this is not a joke

Chapter 205 Looking for the Weird

Chapter 205 Looking for the Weird
The moment she saw the woman in blood, Akimoto Miko immediately avoided looking directly at her.

Because she is very clear that this kind of weirdness belongs to the kind of people who are not very intelligent, and if they look at each other, they will easily irritate the other party.

After avoiding her eyes, Akimoto Miko immediately turned around, and heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind her, and the blood-clothed woman had already trotted towards her.

"This is weird, does it attack anyone it sees?"

Akimoto Miko knew that she couldn't cause a conflict with her, so she immediately opened the door in front of her, entered in a flash, then quickly closed the door, closed the anti-lock catch, and then moved the sofa over to push it against the door.

dong dong... dong dong...

The door was knocked violently, but the door was very strong, the woman couldn't break in for a while.

Akimoto Miko had already taken out a cinnabar pen and quickly drew a spell behind the door.

The cinnabar ink in this cinnabar pen has been specially treated by her, and the spells drawn on it will only last for a short period of time, and then the ink will disappear automatically, and the spells will become invalid.

This will not leave her trace here.

After the spell was formed, the vibration outside the door disappeared immediately, and it was unknown whether the blood-clothed woman had left.

Akimoto Miko did not open the door, but waited quietly in the room for a while, and after a short while, she saw a figure climbing on the window near the corridor, as if she was looking inside.

It can be seen that the blood-clothed woman did not leave.


When Wei An saw the third hide-and-seek task, Wei An was stunned.

[Please go to the third abandoned room within 3 minutes, and find out the hidden weirdness within 10 minutes. 】

This third hide-and-seek changed the gameplay, it turned out to be a role reversal, allowing myself to look for the hidden weirdness in turn!

Wei An didn't know if he found the monster, would the other party kill him easily, after all, since he wanted to find the other party, he would definitely have to meet in the end, and no one could say what the consequences would be if they met. clear.

However, after a 3-minute countdown appeared in the corner of his eyes, he still walked to the second room in the corridor where he was.

Just now I was lucky, the first room was an abandoned room, but this time when I opened the second room next to it, I found that it didn't look like a place to live at all, but it wasn't messy either.

All the rooms here have been opened, and when you enter the door, you can see a whole mirror on the wall. It seems that this is a dance studio for people to practice dancing. The floor is very clean, and there are several dancing conjoined pieces hanging on the metal railing in front of the mirror. Clothes.

Wei An didn't go in, because it was obviously not an abandoned room.

He turned to go to the back room, the third room can be opened, it seems to be a yoga room smaller than the front one, the fourth room is a painting room, although the tabletop and the wall have been painted some paint , but it does not affect the overall neatness of the painting room.

Wei An also spent 1 minute trying to find a paintbrush that can be exchanged for energy points in the painting room, that is, a special prop like a cinnabar brush.

After returning in vain, continue to open the next room, which is still not abandoned, so I soon came to the door of the last room in this corridor, and after pressing the doorknob, I found that the door could not be opened.

Wei An glanced at the end of the corridor, making sure that the woman was not there, then he took out the bloody hammer and hit it hard twice, the door lock fell, and it opened with a push.

Because he was afraid of being seen by the blood-clothed woman just now, he quickly dodged in.

At this time, there was still half a minute left in the 3-minute countdown, and it stopped immediately after Wei An entered the room.

The furniture in this room is neat, but not clean. The coffee table and sofa are covered with a thick layer of dust, and the TV screen is also broken. Not only that, there are several puddles of dried and blackened blood on the floor of the living room .

When Wei An came to the bedroom, he found that the curtains inside had been blackened, blocking out most of the light, but there was still a large oval pool of blood on the bed, and he didn't know what left it.

He quickly left the bedroom and walked into the aisle of the room. After a while, he found that the area of ​​the room here was the same as that of the other two abandoned rooms, and there were also a lot of rooms.

When passing through the aisle of the room, several pots of withered green plants were placed on the aisle, and a clay sculpture of a black cat was placed at the end of the aisle, which looked lifelike and looked at the other side of the aisle. As soon as I entered the aisle, I felt like I was stared at by this black cat.

The 10 minute countdown has now begun.

After entering the second bedroom, if it weren't for the large amount of dried blood left on the floor and bed, Wei An would not have believed that no one lived here, because the dust in this room is much less, and there is everything in the bedroom. Dressing tables, full-length mirrors, hangers, and bed bedding are complete, and there are all kinds of girls' clothing in the closet.

However, judging from the pool of blood on the ground, this is at least close to the amount of blood in a normal person's whole body, that is, someone died here before, but the body is missing.

Wei An went under the bed to have a look, and found nothing unusual, then opened all the wardrobe doors, took out all the folded bedding, hanging clothes and a lot of underwear and put them on the ground.

Then he found a person curled up in a narrow space at the bottom of the closet.

This is a woman about fifteen or sixteen years old. She died a long time ago, and the skin exposed outside the clothes has completely turned white. However, there is no text prompt in front of Wei An's eyes, which means that this woman is not weird, at least not. The weirdness I was looking for.

There was no rot on the woman's body, which was in line with the weird characteristics of this strange story. When Wei An touched the other party, the woman did not respond at all.

After a moment of hesitation, Wei An carefully lifted out the woman's curled up stiff body and put her on the bed.

The woman was wearing pajamas at home, her face was very delicate, the clothes on her chest had been stained black and red with blood, at first glance, it should be a fatal wound, but she couldn't tell she was killed by some sharp weapon, and her expression still showed horror , Tangled look.

Wei An pulled a thin quilt and covered the woman from head to toe.

It's not the weirdness he's looking for, and the countdown continues at this point.

There were no other clues in this bedroom. Wei An quickly returned to the master bedroom he had been to just now, opened the closet door, and found that the clothes inside were messy, but after a search, there was no corpse hidden there.

He lay down on the ground and looked under the bed, then he was stunned for a moment, and saw two corpses of a man and a woman lying side by side under the big bed.

After a lot of effort, the two corpses were pulled out from under the bed, and it was found that the man's skull was ruptured, which was a fatal injury. The woman had wounds on her abdomen and back, but the wound on her back was close to the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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