on Shangyi Road, she really didn't expect this to happen, but she didn't say much, but still followed the rules of the game and completed the mission up.

Of course, all the weirdos knew what Wei An meant, so they were cooperating with acting at the time.

This made Wei'an, Jiang Jialiang, Pei Na, and Chen Fang all mistakenly think that this is the case, but they didn't expect that the scavenger woman in the dark night is the old ghost himself, and she is the person behind everything.

Now that Wei An thinks back, he suddenly realizes that after he assumed the role of the scavenger woman, he suddenly came to the abandoned building with a slender black shadow chasing him.

Her first reaction was to think that her identity had been exposed, but after learning of Wei An's intentions, she drove the slender black shadow away, but because her identity could not be revealed, she didn't ask any more questions, but let her go. Wei An and Jiang Jialiang left.

Wei An thought that the other party was aloof because of his strength, but he didn't expect that it was because she was concerned that her identity would be exposed.

And with these weird abilities, there is no need for a computer or other terminals. As long as there is a network cable, the Internet is not a problem. Now that the facts are in front of us, neither side needs to say anything more.

The scavenger woman didn't actually go far just now, but checked the scene on the second floor, saw the corpses lying and ashes, and learned what happened there.

After Wei An revealed her identity, she remained expressionless, raised her slightly lowered head, and cast her eyes on Wei An.

"The strange talk is over, why can you stay?"

Now that the woman was blocking the doorway, it was impossible for Wei An to leave. He took two steps back to the side of the wooden table so that he could temporarily block the distance between himself and the woman with the table.

"I have already asked you this question during the day."

The woman seemed surprised, "Have you seen her?"

"We chatted for a while," Wei An said.

He found that the question about his status as an intruder was forced to be left by the ghost story. So far, only this ghost story has caused weird doubts, while in other ghost stories, those weirdnesses are just in accordance with the rules of the ghost story, and no questions are asked. For whatever reason, he just attacks himself.

Just like the last time in the ghost talk in bedroom 309 of the dormitory, the only living male protagonist there, after his intruder mission started, he didn't wonder why he hadn't left the ghost talk.

Even that guy may not be aware of whether he is in the strange story or not.

From this point of view, the current strange talk, including the weirdness, is indeed much higher in terms of thinking and cognition than the weirdness Wei An encountered before.

Of course, this is only limited to the old ghost and her in the daytime. As for the lying corpse and Ashes, they are still chasing and killing him according to the rules of ghost talk, without considering the reason why they did that.

The scavenger girl shook her head slightly: "Since you are still here after the strange talk is over, it means you shouldn't stay..."

While speaking, she took a step into the bedroom, and the sense of terror pervading her body suddenly increased, and Wei An could feel it even several steps away.

Originally, Wei An was going to use his ability to escape with words, and talk to this woman a few more words to delay the time, because it was almost dawn.

At daybreak, when the normal scavenger girl returns, her danger will be eliminated, but who knows that this girl at night is inherently evil and doesn't like to communicate. After two or three sentences, she immediately strikes.

In fact, based on the performance of the ashes and the lying corpse just now, Wei An has roughly guessed that the daytime scavenger woman is about to return.

Because Ashes and Lying Corpse both knew who the old ghost was, they were in the old ghost's territory when they were dealing with themselves, so they should have no scruples, but their behavior was just the opposite, obviously not daring to disturb the third floor.

Since he knew that the old ghost with him was on the third floor, why didn't he dare to alarm him?
That means they are more aware that the appearance of the old ghost may not be so stable, maybe it is because the sky is about to dawn, or it may be because of other reasons. After the alarm, it may not be the old ghost who comes down, but the one who came down during the day. Scavengers.

And according to their conversations in the chat group, Wei'an also knows that women in the daytime are powerful, even the old ghosts at night are very afraid of her, otherwise they won't keep making other weirdnesses not to alarm "her", and don't cause "her" her" attention.

"Old ghost!" Wei An took two steps back again, leaning his back against the wall, so that the wooden table completely blocked the two of them, and hurriedly said: "I really want to know if you created the app Ghost Story in the library? And why did you create it? Same weirdness as her but only one body?"

The woman didn't answer him again, but just burst out a sentence: "If you were dead, you wouldn't have so many questions."

The wooden table between the two of them made the sound of being crushed and broken. Wei An looked down and saw that the wooden table was bursting by itself, as if an invisible pressure was approaching, and it couldn't bear it at all.

The splinters of wood that exploded hit Wei An, and some wooden thorns were directly inserted into the surface of his clothes. Wei An quickly lowered his head and ducked under the wooden table.

When the woman approached, the wooden table was completely shattered, and she reached out and grabbed Wei An under the table.

Wei An had been prepared for a long time, and immediately rolled on the spot, rolling under the nearest bed, planning to sneak in and hide for a while.

However, half of the body entered, and the right foot that was still outside was grabbed by the woman's five fingers like iron hoops. With a click, Wei An let out a muffled groan, and the leg bone of this foot was directly crushed.

Wei An hit back with a hammer on the opponent's arm pinching his ankle. The woman's arm was also bent and fractured, but it recovered strangely in the next second.

"This guy's strength is too strong, it's not at the same level as Ashes' weirdness."

Wei An knew that unless he used the bloody hammer to hit dozens or even hundreds of hammers on the woman's body at the same time, one hammer after another would not be able to cause effective damage to the opponent.

Her recovery ability is very strong, and she can basically recover in seconds from the damage caused by red weapons.

Now is the critical moment of life and death crisis, all kinds of escape methods emerge in Wei An's mind, whether it is professional skills, various props or functions from the plot editor, they all go through Wei An's mind quickly.

This scavenger girl is too strong, Wei An knows that he is definitely not an opponent, and it is impossible to escape, so he can only delay time, or find a way to let the woman in the daytime occupy this body, and become as soon as possible. Get back to normal.

There are too few functions in the plot editor to be satisfied. Among the props, only the bloody hammer can cause damage to the woman, but it is not fatal. Then it is to see if you can use the red heart K to attack the opponent by surprise.

Soon Wei'an focused on his professional skills and quickly started "detail capture".

Now his detail capture is already at an intermediate level. After turning it on, he quickly found that there was something strange about this bedroom at close range.

(End of this chapter)

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