Chapter 238
Although he opened his eyes, the corpse in the coffin did not move.

Almost at the same moment, Wei An saw two mushrooms growing out of the opened eyes at a terrifying speed, looking extremely bright.

But when Wei An blinked, nothing grew in the eyes of the corpse, it seemed to be an illusion again.

Immediately, both he and Xue Wanxing felt a tingling sensation in their bodies, and after a few seconds, this tingling turned into a severe pain, which became more and more painful.

Wei An had pain in his arm and thigh, while Xue Wanxing had pain in his waist and calf.

"Get out of here first! Otherwise we will all die here!" Xue Wanxing said quickly.

This time, Wei An also knew the seriousness of the situation. It is estimated that Xue Wanxing cut off his flesh and blood, which made the corpse completely angry, so the curse was strengthened, and it acted on everyone here.

He immediately retracted the bloody hammer and jumped to the ground, Xue Wanxing followed suit.

Almost at the same moment, both of them began to cut off the fleshy part of the body where the mushrooms grew.

Wei An took out a scalpel and quickly inserted it around the place where the mushroom grew on his left arm. Enduring the pain, he dug out the flesh and threw it away immediately, regardless of the blood flowing out.

Then use the same method to dig out the mushrooms on the thighs.

On Xue Wanxing's side, he stuffed the small piece of skin in his hand into his trouser pocket, then quickly took off his coat, and used a machete to dig out the mushrooms that had just grown on his body very skillfully.

At this moment, Cai Lu, who had a broken shoulder bone and bleeding wrist arteries, suddenly let out a scream.

Wei An and Xue Wanxing turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw that a large mushroom had grown on the woman's forehead, which was so gorgeous that her head looked swollen.

Not only that, gray-green molds grew in patches on Cai Lu's wrist wounds and shoulder wounds. These molds were extremely small, but they didn't appear one by one, but densely covered Cai Lu's wounds.

Cai Lu's body has just started to twitch, which shows that she has suffered extremely severe pain.

While pressing the wound, Wei An ran towards the direction of the small elevator. In a hurry, he turned his head and glanced at Xue Wanxing, wondering if this guy would save his companion at this critical moment.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xue Wanxing standing in front of Cai Lu, his face was heavy, and he stretched out his hand but dared not touch Cai Lu.

Xue Wanxing said in a low voice: "Be patient, it will pass soon. We will remember you, always!"

Cai Lu's face was distorted, her eyes full of pain stared at him, but she was speechless.

As soon as Xue Wan finished speaking, he turned around and walked quickly towards the small elevator.

Xue Wanxing didn't stop when he passed the tied up family of three. He just lowered his head and glanced at each other, and found that mushrooms had grown on the three of them, but they were still in a coma.

Not only that, there was obviously something wriggling in the mouths of the mother and the bear child, and after a while, a large red and white mushroom squeezed out from the lips of the two, blooming like a blooming flower, covering the mouth of the two. Almost half of the bear's face was covered.

The moment the door of the small elevator opened, Wei An stepped in, and then he sat down immediately, scratching the calf of his left leg with the scalpel, and quickly dug out a mushroom that had just grown.

Almost at the same moment, Xue Wanxing also stepped into the elevator. Because the space here is small, he squeezed his whole body in. After entering, his movements were almost the same as that of Wei An. dig up.

Both of them couldn't care less about being covered in blood at the moment.

It's not easy to stay in this cargo hold for a long time. If you stay for a while longer, such horrible mushrooms will continue to grow on their bodies.

The elevator door was closed, and Wei An and Xue Wanxing quickly checked their bodies again. Except for the place where the mushroom was dug out was still bleeding, there was no mushroom in other places for the time being, and there was no extra pain.

The next second, the elevator fell into silence, and the small elevator began to go up slowly.

Wei An cast his eyes on Xue Wanxing, and saw that Xue Wanxing was also staring at him.

It's better to strike first, Wei An didn't hesitate, and smashed the guy's head with a hammer.

And Xue Wanxing had the same idea as him, and slashed at his neck at the same moment.

The elevator was too narrow, and neither of them had a place to avoid it, but because of the narrow space, the swing of the weapon could not be too large, so the force to hit the target would not be sufficient.

Xue Wanxing tilted his head, the hammer hit his left shoulder, and the bone cracked.

On the other hand, Wei An put his feet on tiptoe and raised his body a bit, causing the scimitar that was slashing at his neck to hit his upper arm.

Now Wei An is very clear that this black scimitar is also a red weapon like his own bloody hammer, but the scimitar can automatically return to the owner's hand, and its function is stronger than his own hammer, but the lethality of the two is similar .

After one move, Xue Wanxing raised the scimitar and slashed directly in the air instead of horizontally.

Wei An was startled, and directly replaced the bloody hammer with a scalpel, because he found that in such a too narrow space, a hammer is no better than a sharp blade. Although it is usually very powerful, it does not bring any benefits at this moment. Instead, it is short. But the sharp scalpel is much more powerful.

After switching to a scalpel, he aimed at Xue Wanxing's heart and stabbed it in one stroke.

Because of the change in movement and body shaking, Xue Wanxing's scimitar hit Wei An's left shoulder, but he couldn't pull it out. Wei An's body was already numb with pain, and his scalpel was also inserted into Xue Wanxing's body at the same time, but this guy also shifted his body. , not in the heart, but in the middle of his chest.

Xue Wanxing tried again, and with the function of the scimitar flying back automatically, he finally pulled it out of Wei An's shoulder. At this moment, the elevator arrived and the elevator door opened.

A hand suddenly reached into the elevator, at this time Xue Wanxing was about to continue to attack Wei'an.

However, his back was facing the outside of the elevator, and immediately Xue Wanxing's neck was grabbed from behind by this seemingly slender arm, which was extremely powerful and pulled him out of the elevator.

The back of Xue Wanxing's head hit the ground with a thud, stares appeared in his eyes, and his brain was buzzing.

At this moment, Wei An was almost unable to hold back. At the very moment, he saw Xue Wanxing being dragged out, and then saw Pei Na appearing outside the elevator.

Pei Na's fighting experience is not comparable to the two of them. After dragging Xue Wanxing down, she was going to hit Xue Wanxing's head with her knee, but she saw the scalpel stuck in the other's chest at a glance, and it looked obvious It was because of Wei An's desperation in his desperation.

Without any hesitation, Pei Na pulled out the scalpel, plopped it back into Xue Wanxing's heart, and pressed her right hand with her left hand, pressing hard!
Xue Wanxing, who was resisting, was stunned for a moment, and then a look of pain appeared on his face, lying on the ground, his eyes were full of anger, unwillingness and pain, staring straight at Pei Na, but he could no longer resist .

Enduring the pain all over his body, Wei An hurriedly bent down to get the black scimitar in Xue Wanxing's hand, but the scimitar disappeared suddenly, and Xue Wanxing said in a hoarse voice: "Don't be so... It's a dream. "

Obviously, he had put this knife into his inventory, so even if he died here immediately, the black scimitar would not appear again, so Wei An couldn't pick up the corpse at all.

Wei An knew there was nothing he could do if the other party wanted to do this, but he immediately searched out the human skin from Xue Wanxing's trouser pocket.

"You can't put this thing in the inventory, why cut it off and take it away? Can you take it out? What does it do?"

The current series of questions are bothering Wei An, and he can't guess the answer.

Xue Wanxing sneered and did not speak. Gradually, the sneer froze on his face, and his heart stopped beating at this moment.

"Did I kill it too early?" Pei Na seemed to be blaming herself.

"No." Wei An shook his head, pursed his pale lips, and said, "He will never say whether to kill or not. Well, let's get out of here immediately! The great horror...has happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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