this is not a joke

Chapter 220 Investigators Without Levels

Chapter 220 Investigators Without Levels (Please Subscribe!)
Both Wei An and Pei Na didn't go there, they just looked at the man and his friends.

The other party waited for a while, seeing that the two of them were indifferent, the man's face was sullen, but he didn't attack, and whispered a few words to a young man beside him.

The young man quickly unfastened his seat belt and stood up, coming to the aisle next to Wei An and Pei Na.

Leaning down, he said softly: "Excuse me, please go over, my boss has something to ask you."

Wei An looked at him and said nothing, but Pei Na replied: "If there is something to do, let him come and talk about it."

The young man straightened up and looked towards the direction behind him, and saw the man who let Wei An pass nodded slightly, and the young man put his hand into his arms.

Pei Na snapped off the seat belt, her whole body tensed slightly. If the man wanted to make a move, she could attack him one step ahead of time.

Unexpectedly, the young man took out a certificate from his pocket, showed it in front of Wei An and Pei Na, and said in a low voice, "We are from the Liangcheng Weitan Administration Bureau."

Wei An and Pei Na were taken aback for a moment, they were naturally familiar with the documents in front of them.

"Please go over there, our boss has something to tell you." The young man spoke again.

Wei An said to Pei Na: "Since we are traveling together, I'll go over and see what's going on."

Pei Na also nodded.

Wei An got up and followed the young man, and the two quickly came to the man just now.

After the young man sat down, the boss he was talking about didn't stand up, but still sat in his original position, and waved to Wei An, motioning for him to come over and talk.

Wei An didn't move, just stood there. If he really leaned over, he felt as if he was nodding and bowing to the other party.

"Just say something."

Although the man seemed to have a natural expression, he gave people the feeling that he was always in the upper class, which made Wei An feel very uncomfortable, so there was no need for him to follow the other party's request.

The man winked at the girl sitting beside him, and the girl stood up to make way for Wei An, who then sat down.

"My surname is Xue, and my name is Xue Wanxing. I'm the leader of the second investigation team of the Liangcheng Wei Tan Administration Bureau." The man said slowly.

The area of ​​Liangcheng is not as big as Zhoucheng, but Wei An heard from Meng Yibo before that Liangcheng has much more weird stories than Zhoucheng, so the management bureau there was established earlier than Zhoucheng, and the staff is also smaller than that of Zhoucheng. There are many cities in Zhouzhou.

At present, there are almost seven or eight teams in the Zhoucheng Administration Bureau, but Liangcheng has more than ten investigation teams, and unlike Zhoucheng, their team does not have only one investigator, but multiple investigators Composition, plus assistants, there are at least four or five members or even more members of an investigation team.

The man in front of him turned out to be the leader of the second team. Although Wei An didn't know the situation in Liangcheng, but according to the order of the investigation team, this man's strength or qualifications should be ranked among the top three in Liangcheng.

It's no wonder that he gives people a sense of aloofness, maybe he's used to it in Liangcheng, everyone should give him a good look.

Wei An didn't know why the other party asked him to come over, but it seemed that they had already known his identity in advance.

"Oh, it's Team Leader Xue, hello! I'm Wei'an, an investigator from the Zhoucheng Administration Bureau."

Xue Wanxing also knows that the scale of the Zhoucheng Administration Bureau is not as large as that of Liangcheng, and it does not handle as many strange stories as Liangcheng. Even Zhoucheng has not divided the investigators into effective groups at all, and it is still a model of one investigator and one assistant. .

Just like in front of you.

Therefore, Xue Wanxing is different from the Fancheng Administration, which is the common superior unit of Liangcheng and Zhoucheng. He doesn't know much about the current details of the Zhoucheng Administration. Ann" name.

But on the other hand, just like Wei An, he has never heard of the name "Xue Wanxing".

Xue Wanxing nodded. He accidentally learned that there were still investigators on the plane just before boarding the plane.

"I called you here to inform you. Unfortunately, our strange story detector found that there may be a strange story on this plane." Xue Wanxing said calmly: "The magnetic field fluctuates greatly, so we came here with a plan. You... you probably didn't come here for this weird talk, did you?"

Wei An shook his head, "No, we happened to be on a business trip to Fancheng."

Xue Wanxing nodded, "That's easy to handle. The magnetic field of this strange talk has been changing. It was originally discovered in a farm outside Liangcheng Airport. Later, its magnetic field began to fluctuate and entered the airport. We almost killed it at the airport. Initiated. But in the end, it was discovered that this strange talk left again and entered a certain plane."

Wei An was surprised, he didn't expect that Liangcheng's detection technology had reached such a level, that he could go all the way through the magnetic field of the strange talk and track the place where the strange talk happened.

Of course, this should be locked from the very beginning. If it is under the circumstances that no magnetic field can be detected, there is no such thing as tracking.

"In other words, this weird talk is on this plane?" Wei An asked.

Xue Wanxing nodded slightly, but did not speak any more.

The young man who brought Wei An over just now took over and said, "Yes, it's on this plane. So what the boss means is that if the strange talk starts later, you don't need to take action and leave it to us to deal with it, because it is our responsibility to deal with it. It has nothing to do with you who have been following up."

"Excuse me, are you..." Wei An smiled.

The young man said, "My name is Huang Xu, a third-level investigator."

Wei An looked up at the woman who offered her seat, and the woman said, "Cai Lu, second-level investigator."

Wei An murmured to himself, "It turns out that Liangcheng's investigators have such a clear hierarchy."

However, he remembered that investigators did have levels, and it seemed that the lowest level was level three.It's just that there have been very few investigators in Zhoucheng, and he never thought about grading the investigators. Logically, such a score is very clear.

"What level of investigator are you?" the young man named Huang Xu asked.

Wei An shook his head, "I don't know, Zhoucheng doesn't assign investigators a grade."

"A little behind." Cai Lu said to herself.

Next to her were two men, one of them was a first-level investigator, and the other was not an investigator, but a working assistant for this group.

At this time, Wei An hadn't thought about starting the "Search for Strange Talk", nor had he thought that he would encounter investigators from other cities to handle the case when he took a plane.

And looking at it like this, it should be that these Liangcheng investigators checked the passenger list of the plane before boarding the plane. Wei An and Pei Na registered as the sheriff, otherwise some of the weapons on their bodies Tools cannot be carried.

Although the investigators and staff of the Guaidan Administration Bureau have a security officer's certificate as a usual identity cover, the number of the certificate is different from the ordinary security officer's certificate number, and they belong to different numbers.

As investigators, these people knew at a glance that Wei An and Pei Na's real identities were members of the Administration, so they greeted them immediately after boarding the plane, lest these two people interfere with their next actions.

At this time, Wei An continued: "No problem, is this the matter? Then you are busy, I will go to rest."

After the words fell, he stood up and walked to his seat.

Xue Wanxing, who was silent behind him, stared at Wei An's back and murmured, "There is no rank."

(End of this chapter)

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