this is not a joke

Chapter 203 Despicable Means

Chapter 203 Despicable Means
The guy outside was so unaware that Wei An thought he might have gone to another place to check, but he never expected that the other party noticed the pile of charred garbage and even moved his head to look at it.

That is, the one just now, in fact, Wei An and the man saw each other directly, but from the outside point of view, it is not as clear as Wei An.

In addition, Wei An's eyes are squinted, and the space where he hides is darker than the outside. He is sure that even if the guys outside get so close, they probably won't be able to see him.

At this moment, Wei An's body was tense, his breathing was still, he just squinted his eyes, not daring to move his eyes, and kept staring at the other party from the third gap.

I saw that guy's face was not only extremely black, but had actually been charred. In one eye socket, what seemed to be a shriveled eyeball could be vaguely seen, while in the other eye socket, there was nothing.

Not only that, this guy's nose was also burnt, only two nostrils were parallel to his own, and his chin also fell off, and the charcoal-like lines made the dropped chin swing in mid-air, unable to fall.

As this guy approached the garbage dump where Wei An was, the charred smell became stronger at this time, and it should be coming from this guy.

Now this rumor is hide-and-seek, that is, playing this hide-and-seek game with Weird, so Wei An suspects that as long as he is found by the other party, he will probably be cold, because the game does not mention whether he can counter the other party after being found.

That is to say, there may be two situations. The first one is that the strength of this terrifying guy outside is simply beyond his ability to compete. If he is found, he will be killed by the opponent.The second is that this guy just looks scary, but still can't resist his own bloody hammer, but as long as he is found, he will still die. It wasn't killed by someone outside, but by this currently extremely high-level B Level ghost talk rules.

The ghost story rules are the highest standard in ghost stories, and the participants are better, but if it is an intruder, it proves that this person will more or less affect the normal operation of the ghost story rules.

If the strange story is only F-level or E-level, with Wei An's level of intruder strength, it is a violation to violate it, and sometimes the strange story can be directly abolished.

However, if the level of ghost talk is too high, no one dares to do so. After all, the super high rule suppression is not something everyone can bear.

The guy outside kept the posture of looking inside and didn't move for a long time. Wei An couldn't bear it. Not only did he hold his breath, but his heartbeat didn't even speed up.

In order to divert his attention, he simply stared at the countdown above the corner of his eyes, watching the countdown enter the last minute.

At this time, the charcoal-black guy outside suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed a table leg outside the garbage dump and yanked it.

The entire garbage pile made noises, and Wei An was startled, feeling that the pile of things seemed to be starting to loosen. If he pulled the table leg twice, it might collapse completely.

But fortunately, this guy didn't move after pulling for a while, just observed for a while and then left.

It can be seen that it is not sure that someone is hiding here, but it is suspicious and observing carefully.

After this guy left the garbage dump, Wei An's slow beating heart finally started to intensify uncontrollably.

Catching the charred figure outside, his eyes shifted from the third gap, the second one, and the first one in turn, until he saw that guy completely disappear.

The strange footsteps gradually faded away, and the countdown was coming to an end.

As expected, this second round of hide-and-seek was passed again.


Wei An suddenly heard an extremely slight sound coming from the door of the room he was in, and then a strong burnt smell permeated the air.

The countdown ends after a few seconds.

Wei An didn't move immediately, but prepared to wait a few more minutes before going out like last time.

But soon he found that something was wrong, the scorched smell became more and more intense, and smoke could be faintly seen coming out of the first gap.

"This is... on fire!" Wei An was startled.

Anyway, the countdown is over, that is to say, the second round of hide-and-seek has been completed. Waiting a little longer is just to be on the safe side. Now that the situation is obviously critical, Wei An didn't continue to hide, but immediately got out of the burnt garbage pile.

At this time, the entire room has been filled with a large amount of smoke, blocking part of the line of sight.

Wei An quickly caught the source, and saw another smaller pile of garbage at the door. The few wooden boards that had not been completely burned at the moment actually started to burn at this moment, and the fire was so intense that it looked very strange.

The fire had already ignited the door frame next to it, and those places that had been burned once had started to ignite again at this time, and soon the flames rushed to the pile of garbage that Wei An had just hidden in.

The tables on the other side by the window that were not completely burned were all ignited at this moment, and the fire became the largest, and soon burned to the ceiling. The flames looked very strange, as if a new fire sparked an old fire, reappearing What it looked like when the whole room was burning.

"Damn it! Didn't find me, so they just set fire to me here?"

Wei An immediately put his head in his hands, raised his breath and flew out in one step, and jumped out from the door of this room. He could clearly feel that his leg hair was burned and curled by the fierce fire during the process, emitting a burning smell. There was a burnt smell, and even the skin felt a burning pain.

Fortunately, his hands covered his head, and his hairstyle was not damaged for the time being.

This is the most embarrassing time for Wei An so far. He passed through the two houses from the aisle of the room, passed the weird burning flames, and looked at the living room door that was already burning. He also wore a complete pair of shoes and kicked through the burning door.

Looking at the hole like a dog hole exposed by the door, and feeling the fire chasing behind his butt, Wei An worried that his only trousers would be lost, so he bowed and swished out of the "dog hole". Drilled out.



A scorching smell came from his head and poured into his nostrils. Wei An lay prone on the corridor outside the room, before he could stand up in time, he immediately reached out and patted his hair.

Fortunately, it was only a small piece of hair that was burnt, and it went out immediately.

Wei An looked back, and saw the raging flames in the room behind him crackling the door and the furniture inside, but it was strangely suppressed in this room, and it would not spread to the corridor at all. weird.

"This second round is weird and vicious!" Wei An secretly said: "If you can't find it, you just set it on fire, damn it"

At the same moment, a reminder of the third round of hide-and-seek appeared in front of his eyes.

But after seeing these words, Wei An was stunned for a moment, and blurted out: "Is it my turn this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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