this is not a joke

Chapter 226 Cockscomb Head

Chapter 226 Cockscomb Head (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)

Wei An regained his strength and looked at the motionless man lying on the ground. His mohawk hairstyle was already messed up, and he seemed to have fallen into a coma.

"After leaving this strange talk, teach me all the fighting skills you know." Wei'an gritted his teeth.

"It takes a long time to learn." Pei Na said.

"It's better than being beaten into crooked melons by the opponent." Wei'an touched his numb arm, and then his eyes fixed on the unconscious man's head, "Tell me, after his Mohawk hair is messy, , Does it look like a cockscomb head?"

Pei Na was taken aback for a moment, then she came to her senses, and when she took a closer look, she found that this guy's hair really looked like a cockscomb.

"Doesn't the cockscomb head refer to the real rooster's head?" Pei Na was a little puzzled.

"Not necessarily." Wei An looked down at the bottom of the suitcase just now.

He squatted down and took out a scalpel to cut this piece open, revealing a transparent glass bottle inside. It was so small that it would not exceed the palm of his hand. The bottle was half filled with a black-red liquid.

There is also a sealed wooden stopper at the mouth of this glass bottle, which needs to be pulled hard to open.

Wei An didn't pull the cork, but just shook the glass bottle, and found that the black-red liquid inside was very thick, which might be blood.

"Lizard's blood?" Wei An turned to look at Pei Na.

Pei Na nodded, "It's possible, let's get that guy to the rest area first."

At this time, the movement here alarmed the other two stewardesses. The stewardess named Jia Jie came quickly and asked in surprise, "This is... what happened?"

"This person may be carrying dangerous items, and he suddenly started attacking me when I was questioning and checking," Wei An said.

Sister Jia was taken aback, and quickly ordered: "You put him in the lounge first, and I'll report to the captain. Qinqin, you comfort the other passengers."

After saying that, Sister Jia ran to the workshop, she was going to contact the captain who was in the cockpit through the work phone.

Wei An and Pei Na packed the suitcases here, and helped the unconscious Mohican man to the flight attendant lounge.

The stewardess named Qinqin comforted and explained the passengers.

Not long after, the captain hurried to the rest area.

The captain was tall, probably in his early fifties. After hearing what Wei An said, he returned to his studio, and soon brought a pair of handcuffs, which were specially equipped for aircraft at the airport.

In fact, some aircraft are directly equipped with air police, but this aircraft is not equipped with some tools that can temporarily restrict the movement of personnel.

Wei An noticed that there were electric batons and other items in the tool box brought by the captain.

After handcuffing Mohawk's hands upside down at the foot of the metal bed, the guy was still awake.

"What did you find?" the captain asked.

Wei An took out the glass bottle, "There is some unknown liquid in it. This guy was about to run away. When I wanted to catch him, I didn't expect him to start a violent counterattack immediately."

Wei An's current performance is basically the same as that of a flight attendant, and nothing has been exposed.

The captain looked at the glass bottle and said, "Put it away and give it to me at the destination."

He was obviously very sophisticated, and immediately looked at Pei Na again.

Pei Na had already prepared her speech, "I have been learning women's self-defense."

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful! You could knock out a grown man." Sister Jia said in amazement.

"I attacked." Pei Na stuck out her tongue.

Of course, she did this action on purpose to fit her current role, but Wei An was taken aback.

Pei Na noticed that Wei An was staring at her, her eyes were obviously abnormal, she didn't know what she was thinking, so she immediately gave him a sneaky look.

Wei An immediately withdrew his gaze from looking at her lips, and said to the captain: "Captain, let me handle this matter first, and I promise that he will stay here obediently before the plane lands, and there will be no more What trouble."

The captain nodded and patted him on the shoulder, obviously believing in Wei'an's ability to work.

After arranging the place, he left quickly. At this time, Jiajie and the stewardess named Qinqin noticed the commotion from the passengers in front of the cabin. They didn't know what happened, so they rushed away immediately.

But Wei An knew that this should be the conflict between Cai Lu and Huang Xu when they were investigating those passengers. They were always passengers, so someone must question them.

After closing the door of the lounge, Pei Na looked at the man with his head drooping and motionless leaning against the foot of the bed, and said to Wei An, "The blood of the lizard and the head of the cockscomb should refer to these two things."

Wei An made a silent gesture to her, glanced at the man's direction, and then said: "We all know that only these two things are useless at all, and it can't be opened without other things."

Pei Na was slightly surprised, but she probably understood what Wei An meant. She glanced at the man and followed Wei An's words: "The lizard's blood is here, but what about the cockscomb head? It's impossible to cut this guy's head off." come down?"

"How is it impossible?" Wei An had already taken out a scalpel, and walked over to the unresponsive Mohican man.

He grabbed the opponent's chicken nest head, and pointed the scalpel at his neck.

The guy who was still pretending to be dead immediately opened his eyes, spoke in a non-standard Mandarin Chinese, and begged for mercy in a panic: "Don't, don't, don't kill me! The cockscomb head is not for the head, it's just the hair, it's just the hair, use me hair will do..."

Wei An still grabbed his hair.

The guy continued: "I didn't know our goals were the same just now, but I know now, please let me go, you can take my hair, and give it all to you..."

"Then do you know where the other items are?" Wei An asked.

"Mice, there are enough mice." The Mohican man hurriedly said: "The mice have already been put in, and they are in the cargo hold."

Pei Na's lips moved. Now that she has a lot of information, she doesn't know how to get the man's last words out, and in the process, she can't make him suspicious.

Wei An rolled his eyes and said, "Lizard blood, cockscomb head and mouse, if these three items are enough, what else is there for?"

After hearing his words, the Mohican man was surprised and asked, "What else do you know?"

Wei An immediately asked, "Where are the photos?"

"You mean...that photo?!" The Mohican man shook his head immediately, "Don't touch, don't touch those, just these three items are enough, believe me, if you sprinkle it on the coffin, the blood will flow in along the gap , the mouse will get in by itself, as long as my hair is laid on it."

"Coffin?" Pei Na was shocked, but there was no expression on her face.

Wei An said again: "That is to say, you don't need to touch other things, but if you touch them, it will be troublesome? Well, then I will trust you once. You must know where the coffin is. You will take us to act together later, and I will also Save yourself the trouble."

The Mohegan man had a frustrated face and didn't express anything.

Wei An asked, "What's your name?"

"Tony Wurst."

"Tony? Did you open your own hair salon?"

"how do you know?"

"Because your name is Tony."

"Is this... related?"

Wei An had already taken out the bloody hammer at this time, and knocked Teacher Tony unconscious with one hammer.

With regard to the strength and rhythm of hitting people with a hammer, after having the experience of the previous few times, he has now grasped it very well.

Immediately, Wei An said to Pei Na: "I didn't expect that there was a coffin transported in the cargo compartment of this plane!"

Pei Na said: "It seems that weird photos, bear children, and unprovoked conflicts are factors of instability caused by other people. This Tony from the country of Oss should not have much to do with those three key factors. We need to find out by ourselves."

"Yes." Wei An nodded, "I wonder how Cai Lu and Huang Xu are doing?"

Glancing at Tony, who really fainted this time, she said to Pei Na, "You watch here, you may need him later, I'll go see what's going on with them."

"Don't you need my help?" Pei Na asked, "What if I meet another NPC with great skill?"

Wei An immediately walked back, rubbing his still numb arm, "I've thought about it carefully, I should stay here, you go and have a look."

 Ask for a ticket!Monthly ticket, recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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