this is not a joke

Chapter 239 Delayed departure

Chapter 239 Delayed departure
After hearing that the great terror had happened, Pei Na knew that Wei An might not be able to completely stop Xue Wanxing and others under the cargo hold.

Lifting him up, he saw that Wei An was covered in injuries, so he heard Wei An say, "It's a kind of curse power, which has spread up, and a lot of fungi will grow on people who touch the curse, and it hurts." It is also itchy, and the growing flesh must be cut off immediately, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

While talking, the two left this place, and Wei An asked again: "How long will it take for the plane to reach its destination!"

Pei Na said: "I asked Sister Jia just now, and there are about 20 minutes left."

"Be sure to hold on!" Wei An nodded, "Only when we land safely can we pass the mission."

"The captain has mutated and was killed by me. There are also several other passengers who have been transformed into half-corpse. I and other passengers have killed them all. More than 20 passengers have also died." Pei Na said.

Wei An noticed that she was covered in blood, but it wasn't her own.

He took a breath and asked, "How is the cabin area now?"

Pei Na said: "Although there were casualties among the passengers, their emotions have temporarily stabilized and they stopped running around."

"Hurry up and urge the co-pilot to contact the destination airport and make sure to land as soon as possible." Wei An said.

"The co-pilot is dead." Pei Na explained, "I was bitten to death by the monster that turned into a half-corpse."

"Ah! Who will fly the plane?" Wei An asked in surprise.

"I know a little bit." Pei Na replied, and then she was about to help Wei'an walk towards the cockpit.

"A little bit." Wei'an was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You go by yourself, I will stop here, if the power of the curse spreads, I will find an opportunity to delay for a while, and let you land as soon as possible."

"Then I'll ask Miss Jia to help me." Pei Na nodded, and took a deep look at Wei An, "Be careful!"

The words left quickly.

Wei An retreated to the workshop next to the passenger area, and met the stewardess named Qinqin inside. Qinqin was at a loss and was crying bitterly.

Wei An asked her to bring him a first-aid kit immediately, and spent a few minutes getting cotton wool, bandages, hemostats, and painkillers for himself.

After barely being able to move freely, although Wei An's body is a little weak at this time, he can still hold on for a while.

He handed the first-aid kit to Qinqin, "Take the first-aid kit and go to the passenger area immediately, and let all the passengers back with you to the back, the farther away from the cargo compartment the better."

"Okay, if the passenger asks why they have to retreat to the back, how should I answer?" Qinqin asked while nodding.

"Then tell them that there may be something even more terrifying in the cargo hold," Wei An said.

Qinqin immediately ran out with the first aid kit, Wei An walked slowly to the small elevator leading to the cargo compartment, and stood still after a little distance.

I saw Xue Wanxing lying on the aisle next to the elevator door. At this moment, two beautiful and bright mushrooms grew on the surface of his body again.

"It's a pity, that black scimitar!" Wei An thought to himself.

Time passed by, and a lot of mold soon appeared outside the elevator and on the surrounding walls and ground.

However, Wei An made an estimate. Although the cargo hold must have been the hardest hit area at this moment, the speed of the spread seemed to slow down as the distance increased. At this moment, only the area outside the elevator was covered.

Looking at it this way, when the plane lands completely, these mushrooms may not be able to spread to the workplace.

"It should be safe now. After all, this is a D-level strange talk, not like C-level or B-level." Wei An felt a little more at ease.

Not long after, Pei Na's voice on the walkie-talkie rang in his ears, and at the same time Wei'an felt that the plane had begun to descend.

"Wei'an, we are landing now, and emergency preparations have been made at the airport."

Wei An said: "Okay, I'm fine here, you can fly the plane properly."

After finishing the call, Wei An said to himself: "Is this a bit better?"

At this time, the plane has been in a state of steady descent.

Not long after, Wei An suddenly noticed something strange, and turned his gaze to the dead Xue Wanxing in front of the elevator door.

Seeing this body twitch suddenly, the mushroom growing from his body became much bigger at this moment.

Wei An immediately took out the bloody hammer, estimated the distance, and walked over quickly.

Xue Wanxing's eyes have been opened, but they are all cloudy and unable to focus, his mouth is wide open, and he moves his hands, ready to support the ground and stand up.

At this time, Wei An had come to him, smashed his head with a hammer, and smashed the biggest mushroom.

Xue Wanxing, who hadn't stood up yet, immediately prostrated himself on the ground and didn't move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei An turned his clothes inside out and found nothing.

At this moment, the feeling of the plane landing, Wei An immediately stabilized his body, and Pei Na's joyful voice came from his ear.

"Wei An, we have arrived and landed successfully!"

"Well, it's over." Wei An let go of his heart.

"It's over, are you okay?" Pei Na asked.

"It's fine." Wei An shook his head, "But..."

Pei Na suddenly remembered what he had to encounter every time after the end of the strange story, but after thinking about it, she said: "No, this is your own strange story, you are not an intruder, this time you will retreat together like me. out."

"No." Wei An said: "You go out first, I will stay here for a few minutes, it has nothing to do with the identity of the intruder, and I will explain to you when I come out."

At the same moment, a text prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

【You can leave the ghost talk with a delay of 8 minutes. During these 8 minutes, you can leave the ghost talk at any time as long as you want, but you will be forced to leave the ghost talk after 8 minutes. 】

[Do you want to start the delayed departure? 】

"start up."

Wei An made up his mind, and at the same moment, an 8-minute countdown appeared in the corner of his eyes.

Now in this strange talk, there are still too many secrets that he needs to understand clearly, such as what is the purpose of Xue Wanxing and the others coming in?What about the corpse that can emit the power of curse?Why did Xue Wanxing cut off a piece of skin from the corpse?What secrets are these Liangcheng investigation team members hiding from the Administration?Or is this simply the order of the Liangcheng Administration?
In 8 minutes, Wei An was going to take advantage of this delayed departure to go to the cargo hold to investigate again.

At this time, there was no sound from Pei Na's side. It seems that after completing the task, she was forced to leave immediately.

Wei An immediately took out the five emperors' coins, and pasted the prepared tapes on his chest one by one according to the pattern of the formation. This thing is very effective in warding off evil spirits, and it may prevent the power of the curse from penetrating into his body and growing mushrooms .

At least slow down some of the cursed time.

Then he pressed the elevator button, and the elevator door opened. Wei An was slightly surprised by the scene inside. He saw that the entire interior of the elevator was covered with all kinds of mold, exuding an unpleasant and weird smell, which looked extremely creepy.

But at this time, Wei An didn't feel any strange feeling on his body. It seemed that the five emperors' money still had some effect. This time, the power of the curse didn't erode him for the time being.

After carefully entering the elevator, while the elevator door was going down, Wei An held the piece of skin cut from the corpse in his hand and looked at it. The skin was not stiff, but soft, as if the cells and tissues were still active. Not quite dead.

However, there are no words or special patterns on the surface of the skin, and it looks very ordinary.

Put this thing back, the elevator arrived in the cargo compartment, and the door opened quickly.

The moment the elevator door opened, although Wei An was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him.

When I probed, I saw that almost all the places in the cargo hold were covered with various fungi, in all colors, and gave off a strange smell, as if entering another world full of fungi.

Looking at the place where the family of three was just now, I found that no one was there. Those tied ropes were scattered on the ground, and the breaks were uneven. It seemed that the ropes were not cut off, but were bitten off by... teeth .

(End of this chapter)

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