this is not a joke

Chapter 240 Returning to the cargo hold

Chapter 240 Returning to the cargo hold (please subscribe!)
At this moment, the plane had landed, and there was no roaring sound entering the cargo hold, and the entire cargo hold seemed extremely quiet.

Wei An could hear the sound of dripping water, but he didn't know if it was the water leaking from the coffin. There seemed to be some other sounds, but he couldn't be sure whether it was real or Wei An's illusion.

Passing by the place where the rope broke, Wei An didn't see the bear family of three nearby, and there wasn't much time left for him at the moment, so he immediately walked in the direction of the coffin, while being careful not to step on those mushrooms under his feet. mushroom.

The five emperors' money that was pressed against his chest had gradually started to heat up since he came into the cargo hold. At this moment, Wei An actually felt a little hot, but it was still within a tolerable range.

And this can also prove that the five emperors' money is indeed playing a role.

He just feels some itching on his body now, but it hasn't reached the point of itching and pain. If a certain part starts to itch and hurt, it means that mushrooms are about to grow.

That is to say, he has already been cursed, and at this moment, under the resistance of Wudiqian, he has not been completely invaded by this force for the time being.

Time waits for no one. When Wei An just passed a large wooden box, he heard rustling footsteps, and turned his head to look at the gap between this wooden box and another wooden box.

I saw a person with his head raised high and slowly walk out of the gap that was just for one person to pass through.

Wei An's pupils narrowed slightly, and he realized that the person who came out was none other than the bear's mother.

At this moment, the woman was staggering, her hands were not shaking when she walked, her shoulders were raised and lowered, and her head was always raised.

A brightly colored large mushroom grew out of her mouth. It seemed that the root of the mushroom was in her stomach, and the root was thick, which caused the woman to keep her head up to make the mushroom grow straight. Her throat The parts have also become extremely thick at this moment, looking extremely creepy.

Not only that, there were mushrooms and mold growing on other parts of the woman's body, penetrating through the clothes and pants, the left one and the right one, although they were very bright, Wei An didn't think this scene was very beautiful.

On the contrary, this appearance has an indescribable sense of horror.

There was still a voice coming from the woman's throat, but it was no longer her own.

Wei An sighed, he was running for his life just now, and he had to be on guard against Xue Wanxing's sneak attack, so he had no time to distract them from saving them.

What's more, the bear child was originally trying to stir up the corpse in the coffin, and he was secretly bewitched. The two were originally on the same road, so it was impossible for him to save him.

Walking towards the woman, when Wei An was about to approach, the woman stretched out her hand, and there was an urgent and longing sound before the attack from her throat.

Wei An smashed her head to pieces with a hammer, just like Xue Wanxing, the woman immediately fell to the ground and did not move.

It can be seen that after being controlled by these weird fungi, breaking their heads is the best way to eliminate them.

It can be concluded from this that these people are still transforming into the living dead, that is, half-corpse, through different methods.

After finishing the woman, Wei An immediately walked to the coffin, climbed up to have a look, and found that the body was still soaking in the water.

At this time, the itching on his body became more obvious, and he couldn't help scratching, which showed that the five emperors' money might not last long.

However, Wei An was thinking, maybe the corpse didn't exert as much power as it had just been in the anger, otherwise the five emperors' money alone would not be enough to resist until now.

"I don't know why that guy just cut off your skin, but now I have taken it back and returned it to you."

While talking, Wei An took out the soft piece of skin from his pocket and placed it on the corpse's chest, where the chest happened to be the wound left after the skin was cut away. The skin covered it again.

After a pause, he saw that the corpse was still unresponsive. It seemed that it was a corpse that was impossible to come back to life, so he tentatively asked, "Can you talk? Can we...can we communicate?"

The purpose of returning to the cargo hold now is to clarify those doubts. If he cannot communicate with this corpse, Wei An knows that he will not be able to understand.

After waiting for a while, the body still did not respond.

"It's broken. If that's the case, it's meaningless to come back this time." Wei An muttered to himself.

But one thing is good, after returning this piece of skin to the corpse in front of him, Wei An felt that the itching on his body was relieved a lot, and the power of the curse began to fade rapidly.

"I really want to know why those people took the skin from your chest?" Although he knew that the other party might not answer, Wei An still asked tentatively.

After waiting for a while, there was still no response.

But at this time, there was movement behind Wei An. He turned his head and saw that the father of the bear child appeared at some point and was already approaching him.

The man's body was covered with all kinds of molds, big and small, and there was even a large piece of gray-green fungus on his face, and he couldn't even see his facial features clearly.

Before the opponent could get close enough, Wei An hit his backhand with a hammer, smashing his head to pieces, as if a balloon full of air had burst.

Immediately, the body lay on the ground and twitched slightly until it stopped moving at all.

To deal with this thing, it is not enough to just hit the head with a gun. The wound is too small to be useless, and it must be cut open in a large area.

Wei An's gaze was fixed on the place not far away where Cai Lu was lying on her stomach just now. At this time, Cai Lu's figure had disappeared. It was obvious that she had been infected by the mushroom, and she didn't know where she had gone, but her Items are not put back in their inventory.

Staring at the black crowbar that fell on the ground, Wei An's heart moved, and he walked over immediately.

This crowbar has long been one of his favorite items, because some doors in the ghost story are locked. If there is a crowbar at this time, he may be able to obtain more black energy to build a spiritual barrier.

Pick up the crowbar and find that it is only a white-level item, and it can be exchanged for only 100 energy points.

Things are not expensive, but cheap and beautiful.

Wei An immediately exchanged it, then he looked left and right, and quickly found the pistol that Cai Lu dropped behind a box.

Sure enough, there are no bullets in the magazine, but the pistol is still usable, just look at how to make bullets then.Although the pistol is only a yellow-level weapon, at least it is a hot weapon. Sometimes it is very useful, and the exchange point costs 300.

Wei An immediately exchanged it, put it in his inventory together with the crowbar, and sighed at the same time: "Damn, that machete is a pity."

At this time, there was another rustling sound from somewhere nearby. It might be the bear child or Cai Lu wandering around.

Wei An returned to the coffin. At this moment, he found that his body was no longer itchy, indicating that the power of the curse had completely faded away, and he no longer attacked himself.

Quickly climbed up to the coffin, and said to the corpse: "There is no time now. You have also seen that I have no malice or intention towards you, and I even snatched your lost skin back to you. All injuries can prove it. Maybe you really can’t communicate with me like a normal person, but if there is any way to remind me, you can just do it, even a little reminder.”

This time, as soon as Wei An finished speaking, he saw the piece of skin that had just been put back on the corpse's chest suddenly jumped up and slapped against his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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