this is not a joke

Chapter 222 Have You Experienced Class-D Strange Talk?

Chapter 222 Have You Experienced Class-D Strange Talk? (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)
The atmosphere on the flight was very strange at the moment. Among the familiar faces of the participants, some were speaking in low voices, while others remained motionless in shock.

You can even see a mother trembling with her two or three-year-old child in her arms.

Wei An made a preliminary estimate. There should be no more than fifteen participants in this strange story, including himself and the investigation team of the Liangcheng Administration Bureau. The other passengers, including the flight attendants, are all characters in the strange story.

"This role-playing ghost story is much more difficult than ordinary ghost stories." Xue Wanxing murmured at this time: "Raise your spirits!"

After the words fell, he looked at the other team members and asked, "What are your roles and identities?"


"It seems that they are all passengers."

Others answered one after another.

Xue Wanxing read his text prompt, he was also a passenger.

In fact, what else can you play on the plane?The character with the most identities is naturally the passenger.

"Huang Xu, first ask them what their identities are, and then warn them a few words." Xue Wanxing arranged: "Cai Lu, let's see who are the participants, and do our best to appease them, especially Those who have never entered the ghost story."

The three members of Liangcheng's investigation team quickly dispersed.

Huang Xu quickly came to Wei An and asked, "What are your roles?"

"Stewardess." Pei Na said calmly.

"Master Kong." Wei An raised his eyebrows.

"Why are your teeth itchy?" Huang Xu gritted his teeth unconsciously, and then said to Wei An and Pei Na: "Boss has just said, you should play your own role, passively complete your tasks, and leave the rest to us." deal with."

Wei An knew that the main task information should be visible to all participants, but from the perspective of role-playing, there may be subtle differences.

For example, as passengers, their mission is likely to be "there is a great horror hidden in the plane, once it is triggered, it will be destroyed. As long as they can survive this period of time and the plane lands safely, they will successfully pass the level."

Of course, it may be the other way around, such as "there is a horror hidden in the plane, you need to find and activate it before landing, and you can pass the level by completing your mission."

But maybe there is also "before the horror in the plane is aroused, eliminate the factors that arouse it, as long as it is eliminated, you can pass."

In short, Wei An also knows that the roles and tasks of each of the more than a dozen participants on the plane now may not be the same.

If the participants are too complex, large and small, unstable factors will increase.

But fortunately, at least there are still a group of investigators here. If they cooperate together, the result will be much better, although the other party looks very arrogant and dismissive of himself and Pei Na.

It's just that when the young man in front of him, Huang Xu, suddenly said that he should not interfere with them to break up the strange talk, Wei An knew that the possibility of cooperating would be very low.

These guys have been following this weird talk for a while, and they think they have researched and understood enough about it, so they definitely won't just let Wei An and Pei Na solve it so easily.

"Is this... making me wait until the end of the mission like Jian Hui did?" Wei An thought to himself.

Seeing Huang Xu turn around and leave after saying those words, Pei Na asked Wei An, "What shall we do now?"

"Research on the content of the task. Now you take the opportunity to try that wordless book." Wei An said, "I'll go talk to that Xue Wanxing again."

At the end of the sentence, he stood up and walked towards the Liangcheng investigation team.

The filtering mechanism of this strange talk is very thorough. Because it is a role-playing, all the luggage brought by Wei An, including the backpack on his body, is filtered out, and even the clothes are automatically changed into clothes with less space.

The same goes for the other participants who entered the ghost talk. Their own luggage disappeared, only some unknown luggage was on the original luggage storage rack, and it was impossible to tell who it belonged to.

After Wei An left, Pei Na, who was also wearing the stewardess uniform, immediately got up and went to the work room in the middle of the plane, where there were the rest area, office area and service operation room for the flight attendants.

There are also two stewardesses in the workshop, but they are characters in the ghost story, not participants.

After seeing Pei Na coming in, one of the older stewardesses handed over the things she was holding and said, "Nana, take these towels and blankets to the passengers in seat 35E."

Pei Na subconsciously reached out to take it, looked at the flight attendant's name tag, and asked, "Miss Jia, do you have a pen here?"

The stewardess named Jiajie replied: "Yes, hurry up and send it over and I'll give it to you."

Holding the towel and blanket, Pei Na glanced back and forth at the seat number on the chair, and soon she found seat 35E. When she handed over the towel and blanket, she found that it was an elderly man, his body trembling slightly.

"Excuse me, do you have a cold?" Pei Na asked.

The old man shook his head, "I don't have a cold, but my body can't stand the cold. The air conditioner is turned on on this plane. I just need to cover it with an extra layer and I'll be fine."

Pei Na immediately covered the old man's body carefully with the blanket, and folded the towel and placed it by his hand. At the same time, Pei Na was slightly surprised, because her technique came naturally, as if she had trained it many times.

Soon after returning to the work room, the elderly stewardess named Jiajie was already holding a black fountain pen in her hand, handed it to Pei Na, and said, "What do you want the pen for? Is it the customer who needs it?"

"No." Pei Na took it, walked into the bathroom, and closed the door.

the other side.

Because Cai Lu went to appease the participants who had not experienced the strange talk, Wei An was sitting in the empty seat beside Xue Wanxing at this moment, turning his head to look at each other.

"Can't you?"

"No." Xue Wanxing shook his head. "You are just passing by. We have been following this strange talk for a long time. It is very complicated, and you will not understand it."

Wei An said: "Then, have you ever thought about why the strange talk started here at this time? Is it because you found it, or because it finally met me and my assistant?"

Xue Wanxing was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a smile that was not a smile, "Don't put gold on your face, young man, I have passed more strange stories than you have experienced in your life..."

Speaking of this, Xue Wanxing tilted his body slightly towards Wei An, stared into his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Don't just randomly define strange talk, you can't imagine its weirdness."

Wei An also kept smiling and didn't speak.

Xue Wanxing asked again: "Have you experienced this kind of strange talk with a grade of D before?"

Wei An nodded: "No."

To be honest, Wei An really hasn't experienced D-level strange talks, although he has experienced F-level, E-level, C-level, and even B-level.

Of course, the "Calling the Soul" ghost story that he plans to complete at present is also D-level, but he hasn't located this ghost story for the time being.

Xue Wanxing said: "This kind of D-level role-playing ghost story is not as simple as you imagined. It is much more complicated and terrifying than the ghost story you have experienced before. If we don't do it and let you and your assistant mess around, it means Maybe this will be your last ghost story."

Wei An thoughtfully, glanced at Xue Wanxing, and stopped talking.

Xue Wanxing also said that he should be enlightened, and finally realized that his strength is not enough, and continued: "When you meet us here, at least your life can be saved now. If you need help, my subordinates will notify you."

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(End of this chapter)

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