this is not a joke

Chapter 206 Black Cat

Chapter 206 Black Cat (please subscribe!)
At this moment, there was still no hint in Wei'an's mind, which meant that the two adult corpses were not the weird ones he was looking for.

It's just that these two people should be the parents of the girl's body in that small bedroom, and these three people were killed for unknown reasons.

As before, Wei An carefully lifted the corpses of the couple onto the bed, let them lie side by side on it, and then covered them all with quilts.

He quickly came to the kitchen, opened all the cabinet doors, and searched carefully. When he opened the innermost cabinet door close to the ground, a stooped figure fell out just as the door was opened.

Wei An was startled, and immediately took a few steps back. Looking carefully, he found that it was an old woman with a black face, wide eyes, and slightly open mouth, as if she had seen something extremely terrifying before she was alive.

After a while, after noticing that the other party hadn't moved at all, Wei An walked up to the old woman, lifted the corpse up and examined it.

Seeing that there was a blood hole in the old woman's abdomen, and her back was also penetrated, it must have been pierced through her body by some sharp weapon.

The cupboard she fell out of just now was filled with a lot of dried blood.

Wei An laid the old woman flat on the ground, because he didn't know where her bed was for the time being, he walked out of the kitchen first, and when he passed the narrow passage, he glanced at the clay sculptured black cat, and then groped for other rooms.

At this point the countdown is still halfway through.

Passing through a chess and card tearoom, it can be seen that the family lives harmoniously. There are various tea making tools on the tea table, and there are all kinds of high-quality tea in a cabinet next to it, but these teas have all gone moldy and spoiled.

There are also several chessboards folded and folded beside the tea table, including chess, go, military flags and so on.

Passing through this chess and card room, Wei An came to the third bedroom. There was a white-haired man lying on his side on the bed in this bedroom. Because his back was facing him, he couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.

After turning around, he took a look, and found that the old man was somewhat similar to the male owner in the first bedroom, and the two should be father and son.

Wei An didn't move the old man, but just checked it. The old man's face was as pale as paper, and he died long ago, but no fatal injuries were found on his body, and the side of the bed where he was lying on his side was also damaged. No blood was seen, it seems to be a natural death, not homicide.

However, Wei An didn't believe that there would be a natural death in this room. There was a glass with half a glass of water next to the old man's bedside table.

Wei An turned back to the kitchen, lifted the old woman's body, and was about to put her on the bed in the third bedroom. When he struggled back to the corridor, he was suddenly taken aback.

It was found that the clay sculpture black cat placed at the end of the aisle had disappeared at this time, leaving only a bare base still in place.

Looking around, he didn't see the black cat made of clay. Wei An didn't waste any time. The old woman he was holding was very heavy, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

After spending some effort to place the old woman's body on the bed with the white-haired old man, Wei An took a breath and sat on the edge of the bed to rest.

Then he looked towards the room and found that there were no other passages.

He stood up and immediately searched the corners and cabinets of the third bedroom. At this time, there were still more than two minutes left in the countdown before him.

Now we have found five dead people here in Wei'an, but there is no weird one. These corpses cannot be revived. They are the real corpses in the ghost talk.

"It's impossible for that weirdness to be hidden in the wall, right?" Wei An was surprised.

Walk around the room to see where the wall has a hidden door like the one in the first abandoned room, or the wall is obviously patched in later.

Wei An even pushed the wardrobes to the middle of the room, just to prevent holes in the back wall.

However, he searched everywhere he could. He even ran to the disappearing clay black cat and turned over the base to see if there was any mechanism here. Otherwise, how could the black cat disappear?

Looking at the countdown with 1 minute left in front of him.

"Tema's, is it that this monster is hidden in the bodies of those five corpses, and I have to use a scalpel to dissect the corpses one by one to find it?" He cursed secretly.

Now even if he knows that this is the correct method, even if he has a scalpel, he can't do it in one minute if he wants to cut open one by one.

Wei An had to spend 50 points to activate "Role Positioning", but soon he received a text prompt in his mind.

[This character cannot be positioned. 】

He had already expected this result in advance, and he didn't want to spend the 50 points for no reason, but who knew it would not work.

Because this cheat seems to have an automatic protection function, if he uses role positioning, and the consequence of enabling it is that it is easy to expose the existence of the "story editor", then the "story editor" will not work at all.

When Wei An used plot speculation in the strange story of "Passenger", he had experience.

However, 50 energy points are not immediately consumed, but they cannot be used to locate the weirdness that Wei An is currently looking for, but he can also use this to find other characters without spending 50 energy points again.

There is no way, Wei An quickly activated the detail capture skill, which has now been upgraded to an intermediate level, and this is originally a participant skill bestowed by Guai Tan, so it is not against the rules to use it here.

His eyes swept across the five corpses, but there was no response, so the target was neither them nor them.

When Wei An came to the living room, he immediately noticed that there was something strange on the wall behind the sofa. He immediately moved the sofa forward. The gap between the sofa and the corner of the wall was not enough to hide the corpse, but the small animal could.

He soon discovered that the black cat just now was under the sofa.

Not only that, but the black cat really came alive, instead of being a clay sculpture, it was lying on the ground, licking its paws.

"You're alive?!" Wei An seemed to be talking to himself.

After a pause, he continued, "Or you were alive, but you just stood motionless on that base, making me mistake you for a clay sculpture?"

The black cat was still licking its paw, but it had switched sides, and it didn't even raise its head while Wei An was speaking.

Wei An reached out and tried to hug it, but unexpectedly, it didn't struggle.

Bringing the black cat's head close to him, Wei An stared into its eyes and said, "Can you help me find that weird one?"

As soon as the words were finished, the black cat struggled suddenly, and Wei An immediately put it down.

After the black cat landed on all fours, Wei An suddenly found that the countdown in the corner of his eyes had stopped. It seemed that it had stopped the moment he picked up the black cat, and there were still four seconds left.

"Could it be that this black cat is the weirdness I'm looking for?" He wondered a little.

But now it seems that the black cat is not weird, and the little guy walked slowly into the room where the girl's body was.

Wei An followed it to the girl's room and glanced at the girl's body lying on the bed. At this moment, he noticed something strange. This bed didn't seem to be a single bed. There should be four pillars above the four feet of the bed, which were covered by People abruptly tore it down.

That is, this is a bunk bed.

"Two people live in this bedroom?" Wei An was a little stunned.

He had noticed that behind the heavy curtains, there was a window open. There was no anti-theft window installed on the outside, and the window could not be closed because of the rust.

"Another person jumped from here?" He stared at the black cat, as if asking it.

The black cat still didn't respond to his words, instead, it left the bedroom and walked towards the door of the living room.

Wei An was taken aback, glanced at the countdown that was no longer going on, and blurted out: "What are you doing out there? Isn't this monster in this abandoned room?"

(End of this chapter)

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