this is not a joke

Chapter 225 Chief Investigator

Chapter 225 Chief Investigator

real world.

At this time, the flight to Fancheng had begun to be forced to return. The first-level investigator and the assistant of the investigation team who were with Xue Wanxing and others did not enter with them when the strange talk happened.

So after the strange talk happened, they also notified the airport and asked the plane to return urgently.

When the plane returned to the airport and was descending, the assistant had already found out the specific situation of security through the information department of the Liangcheng Administration.

The first-level investigator sighed, "I didn't expect that even I couldn't enter the ghost talk! I have already obtained a job, and the chance of not being able to enter the ghost talk is very low."

After the conversation fell behind, the investigator found that the assistant of the investigation team beside him had been looking at the information in the mobile phone and did not speak.

He patted the other person on the shoulder and asked, "What are you looking at? Didn't you hear me?"

The assistant then looked up at him, but there was an unconcealable look of horror on his face.

"The investigator from Zhoucheng just now..." he stammered.

"Well, have you found his information?" The investigator at this level nodded, "But the boss and the others have already entered, and now even if they find out his information, they can't tell the boss. We can only talk about it when they come out."

Finding that the assistant's expression was still wrong, the investigator at this level leaned over his head and looked at the other's phone screen, only to see that it was a reply from a staff member of the information department of the Liangcheng Administration.

"It has just been found out here that there is indeed an investigator named Wei An in the Zhoucheng Administration Bureau. Because there is no grade for the investigator there, so I don't know his grade. However, his record is very strong, and he has completed eight A strange story, including three F-levels, three E-levels, one C-level, and even..."

The assistant maintained a frightened expression at this time, and looked up at this level of investigator, "He just passed a B-level strange talk recently!!!"

"B-level?!" The first-level investigator turned pale.

The assistant swiped the information to the next one, and continued: "It is true that the Zhoucheng Administration did not grade their investigators, but they gave Wei An a special title alone."


"Chief investigator of Zhoucheng."

"Take... take out the phone and call the boss." This level of investigator said with a slightly trembling voice.

"But they have already entered the ghost talk." The assistant took out the phone with a puzzled face.

"Try it, they just went in, maybe they can get through, it has been done before." The first-level investigator urged.

"But the plane is landing now." The assistant hesitated.

"Hurry up!" The first-level investigator's face changed slightly and he shouted angrily.

The assistant dialed out immediately, held it to his ear and listened for a while, then he turned on the speakerphone.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

This first-level investigator scratched his hair, obviously very anxious and confused at the moment, he immediately said: "After getting off the plane, we will continue to fight. We are the only ones who know about the two people on this plane, don't Disclose it to others, and I will handle it from the information department."

After a pause, this guy gritted his teeth, as if he was talking to himself, "What kind of shit luck happened to meet such a character?! B-level strange talk, even in Liangcheng, only a team leader has ever met I have been to B-level once, and until now the group leader is still on vacation, relying on the deputy group leader to manage the affairs of the group."


Inside the plane in the ghost story.

Wei An checked the passengers on this side from Aisle A on the left, while Pei Na was doing the same work in Aisle B next door.

Not long after, a man covered in tattoos caught Wei'an's attention.

The passenger was sitting near the window, with an Ottoman face, a mohawk hairstyle, a silver nose ring on the left nostril, and very trendy clothes.

Not only that, there was a strange smell of cologne coming from the man from time to time, and the two passengers beside him had already put on masks, obviously the smell made them very uncomfortable.

Wei An stood in the aisle and said to the man, "I'm sorry, sir, please take your luggage off the luggage rack. I smell a strange smell coming from inside, and I need to check it temporarily."

The Osman man with a mohawk hairstyle turned his head to look at Wei An, with a surprised expression on his face. He spread his hands and spoke the not-so-pure Chinese dialect, and replied, "Is there a strange smell? Why can't I smell anything?" arrive?"

The language of Shenzhou is the lingua franca in the world, so no matter where people are, they can basically understand it and speak a few words.

"Don't you believe it?" Wei An smiled and looked at the two people next to him, "Then, have you heard it?"

The two immediately nodded their heads.

"Is there such a thing?" The Osman man stood up, and the other two passengers stepped aside immediately.

The man took off a large suitcase that belonged to him from the luggage rack, put it on the aisle, and then opened the suitcase. There were a lot of folded clothes and some daily necessities in individual small packages.

Wei installed everything and sniffed everything when he took it out, and quickly took out all the clothes inside, and opened them up to check the small packages.

Nothing suspicious appears to be there.

"I just said it's nothing." The Osman man stood aside, making exaggerated gestures with his hands, and then he sniffed his sleeves, "Maybe it's because of the cologne smell on my body, but it smells good. It doesn't stink at all!"

The two passengers took two steps back again.

Wei An glanced at this guy, reached out and pressed the bottom of the suitcase, and asked, "Is there anything else in here? Please take it all out."

The Osman man was startled, waved his hand and said: "No more, only clothes and my personal items, you have seen them all. I have used this box for a long time, some places are a little bulging and peeling, this is a normal phenomenon. "

"No, it's not normal." Wei'an stood up, pointing at the place he pressed down just now, "There is obviously something in it, it should be a small bottle or something, please take it out."

He noticed that the tattoos on the man's body were exaggerated, and they were all colored, and some of the red parts were extremely bright.

The moment Wei An finished speaking, the man suddenly turned around and ran away. Wei An had noticed it a long time ago, and immediately rushed forward, reaching out and grabbing the other man's belt.

The Austrian man turned around abruptly and punched him on the arm. The force was obviously much stronger than that of Wei An. Wei An suddenly felt a numbness in his arm, and his fingers loosened unconsciously.

The Osman man seemed to be angry, and the next second he slammed his knee forward and slammed into Wei An's chin.

"I wipe!"

Wei An didn't expect that the opponent was not only agile, but also so ruthless, it seemed that he had practiced it before.

This hit, I am afraid that my jaw is not only dislocated, it may be broken directly, and the whole person may pass out.

Just as he was about to be hit by his knee, the Osman man let out a strange cry and flew sideways in an instant. His body smashed into two seat armrests, and then hit the cabin wall heavily, and then slowly went to the cabin. Sliding down, lying on the ground and not moving.

And at the place where he was standing, Pei Na slowly retracted the kicked foot.

(End of this chapter)

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