this is not a joke

Chapter 223 Bear Child

Chapter 223 Bear Child

Leaving from Xue Wanxing, Wei An came to the cabin of the flight attendant, at this time Pei Na was still in the bathroom.

"Wei'an, go to the passenger at 46C. It's a child who keeps pressing the service button indiscriminately. Pay attention, and have a better attitude." At this time, the flight attendant named Jiajie ordered him, and at the same time took the notebook and a bag The little candy was handed to Wei An.

"Where's Pei Na?" Wei An asked.

Sister Jia said, "It seems to be in the bathroom."

Wei An took the notebook and turned around and walked towards seat number 46C. After searching for a while, he came to a child standing on the seat.

The child was about six or seven years old, and the words "bear child" seemed to be written on that small face. His mother and father were sitting next to him, and they just pulled the child symbolically, telling him to sit down and stop making trouble. But didn't really want to stop it.

"May I ask what you need?" Wei An asked with a bow, trying to get himself into the current role.

"It's okay, the child accidentally touched it." The little boy's mother said.

Wei An looked at the notepad in his hand, and said in a gentle tone: "Half an hour after taking off, this is the No. 11 time your child accidentally bumped into it. Also, standing on the seat is dangerous, please Let him sit down, please?"

"I told him he wouldn't listen, and the child is still young, so I can't help it." The boy's mother shrugged.

It is said that there must be parents of bears behind the bear children, which is true.

Wei An waved the small bag of candies in front of the little boy's eyes, "Kid, you can't keep pressing the 'call button'. If you sit properly in your seat, I'll reward you with a bag of candies, how about it? "

The little boy looked up at him, then fixed his eyes on the bag of colorful candies, obviously showing desire, and was about to nod in agreement, when his mother suddenly raised her voice and said, "What are you doing? Such sweet things have not been approved by our parents." Just give it to the children, what if you get tooth decay?"

"Sorry." Wei An straightened up and put away the candies.

The little boy immediately burst into tears and stretched out his hand for candy, but since his mother had explicitly forbidden it, Wei An couldn't give it to him anymore.

"Then please take care of your children and be careful."

He turned around and walked towards the workshop, at the same time he said softly, "Bear boy?"

In this task introduction, the participants were asked to pay special attention to several key factors, so as not to let these things appear, such as lizard blood, weird photos, cockscomb heads, black mice, bear children and unprovoked conflicts.

The bear boy happened to be one of them. If Wei An's guess is correct, this should be the bear boy mentioned in the mission, and this situation needs to be avoided.

And now, before the situation is fully figured out, he has not dealt with it for the time being. Of course, there are also cases where he miscalculated, but the probability of this is very small.

the same moment.

Cai Lu and Huang Xu quickly returned to Xue Wanxing's side, and the three sat together to communicate.

"There are seven other participants in this strange talk, and one of them is a three-year-old child who may not survive." Cai Lu said.

At present, the management bureau still cannot fully grasp the participation mechanism of ghost talks. It only knows that no matter men, women, old or young, even infants cannot avoid suddenly entering into ghost talks.

It's just that young children are illiterate and don't understand what the task means at all, so naturally they can't complete it according to the task prompts.

If the task of this child is the same as that of other participants, it is okay to say, but if everyone's task is different, the chance of survival of this child will become very low, and it can even be said to be a death situation.

This has also happened several times in the strange talk cases handled by the Liangcheng Administration Bureau, so Cai Lu said "may not survive".

Huang Xu said: "That is to say, these seven people plus us and the two people from the Zhoucheng Administration Bureau, a total of 12 people have entered the strange talk this time."

"Has any of these participants experienced strange talks before?" Xue Wanxing asked.

"I've asked, but there isn't one," Huang Xu said.

Xue Wanxing was expressionless, and ordered: "Follow the operating procedure, gather all these people together first, so that it is easier to do things."

"Shall we do it directly, or let the two investigators from Zhoucheng do it?" Cai Lu asked.

It’s okay if they do it themselves, but it’s a little troublesome. After all, they are just passengers, and they need to convince many people to change seats.

But Wei An and Pei Na are different. They are both flight attendants, and their words are more effective than them. They can gather all the other participants together by just giving a reason.

Xue Wanxing was silent for a moment, and said: "Let them come to assist you, this is their only task in this strange story."

Cai Lu then walked to the workshop.

Xue Wanxing said to Huang Xu: "Let's split up now, and I will determine where the source of the horror in the plane is. Together with Cai Lu, find out all the lizard blood, weird photos, cockscomb heads, and black mice, and destroy them as soon as possible. "

"Then what if a participant asks to join us?" Huang Xu asked.

Xue Wanxing said: "No, tell them this is a D-level cosplay, if you want to save your life, just sit in the seat."

Their ghost talk tasks are actually almost the same as those of Wei An and Pei Na, but their identities are different. Xue Wanxing and others are just passengers.

In fact, their identities are more conducive to finding lizard blood, weird photos and other things among the passengers, while Wei An and Pei Na are more convenient to find the source of terror by virtue of their identities as flight attendants.

But now Xue Wanxing was going to replace Wei An and Pei Na, excluding them from the mission.

After the Liangcheng investigation team split up, Wei An and Pei Na had already joined in the workshop.

"How is it?" Looking at the black fountain pen in Pei Na's hand.

Pei Na shook her head, "After trying several times, the words can be written on, but the strange phenomenon we expected did not happen. It's just that the words will disappear soon after being written, and become a blank sheet of paper again."

"What words did you write?" Wei An asked.

"Didn't you ask me to write as harmoniously as possible?" Pei Na said, "So what I wrote is: Wei An fell on the way to the workplace, but it didn't hurt."

Wei An said, "Why didn't you write that you fell yourself?"

"Because I will keep paying attention when I write, and I may not be able to fall with my skill." Pei Na looked at him, "Then did you fall just now?"

"No." Wei An shook his head, "Just walked over handsomely and steadily all the way."

Pei Na smiled, "Okay, so it doesn't become a reality by writing on it with a pen."

"Then try again later, use blood, rely on your own imagination, or see if there are other methods, try them all." Wei An said.

"Would it be unnecessary to write on it at all?" Pei Na asked.

Wei'an pondered for a while, "It's also possible, why don't you talk to it and see if this wordless book can return to you."

"Will this be a little neurotic?" Pei Na frowned.

"Then do you think I'm neurotic?" Wei An asked.

"Sometimes a little."

"That's right, sometimes it's unavoidable to be considered neurotic in ghost stories."

"I see. After a long circle, you finally found a perfect excuse to excuse yourself." Pei Na laughed.

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the workshop was pulled open from the outside. Cai Lu stood outside, looked at the workshop, and found that only Wei An and Pei Na were present, and no one else was there.

She lowered her voice and said, "Wei'an, come and help us. The boss wants us to gather those participants together so that they won't be able to guarantee their safety if there is an emergency later."

"Let Pei Na go with you." Wei An said.

"What about you? Where are you going?" Cai Lu asked with a frown.

"I might have to deal with the brat." Wei An replied, then looked up at the small display screen that was already lit above his head.

The small display screen lights up, which means that someone has pressed the button to call the service, and at this moment the display screen shows the seat 46C just now.

If nothing else happened, it was still the brat who pressed it just now.

(End of this chapter)

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