this is not a joke

Chapter 219 The Stranger on the Plane

Chapter 219 The Stranger on the Plane

When Wei An heard the voice, he immediately recognized it, "Lin Rui?"

"Yeah, I'm Lin Rui!" Lin Rui answered while knocking on the door outside.

He tried to come in, but it seemed that there was not just a door between him and Wei An, but a barrier in space.

At this time, the high-heeled woman who was about to approach Wei An had stopped chasing, but stood on the stairs with her lower body, and her upper body was lying on the same upper position, looking at Wei An, trying to know whether people outside the door could come in.

Although Lin Rui did not enter the floor space where Wei An was located, his deterrent power had obviously been sensed by the woman in high heels, making the other party afraid to approach.

"Are you in danger now? Uncle!" Lin Rui outside also had a feeling at this moment.

The woman in high heels who had stopped immediately took a few steps back and retreated to the corner of the stairs.

Wei An replied: "It's not dangerous, I'm in the dream I told you now, those monsters are chasing me, but if I'm not afraid, they can't scare me to death, at most some spiritual or psychological obstacle."

There was a critical attack from outside the door, but it was not blocked by the door, but because of a space barrier.

So although the crit was strong, there was still no sign of the door being opened.

Just listen to Lin Rui shouting in a stern tone: "Listen to me, if you touch my uncle, I will kill you even through this door!"

Wei An looked back and found that the two halves of the woman in high heels had disappeared.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement.

Wei An smiled and said, "It seems that you have scared me away. By the way, how did you find this place?"

Lin Rui replied: "When you left last time, you said that we might meet in a dream. After I dealt with the corpses in the freezer that day, I kept thinking about whether I could really meet you before going to bed. Let’s meet. But it’s not very easy, it’s been more than a week, and I just saw you in my dream.”

"That's because you have the ability to manifest, otherwise we might never be able to meet in our dreams." Wei An said: "Now you can give full play to it, maybe next time you can break through the door in front of you."

"Well, it will be a matter of time." Lin Rui said: "I feel more comfortable with the mastery of this ability now, and I can even feel the situation outside my building."

Wei An frowned slightly, and asked, "What's the matter with so many corpses in the ice storage? Have you checked it out?"

"I checked, but it's not very clear." Lin Rui replied, "I have already figured out the weirdness in the building, but those corpses were not killed by the weirdness in the building, it should be something that came in from outside. That's why the weirdness in the building locked all the doors."

"The door to the outside of the building was locked by the weirdness inside?" Wei An was surprised.

"Well, I'm going to go out and have a look when the time is right." Lin Rui said.

Wei An warned: "You must pay attention to safety, and you must not leave the building rashly when you feel unsure."

"I know that." Lin Rui agreed.

At this time, Wei An felt that he was about to wake up, and hurriedly said: "If you want to get close to my dream, in this dream, you may meet a woman dressed as a scavenger. Remember! Don't get up with her Conflict because...well, she's my friend too."


Not long after Lin Rui's voice sounded, the world in front of Wei An's eyes began to collapse, and soon the scene disappeared. He opened his eyes while lying on the bed, and the alarm sound of his mobile phone came from his ears.

At this time, the sky just lit up, and it was already morning.

Recalling the scene in the dream, Wei An felt very relieved. Lin Rui's strength was beyond his expectation, and he grew up extremely fast, and the relationship between the two was very good. If possible in the future, Lin Rui might be the one who was An extremely powerful partner and support in Guai Tan.

After getting up and washing, Pei Na had already arrived by car.

The two finished the breakfast prepared by Wen Qiong, took their luggage and went to the airport.

This time, the investigator's backpack specially prepared by the Administration has been placed in the luggage.

The style of the backpack is specially customized. It is all black, water-repellent, has excellent toughness, and is very close-fitting. Even after wearing the backpack on the body, you can wear a looser coat outside.

There are various small emergency tools, portable weapons and the most important first-aid kit in the backpack. Because of portability, there are not many things, and most of them are small and practical.

On the way, Wei An fiddled with the first aid kit and asked Pei Na, "After your first strange story, this second strange story may be coming soon, are you ready?"

Pei Na was driving, looking ahead and smiling, "It's been ready for a long time. But I'm just a little unsure about the wordless book. Apart from being good as a temporary defensive shield, there are other things. I don't know any function."

"Like what I told you last time, first try to see if you can write with a pen, and then try to see if you can express it on paper with your thoughts." Wei'an reminded, "But remember, the first time When writing, it is best to write some harmonious words, otherwise the words may follow the law and cannot be saved.”

"Okay, I'll try it when I enter my second ghost story." Pei Na nodded, "For you, according to the time calculation, your third ghost story will arrive earlier than mine."

Wei An patted the investigator's backpack, "Always be ready."

After parking the car in the parking lot of the airport, Wei An and Pei Na went to the ticket gate to check in and register.

The seat they booked was right next to the window. There were two rows of seats in the middle of the plane, and the seats were relatively spacious. Wei An noticed that almost half of the seats were not filled.

However, this flight will not go directly to Fancheng, but will stop at Liangcheng on the way for a while before arriving at the destination.

Not long after the plane took off, Wei An and Pei Na chatted about their respective pasts. This time, the two didn't talk about work or strange things, but just chatted about their childhood anecdotes.

However, Pei Na grew up in an orphanage when she was a child, and everything that happened revolved around the orphanage until she was taken away as a training object for special personnel at the age of 15.

In the next five years, she traveled to many countries, and while completing her tasks, she also experienced much more experience than ordinary people. Later, she suffered a serious injury, and her superiors decided not to let her work on the front line.

Later, the Guidance Administration Bureau was established, and the country attached great importance to it, and tried its best to speed up the development of the Administration Bureau. Some staff and special personnel from the Public Security Bureau were assigned to the Administration Bureau, and then Pei Na was also assigned to Wei An.

"Then don't you have many injuries?" Wei An asked.

"Yeah." Pei Na nodded, "But it's okay, there is only a scar on the left arm, and the other injuries are all on the body, so it won't affect too much."

The two chatted vigorously until the plane stopped moving, only to find that it had stopped in Liangcheng on the way.

Here in Liangcheng, a group of passengers came up soon, about twenty or thirty people, both men and women.

After the plane took off again, Wei An noticed that a few passengers who had just boarded began to look around, and when they got on the plane just now, they only brought a small amount of luggage.

Pei Na's observation skills were sharper than his, and she had noticed these people long ago, and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to check them?"

Wei An shook his head lightly, before he could speak, he suddenly found one of the men staring at him. After a while, the man stretched out his hand and beckoned to him, motioning for Wei An to go over.

Wei An was taken aback.

At this time, the plane has been flying smoothly, but it is time to go to the bathroom or move around in the aisle.

Pei Na said: "Don't go, I'll go and have a look."

Wei An shook his head: "Don't go there either, he will come here by himself if something happens."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man beckoning to him again. At this time, the other people sitting beside him also looked over.

(End of this chapter)

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