this is not a joke

Chapter 224 Another Conspiracy

Chapter 224 Another Conspiracy (please subscribe!)
"Bear kid?" As soon as Cai Lu heard this word, she immediately looked at the small display screen sensitively.

Pei Na also looked up at the same time.

In their mission prompts, there were these few words about lizard blood, bear children, etc. that deserved special attention. As an investigator, Cai Lu immediately attracted attention.

"The person who presses the service button is a brat?" Cai Lu asked.

Wei An shrugged, the same as her previous action, "It should be."

After saying that, he had already walked towards seat 46C.

Cai Lu and Pei Na looked at his back.

"Let's gather those participants together first," Pei Na said.

Wei An came to the family of three, smiled, and asked, "What do you need?"

"I'm sorry, it's okay, the child just hit it again." The mother bear said.

"Then can you take care of it?" Wei An kept smiling.

"How to manage? The child is still young, and it is natural to be active. How should we manage it? When he grows up, he will definitely not be able to." The child's mother rolled her eyes.

At this time, the father of the child who had been reading the magazine raised his head, glared at Wei An and said, "What's the matter with you? Since you know it's the child who is pressing the button, why are you running back and forth, but won't it be over if you come?"

Wei An maintained the good professionalism of a flight attendant, and said with a smile: "Then what if you really have something to do?"

"It's okay, we won't call you guys, and we won't call you if there is anything to do." The child's father waved his hand, "It's all my son's pressing. Just don't come over after you see it."

Wei An reached out and pressed the service button to turn it off, and replied: "Okay, then don't bother me."

Looking at the child who was still jumping up and down on the seat, the little guy made a face at Wei An at this moment, which was quite provocative.

Wei An kept a professional smile, walked back, and secretly said at the same time: "If I get angry, I should have a conflict with this family. Will this be considered an unwarranted conflict by then?"

He still remembers avoiding "unprovoked conflicts" as one of the things to avoid.

If I was too angry and had a conflict with this family just now, wouldn't it have caused a great horror?Or at least create a condition for the Great Terror to happen?
In short, Wei An doesn't want to make things big until he finds out what the big terror is.

At this time, Pei Na and Cai Lu had exchanged seats between the ordinary participants and the NPC passengers in the strange talk.

Because of the presence of the flight attendant Pei Na, the two of them only communicated with the passengers whose seats were changed without alarming others, and only chose a corner area near the bathroom.

Passengers in this corner area agreed to switch seats.

When Wei An passed by, these people were changing seats, and Cai Lu immediately whispered to him about the situation.

Wei An said: "Facts have proved that it is indeed a brat, but there is no other trouble for the time being, so just pay attention. By the way, where is Xue Wanxing?"

Cai Lu replied: "The boss is responsible for finding the location of the Great Terror, now you return to the work room, and I will call you when there is something to do."

"Then what are you and Huang Xu doing?" Pei Na asked.

"We investigate lizard blood and cockscomb heads," Cai Lu said.

"Maybe we can search separately, which will be more efficient." Pei Na suggested.

Cai Lu immediately shook her head, "Please do what the boss said, it's good for everyone, just now you have helped us complete this strange talk, now please go back to the workshop, so that if we need your help later I can reach you anytime."

Pei Na's big beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she stopped talking, only to see Wei An give her a secret wink.

The two quickly returned to the workshop.

Glancing back, I saw that Cai Lu and Huang Xu had joined together, one was talking to the participants, and the other was asking questions from the nearest NPC passenger in the ghost story.

These NPC passengers are actually just different identities, they are no different from living humans.

"Did you find something?" Pei Na asked Wei An softly.

Wei An said: "It's not quite right, have you noticed that these investigators are trying their best to prevent us from meddling in this strange story?"

"Isn't it because they are arrogant and look down on our investigators in Zhoucheng?" Pei Na asked in surprise.

"No." Wei An shook his head, "At first I looked at Xue Wanxing's eyes, and I also thought that this guy thought that he was the leader of the second investigation team of the Liangcheng Administration Bureau, so he looked down on our investigators in Zhoucheng and refused to let us intervene. But Didn’t you notice that they didn’t even allow other participants to join? Not only that, but now they are all controlled in one area.”

Pei Na nodded slightly, "But why did they do this?"

"I don't know." Wei'an replied: "It should be related to this strange story that they have been pursuing. The strange story of the flight is not an ordinary strange story, or these people know what is in this strange story, so they don't let others get involved. "

Pei Na said as she recalled: "Do you still remember the information sent to you by the Central City Administration? It was mentioned above that there were investigators with vicious hearts. For their own benefit or to pass and break the strange talk, they seemed to directly send other Participant killed."

"Yeah." Wei An nodded, "That man's name is Hou Yun. There is also an investigator named Zhang Zuxia, who has ups and downs in spirit, but is extremely strong. Both of them were designated as 'intruders' by the strange negotiation." exist."

"So even though these people are colleagues of Liangcheng, we have to guard against them," Pei Na reminded.

Wei An immediately agreed, and after some discussion, the two decided to go directly to the passenger area in the second half of the plane to look for those key things.

Of course, if Liangcheng's investigators discovered him in the process, it wouldn't be too late to tear his skin apart.

The two took advantage of the cover of the flight attendant's rest area and work area to reach the rear of the cabin and began to check these passengers one by one.

At this time, Cai Lu and Huang Xu were checking in the first half, and it is not known that Wei An and Pei Na actually started to act.

Moreover, the actions of Cai Lu and the two were not smooth, because their identities were also passengers, and some NPC passengers did not buy it. This made them have to consider whether to bring Wei'an or Pei with Xue Wanxing's consent. Na came to help them check one by one.

"Ask the boss before making a decision," Cai Lu said.

"Just now the boss asked his assistant to check the information of the investigators of Wei An, but the results have not come out yet, we have already entered the strange story, but the assistant failed to come in, and I don't know what the results of his investigation are. ?” Huang Xu sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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