this is not a joke

Chapter 204 Met!

Chapter 204 Met! (Please subscribe!)
The roof of Jiuyuan Building.

When Wei An was stripped of his clothes on the rooftop, the large plastic basin used to hold the laundry was kicked down, and a lot of blood dripped from the clothes accumulated in it.

At this moment, the blood has slowly gathered together along the edge of the basin, flowing towards the low-lying area, forming a strange pattern that seems to be deliberately placed.

If Wei Zhengdong was here, he would be able to recognize it at a glance, the pattern formed was exactly the same as the pattern under the feet of the old witch he saw on the eleventh floor.

Not long after the pattern was fully formed, a slightly fat figure suddenly appeared from the blood, stretched out a hand and slowly grabbed the edge of the pattern, and then climbed out.

This person is the old witch that Wei Zhengdong talked about——Akimoto Miko. Although she is bloated, she has flexible movements and vigorous actions. For details, you can refer to Hong Moubao when she was young.

After climbing the bloody pattern, Akimoto Miko glanced at the clothes on the clothesline, and she knew that the first rumor mission should have been completed.

Because before she came in, she and her apprentice Haruki Nakata had studied this B-level strange talk in depth, which was the main purpose of their visit to Shenzhou this time.

The two made a good plan, and in the last "calling on the soul" ghost talk, the master and the apprentice got their wish and got the pattern of the spell connecting different spaces. For things like spells, this is what Akimoto Miko has studied the most.

Through the improvement of this spell pattern, Akimoto Miko was able to enter this B-level strange talk, which of course also incorporated some of her own spell experience.

As for getting rid of Zhou Xin in the "Calling the Soul" ghost story, it was just Akimoto Miko's act of helping Haruki Nakata, because it seemed that Nakata fell in love with Luo Xiaoya, and Luo Xiaoya was also interested in Nakata. It was just something that came easily, and Miko Akimoto did it without any hassle.

But how did they know that it was precisely because of this behavior that they were targeted by the local ghost story management bureau, which was something Qiuyuan did not expect.

The main reason for this is that Zhou Xin met an investigator from the local administration. Zhou Xin suddenly "died" in the strange talk, which caused that person to become suspicious.

Regardless of the situation outside the ghost story now, at least Qiuyuan has entered this B-level single ghost story through the access spell obtained and improved from the "Spiritual" ghost story according to the plan, and the most critical step in the plan has been achieved.

It takes two people to cooperate to gain the trust of that thing, and it cannot be done without one person, so this is the reason why she took the risk to find various ways to get in.

If nothing else, Haruki Nakata should have completed the second rumor by now, which is the one on the elevator button.If it passes, in the third rumor, that's when they try to cooperate.

And Akimoto Miko is very clear that entering this ghost talk through a spell is worse than an "intruder", and has seriously broken the rules of the ghost talk, and the consequences will be serious if found out.

So she had to hide herself completely and let the rules ignore her own existence, that is, although she appeared in the strange talk, she was just a passerby and would not leave traces of her existence.

The laundry tub button fell to the ground has nothing to do with me, and the blood flowed out too. The pattern formed was just accidental, and her appearance would not interfere with the progress of the ghost story here.

After confirming that there was no threat on the roof, Akimoto Miko walked carefully to the door of the small door on the roof, probed inside, and found that this was the stairs leading to the floor below, and no one else was seen nearby.

She immediately entered the building along the stairs, looked inside the floor, the stairs can lead directly to any other floors below, but this is not the time for exploration and adventure, but to meet Haruki Nakata as quickly as possible, according to The previous plan was carried out.

Akimoto Miko came to the elevator room and saw that the elevator stopped on the 18th floor. This should be the operation of Haruki Nakata before, because apart from the participants, there is a high probability that there will be no weirdos in this strange talk who will take the elevator up and down. After all, their Actions have their own laws, unless the participants disrupt this law after they come in.

If he pushes the elevator up, Nakata will definitely know that he has entered the ghost talk when he sees it, and the two can meet as soon as possible.

Qiu Yuan pressed the call button of the elevator. After a while, the elevator started to go up, the speed was very slow, but she waited patiently, and at the same time, she paid attention to the situation around her to prevent accidents.

The operation of the elevator belongs to the rules that already existed in the ghost story. Even if there is an intruder like Akimoto, as long as the elevator is not directly destroyed or left indelible traces inside, the ghost story rules will not find her.

After the elevator arrived, Qiu Yuan walked in, after a little thought, she pressed the 18th floor.

Because the elevator stopped on the 18th floor just now, it means that his apprentice Haruki Nakata has a high probability of completing the task on the 18th floor.

According to Qiu Yuan's experience, the elevator is a key tool in the elevator rumor mission, so once the mission starts, other people will not be able to use the elevator during this period, but it will temporarily become the exclusive riding tool for the participants.

If the elevator can be summoned up by himself now, it means that Nakata is not completing the second task, it should be the third, so the elevator can be commanded by others.

Calculated based on the time when that guy came in, even if it was slow, at least two-thirds of the progress has been completed with Nakata's ability. Now it seems that there is a high chance that he is doing the third hide-and-seek.

Now is the perfect time for the two to meet up.

Qiu Yuan looked down, and found a familiar spell appeared on the dirty floor in the dim elevator. No one could draw this spell except Haruki Nakata and himself.

This further proves that Nakata should have been in the elevator just now, and he might have encountered some emergency, so he drew a spell in the elevator to save his life.

It's just that Akimoto Miko didn't see the two cinnabar pens forming a cross on the pattern, because that was the key to unlock the spell.

"The talisman of death, let this guy use it as little as possible, otherwise every time he goes out, he will have to wash his body and dissolve it, so he must listen." Akimoto Miko muttered in her heart.

This time, she got other spells in the strange story of "Calling the Soul", which gave Akimoto Miko the confidence to make up the death spell as much as possible. If it can be completed, this spell will no longer have the possibility of backlash against the caster.

The elevator came to the 18th floor. After a reminder, the doors opened on both sides.

Akimoto Miko stood in the elevator, looked both sides with her head, and found that there was nothing unusual here, she walked out of the elevator, wondering whether to choose the corridor on the left or the right.

Haruki Nakata was probably on this floor now, but she didn't dare to shout directly, because it would easily alarm other weirdnesses, if any.

After a while, Akimoto Miko chose the corridor on the left, and quickly walked through it carefully.

The corridor was long, but she didn't see anything suspicious. When she came to the door of the first room, she pushed down the handle and opened it easily. When she opened the door, she saw that all the furniture inside was neatly arranged and spotless. It looked like someone was there. in residence.

Immediately, Akimoto Miko closed the door, and when she was about to inspect the second room, just as she turned around, she saw a woman in bloody clothes standing not far behind and staring at herself.

(End of this chapter)

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